NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Here's a good analysis proving that the Thinkprogress video is a bunch of crap:

...There are four men quoted in the original 53-second video.

Activist 1 is being smeared as a racist by Think Progress, even though he was attending a tea party event with his black wife and bi-racial son. It takes a lot of nerve to edit a video so dishonestly that what remains is the opposite of what the speaker intended. Here is what Activist 1 actually said in the full video recording:

Barack Obama’s just a bad guy. That’s all I can say. He’s … he’s too black to be president. And you look at the color of my wife, it’s not the color of his skin that troubles me, it’s not the blackness of his skin that troubles me.

It’s the blackness inside … his heart. He’s a bad guy.

Think Progress takes an obviously not racist man and edits him into a villain.


Activist 2 is a favorite of Think Progress, and no wonder: he says exactly what they hoped to hear a tea partier say, exclaiming: “I’m a proud racist, I’m white.” Think Progress liked this clip so much they played it not once, but twice.

The problem is, Activist 2 isn’t a tea party protester. He is a tea party crasher.

Think Progress is well aware of this, as they pulled the few seconds of video from a nearly six-minute video of actual tea party protesters singling him out for scorn and chasing him away!...

Pajamas Media Stephen Glass, Redux? Publishes Completely Fraudulent Video Labeling Tea Partiers Racists
Because their enemies would then just use that as evidence th Tea Partiers admit that there IS racism within their midst and Immie, I've been to a number of Tea Party events, and I'm in close contact with people in other states, and there is not racism within their midst. That does not mean there are no racists present, but racists present are NOT Tea Partiers. Every group I've heard of is going out of their way to ensure there is no basis for that kind of criticism.

To acquiesce to the self-righteous and hypocritical demands of their critics is just to play into their hands and detract from the message of the Tea Party that has nothing to do with ANY social issues of any kind.'

And it will be used against them. By denouncing non-existent racist in their midst they will be accused of admitting there are racists in their midst. And any such statements will be used dishonestly on leftwing websites with non related pictures accusing the Tea Partiers of denying free speech or something.

Those who hate the Tea Parties don't give a damn whether they're racist or not. They want them to be. They want to have justification for hating them. The Tea Partiers are wise not to play their game.

As Glenn Beck said, he will be happy to help the haters denounce racism within the Tea Party if they will just show him who is racist or show evidence that there is racism. Planted or photoshopped pictures or claims made by people who have no evidence or even witnesses of any kind to back them up just won't cut it.

The Tea Partiers would be idiots to play into the hands of those who are doing their damndest to deflect the goals of the Tea Partiers by demonizing them, falsely accusing them, and trying to draw them into unrelated discussions.

It's sort of like some trolls here on USMB operate.

I have to say that as long as that is the attitude, I will have nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement. If they do not have the balls to stand up to the racists on the perimeter of the rally and say, "Get the hell out of here, we do not support your hatred." And do so publicly. Then I cannot in good conscience state that I support the movement.


Well that's your prerogative. I think you're still not hearing what I'm saying though. The Tea Partiers DO self police their rallies and gatherings and they do inform those who do not respect their policies that they are not welcome. But do you honestly think that if they called attention to the very few, if any, leftwing plants on the permimeters, that their enemies would not find a way to use that against them?

I ignore the trolls here on USMB too, because childish attention is what they are seeking. I won't play that game.

And you should understand that the Tea Partiers are not cowards but are rather demonstrating integrity by not playing that game too.

I don't care what their enemies say about them. Before I become an associate with them, I want them to assure me that they do not support the racism on their perimeters and so far, I am not hearing that part of their message.

Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

There is also a disingenuous aspect of requiring that people prove they are not racists - akin to asking someone if he's quit beating his wife.
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So if you're a must be racist.

How many times have I heard this.

It was November 2008. An African-American man was just elected president, and a new era of racial harmony had begun:

“If there is anyone out there who doubts that America is a place where anything is possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

“Young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Americans have sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of red states and blue states. We have been and always will be the United States of America.

“It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.”

But now apparently, less than two years later, it’s not the change, or reception, President Barack Obama and his supporters expected. Instead of throwing rose petals at Obama’s feet, critics have…you know…criticized him: for expanding government; for misusing taxpayers’ money; and just being a spend and tax liberal Democrat, among other things.

