Muslims are not staying silent in the wake of the Paris attacks

Why are you attempting to engage me when you told me I should not be responding to your posts because I'm new, and when you put me on ignore because I objected to you fabricating my thoughts?
Seems a bit cowardly to me

I'm illustrating exactly what I advised you yesterday about knowing who's who and what they stand for, before you pass judgment. Those two posts (336/337) are a perfect illustration.

Don't know how that's "cowardly" although I can see how it would apply to ignoring it.

I'm trying to honour what you asked me to do - not reply to your posts. But it seems you can't stay away - so I'm no longer on ignore? Great I can't wait to debate with you ;-)
I told you he was a fucking liar and a troll. Put the asshole on PI. If you don't I'm wondering why you don't.
You want to 'debate' with that piece of shit? You're going on my PI.
Hey, dannyboys, please. I'm here for civilised debate and he's already put me on ignore because he couldn't engage that way. I'm not responding anymore to anyone who says they are ignoring me but aren't really. There's no need to attack me. Thank you.
Fuck you! I was NOT "attacking" you asshole! And I'm not going to fucking hold your hand to navigate in this forum.
You want to be on this forum fucking GROW SOME!
Shut the fuck up with your whining! The FIRST troll you met on this forum and you're already crying!
This isn't a forum about YOU and YOUR feelings!
Go away. OR Grow a fucking pair and debate the issues.

Well Tilly, I warned ya.

Believe me now?
Muslim Man Stands Blindfolded in Paris holding Sign Saying "I'm a Muslim, Not a Terrorist" --- asks for hugs from strangers (VIDEO)

Gotta watch it. It's heartwarming.

Another guy did exactly the same thing in Toronto, about a year ago:

>> A bearded man stands in downtown Toronto - his eyes are covered by a blind-fold. There are two signs at his feet.

One reads: "I am a Muslim. I am labelled as a terrorist." The other sign says: "I trust you. Do you trust me? Give me a hug."
It's called the Blind Trust Project -- and it's a YouTube phenomenon with over 2,000,000 views and counting. << (full Toronto story here)

Blind Trust Project:

Very moving. Heartwarming. But..when is an asshole islamist going to take advantage of that kind gesture and wait til a big crowd gathers to hug them, then detonate their backpack near or on them?
I'm sorry. I feel guilty just thinking it...but I can't help it.
Hi Tilly
Welcome to usmb and all the rifraff that goes with it, lol.
From what little I have read of your posts, you seem ok to me.
Just scroll really fast past the name calling fucktards. Or scrape them off your shoe. Either one is fine. :lol:
Why are you attempting to engage me when you told me I should not be responding to your posts because I'm new, and when you put me on ignore because I objected to you fabricating my thoughts?
Seems a bit cowardly to me

I'm illustrating exactly what I advised you yesterday about knowing who's who and what they stand for, before you pass judgment. Those two posts (336/337) are a perfect illustration.

Don't know how that's "cowardly" although I can see how it would apply to ignoring it.

I'm trying to honour what you asked me to do - not reply to your posts. But it seems you can't stay away - so I'm no longer on ignore? Great I can't wait to debate with you ;-)
I told you he was a fucking liar and a troll. Put the asshole on PI. If you don't I'm wondering why you don't.
You want to 'debate' with that piece of shit? You're going on my PI.
Hey, dannyboys, please. I'm here for civilised debate and he's already put me on ignore because he couldn't engage that way. I'm not responding anymore to anyone who says they are ignoring me but aren't really. There's no need to attack me. Thank you.
Fuck you! I was NOT "attacking" you asshole! And I'm not going to fucking hold your hand to navigate in this forum.
You want to be on this forum fucking GROW SOME!
Shut the fuck up with your whining! The FIRST troll you met on this forum and you're already crying!
This isn't a forum about YOU and YOUR feelings!
Go away. OR Grow a fucking pair and debate the issues.
And you can kiss my ass. Tard.
Muslim Man Stands Blindfolded in Paris holding Sign Saying "I'm a Muslim, Not a Terrorist" --- asks for hugs from strangers (VIDEO)

Gotta watch it. It's heartwarming.

Another guy did exactly the same thing in Toronto, about a year ago:

>> A bearded man stands in downtown Toronto - his eyes are covered by a blind-fold. There are two signs at his feet.

