MSM headlines shows anti Walker bias..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
With nearly all precincts reporting, Walker had 53 percent of the vote, compared with 46 percent for Barrett. The margin of victory was wider than many expected and slightly better than Walker's 5.8 percentage-point victory over Barrett in the 2010 race. Some 2.5 million voters cast their ballots.
News from The Associated Press
BUT what are the headlines at MSM???

Wisconsin voters divided on bargaining, governor - Boston Globe
Walker survives Wisconsin recall election - CBS News
Walker Wins, But Obama Bests Romney in Wisconsin - ABC News
Wisconsin's Walker survives recall by wide margin | Fox News
A victory for curbs on public worker unions -
Gov. Walker fends off Wis. recall -
Scott Walker beat back a recall challenge Tuesday Christian Science Monitor
Walker Survives Wisconsin Recall Effort -
Wisconsin Gov. Walker overcomes recall effort ... - Los Angeles Times

"Survives"?? 11% margin!
"Fends off"?? 11% margin?

Also He won 37% of union households in 2010 and 38% in 2012 — about the number that polls show represents the percentage of voters in union households that are Republican.
More in 2012! Why??
The Wisconsin Voter - JSOnline
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Hysterical CNN, AP Headlines: 'Walker Survives'
By: Tom Blumer | June 05, 2012 | 23:50

As of 11:15 p.m., with about 74% of the votes counted, Wisconsin Governor Scott was ahead of Scott Barrett by roughly a 56-44 margin. Late-arriving votes from Democrat-heavy areas of Milwaukee and Dane Counties seemed likely to narrow the margin to perhaps 10 points. (UPDATE: Because heavier margins of support for Barrett in those two counties, the final margin was 6.9%, roughly the same as Barack Obama's 7.4% margin in 2008, which was never labeled a "survival" or "narrow" or anything similar.)

The headlines currently at CNN (HT to a NewsBusters tipster) and the Associated Press both act as if Walker squeaked by. Pics follow the jump.

Read more: | Exposing Liberal Media Bias
Just like the headlines stating FLA is "purging voters"... when in fact when you are removing people ineligible to vote, you are not 'purging voters', you are simply upholding election law... but to the leftists in media, it makes it sound so atrocious and it helps with the brainwashing of those who only get their tidbits of info from the newscasters, and don't research on their own
I truly feel sorry for liberal/democrat/progressive/Obama supporters!

The majority of them have the emotional age of grade school children.
Really.. they can't argue with logic and when they don't get their way they response by physically lashing out! The majority of them like grade school children still don't understand the Golden Rule i.e.
"do unto others as you would have others do unto you" which really is ALL of us adults fault!

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