Most Important Take Away on Trump's Response to Bannon's Book

Hint to the weak minded, it's not Bannons book, he was supposedly quoted in someone elses book, the author has already been called out for fabricating quotes. So you might want to wait and see how much of this is real.
Then why did Trump act as if it were a real quote? Are you saying he's weak-minded?

Bannon wasn't even part of the Trump team until 2 months after that meeting in Trump tower. Anything he says is his opinion, not personal observations. Trump says the things contained in the supposed quotes aren't true. They also contradict things Bannon said on the record previously. So was Bannon lying then, or now?

You know it's got to be bad, if even Bannon is disgusted! :ack-1:
Exactly. He said the Russian probe is “ all about money laundering.”
I’m sure this is nothing new to Bob Mueller. If Bannon knows of these bombshells you can bet your sweet bippy that Mueller knows of them too.
Trump continues to look more and more guilty.
Bannon wasn't even part of the Trump team until 2 months after that meeting in Trump tower. Anything he says is his opinion, not personal observations. Trump says the things contained in the supposed quotes aren't true. They also contradict things Bannon said on the record previously. So was Bannon lying then, or now?
Got some cites from Bannon disavowing the quotes? It doesn't matter when he came to the campaign. He was offering an opinion.
Bannon wasn't even part of the Trump team until 2 months after that meeting in Trump tower. Anything he says is his opinion, not personal observations. Trump says the things contained in the supposed quotes aren't true. They also contradict things Bannon said on the record previously. So was Bannon lying then, or now?
Got some cites from Bannon disavowing the quotes? It doesn't matter when he came to the campaign. He was offering an opinion.

Just saw a video of him saying the Russian collusion thing was a total fabrication, now he's supposedly quoted saying the opposite. Which is true?

Just saw a video of him saying the Russian collusion thing was a total fabrication, now he's supposedly quoted saying the opposite. Which is true?
What is the opposite quote?
Bannon vs Trump
Should be fun to watch during the news cycle. Kind of like two schoolyard bullies having a knife fight. Only trouble is that it’s rare that both will lose despite how much you’d like to see them both lethally injured.
No matter whose book it is, it has created the desired affect on the mind of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. LOL

You are just as bad as the pseudocons if you bleev the ends justifies the means.

This book is manufactured bullshit, and belongs in the trash bin.
No, that meeting at Trump Tower was treasonous
Yes, it was.

That in no way makes the manufactured bullshit in this book valid.
Are you really bripat?

People have been saying forever he is Steve_McGarrett.
Which is worse?
Trump accused Bannon of being the White House leak! So Bannon accused Kushner and Ivanka of being the leaks from the White House, undermining the POTUS, and now Trump is accusing Bannon. The White House is now officially full of a bunch of pre-school children.

"“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” the president continued. “It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.”"

Trump turns on Bannon: 'He lost his mind'

It's a shame that Bannon and Trump couldn't work together but alas, both are alpha males with tremendous egos. Bannon wasn't elected as president but yet wanted to be put on the same plateau as President Trump.
Bannon vs Trump
Should be fun to watch during the news cycle. Kind of like two schoolyard bullies having a knife fight. Only trouble is that it’s rare that both will lose despite how much you’d like to see them both lethally injured.
You are just as bad as the pseudocons if you bleev the ends justifies the means.

This book is manufactured bullshit, and belongs in the trash bin.
No, that meeting at Trump Tower was treasonous
Yes, it was.

That in no way makes the manufactured bullshit in this book valid.
Are you really bripat?

People have been saying forever he is Steve_McGarrett.
Which is worse?
The poor bastards feel outnumbered by me.

"He's three people!"
Trump accused Bannon of being the White House leak! So Bannon accused Kushner and Ivanka of being the leaks from the White House, undermining the POTUS, and now Trump is accusing Bannon. The White House is now officially full of a bunch of pre-school children.

"“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” the president continued. “It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.”"

Trump turns on Bannon: 'He lost his mind'
Oh fuck you.
Mud,,that's so unlike you
Bannon vs Trump
Should be fun to watch during the news cycle. Kind of like two schoolyard bullies having a knife fight. Only trouble is that it’s rare that both will lose despite how much you’d like to see them both lethally injured.
No matter whose book it is, it has created the desired affect on the mind of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. LOL

You are just as bad as the pseudocons if you bleev the ends justifies the means.

This book is manufactured bullshit, and belongs in the trash bin.
No, that meeting at Trump Tower was treasonous
Yes, it was.

That in no way makes the manufactured bullshit in this book valid.
Are you really bripat?