Oddly, instead of accepting this criticism as part of the package of being in control of Congress and the Executive Branch, liberal supporters have thrown out the tired racist card. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, there they go again.

In the latest episodes, the NAACP approved a resolution demanding that members of the Tea Party movement repudiate what the civil rights group called “racist elements.” Besides harsh criticism of the president, there were allegations that black congressmen in Washington D.C. were called the N-word by Tea Party members and spit on. No evidence has backed the Democratic congressmen’s account.

This coupled with Rush Limbaugh repeated verbal assaults targeting Obama that basically say he doesn’t like white people and a silly billboard comparing the president with Nazi leader Adolph Hitler and Communist leader Vladimir Lenin have people, laughably in my opinion, saying we are sliding backward or becoming more of a racist nation.

Criticism itself, even if it comes from a self-described entertainer like Rush, has now become evidence of the racist within us. If you support the Democratic Party platform, you’re at one with racial harmony. If you dare criticize liberal dogma, you must be a member of the Ku Klux Klan. (Let’s leave aside the fact, that a prominent politician who at one time was a real KKK member was a Democrat, the late Sen. Robert Byrd.)

Are there racists in the Tea Party? Probably. You get millions of people in a movement and you’re going to get some loons. That kind of prejudice crosses party lines. But this is not really about the Tea Party or the Republican agenda. It’s about demonizing the opposition so that it becomes shameful even backing them. It drowns their voices in a sea of racial recriminations and silences them because of the country's shameful slavery past.

If there are “racist elements” let’s hope Democrats treat them with the same tender care they treat their own: like the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who once called New York City “hymietown,” or the Rev. Al Sharpton who, among a host of other racial provocations, accused a group of innocent white men of sexually assaulting a troubled young black woman, charges that were later convincingly shown to be false. Both men now hold prominent influence in the new, racially harmonious liberal wing.
Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.

Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.Silence is acceptance.


I'm with you Immie. I would do the same thing. Thanks for speaking out against racism.
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Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.


How many different ways can I explain it until you understand they have NOT been silent? They are simply handling it their way and are not going to open themselves up to more frontal attacks by acquiescing to race baiting from the NAACP.

Have you taken the time to look at ANY of those videos in which black Tea Party leaders and 9/12ers have expressed their opinions about that?
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You can fault the editing but not the words.

B'loney. The editing altered the meaning of the words - and portrayed someone who was clearly repudiated by the Tea Party as being a member.
Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.


How many different ways can I explain it until you understand they have NOT been silent? They are simply handling it their way and are not going to open themselves up to more frontal attacks by acquiescing to race baiting from the NAACP.

Have you taken the time to look at ANY of those videos in which black Tea Party leaders and 9/12ers have expressed their opinions about that?

Let's put it this way, renouncing racism is nothing to be ashamed of.

The Tea Party would have looked pretty good in this had they simply replied to the NAACP with something like... "Hell yes, we renounce racism and even the people who have been coming to our rallies with racists rhetoric. We'd like nothing more than to be able to find out who exactly these people are and to get rid of them. However, fortunately, this is a free country and we have no legal rights to remove them."

"Now how about you helping us to shoot down these racist and the racists of the NBPP? How about you sitting down with us and discussing this issues that we have with this runaway government?"

I've heard more denial that it even happens than I have renunciation of it.

Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.


There has been no hesitation. The Racist meme is a false one promoted by the Progressives. The burden of proof lies with those making the accusations. The Tea Party is not required to Prove Its Innocence.

I posted a link to PJM with an analysis of the Thinkprogress smear job. It clearly delineates the false nature of the accusations. An innocent person or organization should not have to waste time and resources defending himself/itself from such bogosity.
Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.


There has been no hesitation. The Racist meme is a false one promoted by the Progressives. The burden of proof lies with those making the accusations. The Tea Party is not required to Prove Its Innocence.

I posted a link to PJM with an analysis of the Thinkprogress smear job. It clearly delineates the false nature of the accusations. An innocent person or organization should not have to waste time and resources defending himself/itself from such bogosity.

Has the NAACP even released a copy of the text of their resolution against the Tea Party? The last I heard it refused to do so.

