Mom and Dad

Timmy O. Goodwin

Human Being
Sep 5, 2022

The Grit of Generations
Through morning's quiet,
Hands toil, dreams sown in hard earth--
Endurance whispers.
Beneath the twilight's tender caress, where the veils of light and shadow dance in eternal interplay, unfolds a saga not of mythical lands or valiant quests for honor, but a journey profound, traversing the very essence of reality itself. This odyssey is woven by the hands of two souls, ordinary in name yet extraordinary in their bond—known simply to the world as Mom and Dad. Their chronicle, etched not in the fleeting whispers of glory but in the steadfast rhythm of daily toil, sings a silent anthem of resolve, its echoes reverberating through the corridors of time.

In the bloom of youth's innocence, against a canvas painted with the limitless hues of possibility, they embarked hand in hand. Not mere spectators in the arena of life, but as sculptors, molding their destiny with the clay of shared dreams and mutual aspirations. The break of dawn brought with it the specter of trials, a silent pact sealed in the quiet before the storm, vowing that each day's endeavor would be met with unwavering resilience, every hurdle a testament to their united will.

For five decades, their existence would create a mosaic patterned into one, each tile a piece of diligence and sacrifice, a daily recommitment to their faith in an American system they believed would, in their autumn years, honor their consistent and diligent contributions from every paycheck earned with dignity and security. Their life's work transcended the mere act of survival; it was a sacred duty, an effort to forge a legacy of stability and opportunity for those they held dear, each deed a cornerstone in the foundation of a future they dared to dream.

Yet, as the years flew by and their golden years unfurled, the once bright horizon of their hopes began to dim, obscured by the gathering clouds of greed and neglect. The institutions and government they had placed their trust in, now but castles of sand before a raging sea, succumbed to the relentless tide of corporate and political intrigue. Their nest egg, meticulously nurtured through years of prudent sacrifice began to dwindle, to old now to work they fell prey to a ruthless, greed stoked economy and a political machine that exalted exorbitant corporate profit and need above the welfare of its people.

The America they once knew, a land heralded for its promise of opportunity and fairness, morphed into a battleground, where the everyday heroes—Mom and Dad—found themselves outmatched, unwitting soldiers in a war not of their making. The cost of living soared beyond reality, untethered from the principles of supply and demand, a stark emblem of an extreme capitalist greed unchecked, a system careening towards chaos.

Within this landscape of disillusionment, their spirit, though battered, stood as a monument to the enduring assault on their ideals and dreams. Their tale, a microcosm of a broader tragedy, mirrors the stark reality facing a nation at a crossroads, teetering on the brink of moral and ethical bankruptcy. It is a narrative that seeks not only to recount a tale of perseverance in the face of adversity but to shed light on the profound struggles at the heart of the American dream.

But as the twilight of their labor drew near, a cold wind blew from the nations very seat of power, where the stewards of their trust presided over the fate of their life's work. The halls of power, once believed to be fortresses of justice and equity, transformed into arenas of a covert siege against the entitlements promised to them. Social Security and Medicare, the twin pillars of their retirement, became pawns in a larger game of fiscal brinkmanship and ideological combat. Their five long decades and lifelong contributions, through the lens of opportunism, were no longer sacred but mere variables in an equation that no longer favored them but instead favored the vultures of political and corporate greed.

This betrayal, though silent in its approach, reverberated with the force of a tempest, a clarion call to the reality of a struggle that transcends the personal. Their saga, a reflection of a national drama, exposed a fundamental breach of faith, a chasm between the governed and those who govern. The policies and debates swirling like storm clouds over the Capitol were not mere political maneuvers but existential threats to the very foundation of their lives. The savings they had amassed, a fortress against uncertainty, now appeared fragile, vulnerable to the whims of those who viewed their decades of toil not as a covenant to be honored but a ledger to be balanced or for that matter assets to be liquidated at their leisure.

In this new epoch of their existence, the golden years they had envisioned transformed into an all-out war against their very own beloved government, their aspirations besieged by the very forces they trusted whole heartedly and had believed would shield them. Yet, their narrative, though marred by disillusionment, was not defined by despair. Instead, it emerged as a beacon of resilience, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to be silenced in the face of betrayal. It became a rallying cry for all who believe in the bending arc of the moral universe towards justice.