People have been saying forever he is Steve_McGarrett.
Man, I would love one of you to accuse bripat of being me. :lol:

That would be priceless.

When you do, please be sure to tag g5000
Just saw a video of him saying the Russian collusion thing was a total fabrication, now he's supposedly quoted saying the opposite. Which is true?
What is the opposite quote?

Calling Jr's meeting treasonous. That quote, if true, just proves Bannon is just as clueless of what constitutes treason as most regressives.

So you believe Jr.'s meeting satisfies the "Russian collusion" hurdle?
Bannon believed the Russia collusion case was meritless, but he blamed Kushner for taking meetings during the campaign that gave the appearance the Trump team sought Putin’s help. “He’s taking meetings with Russians to get additional stuff. This tells you everything about Jared,” Bannon told me. “They were looking for the picture of Hillary Clinton taking the bag of cash from Putin. That’s his maturity level.”

“I Have Power”: Is Steve Bannon Running for President?
Just saw a video of him saying the Russian collusion thing was a total fabrication, now he's supposedly quoted saying the opposite. Which is true?
What is the opposite quote?

Calling Jr's meeting treasonous. That quote, if true, just proves Bannon is just as clueless of what constitutes treason as most regressives.

Here are the top 20 revelations from the 'Fire and Fury' book on Trump family drama

1. Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, described a meeting set up by Donald Trump Jr. with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic.” “They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV,” Bannon is quoted as saying.

2. Bannon reportedly said the president likely met with the meeting’s participants afterward, speculating that Trump’s son brought them up to his father’s office. “The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these jumos up to his father’s office on the twenty-sixth floor is zero,” Bannon said.

The top two.
Bannon vs Trump
Should be fun to watch during the news cycle. Kind of like two schoolyard bullies having a knife fight. Only trouble is that it’s rare that both will lose despite how much you’d like to see them both lethally injured.
No, that meeting at Trump Tower was treasonous
Yes, it was.

That in no way makes the manufactured bullshit in this book valid.
Are you really bripat?

People have been saying forever he is Steve_McGarrett.
Which is worse?
The poor bastards feel outnumbered by me.

"He's three people!"
As long as you're not sassy or PC I can live with it
A falling out of thieves.
I regard it as a fight between streetwalkers in the middle of the street. Both of them are trash. They both come from the same low level of our gutters. It would be funny if the two of them did not occupy influential positions in our society and one of these whores did not occupy the Oval Office.
Here are the top 20 revelations from the 'Fire and Fury' book on Trump family drama

1. Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, described a meeting set up by Donald Trump Jr. with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic.” “They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV,” Bannon is quoted as saying.

2. Bannon reportedly said the president likely met with the meeting’s participants afterward, speculating that Trump’s son brought them up to his father’s office. “The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these jumos up to his father’s office on the twenty-sixth floor is zero,” Bannon said.

The top two.
I will wait for Bannon to confirm or deny these alleged quotes by him.
Just saw a video of him saying the Russian collusion thing was a total fabrication, now he's supposedly quoted saying the opposite. Which is true?
What is the opposite quote?

Calling Jr's meeting treasonous. That quote, if true, just proves Bannon is just as clueless of what constitutes treason as most regressives.

So you believe Jr.'s meeting satisfies the "Russian collusion" hurdle?

No it doesn't and it was not treason either. In fact the more I learn about it, the more I think it was a failed set up for entrapment.

Hint to the weak minded, it's not Bannons book, he was supposedly quoted in someone elses book, the author has already been called out for fabricating quotes. So you might want to wait and see how much of this is real.
Then why did Trump act as if it were a real quote? Are you saying he's weak-minded?

Bannon wasn't even part of the Trump team until 2 months after that meeting in Trump tower. Anything he says is his opinion, not personal observations. Trump says the things contained in the supposed quotes aren't true. They also contradict things Bannon said on the record previously. So was Bannon lying then, or now?

I laughed out loud when I read your post. Who do you think knows more about Trump’s Russian connection? You or Bannon?
Karl Rove was Bush’s brain and Bannon was Trump’s brain. Between the two of them you might get one good brain.
Bannon told Trump if he fired Comey, it would be the biggest Russian news in the world.
He was correctomundo!!
The only person that knew Trump better than Bannon was Tony Schwartz, the real author of The Art of the Deal, and he said Trump was a crook.
I always shake my head why people like you don’t want to know if your president is a crook.

Since these revelations came out T has been off the charts in being unstable. His tweets have been more insane than usual.
Looks like Steve Bannon hit a nerve or two.. or three.

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