modern-day white people are fools


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2012
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed from glorying in the uncorruptible God, to that of corruptible man. And who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served mankind more than the Creator." (Romans 1:22,25)

That scripture is the perfect description of today's white Americans, and I suspect white people all over the western world. We'll send our sons and daughters off to foreign lands to sacrifice their lives for the freedoms of other people, yet we will not lift a hand in our own country to fight for our race and culture, and for the freedom to worship our Christian God in the public square.
We're scared to death of our government and of the ACLU. One threatening letter from the ACLU and we drop our God like a hot potato.
How in the world did we become so foolish and so stupid in just a matter of 50 years or so?! :(
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed from glorying in the uncorruptible God, to that of corruptible man. And who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served mankind more than the Creator." (Romans 1:22,25)

That scripture is the perfect description of today's white Americans, and I suspect white people all over the western world. We'll send our sons and daughters off to foreign lands to sacrifice their lives for the freedoms of other people, yet we will not lift a hand in our own country to fight for our race and culture, and for the freedom to worship our Christian God in the public square.
We're scared to death of our government and of the ACLU. One threatening letter from the ACLU and we drop our God like a hot potato.
How in the world did we become so foolish and so stupid in just a matter of 50 years or so?! :(

So only Whites have sent their sons and daughters off to war...really??..:cuckoo:

What freedoms of White people are restricted or lost, what culture are you speaking of???

Are you simply a pathetic troll?

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