This epic, forged from silent struggles and unspoken sacrifices, serves not merely as a reflection on what has been but as a warning of what might be if the covenant between the people and their guardians remains fractured. It calls for not passivity but hardline engagement, not resignation but a fervent call to action. It implores us to stand vigilant against the erosion of our collective dreams, to cling to the belief that the promises made under the light of day must be upheld as the shadows gather.

As the twilight deepens and the evening stars take their place in the heavens, let this tale remind us that the battle for dignity, justice, and the right to dream is an eternal vigil. It is a struggle not just for the legacy of Mom and Dad, but for the soul of a nation—a nation at a pivotal moment, tasked with choosing between being a beacon of hope or a monument to forsaken vows, corporate greed and political deceit and corruption.

Let us weave anew the narrative fabric of our time, igniting the flames of trust and fortifying the bonds of mutual respect. Together, not as isolated voices but as a unified chorus of determination, we must reclaim the promise of our collective destiny. For in the end, it is not merely the legacy of two souls at stake, but the essence of the dream they dared to cherish—a dream of dignity, security, and a nation true to its foundational covenant.

This epic, interwoven from the threads of their life's journey, is not an ode to triumph but a chronicle of ongoing resistance, a testament to the unyielding human spirit confronting a formidable adversary. It challenges the narrative of inevitable progress, forcing us to confront the stark reality that the fight for dignity, fairness, and justice is far from concluded. It is a call to arms, not for violent rebellion, but for a resurgence of collective consciousness, an awakening to the forces that seek to undermine the very pillars of our society.

As the stars bear witness to the ceaseless cycle of night and day, let this saga serve not merely as a beacon of unguarded optimism but as a guarded beacon of hope, tempered by the recognition of the trials that lie ahead. It is a reminder that the true strength of our nation lies not in its economic might or political power, but in the hearts of its people—individuals who embody resilience, integrity, and solidarity.

This narrative, while echoing past struggles, stands as a stark reminder of the challenges that lie before us. It calls not for acknowledgment alone but for action, urging us to stand vigilant against the encroaching shadows of greed and apathy. It implores us to question, to challenge, and to demand accountability from those in power, not out of confrontation but in pursuit of a society that honors every individual's dignity.

In the silence that follows the storm, in the stillness that speaks louder than words, we find the strength to persist in our quest for justice and equity. Here, in this relentless pursuit, we must find the courage to carve new paths, to rebuild from the ruins of broken promises a world where the legacies of those who came before us guide us toward what we strive to achieve. We must hold those in power and wealth to answer for their deeds at every turn.

This is not a task for the faint-hearted, nor a journey to be undertaken lightly. It is a solemn pledge to carry forward the torch of resistance, to ensure that the sacrifices of our forebears were not in vain. It is a commitment to a future where the joy of life is not a distant memory but a renewed promise with each new dawn, a world where yesterday's scars pave the way for tomorrow's triumphs.

This is our mission, our lasting legacy—to navigate the darkness, to challenge the night, and to emerge, together, into the light of a new day.​

View attachment 909240
The Grit of Generations
Through morning's quiet,
Hands toil, dreams sown in hard earth--
Endurance whispers.
Beneath the twilight's tender caress, where the veils of light and shadow dance in eternal interplay, unfolds a saga not of mythical lands or valiant quests for honor, but a journey profound, traversing the very essence of reality itself. This odyssey is woven by the hands of two souls, ordinary in name yet extraordinary in their bond—known simply to the world as Mom and Dad. Their chronicle, etched not in the fleeting whispers of glory but in the steadfast rhythm of daily toil, sings a silent anthem of resolve, its echoes reverberating through the corridors of time.

In the bloom of youth's innocence, against a canvas painted with the limitless hues of possibility, they embarked hand in hand. Not mere spectators in the arena of life, but as sculptors, molding their destiny with the clay of shared dreams and mutual aspirations. The break of dawn brought with it the specter of trials, a silent pact sealed in the quiet before the storm, vowing that each day's endeavor would be met with unwavering resilience, every hurdle a testament to their united will.

For five decades, their existence would create a mosaic patterned into one, each tile a piece of diligence and sacrifice, a daily recommitment to their faith in an American system they believed would, in their autumn years, honor their consistent and diligent contributions from every paycheck earned with dignity and security. Their life's work transcended the mere act of survival; it was a sacred duty, an effort to forge a legacy of stability and opportunity for those they held dear, each deed a cornerstone in the foundation of a future they dared to dream.

