Mueller NOW Asking for Info from Trump: GO TEAM MUELLER!

More than a year on this shit, and they haven't even identified a cognizable crime that COULD HAVE BEEN COMMITTED. Leftists are sooooooooo gullible.

You may as well be just quoting yourself from 1973.
damn it's been that long already.

Since Nixon was being investigated and subsequently impeached? Yes.

Nixon was not impeached.

He left because he was going to get impeached. Distinction without any difference.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time/

congress approved 3 articles of impeachment. TrickyDick had two choices - sit down in the Oval office and get raked over congressional coals for months, then get thrown out the front door ... or wave bye bye and go out the back door with the maid.

You may as well be just quoting yourself from 1973.
damn it's been that long already.

Since Nixon was being investigated and subsequently impeached? Yes.

Nixon was not impeached.

He left because he was going to get impeached. Distinction without any difference.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time/

congress approved 3 articles of impeachment. TrickyDick had two choices - sit down in the Oval office and get raked over congressional coals for months, then get thrown out the front door ... or wave bye bye and go out the back door with the maid.

nope never was going to happen. again, impeachment is not a removal from fking office. fk get something right fking once!
You may as well be just quoting yourself from 1973.
damn it's been that long already.

Since Nixon was being investigated and subsequently impeached? Yes.

Nixon was not impeached.

He left because he was going to get impeached. Distinction without any difference.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time/

congress approved 3 articles of impeachment. TrickyDick had two choices - sit down in the Oval office and get raked over congressional coals for months, then get thrown out the front door ... or wave bye bye and go out the back door with the maid.

nope never was going to happen. again, impeachment is not a removal from fking office. fk get something right fking once! Clinton was impeached did he leave before his term was up? fk
Now, back to the subject.

Manafort is suspected of financial crimes. The government had enough probable cause to get a search warrant.

And who are the tards upset with over these suspected crimes of Manafort's?

Hillary! And Obama!

No, really!

based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
Now, back to the subject.

Manafort is suspected of financial crimes. The government had enough probable cause to get a search warrant.

And who are the tards upset with over these suspected crimes of Manafort's?

Hillary! And Obama!

No, really!

based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
like what? name one that would fit this scenario for me.
damn it's been that long already.

Since Nixon was being investigated and subsequently impeached? Yes.

Nixon was not impeached.

He left because he was going to get impeached. Distinction without any difference.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time/

congress approved 3 articles of impeachment. TrickyDick had two choices - sit down in the Oval office and get raked over congressional coals for months, then get thrown out the front door ... or wave bye bye and go out the back door with the maid.

nope never was going to happen. again, impeachment is not a removal from fking office. fk get something right fking once!

OK dumbass, point is that in 1973 investigation has been going on for about a year, and it would be another year before it was completed and Nixon's presidency was over.

These things take a long time to do.

Do you think you can get it through your thick scull containing that little pea sized brain of yours?
Since Nixon was being investigated and subsequently impeached? Yes.

Nixon was not impeached.

He left because he was going to get impeached. Distinction without any difference.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time/

congress approved 3 articles of impeachment. TrickyDick had two choices - sit down in the Oval office and get raked over congressional coals for months, then get thrown out the front door ... or wave bye bye and go out the back door with the maid.

nope never was going to happen. again, impeachment is not a removal from fking office. fk get something right fking once!

OK dumbass, point is that in 1973 investigation has been going on for about a year, and it would be another year before it was completed and Nixon's presidency was over.

Do you think you can get it through your thick scull containing that little pea sized brain of yours?
argh, the stupid that you post is frustrating sometimes. I asked you to post where anything would have been done to Nixon. impeachment is not removal from office. Now I asked you to post something that proves that wrong. you haven't. you just come back with more stupid. Use the thingy called the internet would you?
Now, back to the subject.

Manafort is suspected of financial crimes. The government had enough probable cause to get a search warrant.

And who are the tards upset with over these suspected crimes of Manafort's?

Hillary! And Obama!

No, really!

based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
like what? name one that would fit this scenario for me.

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia

They are used when the potential for destroying evidence is high.
Nixon was not impeached.

He left because he was going to get impeached. Distinction without any difference.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time/

congress approved 3 articles of impeachment. TrickyDick had two choices - sit down in the Oval office and get raked over congressional coals for months, then get thrown out the front door ... or wave bye bye and go out the back door with the maid.

nope never was going to happen. again, impeachment is not a removal from fking office. fk get something right fking once!

