MSNBC's 'Everyday Racism in America': Real stories of racial bias

I think we need to take back the hyperbole a notch or two. Breathe into a paper bag, if necessary. Whites have their baggage, and so do blacks. All things being equal. Racism is like a Rorschach test, you get out of it what you put into it.
Point out the hyperbolic part of his statement.

Please and thanks.
Of course, I never watch MSNBC, but it's fine that they are presenting "Everyday racism in America." I'm sure that the stories are interesting.

I do hope, however, that they will also present a series entitled "Everyday violent crime in America."
I would then watch MSNBC to hear about the sickening violence that is visited on so many innocent people 24/7 in America.
There's already tons and tons and tons of shows talking about, showing and reporting crime. What OTHER angle do you wish to see on it?
Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.
I am done being held responsible for shit that other people did before I was born.
Just read this in a book by Tim Wise. Seems pertinent: “This nation was, simply put, conceived in and plagued by formal white supremacy for over 350 years, going back to the colonial period: it was a system of racial fascism.

This nation was founded in a time when "The Divine Right of Kings" was still a strong ideology, and naked Imperalism was the norm of government.

It was for it's time, a breath taking advance in individual freedom and human rights.

That you ignore all of that to focus on it's failure to address black equality, is misleading in the extreme.

The past matters, and not merely as a historical referent. The past affects the present. Inertia is not merely a property of the physical universe; it also relates to the political, socioeconomic and cultural universe. We have to deal with the past because the past comes into the present whether we like it or not. I know we aren’t to blame for history – either its horrors or the legacy it has left us. Be we are responsible for how we bear that legacy, and what we make of it in the present. There is a difference, and it is not a small one, between guilt and responsibility. Guilt is what you feel for the things you have done, while responsibility is what you take because of the kind of person you are.”

I am not going to take responsibility for the sins of long dead white slavers, any more than I will ask you to take responsibility for the violence inflicted today by black criminals (assuming that you are not one, of course)

You know what the difference between a klansman demagoguing about some black criminal, using it to smear all blacks,

and a black activist using the historical fact of slavery to justify discriminating against whites today?

The black probably has tenure.

“To make note of the accumulated inequities, which date back generations, is not to blame anyone currently alive for those inequities. It is not intended to produce guilt, for indeed no one living today is directly responsible for them. But their legacy persists in many of today’s institutions for which we are responsible. And just as we have inherited many of the blessings and national assets of past generations – the accumulated national wealth for instance – we have inherited the deficits too. To take advantage of the upside of history while refusing to address the downside – to make use of accumulated assets while refusing to take aim at the debts – would be morally irresponsible.”[/QUOTE]

This ignores the fact that we have been addressing those issues for generations. With heavy costs and mixed results.

How much credit do you give us for those generations of effort?
Speaking for myself, I'm willing to talk and listen. But I certainly do not feel comfortable "speaking for the majority" of black people.

Only a self centered and arrogant fool would appoint themselves to such a role.

You do not have a shred of humility or decency.

Im2 needs to read your post.

I read his post and I the fact is neither YOU nor any of the white conservatives here speak for blacks at all. I refuse to say I don't speak for a blacks so you pricks can think what you say about us is right and that blacks agree with you totally. That is the only fucking reason you use that line. If we say something that doesn't meet your racist stereotypes then we get the you don't speak for all blacks line while you guys seem to think you do. So as long as you think you speak for all blacks, then I speak for all blacks.

When your asses get butthurt when we say something about white racists and claim we are calling all whites this or that then you are speaking for all whites. And you don't accept anyone challenging or questioning you about that. So until you punks drop the double standard, sissies like you might want to check yourself.

Listen to Kat. You might learn something.

I think two female black thieves got away with trying to rob my home today. I was sitting on my deck and this black girl started walking on my deck. She saw me and said oh shit and turned around and walked away. I walked off my deck and there were two black girls sitting there. I believe one was the lookout and the other was going to go in my place.

Where was she going? Who were they? They don’t live in my condos. But they may live in the next condos over or more likely they were visiting someone and like trevon Martin they were stealing.