Yet, as the years flew by and their golden years unfurled, the once bright horizon of their hopes began to dim, obscured by the gathering clouds of greed and neglect. The institutions and government they had placed their trust in, now but castles of sand before a raging sea, succumbed to the relentless tide of corporate and political intrigue. Their nest egg, meticulously nurtured through years of prudent sacrifice began to dwindle, to old now to work they fell prey to a ruthless, greed stoked economy and a political machine that exalted exorbitant corporate profit and need above the welfare of its people.

The America they once knew, a land heralded for its promise of opportunity and fairness, morphed into a battleground, where the everyday heroes—Mom and Dad—found themselves outmatched, unwitting soldiers in a war not of their making. The cost of living soared beyond reality, untethered from the principles of supply and demand, a stark emblem of an extreme capitalist greed unchecked, a system careening towards chaos.

Within this landscape of disillusionment, their spirit, though battered, stood as a monument to the enduring assault on their ideals and dreams. Their tale, a microcosm of a broader tragedy, mirrors the stark reality facing a nation at a crossroads, teetering on the brink of moral and ethical bankruptcy. It is a narrative that seeks not only to recount a tale of perseverance in the face of adversity but to shed light on the profound struggles at the heart of the American dream.

But as the twilight of their labor drew near, a cold wind blew from the nations very seat of power, where the stewards of their trust presided over the fate of their life's work. The halls of power, once believed to be fortresses of justice and equity, transformed into arenas of a covert siege against the entitlements promised to them. Social Security and Medicare, the twin pillars of their retirement, became pawns in a larger game of fiscal brinkmanship and ideological combat. Their five long decades and lifelong contributions, through the lens of opportunism, were no longer sacred but mere variables in an equation that no longer favored them but instead favored the vultures of political and corporate greed.

This betrayal, though silent in its approach, reverberated with the force of a tempest, a clarion call to the reality of a struggle that transcends the personal. Their saga, a reflection of a national drama, exposed a fundamental breach of faith, a chasm between the governed and those who govern. The policies and debates swirling like storm clouds over the Capitol were not mere political maneuvers but existential threats to the very foundation of their lives. The savings they had amassed, a fortress against uncertainty, now appeared fragile, vulnerable to the whims of those who viewed their decades of toil not as a covenant to be honored but a ledger to be balanced or for that matter assets to be liquidated at their leisure.

In this new epoch of their existence, the golden years they had envisioned transformed into an all-out war against their very own beloved government, their aspirations besieged by the very forces they trusted whole heartedly and had believed would shield them. Yet, their narrative, though marred by disillusionment, was not defined by despair. Instead, it emerged as a beacon of resilience, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to be silenced in the face of betrayal. It became a rallying cry for all who believe in the bending arc of the moral universe towards justice.

This epic, forged from silent struggles and unspoken sacrifices, serves not merely as a reflection on what has been but as a warning of what might be if the covenant between the people and their guardians remains fractured. It calls for not passivity but hardline engagement, not resignation but a fervent call to action. It implores us to stand vigilant against the erosion of our collective dreams, to cling to the belief that the promises made under the light of day must be upheld as the shadows gather.

As the twilight deepens and the evening stars take their place in the heavens, let this tale remind us that the battle for dignity, justice, and the right to dream is an eternal vigil. It is a struggle not just for the legacy of Mom and Dad, but for the soul of a nation—a nation at a pivotal moment, tasked with choosing between being a beacon of hope or a monument to forsaken vows, corporate greed and political deceit and corruption.

Let us weave anew the narrative fabric of our time, igniting the flames of trust and fortifying the bonds of mutual respect. Together, not as isolated voices but as a unified chorus of determination, we must reclaim the promise of our collective destiny. For in the end, it is not merely the legacy of two souls at stake, but the essence of the dream they dared to cherish—a dream of dignity, security, and a nation true to its foundational covenant.

This epic, interwoven from the threads of their life's journey, is not an ode to triumph but a chronicle of ongoing resistance, a testament to the unyielding human spirit confronting a formidable adversary. It challenges the narrative of inevitable progress, forcing us to confront the stark reality that the fight for dignity, fairness, and justice is far from concluded. It is a call to arms, not for violent rebellion, but for a resurgence of collective consciousness, an awakening to the forces that seek to undermine the very pillars of our society.