One reads: "I am a Muslim. I am labelled as a terrorist." The other sign says: "I trust you. Do you trust me? Give me a hug."
It's called the Blind Trust Project -- and it's a YouTube phenomenon with over 2,000,000 views and counting. << (full Toronto story here)

Blind Trust Project:

Very moving. Heartwarming. But..when is an asshole islamist going to take advantage of that kind gesture and wait til a big crowd gathers to hug them, then detonate their backpack near or on them?
I'm sorry. I feel guilty just thinking it...but I can't help it.

Well maybe you should feel guilty. The moral being, open-heartedness and trust will always be more productive than suspicion and distrust. Part of the point is that the object, being blindfolded, puts himself in a completely vulnerable position. For all he knows somebody could walk up and stab him, he would never see it coming --- and he takes that chance. This suspicion thing works both ways. This act provides an opportunity for BOTH "sides" to reach out. And I think it's healing to both too. I thought it was brilliant the first time I heard about it.

Thanks for watching it. It's something we need more of.
I'd hug him.

Problem is...the terrorists are what is fucking up muslims that DO want to belong to the country they are seeking refuge in. But then there is that "but" that keeps popping in my head.

Just sayin'.
5th post
I'd hug him.

Problem is...the terrorists are what is fucking up muslims that DO want to belong to the country they are seeking refuge in. But then there is that "but" that keeps popping in my head.

Just sayin'.

Yeah I know. I get that.
We don't see eye to eye on the majority of things, Pogo...but...I loves ya. From day one. Til day dead.

Just wanted to tell ya that.
Why are you attempting to engage me when you told me I should not be responding to your posts because I'm new, and when you put me on ignore because I objected to you fabricating my thoughts?
Seems a bit cowardly to me

I'm illustrating exactly what I advised you yesterday about knowing who's who and what they stand for, before you pass judgment. Those two posts (336/337) are a perfect illustration.

Don't know how that's "cowardly" although I can see how it would apply to ignoring it.

I'm trying to honour what you asked me to do - not reply to your posts. But it seems you can't stay away - so I'm no longer on ignore? Great I can't wait to debate with you ;-)
I told you he was a fucking liar and a troll. Put the asshole on PI. If you don't I'm wondering why you don't.
You want to 'debate' with that piece of shit? You're going on my PI.
Hey, dannyboys, please. I'm here for civilised debate and he's already put me on ignore because he couldn't engage that way. I'm not responding anymore to anyone who says they are ignoring me but aren't really. There's no need to attack me. Thank you.
Fuck you! I was NOT "attacking" you asshole! And I'm not going to fucking hold your hand to navigate in this forum.
You want to be on this forum fucking GROW SOME!
Shut the fuck up with your whining! The FIRST troll you met on this forum and you're already crying!
This isn't a forum about YOU and YOUR feelings!
Go away. OR Grow a fucking pair and debate the issues.
You're the one being immature thinking you can bully people into ignoring who you want them to using threats. Mature people don't try to control others that way. Tilly can ignore or not ignore anyone he wants and so can you and I. Threatening to ignore people who don't ignore those you want them to is an act of a child.

Then again, I see little in your posts to disprove you as an intemperate, impertinent youth behind a grown up's screen name.

MONEY, seeing as that's what America's all about.

I don't eat meat, drink beer, I don't like dogs, I don't wear bikinis, Jesus is just another Mexican, and freedom of speech, well, seeing what most people use it for.

So, only one of those things do I actually like. What's American about those things I don't like?

Also, not all Muslims hate bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech. Generalizing won't get you very far, especially when you're wrong.
It's a cartoon, you idiot.

Wow, not only is half your post just insulting, but you posted something which I can clearly see is a cartoon, and I responded to it.

But you actually post something, then get defensive when someone actually bothers to respond. What the hell?

But hey, you're only interested in insulting people. Why not have another go, it might make you feel more intelligent and more important.

How about this. I'm a gay hermaphrodite with a Muslim father and a Jewish mother, born in the Middle East and I'm Liberal and I voted for Obama, and I'm black too.

That should keep you in insults for years to come.
10th post
We don't see eye to eye on the majority of things, Pogo...but...I loves ya. From day one. Til day dead.

Just wanted to tell ya that.

You know what yer problem is, Gracie? You listen.

That makes you a freak around here.

I like freaks. :)

Love ya back.

MONEY, seeing as that's what America's all about.

I don't eat meat, drink beer, I don't like dogs, I don't wear bikinis, Jesus is just another Mexican, and freedom of speech, well, seeing what most people use it for.

So, only one of those things do I actually like. What's American about those things I don't like?