Last year my place got robbed. My cell money and weed were gone. It was this time last year and someone last year said they saw a black girl walking around. She probably robbed me last year and was coming to see if I still leave my place open.

Anyways, before the Starbucks incident and that incident where the white girl called the cops on the black girl for sleeping in the community living room dorms at college, I might have questioned them. Today I don’t dare. Next thing you know I’m on the news

Thanks for sharing and you are absolutely right.

I can see the libs dismissing your reasons for questioning them already.

YOur reaction is pretty much the only sane one, and no, or at least very few liberals will admit that.
The funny thing is it seems to me the same people who agree that Jews should never forget feel that blacks should get over themselves. It's pretty amusing.
Various polls, voting trends, I think I do.

Are you comfortable being lectured like you are an ill behaved child by lying fools?

I’m not interested in ANY fools presuming to speak for entire ‘races’ of people.

That you felt you had to dodge my question,

shows that you know I have a point.

In this, I feel comfortable speaking for the majority of White Americans.

You don’t.

In this, I do.

NO, you don’t.

I have a question for you now. Let's see how good you are at answering it.

Are you comfortable being lectured like you are an ill behaved child, by lying fools?
There is such a thing as a majority opinion. So if you can find me proof that the majority of backs are fine with most of what is said here instead of less than 10 percent let me know. If the majority of blacks think detailing the things whites have done to us is racism, let me know.. Because you assume a lot of things, you and the other bigots around here. This is a discussion forum and this section is a discussion about race and racism. But pricks like you and most of these whites are constantly crying about blacks making things about race in a space where race is to be discussed. Why? It doesn't bother you or the other bigots when you incessantly bark your bullshit about us. Talking about race is fine then. Nobody is obsessing about race when that happens. Don't see you lecturing conservatives about their racism oh no. Seems to me is you and the rest only want an echo chamber where you can pretend to be this holier than thou anti racist and the others can just go off talking shit about blacks all day and night.

You and others here talk about how your so called black friends don't bother with race. I don't talk to my friends in real life much about race on a job or in most live social situations either. Because much of the time it's a wasted effort. All you and those like you will do is say something stupid, so why go through that. But in a discussion forum, well that's the place designated to do so. If you are stupid enough to talk about how people a making everything about race, or how one is a racist because they talk about race a lot in a section of a forum where you are supposed to talk abut race, it shows just how much of a bigot you are while you pretend that you aren't.

So when you talk about racially obsessed, I would say the majority of whites here fit that description. This is primarily a white bigot site. I post in the politics section and see that most of those threads contain somebody white bitching about blacks. I post in the sports section and a white bigot talks about how they want white players in g NBA and hw the black players can't read their contracts. That's racist, that's obsessed with race, and that's making everything about race.

So how many more generations are whites like most of you going to keep lying to yourselves? How many dumb ass tipsys and corrells will be produced because of these lies?
Another fine example of white racism is when Obama mentioned that "Trayvon could have been my son." they damn near shatted themselves to death, their cries of racism were so strong and severe. Yet, not a one of these soiled-pantied bigots can explain how that was racist.

To them, it just was...somehow.
I feel comfortable talking for the majority of whites on this subject.


You don’t.

Exactly. Most decent people would not have the arrogance to even make such a statement.

It is not arrogance to note that white people, as a whole, are increasingly done with being lectured by race baiting lefties like you.

A conversation is a two way street. Until you get that, all you are doing is wasting everyone's time and pissing off people left and right.

And people that posess the maturity to converse like adults will get the same from me.

But when a perpetual whiner like you consistently does nothing but one way complaining ad nauseum about how there is "massive anti white discrimination" what kind of "conversation" is that?

You do not discuss anything. In fact the "lectures" thst get are generally just you receiving how you talk to others.

Funny how you leave out all the supporting links and research involved in my complaints.

Here is me speaking for whites as a group again.

We are sick and tired of being discriminated against to make up for sins that we had nothing to do with,

and are getting angrier about it ever single day.
You're mad??? LOL. That's funny. Now fucking imagine how mad blacks are. What suffering have you endured?

Chances are if you are struggling it's not because of Affirmative action my friend. Don't blame a black or foreigner for stealing your job.