OK dumbass, point is that in 1973 investigation has been going on for about a year, and it would be another year before it was completed and Nixon's presidency was over.

Do you think you can get it through your thick scull containing that little pea sized brain of yours?
argh, the stupid that you post is frustrating sometimes. I asked you to post where anything would have been done to Nixon.

NOPE, that's not what happened.

I posted a comment saying that the same thing you guys are saying about investigation timeline could have been said in 1973.

The rest was you not getting it, deflecting, nitpicking on irrelevancies etc.
Now, back to the subject.

Manafort is suspected of financial crimes. The government had enough probable cause to get a search warrant.

And who are the tards upset with over these suspected crimes of Manafort's?

Hillary! And Obama!

No, really!

based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
like what? name one that would fit this scenario for me.

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia

They are used when the potential for destroying evidence is high.
ok, so was that warrant one of those? I don't think so. again. it will play out in a law suit. I'm quite confident in that. I can't believe this game of russian roulette these schmucks are playing. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when this all comes out.
Now, back to the subject.

Manafort is suspected of financial crimes. The government had enough probable cause to get a search warrant.

And who are the tards upset with over these suspected crimes of Manafort's?

Hillary! And Obama!

No, really!

based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
like what? name one that would fit this scenario for me.

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia

They are used when the potential for destroying evidence is high.
ok, so was that warrant one of those? I don't think so. again. it will play out in a law suit. I'm quite confident in that. I can't believe this game of russian roulette these schmucks are playing. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when this all comes out.

What makes you think that they didn't have a no-knock warrant?
He left because he was going to get impeached. Distinction without any difference.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time/

congress approved 3 articles of impeachment. TrickyDick had two choices - sit down in the Oval office and get raked over congressional coals for months, then get thrown out the front door ... or wave bye bye and go out the back door with the maid.

nope never was going to happen. again, impeachment is not a removal from fking office. fk get something right fking once!

OK dumbass, point is that in 1973 investigation has been going on for about a year, and it would be another year before it was completed and Nixon's presidency was over.

Do you think you can get it through your thick scull containing that little pea sized brain of yours?
argh, the stupid that you post is frustrating sometimes. I asked you to post where anything would have been done to Nixon.

NOPE, that's not what happened.

I posted a comment saying that the same thing you guys are saying about investigation timeline could have been said in 1973.

The rest was you not getting it, deflecting, nitpicking on irrelevancies etc.
oh stop it. you got your ass whooped and now you're embarrassed. you can impeach trump and you can't remove him from office. do you know that?
based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
like what? name one that would fit this scenario for me.

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia

They are used when the potential for destroying evidence is high.
ok, so was that warrant one of those? I don't think so. again. it will play out in a law suit. I'm quite confident in that. I can't believe this game of russian roulette these schmucks are playing. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when this all comes out.

What makes you think that they didn't have a no-knock warrant?
because there is no precedence for him. that's why. fk man, there isn't even any probable cause. if they need any documents from him that important, than that tells me they had absolutely nothing to begin with. It's really simple math.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
They had a search warrant and they probably figured it would be more discreet to pick the lock than to kick down the door, which they also had the right to do.
no they didn't have that right and again, we will see what the law says on all of this illegal shit. the judge that signed that warrant will be sued. I'll post that when Manafort's lawyers take him/her down. I'm going to love this. we are a nation of laws not a dictatorship ruled by a monarch.

JC456 do you know you and Trump bark like dogs??
No, he can't. That's not how "executive privilege" works.

Mueller's "investigation" has no superior authority over the president's right to privacy.

Official government documents are not covered by any "right to privacy".

And Clinton had perjured himself before a grand jury which of course couldn't be considered privileged.

Clinton tried to get out of testifying in front of that grand jury, based on executive privilege. The courts rejected that claim, just as they would reject such a claim from Trump.

"Executive privilege" is an aspect of the separation of powers. It is a legal argument that can be made to quash subpoenas from Congress or the judicial branch.

That doesn't apply in this case, since the Special Counsel is part of the executive branch.