The other point is that there is no Tea Party organization per se. Each city has its own movement and sometimes several different movements within a single city. There is no central authority that can make such a pronouncement or speak for the whole. And the NAACP damn well knows that which is why this is nothing more than race baiting to detract, derail, diminish, and if possible destroy the Tea Party momentum that is not focused on any social issues of any kind but promotes an agenda that will benefit everybody.

Demanding the Tea Partiers denounce the racists in their midst without identifying such racists is little different than me demanding that Immie denounce beating his wife.

Posting this again for Immie :)
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Immie is clearly not paying attention.

The Tea Party has decried racism from the beginning. The agenda is fiscal conservatism, individual liberty, and limited government. There has never been a racist agenda for the Tea Party. The Left has tried to spread such a meme, and has only succeed in preaching to the converted.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.


There has been no hesitation. The Racist meme is a false one promoted by the Progressives. The burden of proof lies with those making the accusations. The Tea Party is not required to Prove Its Innocence.

I posted a link to PJM with an analysis of the Thinkprogress smear job. It clearly delineates the false nature of the accusations. An innocent person or organization should not have to waste time and resources defending himself/itself from such bogosity.

Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.

IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.


There has been no hesitation. The Racist meme is a false one promoted by the Progressives. The burden of proof lies with those making the accusations. The Tea Party is not required to Prove Its Innocence.

I posted a link to PJM with an analysis of the Thinkprogress smear job. It clearly delineates the false nature of the accusations. An innocent person or organization should not have to waste time and resources defending himself/itself from such bogosity.

Has the NAACP even released a copy of the text of their resolution against the Tea Party? The last I heard it refused to do so.

The other point is that there is no Tea Party organization per se. Each city has its own movement and sometimes several different movements within a single city. There is no central authority that can make such a pronouncement or speak for the whole. And the NAACP damn well knows that which is why this is nothing more than race baiting to detract, derail, diminish, and if possible destroy the Tea Party momentum that is not focused on any social issues of any kind but promotes an agenda that will benefit everybody.

Demanding the Tea Partiers denounce the racists in their midst without identifying such racists is little different than me demanding that Immie denounce beating his wife.

Posting this again for Immie :)
[ame=]YouTube - Montage of Project 21 Members Denounce NAACP on "Beck"[/ame]

I understand that FF, but there are people that speak at all these events and there are people that represent the movement... or claim to.

The speakers at each event should be the ones denouncing the racists in the crowd and these same people when they are interviewed about the movement by Fox, MSNBC, CNN etc. should simply denounce racism. It only takes a second to state publicly that racism is not part of the movement, but that this is a free country and the organizers of the rallies have their hands tied as to how far they can go to remove unwanted invaders.


IF that were true, then why the hesitation to denounce racism in their midst?

Why even wait for the NAACP to pass this resolution?

I do not think there is a racist agenda in the Tea Party either, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone who showed up at my event to go away and if they refused, I would ridicule them and embarrass the hell out of them.

Silence is acceptance.


There has been no hesitation. The Racist meme is a false one promoted by the Progressives. The burden of proof lies with those making the accusations. The Tea Party is not required to Prove Its Innocence.

I posted a link to PJM with an analysis of the Thinkprogress smear job. It clearly delineates the false nature of the accusations. An innocent person or organization should not have to waste time and resources defending himself/itself from such bogosity.

Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.


Well how about you getting up and denouncing wife beating in your house? Why would you hesitate to publicly announce that you are officially denouncing that?

Why should the Tea Party that is not about race, has nothing to do with race issues or any other social issues, have to acquiesce to anybody's demand about what they denounce?

Should they have to denounce jay walking?
Poor table manners?
Bank robbers?
Child molesters?
Tax cheaters?
Animal abuse?
Enter 'sin' of your choice here____________________.

If the NAACP orders your club or church or whatever to denounce all those things, would you feel obligated to do so? Especially when it accused you of having them in your midst?

Can't you see how that is race baiting? How it is a poorly veiled attempt to get the Tea Partiers to admit they are racist? How it opens the door to continue those accusations?
Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.


Why haven't you loudly denounced pedophilia?

Should we assume that the lack of such a denunciation makes you a pedophile?

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