My Healthcare Premiums going up 44.5%


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Just got the summary of my healthcare package.

In 2011 my premiums will go up 44.5%

Office visit co-pays up 25%

Prescription co-pays up 50%

And these co-pays will no longer count toward my annual deductable, which is also increasing 25%.



FUCK YOU!!! :evil:
Nothing is paid for out of thin air. He want's control over the industry, then he will deny the service, he is now claiming we all have a right to. We will all have a Right to be insured, and a right to wait in line to have the procedures we need delayed and denied because of the cost, only after the Government becomes responsible for payment. Nice Scheme. ;)
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how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

Historically, about 5% per year.

I'm not talking chump change here bones. I've done the math and all in I'm looking at roughly a $2,000 - $2,500 per year increase.
how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

With true reform, they would reflect actual cost of service with a formula for profit margin. The system is so corrupted and over burdened, there is nothing fair minded about what is reflected in our medical bills.
Just got the summary of my healthcare package.

In 2011 my premiums will go up 44.5%

Office visit co-pays up 25%

Prescription co-pays up 50%

And these co-pays will no longer count toward my annual deductable, which is also increasing 25%.



FUCK YOU!!! :evil:

I bet you voted for him didn't ya?
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and btw: In case anyone thinks these increases are skewed on account of my company passing along the entire increase to it's employees, that's not so. My company's costs have also gone up by the same percentage.
Umm I think HC costs have been rising at double digit % numbers for some time.

Why complain? This will look great on GDP numbers.
The only way the economy will "recover" is for us to pay more for the same stuff.
Just got the summary of my healthcare package.

In 2011 my premiums will go up 44.5%

Office visit co-pays up 25%

Prescription co-pays up 50%

And these co-pays will no longer count toward my annual deductable, which is also increasing 25%.



FUCK YOU!!! :evil:

And ya wanna know what else? All the insurance premiums that your compasny pays on your behalf will now be counted as part of your salary and you will be taxed accordingly.
Just got the summary of my healthcare package.

In 2011 my premiums will go up 44.5%

Office visit co-pays up 25%

Prescription co-pays up 50%

And these co-pays will no longer count toward my annual deductable, which is also increasing 25%.



FUCK YOU!!! :evil:

I bet you voted for him didn't ya?

Yes I did.

And I also voted for Bush.

I never get it right. :(
and btw: In case anyone thinks these increases are skewed on account of my company passing along the entire increase to it's employees, that's not so. My company's costs have also gone up by the same percentage.


Insurers blame rising medical costs
More than 14 million Americans buy their own insurance in the individual market, generally because their jobs don’t provide coverage. Insurers say increases are being driven in part by large increases in the amounts they are paying for medical care.
“We’re seeing price increases of 40 percent to 50 percent from some hospitals across the country,” says AHIP spokesman Robert Zirkelbach. “Data show that premium increases are being driven by the soaring cost of medical care and younger, healthier people choosing to drop their coverage during an economic slowdown.”

Prices jump for individual insurance premiums - Health - Health care -

I think you are kneejerking...big surprise!
Don't ya fucking love all the moronic libturds on the board saying this would have happened anyways, or you should have expected it when their marxist messiah promised it would bring the cost of health care down. what a buncha fucking morons. Dishonest morons too.
In 2008, U.S. health care spending was about $7,681 per resident and accounted for 16.2% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP); this is among the highest of all industrialized countries. Total health care expenditures grew at an annual rate of 4.4 percent in 2008, a slower rate than recent years, yet still outpacing inflation and the growth in national income.
Since 1999, family premiums for employer-sponsored health coverage have increased by 131 percent, placing increasing cost burdens on employers and workers.
Government programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, account for a significant share of health care spending, but they have increased at a slower rate than private insurance. Medicare per capita spending has grown at a slightly lower rate, on average, than private health insurance spending, at about 6.8 vs. 7.1% annually respectively between 1998 and 2008. [3] Medicaid expenditures, similarly, have grown at slower rate than private spending, though enrollment in the program has increased during the current economic recession, which may result in increased Medicaid spending figures soon.

U.S. Health Care Costs: Background Brief -, Health Policy Education from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Just got the summary of my healthcare package.

In 2011 my premiums will go up 44.5%

Office visit co-pays up 25%

Prescription co-pays up 50%

And these co-pays will no longer count toward my annual deductable, which is also increasing 25%.



FUCK YOU!!! :evil:

I bet you voted for him didn't ya?

Yes I did.

And I also voted for Bush.

I never get it right. :(

I tried to tell ya. You should listen to grandma. It costs a lot of money to give away to 30 million more people. A lot of money.
how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

With true reform, they would reflect actual cost of service with a formula for profit margin. The system is so corrupted and over burdened, there is nothing fair minded about what is reflected in our medical bills.

I must respectfully disagree. True reform would incorporate the following:

- Removal of state barriers to competition
- Tort reform to rid the system of malpractice blackmail
- Reform of the tax code so that health insurance is decoupled from employment

"Profit Controls" are just as toxic as "Wage & Price Controls".
In 2008, U.S. health care spending was about $7,681 per resident and accounted for 16.2% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP); this is among the highest of all industrialized countries. Total health care expenditures grew at an annual rate of 4.4 percent in 2008, a slower rate than recent years, yet still outpacing inflation and the growth in national income.
Since 1999, family premiums for employer-sponsored health coverage have increased by 131 percent, placing increasing cost burdens on employers and workers.
Government programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, account for a significant share of health care spending, but they have increased at a slower rate than private insurance. Medicare per capita spending has grown at a slightly lower rate, on average, than private health insurance spending, at about 6.8 vs. 7.1% annually respectively between 1998 and 2008. [3] Medicaid expenditures, similarly, have grown at slower rate than private spending, though enrollment in the program has increased during the current economic recession, which may result in increased Medicaid spending figures soon.

U.S. Health Care Costs: Background Brief -, Health Policy Education from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

This Report is from March 2010. How is that reflective on the new Law?????
how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

Historically, about 5% per year.

I'm not talking chump change here bones. I've done the math and all in I'm looking at roughly a $2,000 - $2,500 per year increase.

do i ever imply it was chump change, no i didnt.

a family policy? you know one way to bring health costs under control?

take the regulation of medical people away from the protects bad doctors...
now how do i feel about torte reform? i am not for that so much, i have seen medical accidents result in major financial issues..even one that sounds like jokes...lets take the woman who got burned by the coffee at the drive thru....people want to pan her blah blah blah but they dont realize the facts the suit was based on...

there is a reason old people use to say.....hospitals will kill you

but enough of my what do you think we should do other than bitch and yea ...i couldnt handle a increase in my monthly bills right now either.
how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

Historically, about 5% per year.

I'm not talking chump change here bones. I've done the math and all in I'm looking at roughly a $2,000 - $2,500 per year increase.

actually HC premiums have been rising near a steady rate of 18%-20% annually. not 5%.
That is not true. It varies with the plan and the population it covers.

In my last company, we were able to avoid cost increases for three straight years in a row.

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