MSNBC Progressive/Leftist Rachel MadCow


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220


Rachel Maddow Smears ‘Racist’ Scalia

March 8, 2013
By Matthew Vadum

Some left-wingers can’t handle it when a Supreme Court justice takes on one of their sacred cows, the blatantly racist Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Affective leftist Rachel Maddow flew into a rage of ignorant indignation, blasting Justice Antonin Scalia as a “troll” on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” for criticizing a racist law that she supports precisely because it is racist in means and effect.


This tendency for such policies to continue indefinitely is “very likely attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement. It’s been written about. Whenever a society adopts racial entitlements, it is very difficult to get out of them through the normal political processes.”

So, contrary to Maddow, Scalia never said the right to vote is a racial entitlement. The fact that certain congressional districts are drawn specifically to guarantee that black people are elected, however, is a racial entitlement, Scalia said, adding that the high court was justified in reviewing the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act.

Maddow put her other foot in her mouth by calling Scalia racist a second time. Carrying on the “troll” meme, she told Stewart, “So, when we’re all shocked that [Scalia] said something so blatantly racially offensive – we’re talking about the cornerstone of the Civil Rights Act – he’s thinking, ‘Oh, yeah, I did. That’s right.’”

This is what political discourse has come to in America. If you point out a law has a racial impact you’re the racist.

The Voting Rights Act was in fact created to fight racism with racist means.


Don’t bother explaining any of this to Rachel Maddow.

She won’t understand any of it, and you’ll just get called a racist.

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Rachel Maddow’s Brain Numbing Attack on David Horowitz

April 14, 2013

Last Friday, the terminally sophomoric Rachel Maddow turned her adolescent sarcasm on the Republican National Committee for seeking advice from Dick Cheney, Hugh Hewitt and David Horowitz. How absurd it was she cackled. “I thought I was being punked.” In regard to Frontpage editor Horowitz, she was aroused by the fact that the RNC invited him to keynote their conference at the Reagan library (as it happens that very Friday) to advise them on how to persuade minorities that their best interests were served by voting against Democrats, remarks, by the way, that got a standing ovation. (The attack on Horowitz begins at 3:09 of the video.)


Go For The Heart: How Republicans Can Win
By David Horowitz
(Excerpt pp.30-35)

The bottom line is this: If Republicans want to persuade minorities they care about them, they have to stand up for them; they have to defend them; and they have to show them that Democrats are playing them for suckers, exploiting them, oppressing them, and profiting from their suffering.

Large populations of the African American and Hispanic poor are concentrated in America’s inner cities – Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Harlem, South Central Los Angeles. In these inner cities the unemployment rates are off the charts, the school systems so corrupt and ineffective that half the children drop out before they graduate and half those who do are functionally illiterate. They will never get a decent job or a shot at the American dream.


The way for Republicans to show they care about minorities is to defend them against their oppressors and exploiters, which in every major inner city in America without exception are Democrats. Democrats run the welfare and public education systems; they have created the policies, ruin the lives of the recipients of their handouts. It’s time that Republicans started to hold Democrats to account; to put them on the defensive and take away the moral high ground, which they now occupy illegitimately. Government welfare is not just wasteful; it is destructive. The public school system in America’s inner cities is not merely ineffective; it is racist and criminal.

Rachel Maddow?s Brain Numbing Attack on David Horowitz | FrontPage Magazine



Rachel Maddow Smears ‘Racist’ Scalia

March 8, 2013
By Matthew Vadum

Some left-wingers can’t handle it when a Supreme Court justice takes on one of their sacred cows, the blatantly racist Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Affective leftist Rachel Maddow flew into a rage of ignorant indignation, blasting Justice Antonin Scalia as a “troll” on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” for criticizing a racist law that she supports precisely because it is racist in means and effect.


This tendency for such policies to continue indefinitely is “very likely attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement. It’s been written about. Whenever a society adopts racial entitlements, it is very difficult to get out of them through the normal political processes.”