As the stars bear witness to the ceaseless cycle of night and day, let this saga serve not merely as a beacon of unguarded optimism but as a guarded beacon of hope, tempered by the recognition of the trials that lie ahead. It is a reminder that the true strength of our nation lies not in its economic might or political power, but in the hearts of its people—individuals who embody resilience, integrity, and solidarity.

This narrative, while echoing past struggles, stands as a stark reminder of the challenges that lie before us. It calls not for acknowledgment alone but for action, urging us to stand vigilant against the encroaching shadows of greed and apathy. It implores us to question, to challenge, and to demand accountability from those in power, not out of confrontation but in pursuit of a society that honors every individual's dignity.

In the silence that follows the storm, in the stillness that speaks louder than words, we find the strength to persist in our quest for justice and equity. Here, in this relentless pursuit, we must find the courage to carve new paths, to rebuild from the ruins of broken promises a world where the legacies of those who came before us guide us toward what we strive to achieve. We must hold those in power and wealth to answer for their deeds at every turn.

This is not a task for the faint-hearted, nor a journey to be undertaken lightly. It is a solemn pledge to carry forward the torch of resistance, to ensure that the sacrifices of our forebears were not in vain. It is a commitment to a future where the joy of life is not a distant memory but a renewed promise with each new dawn, a world where yesterday's scars pave the way for tomorrow's triumphs.

This is our mission, our lasting legacy—to navigate the darkness, to challenge the night, and to emerge, together, into the light of a new day.​

View attachment 909240
The Grit of Generations
Through morning's quiet,
Hands toil, dreams sown in hard earth--
Endurance whispers.
Beneath the twilight's tender caress, where the veils of light and shadow dance in eternal interplay, unfolds a saga not of mythical lands or valiant quests for honor, but a journey profound, traversing the very essence of reality itself. This odyssey is woven by the hands of two souls, ordinary in name yet extraordinary in their bond—known simply to the world as Mom and Dad. Their chronicle, etched not in the fleeting whispers of glory but in the steadfast rhythm of daily toil, sings a silent anthem of resolve, its echoes reverberating through the corridors of time.

In the bloom of youth's innocence, against a canvas painted with the limitless hues of possibility, they embarked hand in hand. Not mere spectators in the arena of life, but as sculptors, molding their destiny with the clay of shared dreams and mutual aspirations. The break of dawn brought with it the specter of trials, a silent pact sealed in the quiet before the storm, vowing that each day's endeavor would be met with unwavering resilience, every hurdle a testament to their united will.

For five decades, their existence would create a mosaic patterned into one, each tile a piece of diligence and sacrifice, a daily recommitment to their faith in an American system they believed would, in their autumn years, honor their consistent and diligent contributions from every paycheck earned with dignity and security. Their life's work transcended the mere act of survival; it was a sacred duty, an effort to forge a legacy of stability and opportunity for those they held dear, each deed a cornerstone in the foundation of a future they dared to dream.

Yet, as the years flew by and their golden years unfurled, the once bright horizon of their hopes began to dim, obscured by the gathering clouds of greed and neglect. The institutions and government they had placed their trust in, now but castles of sand before a raging sea, succumbed to the relentless tide of corporate and political intrigue. Their nest egg, meticulously nurtured through years of prudent sacrifice began to dwindle, to old now to work they fell prey to a ruthless, greed stoked economy and a political machine that exalted exorbitant corporate profit and need above the welfare of its people.

The America they once knew, a land heralded for its promise of opportunity and fairness, morphed into a battleground, where the everyday heroes—Mom and Dad—found themselves outmatched, unwitting soldiers in a war not of their making. The cost of living soared beyond reality, untethered from the principles of supply and demand, a stark emblem of an extreme capitalist greed unchecked, a system careening towards chaos.

Within this landscape of disillusionment, their spirit, though battered, stood as a monument to the enduring assault on their ideals and dreams. Their tale, a microcosm of a broader tragedy, mirrors the stark reality facing a nation at a crossroads, teetering on the brink of moral and ethical bankruptcy. It is a narrative that seeks not only to recount a tale of perseverance in the face of adversity but to shed light on the profound struggles at the heart of the American dream.

