New Age Movement/Medicine -Satanic false religion

well people, Im going back on what I wrote yesterday. After reading and re-reading this thread (and for what its worth, I think its an excellent point to debate/discuss), I feel that anything I would have to contribute would simply be construed as my throwing fuel on a fire and I certainly dont want any part in that.

However, the thread has make me think and I always applaud and appreciate good, well written threads that do such.

Quiet as I may be in this, Im looking forward to reading where this goes.
DKSuddeth said:
Despite your indifference to the bible it has been around for two millenia and there are extremely significant and historically documented facts verifying its authenticity. One must remember that the bible is but one book in a long documented history of man.

Won't argue your points as they're correct. It is when it is treated as the absolute and inerrant word of God that it becomes problematic. From a cosmological standpoint, "The Silmarillion" is as valid as "The Bible".
Bullypulpit said:
Won't argue your points as they're correct. It is when it is treated as the absolute and inerrant word of God that it becomes problematic. From a cosmological standpoint, "The Silmarillion" is as valid as "The Bible".

Actually, you couldn't prove the prophecy or science we discussed previously to be a sham, Bully. You claimed aliens put it there.

Your opinion has thus been discounted in any kind of reliability in regard to the Bible.

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