So, contrary to Maddow, Scalia never said the right to vote is a racial entitlement. The fact that certain congressional districts are drawn specifically to guarantee that black people are elected, however, is a racial entitlement, Scalia said, adding that the high court was justified in reviewing the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act.

Maddow put her other foot in her mouth by calling Scalia racist a second time. Carrying on the “troll” meme, she told Stewart, “So, when we’re all shocked that [Scalia] said something so blatantly racially offensive – we’re talking about the cornerstone of the Civil Rights Act – he’s thinking, ‘Oh, yeah, I did. That’s right.’”

This is what political discourse has come to in America. If you point out a law has a racial impact you’re the racist.

The Voting Rights Act was in fact created to fight racism with racist means.


Don’t bother explaining any of this to Rachel Maddow.

She won’t understand any of it, and you’ll just get called a racist.


Rachel Maddow Smears ?Racist? Scalia | FrontPage Magazine
Scalia is a peace of shit!

Rachel Maddow’s Brain Numbing Attack on David Horowitz

April 14, 2013

Last Friday, the terminally sophomoric Rachel Maddow turned her adolescent sarcasm on the Republican National Committee for seeking advice from Dick Cheney, Hugh Hewitt and David Horowitz. How absurd it was she cackled. “I thought I was being punked.” In regard to Frontpage editor Horowitz, she was aroused by the fact that the RNC invited him to keynote their conference at the Reagan library (as it happens that very Friday) to advise them on how to persuade minorities that their best interests were served by voting against Democrats, remarks, by the way, that got a standing ovation. (The attack on Horowitz begins at 3:09 of the video.)


Go For The Heart: How Republicans Can Win
By David Horowitz
(Excerpt pp.30-35)

The bottom line is this: If Republicans want to persuade minorities they care about them, they have to stand up for them; they have to defend them; and they have to show them that Democrats are playing them for suckers, exploiting them, oppressing them, and profiting from their suffering.

Large populations of the African American and Hispanic poor are concentrated in America’s inner cities – Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Harlem, South Central Los Angeles. In these inner cities the unemployment rates are off the charts, the school systems so corrupt and ineffective that half the children drop out before they graduate and half those who do are functionally illiterate. They will never get a decent job or a shot at the American dream.


The way for Republicans to show they care about minorities is to defend them against their oppressors and exploiters, which in every major inner city in America without exception are Democrats. Democrats run the welfare and public education systems; they have created the policies, ruin the lives of the recipients of their handouts. It’s time that Republicans started to hold Democrats to account; to put them on the defensive and take away the moral high ground, which they now occupy illegitimately. Government welfare is not just wasteful; it is destructive. The public school system in America’s inner cities is not merely ineffective; it is racist and criminal.

Rachel Maddow?s Brain Numbing Attack on David Horowitz | FrontPage Magazine

Horowitz is a punk-ass liar and Islamophobe.

Why the Left Hates the Old

October 8, 2013 By Dennis Prager

The latest left-wing tactic to discredit conservative views is to dismiss the age and race of conservatives. “Old white males” and “old white people” are the left’s latest favored negative epithets for those holding conservative views.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC, Thomas Friedman and Paul Krugman of the New York Times, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (“angry old white men”) are among the many on the left who have used this epithet.

Last week, on her nightly MSNBC show, Rachel Maddow showed a picture of an ad for Washington, D.C. talk radio station WRC that featured the station’s talk show hosts. You will notice, she said, that they are all “old white Republican males.” It was brought to my attention because I am one of those talk show hosts (and, it should be noted, nearly all of my colleagues and I are younger than her colleague, Chris Matthews, an old white Democratic male.)

What is going on here?

The answer is: quite a bit. The left’s dismissal of old people is much more than another left-wing ad hominem attack. Therefore, to understand it is to understand much of what animates leftism.

As a rule, the left rejects the old.


Nevertheless the left has transformed “old” — a title that commanded respect in every civilization prior to the pre-1960s West — into a pejorative.

