Moved To America

Originally posted by Bullypulpit
If it hadn't been hispanics...or woulda been the wops or the micks, or the polacks, or the krauts, or the chinks...any ole minority will do. Your fears will accept any convenient outlet.
I agree with this to a point but I also think it ought to be a bit tuffer for someone to just come in....not sure what the answer could be....but we are suppose to be the land of the free , a place a family ( any family ) can make a good life for themselves if we could just weed out the bad elements then I wouldnt have a problem with immagrints....hell if they are doing the same job as you right next to ya , well it is hard to then knock them,
Originally posted by Big D
This comes from a guy who hides in Ohio, a almost 90% white state.

I live in Columbus, near the OSU campus. You'll have trouble finding a more ethnically diverse area in the rest of the state...or in much of the country.

Sandpoint, Idaho racial demographics:

Races in Sandpoint:

* White Non-Hispanic (94.6%)
* Hispanic (2.5%)
* American Indian (2.1%)
* Two or more races (1.7%)

Originally posted by Bullypulpit
I live in Columbus, near the OSU campus. You'll have trouble finding a more ethnically diverse area in the rest of the state...or in much of the country.

NYC? Chicago? LA? San Francisco?
If it hadn't been hispanics...or woulda been the wops or the micks, or the polacks, or the krauts, or the chinks...any ole minority will do. Your fears will accept any convenient outlet.

Wrong ! At least the Europeans became productive citizens and helped build this country !

All one has to do is look at welfare statistics !
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
I live in Columbus, near the OSU campus. You'll have trouble finding a more ethnically diverse area in the rest of the state...or in much of the country.

Sandpoint, Idaho racial demographics:

Races in Sandpoint:

* White Non-Hispanic (94.6%)
* Hispanic (2.5%)
* American Indian (2.1%)
* Two or more races (1.7%)


Did you not read what I wrote to open this thread?
Why do you think I moved to Sandpoint?

For you to say that by you living near a college give you much insight into racial issue shows how nieve you are on this subject.
Ohio state is only 7% black and those are college kids.

Hey don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for staying in a majority white area. A guy like you would get hurt if you ever ran into some real "diversity".
Originally posted by eric
Wrong ! At least the Europeans became productive citizens and helped build this country !

And blacks didn't? The south was built upon the backs of, and its economy was greased with the blood of, blacks ripped from their homelands and sold into slavery in this country. And let's not forget the Jim Crowe laws that denied blacks the opportunity to do little more than act as indentured servants in the south until the early 1960's.

Sorry old son, you're in the wrong here.
Originally posted by Big D
Did you not read what I wrote to open this thread?
Why do you think I moved to Sandpoint?

For you to say that by you living near a college give you much insight into racial issue shows how nieve you are on this subject.
Ohio state is only 7% black and those are college kids.

Hey don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for staying in a majority white area. A guy like you would get hurt if you ever ran into some real "diversity".

You moved as a result of your fears.

The racial demographics in Columbus are much closer to the national norms than are your locale.

And as a hospice nurse, I deal with every cultural and racial group in the city. I don't live in fear.
...Because nobody cared. Folks afraid their property values would decline moved out when people of color moved in. Banks began redlining neighborhoods where minorities began to gather. The low rate of home OWNERSHIP result in a higher level of transients in the neighborhoods. This resulted in criminal elements moving in and taking over.

It ain't race Spanky...It's socio-economics.
Well whatever it is thank god none of it exists where I live !
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...Because nobody cared. Folks afraid their property values would decline moved out when people of color moved in. Banks began redlining neighborhoods where minorities began to gather. The low rate of home OWNERSHIP result in a higher level of transients in the neighborhoods. This resulted in criminal elements moving in and taking over.

It ain't race Spanky...It's socio-economics.

It's always someone elses fault.

It's clear sailing if you argue that the high crime rate is caused by poverty and discrimination, and the way to get rid of crime is to eliminate these root causes. But there's a problem with that theory. It doesn't explain why black communities were far safer in earlier times, such as in the '20s, '30s and '40s, at a time of far greater poverty and discrimination, and fewer opportunities. Crime imposes devastating economic and personal costs on many black neighborhoods, but it's not a civil rights problem. The high crime rate represents political choices made by black politicians, civil rights organizations and many black citizens to tolerate criminals.