Also, not all Muslims hate bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech. Generalizing won't get you very far, especially when you're wrong.
It's a cartoon, you idiot.

Wow, not only is half your post just insulting, but you posted something which I can clearly see is a cartoon, and I responded to it.

But you actually post something, then get defensive when someone actually bothers to respond. What the hell?

But hey, you're only interested in insulting people. Why not have another go, it might make you feel more intelligent and more important.

How about this. I'm a gay hermaphrodite with a Muslim father and a Jewish mother, born in the Middle East and I'm Liberal and I voted for Obama, and I'm black too.

That should keep you in insults for years to come.
I don't need to insult you at all. You are doing a mighty fine job of doing it yourself.

MONEY, seeing as that's what America's all about.

I don't eat meat, drink beer, I don't like dogs, I don't wear bikinis, Jesus is just another Mexican, and freedom of speech, well, seeing what most people use it for.

So, only one of those things do I actually like. What's American about those things I don't like?

Also, not all Muslims hate bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech. Generalizing won't get you very far, especially when you're wrong.
It's a cartoon, you idiot.

Wow, not only is half your post just insulting, but you posted something which I can clearly see is a cartoon, and I responded to it.

But you actually post something, then get defensive when someone actually bothers to respond. What the hell?

But hey, you're only interested in insulting people. Why not have another go, it might make you feel more intelligent and more important.

How about this. I'm a gay hermaphrodite with a Muslim father and a Jewish mother, born in the Middle East and I'm Liberal and I voted for Obama, and I'm black too.

That should keep you in insults for years to come.
I don't need to insult you at all. You are doing a mighty fine job of doing it yourself.

You don't need to? So why did you?

MONEY, seeing as that's what America's all about.

I don't eat meat, drink beer, I don't like dogs, I don't wear bikinis, Jesus is just another Mexican, and freedom of speech, well, seeing what most people use it for.

So, only one of those things do I actually like. What's American about those things I don't like?

Also, not all Muslims hate bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech. Generalizing won't get you very far, especially when you're wrong.
It's a cartoon, you idiot.

Wow, not only is half your post just insulting, but you posted something which I can clearly see is a cartoon, and I responded to it.

But you actually post something, then get defensive when someone actually bothers to respond. What the hell?

But hey, you're only interested in insulting people. Why not have another go, it might make you feel more intelligent and more important.

How about this. I'm a gay hermaphrodite with a Muslim father and a Jewish mother, born in the Middle East and I'm Liberal and I voted for Obama, and I'm black too.

That should keep you in insults for years to come.
I don't need to insult you at all. You are doing a mighty fine job of doing it yourself.

You don't need to? So why did you?
MONEY, seeing as that's what America's all about.

I don't eat meat, drink beer, I don't like dogs, I don't wear bikinis, Jesus is just another Mexican, and freedom of speech, well, seeing what most people use it for.

So, only one of those things do I actually like. What's American about those things I don't like?

Also, not all Muslims hate bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech. Generalizing won't get you very far, especially when you're wrong.
It's a cartoon, you idiot.

Wow, not only is half your post just insulting, but you posted something which I can clearly see is a cartoon, and I responded to it.

But you actually post something, then get defensive when someone actually bothers to respond. What the hell?

But hey, you're only interested in insulting people. Why not have another go, it might make you feel more intelligent and more important.

How about this. I'm a gay hermaphrodite with a Muslim father and a Jewish mother, born in the Middle East and I'm Liberal and I voted for Obama, and I'm black too.

That should keep you in insults for years to come.
I don't need to insult you at all. You are doing a mighty fine job of doing it yourself.

You don't need to? So why did you?

Oh good. You're going to insult someone else. Bye.
15th post
The point is they are not like us.

they don't have a live and let live mentality.

and that is as a group

what radicals? You mean the people that responded to 9/11?
The people that stood up, did the right thing?

Canada is just north of here, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Not like "us"? Who is "us" exactly? Right wingers?

You're saying ONE BILLION Muslims are all the same? You're saying "us" are all the same?

You think the US has the "live and let live mentality"? Are you fucking serious? The US has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, bombed Libya, imposed sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, all because they didn't want to follow the US on oil production. And you think this is a "live and let live" mentality?

The US is the BIGGEST threat to global security in the world right now. And you're talking "live and let live"? Incredible.

What radicals?

The people who responded to 9/11 by INVADING those who were not responsible for 9/11.