As a result we live in the age of new music, new art, new families, new morality, new education, and now new marriage. If you think all these are good, then “old white males,” like almost everything else old, do indeed constitute a threat. If you think the left’s belief in “new” and “change” hurts society, “old” sounds good.

Why the Left Hates the Old | FrontPage Magazine

PICS of the "New" Progressive/Liberal/left-wing


Obama’s ‘National Security Force/Gestapo/Brownshirts.
Rachel is one of the nicest people on TV. She's absolutely unflappable, always unfailingly polite. She lets guests on her show talk, while asshat bully conservative men often try to shout her down when she goes on their shows.

So, she consistently shows class and intelligence. Hence why crybabies like AJ always throw these jealous tantrums. They understand how bad Maddow makes them look.
Rachel is one of the nicest people on TV. She's absolutely unflappable, always unfailingly polite. She lets guests on her show talk, while asshat bully conservative men often try to shout her down when she goes on their shows.

So, she consistently shows class and intelligence. Hence why crybabies like AJ always throw these jealous tantrums. They understand how bad Maddow makes them look.

Just curious...why do you lie all. The. Time?
It's kind of funny, that I have a crybaby stalker squad who follow me around and scream "liar! liar!" in a tourette's-like manner.

Dave, please demonstrate for us Maddow losing her cool or shouting over a guest. If you can't, have the decency to admit you're just enraged because she mocks you with even more skill than I do.
Rachel is one of the nicest people on TV. She's absolutely unflappable, always unfailingly polite. She lets guests on her show talk, while asshat bully conservative men often try to shout her down when she goes on their shows.

So, she consistently shows class and intelligence. Hence why crybabies like AJ always throw these jealous tantrums. They understand how bad Maddow makes them look.

Rachel Maddow Explains How Republicans Have Been Planning This Shutdown For Years (VIDEO) | Liberals Unite

Rachel Maddow discusses how the government shutdown has been planned for much longer than most Americans realize, and how Republicans have done nothing significant to help the people of this country, since taking majority in Congress, in 2010. We love Rachel Maddow. Once again she gives an honest and excellent synopsis of what is actually happening in government today.
It's kind of funny, that I have a crybaby stalker squad who follow me around and scream "liar! liar!" in a tourette's-like manner.

Dave, please demonstrate for us Maddow losing her cool or shouting over a guest. If you can't, have the decency to admit you're just enraged because she mocks you with even more skill than I do.

Rachel Maddow Show

The last minute. Not so cool.

Meanwhile, how about your other lies? "...crybabies like AJ always throw these jealous tantrums. They understand how bad Maddow makes them look"?

You don't know he's jealous, or that he understands "how bad Maddow makes them look".

You may THINK you do, but you don't.

You're simply not an honest person.
Rachel is one of the nicest people on TV. She's absolutely unflappable, always unfailingly polite. She lets guests on her show talk, while asshat bully conservative men often try to shout her down when she goes on their shows.

So, she consistently shows class and intelligence. Hence why crybabies like AJ always throw these jealous tantrums. They understand how bad Maddow makes them look.

Did you actually type that with a straight face?

MSNBC President Blames the Ref, Calls for Investigation after Losing to Fox

10.12.2013 |Jeremy Boreing

According to Paul Bond at the Hollywood Reporter, MSNBC President Phil Griffin can't believe the ratings success that is Megyn Kelly's new show, The Kelly File, over at Fox News.

After a modest start on Monday night in which The Kelly File came up short against Bond's The Rachel Maddow Show, Kelly surged to life Tuesday with nearly double Maddow's audience in the critical 25-54 demo.

“" guys should be doing some investigations; I have never seen it in all my years of cable -- same overnight, same everything. And they doubled their ratings in a day? It is impossible." Griffin [said].

The Reporter notes that as yet, Nielsen, the company responsible for tracking television viewership, has not responded to Griffin's call for an investigation into their published ratings.


MSNBC President Blames the Ref, Calls for Investigation after Losing to Fox | Truth Revolt

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