They used to tell my dad to go back to his own country when he worked at Ford. They said he was "stealing their jobs". Now his son, my brother, is a VP of a fortune 500. He didn't steal that job. Those red neck whites white trash kids were never going to become a VP of shit.
And the number one priority.........

View attachment 196012

"According to this argument, to discuss discrimination is to encourage black and brown folks to see themselves as perpetual targets of white racism.

...Those who bemoan the so-called victim mindset appear to believe that no one would think about racism were it not for the constant presence of liberals and leftists raising the issue. Second, the argument supposes that black and brown folk are so weak-willed that if they understood the obstacles in their way, they would crumble like cheap pie crust.

...This awareness is not due to liberals bringing it up, but rather the result of black and brown folks living with the mistreatment that stems from stereotypes and being exposed to them regularly. No, talking about racism isn’t the problem: racism itself is. To blame the conversation for the problem is like blaming your speedometer for the speeding ticket you just received.”

- Tim Wise in his book 'Dear White America'
And the number one priority.........

View attachment 196012

"According to this argument, to discuss discrimination is to encourage black and brown folks to see themselves as perpetual targets of white racism.

...Those who bemoan the so-called victim mindset appear to believe that no one would think about racism were it not for the constant presence of liberals and leftists raising the issue. Second, the argument supposes that black and brown folk are so weak-willed that if they understood the obstacles in their way, they would crumble like cheap pie crust.

...This awareness is not due to liberals bringing it up, but rather the result of black and brown folks living with the mistreatment that stems from stereotypes and being exposed to them regularly. No, talking about racism isn’t the problem: racism itself is. To blame the conversation for the problem is like blaming your speedometer for the speeding ticket you just received.”

- Tim Wise in his book 'Dear White America'

You have your head buried DEEEEP in the sand if you do not believe that racism is overstated in America.
There is no argument.
Again, you have your head buried DEEEEP in the sand if you think a white person walking in a some urban neighborhoods all over the country...shouldn't be a little worried. You think they are wrong to "stereotype" the young black males walking toward them??
Which cable channel does the best job of racist demagoguery?
The one going by the moniker, FOXNEWS.

You know Comrade, the man in your avatar went to Mecca to kiss the idol. When he did, he encountered REAL Muslims, not like that Elijah Mohamed blasphemy you worship. Malcolm came back after his Haaj (don't know if he was able to kiss the idol or not) and disavowed the racism you spread and promote. Malcolm found that Islam holds no place for race, one is Muslim or one is the enemy, race is irrelevant.

So your massah Louis Farrakhan killed him for it. Racism is that important to you NOI scum.
And the number one priority.........

View attachment 196012

"According to this argument, to discuss discrimination is to encourage black and brown folks to see themselves as perpetual targets of white racism.

...Those who bemoan the so-called victim mindset appear to believe that no one would think about racism were it not for the constant presence of liberals and leftists raising the issue. Second, the argument supposes that black and brown folk are so weak-willed that if they understood the obstacles in their way, they would crumble like cheap pie crust.

...This awareness is not due to liberals bringing it up, but rather the result of black and brown folks living with the mistreatment that stems from stereotypes and being exposed to them regularly. No, talking about racism isn’t the problem: racism itself is. To blame the conversation for the problem is like blaming your speedometer for the speeding ticket you just received.”

- Tim Wise in his book 'Dear White America'

You have your head buried DEEEEP in the sand if you do not believe that racism is overstated in America.
There is no argument.
Again, you have your head buried DEEEEP in the sand if you think a white person walking in a some urban neighborhoods all over the country...shouldn't be a little worried. You think they are wrong to "stereotype" the young black males walking toward them??

Well there is an argument and you are the one with your head buried deep in the sand. And if you think that being black in a rural town or white suburb doesn't strike fear you are retarded.
Which cable channel does the best job of racist demagoguery?
The one going by the moniker, FOXNEWS.

You know Comrade, the man in your avatar went to Mecca to kiss the idol. When he did, he encountered REAL Muslims, not like that Elijah Mohamed blasphemy you worship. Malcolm came back after his Haaj (don't know if he was able to kiss the idol or not) and disavowed the racism you spread and promote. Malcolm found that Islam holds no place for race, one is Muslim or one is the enemy, race is irrelevant.