The guy who oversaw al Qaeda was from Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan. 15 of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from UAE, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

So Bush invaded IRAQ. Yes, IRAQ. Not only was al Qaeda not in Iraq, Saddam didn't support al Qaeda, none of the terrorists were from Iraq. So he went and invaded Iraq.

What the FUCK?

Let's face it, the intellectually bereft have been painting with the broad bigot brush since 9/11. It's important for them to blot out distinctions and shunt their hatred to a "foreign" religion, because getting your hate on emotionally is far less intellectually challenging than trying to deal with the complexities of the world as it is.
So if they kill your family and it turns out to be a refugee

are you going to console yourself with your intellect? are you going to say, lets bring more in b/c they are not all like that?

morons that claim to be brilliant in spite of the facts are getting people killed.

do you grasp the fact that it is open boarders that let terrorist into France?

of course not, you would have to admit the truth to yourself.

and now pogo tells me that's not what he meant and that I'm making false accusations

Oh look who found punctuation. Can the shift key be far behind?

What the friggety fuck are you babbling about now?
I cut your tactic off at the head so you go after my grammar.


Why are you attempting to engage me when you told me I should not be responding to your posts because I'm new, and when you put me on ignore because I objected to you fabricating my thoughts?
Seems a bit cowardly to me

I'm illustrating exactly what I advised you yesterday about knowing who's who and what they stand for, before you pass judgment. Those two posts (336/337) are a perfect illustration.

Don't know how that's "cowardly" although I can see how it would apply to ignoring it.

I'm trying to honour what you asked me to do - not reply to your posts. But it seems you can't stay away - so I'm no longer on ignore? Great I can't wait to debate with you ;-)
I told you he was a fucking liar and a troll. Put the asshole on PI. If you don't I'm wondering why you don't.
You want to 'debate' with that piece of shit? You're going on my PI.
Hey, dannyboys, please. I'm here for civilised debate and he's already put me on ignore because he couldn't engage that way. I'm not responding anymore to anyone who says they are ignoring me but aren't really. There's no need to attack me. Thank you.
Fuck you! I was NOT "attacking" you asshole! And I'm not going to fucking hold your hand to navigate in this forum.
You want to be on this forum fucking GROW SOME!
Shut the fuck up with your whining! The FIRST troll you met on this forum and you're already crying!
This isn't a forum about YOU and YOUR feelings!
Go away. OR Grow a fucking pair and debate the issues.

Wow. Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe I'm more annoying than I ever new? I really don't know what to say to this, so I guess I'll just say thank you for your contribution dannyboys. Anyway, i have absolutely no intention of filtering people, or whatever it's called. I have a long fuse and I have no desire to officially ignore people. I guess there might be people irritating enough that will result in me eating my words eventually, but I hope not. I came here today to discuss issues, I don't have to like what others say, I just hoped this endeavour could at least be civilised. That is obviously somewhat difficult for some people, but that's the way the cookie crumbles
Muslim Man Stands Blindfolded in Paris holding Sign Saying "I'm a Muslim, Not a Terrorist" --- asks for hugs from strangers (VIDEO)

Gotta watch it. It's heartwarming.

Another guy did exactly the same thing in Toronto, about a year ago:

>> A bearded man stands in downtown Toronto - his eyes are covered by a blind-fold. There are two signs at his feet.

One reads: "I am a Muslim. I am labelled as a terrorist." The other sign says: "I trust you. Do you trust me? Give me a hug."
It's called the Blind Trust Project -- and it's a YouTube phenomenon with over 2,000,000 views and counting. << (full Toronto story here)

Blind Trust Project:

Very moving. Heartwarming. But..when is an asshole islamist going to take advantage of that kind gesture and wait til a big crowd gathers to hug them, then detonate their backpack near or on them?
I'm sorry. I feel guilty just thinking it...but I can't help it.

Well maybe you should feel guilty. The moral being, open-heartedness and trust will always be more productive than suspicion and distrust. Part of the point is that the object, being blindfolded, puts himself in a completely vulnerable position. For all he knows somebody could walk up and stab him, he would never see it coming --- and he takes that chance. This suspicion thing works both ways. This act provides an opportunity for BOTH "sides" to reach out. And I think it's healing to both too. I thought it was brilliant the first time I heard about it.

Thanks for watching it. It's something we need more of.

Sorry, but if one of these guys turns out to be a suicide bomber 'open heartedness and trust' will certainly not 'always be more productive', it just will be until it tragically isn't.

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