Milo Yiannopoulos

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Milo, please have a seat.......

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I have mixed feelings about this.

The only people more troubled than homosexuals are angry liberals willing to edit and do anything to smear a "dangerous" conservative.

I won't jump on the Milo bashing thing knowing what OUR enemies are willing to do to destroy us.
I have mixed feelings about this.

The only people more troubled than homosexuals are angry liberals willing to edit and do anything to smear a "dangerous" conservative.

I won't jump on the Milo bashing thing knowing what OUR enemies are willing to do to destroy us.

Did you not see the video? The guy admits to protecting pedophiles AND being sexually attracted to 15 year old girls. He's a real POS.
I have mixed feelings about this.

The only people more troubled than homosexuals are angry liberals willing to edit and do anything to smear a "dangerous" conservative.

I won't jump on the Milo bashing thing knowing what OUR enemies are willing to do to destroy us.

Not so long ago, Salon run the story where they were defending pedophilia. The title was something like: "I'm pedo, not a monster."

If you search for it now, it's not there anymore. How convenient... but back then, they were defending that guy.
Was there a "Stone Phillips, "To Catch a Predator" reality TV series"

when Bill and Hillary Rotten Clinton caught numerous times, the Lolita Express plane, to Jeffrey Epstein Orgy Island?

hypocrisy or what

totally disgusting double standards by the fucking Left
I have mixed feelings about this. I won't jump on the Milo bashing thing knowing what OUR enemies are willing to do to destroy us.
I don't care if Milo invented a cure for cancer. He is a sick pervert and needs to be locked up.
We conservatives can win the ideological battle against the commie liberals without associating with people of his ilk. .... :cool:
I have mixed feelings about this. I won't jump on the Milo bashing thing knowing what OUR enemies are willing to do to destroy us.
I don't care if Milo invented a cure for cancer. He is a sick pervert and needs to be locked up.
We conservatives can win the ideological battle against the commie liberals without associating with people of his ilk. .... :cool:
There's a balance. I have always spoken against the "worship" of this guy, but all humans are flawed and perverts to one degree or another.

I won't be the first to cast stones. You seem eager to. Has he committed a CRIME that he should be locked up?
I have mixed feelings about this.

The only people more troubled than homosexuals are angry liberals willing to edit and do anything to smear a "dangerous" conservative.

I won't jump on the Milo bashing thing knowing what OUR enemies are willing to do to destroy us.

Not so long ago, Salon run the story where they were defending pedophilia. The title was something like: "I'm pedo, not a monster."

If you search for it now, it's not there anymore. How convenient... but back then, they were defending that guy.
Looking at all these previously silent posters up until now who are coming out against this guy but were silent before about all the lefties weirdos like Clinton and others.... I would say Milo is something like a very weird and strange perverted gift that keeps on giving ......:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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