Naacp President Ron Not Racist


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Jan 6, 2007
NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist
Linder says Paul being smeared because he is a threat to the establishment
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder, who has known Ron Paul for 20 years, unequivocally dismissed charges that the Congressman was a racist in light of recent smear attempts, and said the reason for him being attacked was that he was a threat to the establishment.

Linder joined Alex Jones for two segments on his KLBJ Sunday show this evening, during which he commented on the controversy created by media hit pieces that attempted to tarnish Paul as a racist by making him culpable for decades old newsletter articles written by other people.

"Knowing Ron Paul's intent, I think he is trying to improve this country but I think also, when you talk about the Constitution and you constantly criticize the federal government versus state I think a lot of folks are going to misconstrue I think it's very easy for folks who want to to take his position out of context and that's what I'm hearing," said Linder.

"Knowing Ron Paul and having talked to him, I think he's a very fair guy I just think that a lot of folks do not understand the Libertarian platform," he added.

Asked directly if Ron Paul was a racist, Linder responded "No I don't," adding that he had heard Ron Paul speak out about police repression of black communities and mandatory minimum sentences on many occasions.

Dr. Paul has also publicly praised Martin Luther King as his hero on many occasions spanning back 20 years.

"I've read Ron Paul's whole philosophy, I also understand what he's saying from a political standpoint and why people are attacking him," said Linder.

"If you scare the folks that have the money, they're going to attack you and they're going to take it out of context," he added.

"What he's saying is really really threatening the powers that be and that's what they fear," concluded the NAACP President.

Click here to listen to the MP3 interview.
Ron Paul, a Racist? What is your freakin' point, eats?

NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist
Linder says Paul being smeared because he is a threat to the establishment
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder, who has known Ron Paul for 20 years, unequivocally dismissed charges that the Congressman was a racist in light of recent smear attempts, and said the reason for him being attacked was that he was a threat to the establishment.

Linder joined Alex Jones for two segments on his KLBJ Sunday show this evening, during which he commented on the controversy created by media hit pieces that attempted to tarnish Paul as a racist by making him culpable for decades old newsletter articles written by other people.

"Knowing Ron Paul's intent, I think he is trying to improve this country but I think also, when you talk about the Constitution and you constantly criticize the federal government versus state I think a lot of folks are going to misconstrue I think it's very easy for folks who want to to take his position out of context and that's what I'm hearing," said Linder.

"Knowing Ron Paul and having talked to him, I think he's a very fair guy I just think that a lot of folks do not understand the Libertarian platform," he added.

Asked directly if Ron Paul was a racist, Linder responded "No I don't," adding that he had heard Ron Paul speak out about police repression of black communities and mandatory minimum sentences on many occasions.

Dr. Paul has also publicly praised Martin Luther King as his hero on many occasions spanning back 20 years.

"I've read Ron Paul's whole philosophy, I also understand what he's saying from a political standpoint and why people are attacking him," said Linder.

"If you scare the folks that have the money, they're going to attack you and they're going to take it out of context," he added.

"What he's saying is really really threatening the powers that be and that's what they fear," concluded the NAACP President.

Click here to listen to the MP3 interview.

"If you scare the folks that have the money, they're going to attack you and they're going to take it out of context," he added. Just who said that?
No one said Paul's a racist. It's the company he keeps and the results of the policies he supports that are the problems.

Jillian, they will NEVER get it or admit it, if they do.
No one said Paul's a racist.

No one said Ron Paul's a racist? LOL!!

What a blatant lie jillian. Everytime Kathianne posts about RP, it's a link about his supposed racist ties. And you're always right there behind her to help back her up with your matching opinion.

We don't actually have to go dig posts up, do we? The whole 15 some odd page thread titled "Ron Paul" that Kathianne created, for starters? I mean, I think at this point, anyone who's been following the RP discussions here is well aware.
No one said Ron Paul's a racist? LOL!!

What a blatant lie jillian. Everytime Kathianne posts about RP, it's a link about his supposed racist ties. And you're always right there behind her to help back her up with your matching opinion.

We don't actually have to go dig posts up, do we? The whole 15 some odd page thread titled "Ron Paul" that Kathianne created, for starters? I mean, I think at this point, anyone who's been following the RP discussions here is well aware.

I suggest YOU do provide quotes of either of them stating he is racist. From what I saw they both have pointed out he has allowed his name to be USED by bigots and other assorted losers.
No one said Ron Paul's a racist? LOL!!

What a blatant lie jillian. Everytime Kathianne posts about RP, it's a link about his supposed racist ties. And you're always right there behind her to help back her up with your matching opinion.

We don't actually have to go dig posts up, do we? The whole 15 some odd page thread titled "Ron Paul" that Kathianne created, for starters? I mean, I think at this point, anyone who's been following the RP discussions here is well aware.

Don't mischaracterize my statements. And don't do that "we don't have to dig up posts" thing. I have always said I don't believe he's a racist personally, but that his policies enthrall the white supremacists, which is why they love him so much. I've also said he should be careful whom he befriends.

I know it galls the Paul-people when we don't find his as compelling as they do. But do try to get over it.
I suggest YOU do provide quotes of either of them stating he is racist. From what I saw they both have pointed out he has allowed his name to be USED by bigots and other assorted losers.

As for hating 'you'? Hardly. I have very serious reservations regarding Ron Paul and his backers. I've made that clear. My personal problem is the very strong links with Alex Jones, Storm Front, and anti-semitism. I think you've noticed.

As for Paul and supporters, IF I agreed with all he stands for and believe it or not there's much I do, his long standing associations with those on Stormfront would preclude me from ever voting for him. In fact, it's what makes me 'obsessive' in your parlance.