The black illegitimacy rate is close to 70 percent. Less than 40 percent of black children live in two-parent families. This produces devastating socioeconomic consequences, but is it caused by racial discrimination? Or, might it be a legacy of slavery? In the early 1900s, black illegitimacy was a tiny fraction of today's rate. Roughly 75 percent, and in New York City 85 percent, of black children lived in two-parent households. The fact of lower illegitimacy and more intact families, at a time when blacks were much closer to slavery and faced greater discrimination, suggests that today's unprecedented illegitimacy and weak family structure has nothing to do with discrimination and slavery. It's explained better by promiscuity and irresponsibility, and as such it's not a civil rights problem.
The socioeconomics follow race, not the other way around. Why insist upon the reverse? Well, it's more comfortable that way. The hard truth is that races differ in their abilities, and that is why different races have different levels of productivity. The average IQ of a sub-Sarahan black African is 70. For a white Briton, it is 100. Where would you rather live?
What makes more sence?

Being poor makes you dumb or

being dumb makes you poor?
Originally posted by William Joyce
The socioeconomics follow race, not the other way around. Why insist upon the reverse? Well, it's more comfortable that way. The hard truth is that races differ in their abilities, and that is why different races have different levels of productivity. The average IQ of a sub-Sarahan black African is 70. For a white Briton, it is 100. Where would you rather live?

More racist B/S.
Originally posted by William Joyce
The socioeconomics follow race, not the other way around. Why insist upon the reverse? Well, it's more comfortable that way. The hard truth is that races differ in their abilities, and that is why different races have different levels of productivity. The average IQ of a sub-Sarahan black African is 70. For a white Briton, it is 100. Where would you rather live?

Is the test weighted to take into account the cultural differences?, Or is it a standard test administered by someone with a racist agenda to "support" their contentions?

It's not a matter of where I'd rather live, it's where I am now that counts. A concept which clearly escapes you.

The evidence supporting your claims is questionable, at best, fabricated at worst. The simple fact is that race is no more than a superfical difference which none of us have a choice in. Cultural values are also a superficial difference, but one which we may choose. The values you cling to will have suffering as its fruit, anguish as its yield, death and destruction as its ultimate end. You wish, in vain, for a static , unchanging society, but that is not the nature of society.

Society is a living entity, it must grow and change else it will stagnate and die. I choose to follow this path, and embrace the change as well as the diversity that change gives rise to. In clinging to your fears, you will know nothing but fear...And that is a sad and sorry state of existence. You have my heartfelt sympathy, and I wish you a peace that, sadly, you will never find.
Is the test weighted to take into account the cultural differences?

Yes. Intelligence testing is indeed so weighted.

Refusal to believe the truth because of your own preconceptions is the real "prejudice" here. I think the one who fears is you. You fear that the little precious world the media has created for you will be smashed by cold, hard and objective science. And so it will.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Refusal to believe the truth because of your own preconceptions is the real "prejudice" here. I think the one who fears is you. You fear that the little precious world the media has created for you will be smashed by cold, hard and objective science. And so it will.

We all carry around preconceptions, yours are of the terminal variety though. As to fearing the world...What's to fear, it is what it is, and until we can deal with the world as it has come to be we will continue to wallow in the morass of intolerance and racism that you, and others of your ilk, continue to drag us through.

I truly do pity you. It is quite taxing to live in fear all of the time. But it is your choice...I will keep you in my prayers.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
We all carry around preconceptions, yours are of the terminal variety though. As to fearing the world...What's to fear, it is what it is, and until we can deal with the world as it has come to be we will continue to wallow in the morass of intolerance and racism that you, and others of your ilk, continue to drag us through.

I truly do pity you. It is quite taxing to live in fear all of the time. But it is your choice...I will keep you in my prayers.

Fear or just common sense?

FACT #31: The rate at which Blacks commit murder is thirteen times that of Whites; Rape and assault, ten times. These figures, as given by the F.B.I. reports, vary somewhat from year to year but fairly represent the trend for the past decade.

FACT #32: According to the justice Dept, 1 in every 4 Black males between the ages of 20 and 29 is currently in prison or on probation or parole.

FACT #33: Though only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S.

FACT #34: Approximately 50% of all Black males will be arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime.

FACT #35: A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a White person than Vice Versa.

FACT #36: Black rapists choose White victims over half (54.9%) of the time, 30X as often as Whites choose Blacks.

FACT #37: The annual report from the Department of justice shows that when Whites commit violence they do it to Blacks 2.4% of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose White victims MORE THAN HALF the time.

FACT #38: In New York City, any White is over 300 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be assaulted by a gang of Blacks than is a Black by a gang of Whites

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