So your massah Louis Farrakhan killed him for it. Racism is that important to you NOI scum.

Another stormfront trooper. J. Edgar Hoover had X killed.
I feel comfortable talking for the majority of whites on this subject.


You don’t.

Exactly. Most decent people would not have the arrogance to even make such a statement.

It is not arrogance to note that white people, as a whole, are increasingly done with being lectured by race baiting lefties like you.

A conversation is a two way street. Until you get that, all you are doing is wasting everyone's time and pissing off people left and right.

And people that posess the maturity to converse like adults will get the same from me.

But when a perpetual whiner like you consistently does nothing but one way complaining ad nauseum about how there is "massive anti white discrimination" what kind of "conversation" is that?

You do not discuss anything. In fact the "lectures" thst get are generally just you receiving how you talk to others.

Funny how you leave out all the supporting links and research involved in my complaints.

Here is me speaking for whites as a group again.

We are sick and tired of being discriminated against to make up for sins that we had nothing to do with,

and are getting angrier about it ever single day.

This BS is the joke of the day. Your "links and research" only consist of you chronically whining about being "smeared" and called "vile" insults, such as "racist".....which you are.

Besides that, you have not posted anything that is credible which even remotely supports your perpetual, effeminate whining about being "discriminated against". If you experienced REAL discrimination, you would likely become yet another suicide statistic or mass shooter.

I could not care less how "angry" you or anyone else like you is getting about anything.

WTF are you going to do if you are? This is an anonymous forum, you silly asshat.
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Boy, one won't find a finer collection of white conservative innocents anywhere else on USMB.

You realize that every white person in those photos are dead of old age? Right?

I was not even born then.

I am done being held responsible for shit that other people did before I was born.

ANd, speaking for Whites as a group, so are we all. Well, almost all.

You still have some stupid libs that are wallowing in guilt and self hate for some shit.

View attachment 196432

Said the lefty that didn't like what I said, but could dispute NONE of it.

DId you think I wouldn't notice that you said NOTHING?

My point stands, dumb ass.

You realize that every white person in those photos are dead of old age? Right?

I was not even born then.

I am done being held responsible for shit that other people did before I was born.

ANd, speaking for Whites as a group, so are we all. Well, almost all.

You still have some stupid libs that are wallowing in guilt and self hate for some shit.

And have a tissue with it, you effeminate little whiner.
You don’t.

Exactly. Most decent people would not have the arrogance to even make such a statement.

It is not arrogance to note that white people, as a whole, are increasingly done with being lectured by race baiting lefties like you.

A conversation is a two way street. Until you get that, all you are doing is wasting everyone's time and pissing off people left and right.

And people that posess the maturity to converse like adults will get the same from me.

But when a perpetual whiner like you consistently does nothing but one way complaining ad nauseum about how there is "massive anti white discrimination" what kind of "conversation" is that?

You do not discuss anything. In fact the "lectures" thst get are generally just you receiving how you talk to others.

Funny how you leave out all the supporting links and research involved in my complaints.

Here is me speaking for whites as a group again.

We are sick and tired of being discriminated against to make up for sins that we had nothing to do with,

and are getting angrier about it ever single day.

This BS is the joke of the day. Your "links and research" only consist of you chronically whining about being "smeared" and called "vile" insults, such as "racist".....which you are.

Your lies about my links to peer reviewed academic studies, just shows you to be a dishonest race baiting troll.

Besides that, you have not posted anything that is credible which even remotely supports your perpetual, effeminate whining about being "discriminated against". If you experienced REAL discrimination, you would likely become yet another suicide statistic or mass shooter.

Your lies and your personal attacks, just shows you to be a dishonest, race baiting troll, and an asshole. FUck you.

I could not care less how "angry" you or anyone else like you is getting about anything.

WTF are you going to do if you are? This is an anonymous forum, you silly asshat.

I was not referring to what I would do personally in this instant, online. Obviously.

BUt by pretending to be too stupid to understand that, you got an excuse for another personal dig.

Wow. How fucking clever.

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