But as the twilight of their labor drew near, a cold wind blew from the nations very seat of power, where the stewards of their trust presided over the fate of their life's work. The halls of power, once believed to be fortresses of justice and equity, transformed into arenas of a covert siege against the entitlements promised to them. Social Security and Medicare, the twin pillars of their retirement, became pawns in a larger game of fiscal brinkmanship and ideological combat. Their five long decades and lifelong contributions, through the lens of opportunism, were no longer sacred but mere variables in an equation that no longer favored them but instead favored the vultures of political and corporate greed.

This betrayal, though silent in its approach, reverberated with the force of a tempest, a clarion call to the reality of a struggle that transcends the personal. Their saga, a reflection of a national drama, exposed a fundamental breach of faith, a chasm between the governed and those who govern. The policies and debates swirling like storm clouds over the Capitol were not mere political maneuvers but existential threats to the very foundation of their lives. The savings they had amassed, a fortress against uncertainty, now appeared fragile, vulnerable to the whims of those who viewed their decades of toil not as a covenant to be honored but a ledger to be balanced or for that matter assets to be liquidated at their leisure.

In this new epoch of their existence, the golden years they had envisioned transformed into an all-out war against their very own beloved government, their aspirations besieged by the very forces they trusted whole heartedly and had believed would shield them. Yet, their narrative, though marred by disillusionment, was not defined by despair. Instead, it emerged as a beacon of resilience, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to be silenced in the face of betrayal. It became a rallying cry for all who believe in the bending arc of the moral universe towards justice.

This epic, forged from silent struggles and unspoken sacrifices, serves not merely as a reflection on what has been but as a warning of what might be if the covenant between the people and their guardians remains fractured. It calls for not passivity but hardline engagement, not resignation but a fervent call to action. It implores us to stand vigilant against the erosion of our collective dreams, to cling to the belief that the promises made under the light of day must be upheld as the shadows gather.

As the twilight deepens and the evening stars take their place in the heavens, let this tale remind us that the battle for dignity, justice, and the right to dream is an eternal vigil. It is a struggle not just for the legacy of Mom and Dad, but for the soul of a nation—a nation at a pivotal moment, tasked with choosing between being a beacon of hope or a monument to forsaken vows, corporate greed and political deceit and corruption.

Let us weave anew the narrative fabric of our time, igniting the flames of trust and fortifying the bonds of mutual respect. Together, not as isolated voices but as a unified chorus of determination, we must reclaim the promise of our collective destiny. For in the end, it is not merely the legacy of two souls at stake, but the essence of the dream they dared to cherish—a dream of dignity, security, and a nation true to its foundational covenant.

This epic, interwoven from the threads of their life's journey, is not an ode to triumph but a chronicle of ongoing resistance, a testament to the unyielding human spirit confronting a formidable adversary. It challenges the narrative of inevitable progress, forcing us to confront the stark reality that the fight for dignity, fairness, and justice is far from concluded. It is a call to arms, not for violent rebellion, but for a resurgence of collective consciousness, an awakening to the forces that seek to undermine the very pillars of our society.

As the stars bear witness to the ceaseless cycle of night and day, let this saga serve not merely as a beacon of unguarded optimism but as a guarded beacon of hope, tempered by the recognition of the trials that lie ahead. It is a reminder that the true strength of our nation lies not in its economic might or political power, but in the hearts of its people—individuals who embody resilience, integrity, and solidarity.

This narrative, while echoing past struggles, stands as a stark reminder of the challenges that lie before us. It calls not for acknowledgment alone but for action, urging us to stand vigilant against the encroaching shadows of greed and apathy. It implores us to question, to challenge, and to demand accountability from those in power, not out of confrontation but in pursuit of a society that honors every individual's dignity.

In the silence that follows the storm, in the stillness that speaks louder than words, we find the strength to persist in our quest for justice and equity. Here, in this relentless pursuit, we must find the courage to carve new paths, to rebuild from the ruins of broken promises a world where the legacies of those who came before us guide us toward what we strive to achieve. We must hold those in power and wealth to answer for their deeds at every turn.

This is not a task for the faint-hearted, nor a journey to be undertaken lightly. It is a solemn pledge to carry forward the torch of resistance, to ensure that the sacrifices of our forebears were not in vain. It is a commitment to a future where the joy of life is not a distant memory but a renewed promise with each new dawn, a world where yesterday's scars pave the way for tomorrow's triumphs.

This is our mission, our lasting legacy—to navigate the darkness, to challenge the night, and to emerge, together, into the light of a new day.​
Dual accomplishment award winner:

It was both too long and wickedly dull.

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