You're the one who's confused or lying. Of course presidential papers are covered under executive privilege.....what else could be in play....anecdotal recollections? Your rant gets more bizarre....Mueller doesn't become part of the executive branch by being named special counsel...he's not even an employee of the DOJ, but an independent contractor. That's why the discussion is about turning documents over to him willingly because he knows he can't subpoena them if the WH gives them executive privilege status. We know you are a Trump-hating leftist and few will confront you because you're a mod but I won't let you get away with what you're claiming even if it puts me in jeopardy here.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
They had a search warrant and they probably figured it would be more discreet to pick the lock than to kick down the door, which they also had the right to do.
no they didn't have that right and again, we will see what the law says on all of this illegal shit. the judge that signed that warrant will be sued. I'll post that when Manafort's lawyers take him/her down. I'm going to love this. we are a nation of laws not a dictatorship ruled by a monarch.

JC456 do you know you and Trump bark like dogs??
I love dogs, they're are amazing animals. thanks, I'm in good company. ever hear of rin tin tin or laslie? man's best friend perhaps?
Now, back to the subject.

Manafort is suspected of financial crimes. The government had enough probable cause to get a search warrant.

And who are the tards upset with over these suspected crimes of Manafort's?

Hillary! And Obama!

No, really!

based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
like what? name one that would fit this scenario for me.

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia

They are used when the potential for destroying evidence is high.

Jc's world ;;;

the phantom FBI

presented phantom probable cause

to a phantom judge

who issued a phantom warrant

and the phantom FBI

conducted a phantom raid

on a phantom house one phantom morining @ 5am

collecting phantom documents

that could, or could not be phantom evidence

that could or could not lead to a phantom indictment by a phantom grand jury

that could or could not lead to a phantom criminal trial.
not one that shows the probable cause, nope. so anytime houdini
You are a willfully blind monkey, and no one can help you with that.
no probable cause to anything. money laundering is not a probable cause. you have to have proof of money laundering, not making it up as you go. wow.
This incredibly ignorant post brought to you by Trump's Chumps: When just being stupid isn't stupid enough.
and still you have no probable cause.
So you actually bleev a warrant was issued without probable cause.


Just how deep does your tard go?
Don't mind JC He and trump bark like dogs
No, he can't. That's not how "executive privilege" works.

Mueller's "investigation" has no superior authority over the president's right to privacy.

Official government documents are not covered by any "right to privacy".

And Clinton had perjured himself before a grand jury which of course couldn't be considered privileged.

Clinton tried to get out of testifying in front of that grand jury, based on executive privilege. The courts rejected that claim, just as they would reject such a claim from Trump.

"Executive privilege" is an aspect of the separation of powers. It is a legal argument that can be made to quash subpoenas from Congress or the judicial branch.

That doesn't apply in this case, since the Special Counsel is part of the executive branch.

You're the one who's confused or lying. Of course presidential papers are covered under executive privilege.....what else could be in play....anecdotal recollections? Your rant gets more bizarre....Mueller doesn't become part of the executive branch by being named special counsel...he's not even an employee of the DOJ, but an independent contractor. That's why the discussion is about turning documents over to him willingly because he knows he can't subpoena them if the WH gives them executive privilege status. We know you are a Trump-hating leftist and few will confront you because you're a mod but I won't let you get away with what you're claiming even if it puts me in jeopardy here.

There's really not much to say, other than you're completely wrong.

"Executive privilege" is a legal fiction. It's a defense against Congressional or judicial summons or subpoenas. It's not an automatic "right" given to everything the President touches.

Mueller, as special prosecutor, is most certainly part of the executive branch. There are decades of judicial precedent to back this up.

Seriously, it's time to educate yourself. You can start here:

Executive privilege - Wikipedia
2017 Special Counsel investigation - Wikipedia
Now, back to the subject.

Manafort is suspected of financial crimes. The government had enough probable cause to get a search warrant.

And who are the tards upset with over these suspected crimes of Manafort's?

Hillary! And Obama!

No, really!

based on what is he suspected of financial crimes? we know that clinton has financial crimes and there isn't any warrant out for her? why not?

Look, I'm fine with them asking Manafort questions about his finances, I'm not okay with them picking his front door lock without knocking. The courts will throw this entire thing out you watch. just saying. no precedence set to pick his home's lock.

There is plenty of precedence for no-knock warrants.
like what? name one that would fit this scenario for me.

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia

They are used when the potential for destroying evidence is high.

Jc's world ;;;

the phantom FBI

presented phantom probable cause

to a phantom judge

who issued a phantom warrant

and the phantom FBI

conducted a phantom raid

on a phantom house one phantom morining @ 5am

collecting phantom documents

that could, or could not be phantom evidence

that could or could not lead to a phantom indictment by a phantom grand jury

that could or could not lead to a phantom criminal trial.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PHANTOM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bazinga

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