Then there's basically THIS WHOLE POST, which spins like a top, and Kathianne doesn't hold back on her allegations in it.

Here's jillian chiming in a little later, jumping on Kathianne's bandwagon:

Day-um.... you do get to say "I told you so", Kathianne."]
Day-um.... you do get to say "I told you so", Kathianne.
And then Kath after that:

;) I told you so!

He still has lots of $$$, that came from the hatemongers and I'm certain people that believed in what he stood for, through his votes. They just weren't interested in looking more deeply, perhaps hoping for better than the offerings from either major party.

I certainly hope those $$$ can be directed away from there original connections of the nefarious sort. There is more and more coming out thanks to that Vanguard post. Seems the restaurant mentioned indeed shows up on an expense allocation sheet.

Speaking of I told you so. Remember a long time ago you warned me about Gates of Vienna and Vlaams Belang? You were right and wow, what a feud!!&only

It's been going on for months, this is the most recent. Connections from Buchanan and Paul.

This is pretty damn blatant if you ask me:

Seriously, it's a coincidence that he's photographed in September with Black and his son. It's a coincidence that he has no clue to who Black is, regardless of the connection with Alex Jones, upon whom's show Paul has repeatedly appeared. It's just another weird occurence that some weirdo with over 1k posts on Vanguard message board writes what he does about a particular restaurant, that just appears on Mr. Paul's Federal Election Accounting Sheet.

Yeah, I'm impressed with your analysis.

Now, THIS ONE is much longer, so i'll just link to it to save space here, but in it, Kathianne blatantly says she doesn't believe that Ron isn't a racist, and that nothing to the contrary had been debunked in her mind.

Here she is again, making no bones about it:

I don't expect Russert will directly touch on Stormfront, I do hope he brings up the donation again, as it made the MSM this week.

Actually at this point, the only way I would change my thinking towards Ron Paul is if he came out and said he repudiates the ideas of groups like Stormfront, his campaign would make a good faith effort to refund any donations from members of such groups, there is no place in his campaign for people that hate through associations.

Of course no candidates can know what lurks in the hearts and minds of their supporters, but if one joins the KKK and hangs with those that do, one can make a reasonable leap of logic of what that person believes.

"Show me who your friends are and I'll show you what you are."

This is all from the thread titled "Ron Paul". I'll stop there, because this is tiring. This is all from only the first half of the thread. When WJ joins in, it gets even more blatant.

Bottom line, Kathianne and jillian are blatantly lying if they say they haven't said Ron Paul was racist.
Then there's basically THIS WHOLE POST, which spins like a top, and Kathianne doesn't hold back on her allegations in it.

Here's jillian chiming in a little later, jumping on Kathianne's bandwagon:

Day-um.... you do get to say "I told you so", Kathianne."]
Day-um.... you do get to say "I told you so", Kathianne.

ok, where did I call him a racist? I said one is judged by the company they keep, would you say less to your children when they are in school?

I'm sure you can find some that speak about his inability/refusal to take control of the situation, he never did.
Peter Pumpkinhead came to town
Spreading wisdom and cash around
Feed the starving and house the poor
Show the Vatican what gold's for
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Peter Pumpkinhead brought to shame
Governments who would slur his name
Lusts and sex scandals failed outright
Peter merely said, "Any kind of love is all right"
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
He died grinning on live TV
Hanging there he looked a lot like you, and an awful lot like me!
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin?
Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead
Oh my, oh my, don't it make you want to cry, oh

Crash Test Dummies
No one said Ron Paul's a racist? LOL!!

What a blatant lie jillian. Everytime Kathianne posts about RP, it's a link about his supposed racist ties. And you're always right there behind her to help back her up with your matching opinion.

We don't actually have to go dig posts up, do we? The whole 15 some odd page thread titled "Ron Paul" that Kathianne created, for starters? I mean, I think at this point, anyone who's been following the RP discussions here is well aware.

Paulitics ....

is saying Ron Paul has racist ties calling HIM a racist?
Paulitics ....

is saying Ron Paul has racist ties calling HIM a racist?

YES! That's quite a dangerous thing to spread about someone, when it's only going on your opinion based on some links you've visited that don't even prove anything.

IT's irresponsible, because no matter WHAT YOU might think when you make those allegations and suggestions, in OTHER people's minds, it may create a completely different perception.

The bottom line is, if you don't think he's racist, then why keep going with it? Why should ANY candidate denounce potential voters? Why should any American that is legal to vote, be alienated from voting in a country where it's free to speak and express?

Why should it be RP's fault that WN's have taken to his campaign, and why should he tell them not to support him, when they have just as much of a right to choose a candidate as anyone else? I say it's because of Ron's principles that he doesn't do that, and then I get the "yeah, sure, principles" routine from Kathianne.

I mean, I don't think Giuliani is affiliated with the Mafia, but there are questionable and UNPROVEN links regarding him and some shady business deals with members of the mob. But you don't see me spreading rumors, and trying to tarnish his image, do you? I mean, I COULD do that, and just say "well, I don't personally think he's affiliated, but you might want to ponder THIS for a minute..."

I just don't understand the agenda here.
Paulitics ....

is saying Ron Paul has racist ties calling HIM a racist?

Not to mention over 10 years, nearing 20 of newsletters containing very racist, anti-semitic, and homophobic rants. Years ago he took ownership of the problem, then backed off saying 'he didn't know who wrote them.' Wrote them under his name, in the first person, mentioning family doings with his wife and children.

This man wishes to be considered for the Presidency? He has how much money now, from which types of folks? Oh yeah, many of the types that love those newsletters, from which he collected $$$, claims not to have written, and claims now not to know who did.

But I'm unfair, according to Paulitics, because the who deal freaks me out.

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