'Mumbler in chief:' Biden's lackluster delivery in front of world leader draws scorn on social media


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

'Mumbler in chief:'

Biden's lackluster delivery in front of world leader draws scorn on social media

19 Jul 2023 ~~ Lindsay Kornick

A clip of President Biden mumbling through his comments during Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s visit to the White House renewed many Twitter users’ concerns over his mental fitness.
While addressing the visiting leader, Biden gave a few words on the United States’ relationship with Israel. However, as he touted progress between the two countries, he began looking down and mumbled his words.
"We got a lot more to do, but there's progress. Last year, we can be the largest gathering of Arab Israelis in a decade together form, and we resolved the maritime boundary dispute between Israel and Lebanon, which people thought could never happen. We opened up the airspace for Israel over Saudi Arabia and Oman after I had a little visit there," Biden said.

State Freedom Caucus Network communications director Greg Price tweeted, "Imagine watching this video and then thinking to yourself ‘yep. I want four more years of that.’"

Biden mumbles, talks incoherently. And sometimes he will wander around aimlessly on the stage, then shaking hands with Harvey the invisible rabbit. No matter! The mainstream media is okay with that. And more importantly, the 2024 vote counters are okay with that.
These are just some of the incidents that are caught on video by the Quisling Media. Just how much of his incoherent rambling goes on in closed door meetings with world leaders, staff and others where no cameras are present?
This is quite serious. Joe Biden`s cognitive decline has been startling during his time as president. I don't believe he'll make it through this term. That's the scary part, what comes next.
As a former Democrat, I never believed Democrats would ever allow this country to be in such an embarrassing and horrible shape we see today.
Who is actually running things.


this one is helping the Mumbler....in fact is replacing him....it was his third term after all

Who is actually running things.

Not Joe Biden. Not only could I almost not even understand a word he said (and likely neither could the Israeli President, just politely nodding his head), but why the hell was Biden reading off a cue card just to issue a statement of support? Doesn't he even know the gist of the thought being expressed that he can't state it from memory?
The craziest thing about Sleepy Joe is that he is without a doubt, the most qualified candidate the D's have. In spite of his cognitive insufficiencies, he's still heads above Kamala, Buttplug Petey, or whomever else the D's might nominate instead.

'Mumbler in chief:'

Biden's lackluster delivery in front of world leader draws scorn on social media

19 Jul 2023 ~~ Lindsay Kornick

A clip of President Biden mumbling through his comments during Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s visit to the White House renewed many Twitter users’ concerns over his mental fitness.
While addressing the visiting leader, Biden gave a few words on the United States’ relationship with Israel. However, as he touted progress between the two countries, he began looking down and mumbled his words.
"We got a lot more to do, but there's progress. Last year, we can be the largest gathering of Arab Israelis in a decade together form, and we resolved the maritime boundary dispute between Israel and Lebanon, which people thought could never happen. We opened up the airspace for Israel over Saudi Arabia and Oman after I had a little visit there," Biden said.

State Freedom Caucus Network communications director Greg Price tweeted, "Imagine watching this video and then thinking to yourself ‘yep. I want four more years of that.’"

Biden mumbles, talks incoherently. And sometimes he will wander around aimlessly on the stage, then shaking hands with Harvey the invisible rabbit. No matter! The mainstream media is okay with that. And more importantly, the 2024 vote counters are okay with that.
These are just some of the incidents that are caught on video by the Quisling Media. Just how much of his incoherent rambling goes on in closed door meetings with world leaders, staff and others where no cameras are present?
This is quite serious. Joe Biden`s cognitive decline has been startling during his time as president. I don't believe he'll make it through this term. That's the scary part, what comes next.
As a former Democrat, I never believed Democrats would ever allow this country to be in such an embarrassing and horrible shape we see today.

The clueless idiot is reading from cards in his lap! Did he just find out about all this?

'Mumbler in chief:'

Biden's lackluster delivery in front of world leader draws scorn on social media

19 Jul 2023 ~~ Lindsay Kornick

A clip of President Biden mumbling through his comments during Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s visit to the White House renewed many Twitter users’ concerns over his mental fitness.
While addressing the visiting leader, Biden gave a few words on the United States’ relationship with Israel. However, as he touted progress between the two countries, he began looking down and mumbled his words.
"We got a lot more to do, but there's progress. Last year, we can be the largest gathering of Arab Israelis in a decade together form, and we resolved the maritime boundary dispute between Israel and Lebanon, which people thought could never happen. We opened up the airspace for Israel over Saudi Arabia and Oman after I had a little visit there," Biden said.

State Freedom Caucus Network communications director Greg Price tweeted, "Imagine watching this video and then thinking to yourself ‘yep. I want four more years of that.’"

Biden mumbles, talks incoherently. And sometimes he will wander around aimlessly on the stage, then shaking hands with Harvey the invisible rabbit. No matter! The mainstream media is okay with that. And more importantly, the 2024 vote counters are okay with that.
These are just some of the incidents that are caught on video by the Quisling Media. Just how much of his incoherent rambling goes on in closed door meetings with world leaders, staff and others where no cameras are present?
This is quite serious. Joe Biden`s cognitive decline has been startling during his time as president. I don't believe he'll make it through this term. That's the scary part, what comes next.
As a former Democrat, I never believed Democrats would ever allow this country to be in such an embarrassing and horrible shape we see today.

You guys can say what you what you want about Biden, but i find it bewildering you actually think Trump sounds intelligent in comparison
The craziest thing about Sleepy Joe is that he is without a doubt, the most qualified candidate the D's have. In spite of his cognitive insufficiencies, he's still heads above Kamala, Buttplug Petey, or whomever else the D's might nominate instead.
I’ll start this off by agreeing Biden’s mental acuity is definitely questionable. Not dementia, but questionable.

How would you characterize Trump’s mental functioning in comparison?
I’ll start this off by agreeing Biden’s mental acuity is definitely questionable. Not dementia, but questionable.

How would you characterize Trump’s mental functioning in comparison?

President Trump is as sharp as a motherfucker. I saw him being interviewed last night by the toughest interviewer in the business, no problems at all.
President Trump is as sharp as a motherfucker. I saw him being interviewed last night by the toughest interviewer in the business, no problems at all.
Lol oh come on you can’t be serious. There’s no way you’re actually being serious right now
Trump doesn't have to have note cards in his lap
True he instead relies on laughable off the cuff word salad that exposes just how stupid he is.

The fact that you’re really not disputing what I’m saying about Trump tells me exactly how you feel.

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