Military recruitment ads


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The current US Navy recruitment ad announces "A Global Force For Good". I guess the government wants to pretend that the US Navy is the new "peace corps". God forbid the glitzy government sponsored ads would remind potential Sailors that the greatest naval force in the history of civilization protects Americans with enough weaponry to annihilate any country that threatened the US. Years ago the US Army promoted the slogan "an Army of one". I never understood what meant at the time and I guess it was just some psychobabble that the government thought would convince potential recruits that they didn't have to worry about conforming to military standards.
Ads are for one purpose, to recruit young Americans (oops, the US military is not just for citizens anymore) to serve.
Ads are for one purpose, to recruit young Americans (oops, the US military is not just for citizens anymore) to serve.

Foreign nationals could serve when I enlisted in 1960, so that's not new.
The navy has been first to deliver aid and emergency medical care for people in dire situations after catastrophes like tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes.

Whitehall, your take about the US having the firepower to annihilate any country that threatens us is seriously in doubt, without any such will. We can only annihilate their military if an enemy meets us in the field of battle. Without that condition any country can challenge us pretty much with impunity.
I remember "the few, the strong, the proud, the Marines" advertisements as a 17 year old. Made me want to join. I guess i missed 6 to 7 years in the middle east because i choose not to enlist. My mom cried when I told her I wanted to join, so I decided against it. But that was effective.
[ ... ] Years ago the US Army promoted the slogan "an Army of one". I never understood what meant at the time and I guess it was just some psychobabble that the government thought would convince potential recruits that they didn't have to worry about conforming to military standards.
The “Army of One” slogan you are referring to has a certain meaning. The ONE refers to the 3 echelons within the Army, O standing for Officers…N standing for NCO’s (non-commissioned officers)...and E standing for Enlisted personel. The ONE isn’t meant to be ironic simply all soldiers be it Officers down to Enlisted working as ONE.
I remember "the few, the strong, the proud, the Marines" advertisements as a 17 year old. Made me want to join. I guess i missed 6 to 7 years in the middle east because i choose not to enlist. My mom cried when I told her I wanted to join, so I decided against it. But that was effective.

Actually, correctly put it's "The Few, the Proud, the Marines" and that is completely accurate. Seldom are there more than two hundred thou active duty Marines serving at a given time. At any duty station you are transferred to you are likely to run into someone you've served with in the past. There is a strong feeling of brotherhood that lasts a life time, as does the feeling of pride. You will notice that in any ceremonial formation that includes a man from each of the services, the Marine will have the lowest rank. IMO that's because more responsibility is expected of Marines at a lower rank than the other services.
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The Army, Navy and AirForce camouflaged their Military mission from time to time to entice recruitment but the Marines remained true to their heritage through the years and maybe that's why they usually met their quotas.
I remember "the few, the strong, the proud, the Marines" advertisements as a 17 year old. Made me want to join. I guess i missed 6 to 7 years in the middle east because i choose not to enlist. My mom cried when I told her I wanted to join, so I decided against it. But that was effective.

Actually, correctly put it's "The Few, the Proud, the Marines" and that is completely accurate. Seldom are there more than two hundred thou active duty Marines serving at a given time. At any duty station you are transferred to you are likely to run into someone you've served with in the past. There is a strong feeling of brotherhood that lasts a life time, as does the feeling of pride. You will notice that in any ceremonial formation that includes a man from each of the services, the Marine will have the lowest rank. IMO that's because more responsibility is expected of Marines at a lower rank than the other services.
But they're so fucking glassy eyed and brainwashed they have to get the Navy guys to transport them.:lol:
I don't know..."Join the NAVY we can kill a boatload of people" doesn't sound like a good marketing campiagn to me, either
The military does do a good job in advertizing. This is one of my favorites, as it is for many people.

[ame=]'America's Marines' - Marines commercial :60 - YouTube[/ame]
Do I sense more than just a dash of animosity from the OP?

Some don't get it. They can't see past the end of their nose, they think the only thing the military does is bomb and kill people. I lost count of the number of humanitarian missions we went on providing medical and dental work for entire villages while SeaBees and others helped fix or build infrastructure.
I remember "the few, the strong, the proud, the Marines" advertisements as a 17 year old. Made me want to join. I guess i missed 6 to 7 years in the middle east because i choose not to enlist. My mom cried when I told her I wanted to join, so I decided against it. But that was effective.

Actually, correctly put it's "The Few, the Proud, the Marines" and that is completely accurate. Seldom are there more than two hundred thou active duty Marines serving at a given time. At any duty station you are transferred to you are likely to run into someone you've served with in the past. There is a strong feeling of brotherhood that lasts a life time, as does the feeling of pride. You will notice that in any ceremonial formation that includes a man from each of the services, the Marine will have the lowest rank. IMO that's because more responsibility is expected of Marines at a lower rank than the other services.
But they're so fucking glassy eyed and brainwashed they have to get the Navy guys to transport them.:lol:

You have to understand that the Corps is a part of the USN. It's the navy's own ground expeditiary force. We of the the Marines have always understood that.
Do I sense more than just a dash of animosity from the OP?

Some don't get it. They can't see past the end of their nose, they think the only thing the military does is bomb and kill people. I lost count of the number of humanitarian missions we went on providing medical and dental work for entire villages while SeaBees and others helped fix or build infrastructure.

Fixing school roofs in Costa Rica was just one that I was involved in, as well.
Actually, correctly put it's "The Few, the Proud, the Marines" and that is completely accurate. Seldom are there more than two hundred thou active duty Marines serving at a given time. At any duty station you are transferred to you are likely to run into someone you've served with in the past. There is a strong feeling of brotherhood that lasts a life time, as does the feeling of pride. You will notice that in any ceremonial formation that includes a man from each of the services, the Marine will have the lowest rank. IMO that's because more responsibility is expected of Marines at a lower rank than the other services.
But they're so fucking glassy eyed and brainwashed they have to get the Navy guys to transport them.:lol:

You have to understand that the Corps is a part of the USN. It's the navy's own ground expeditiary force. We of the the Marines have always understood that.

Marines have always been proud of their Navy heritage. Nomenclature is pure Navy and commands are Navy. Marines are so proud of Navy Corpsman that they are included in every Marine function and combat list.
I remember "the few, the strong, the proud, the Marines" advertisements as a 17 year old. Made me want to join. I guess i missed 6 to 7 years in the middle east because i choose not to enlist. My mom cried when I told her I wanted to join, so I decided against it. But that was effective.
If you have to think about joining the USMC, then you should not.
Lighten up people. I joined the Marines because I knew I would be drafted and I liked the movie Sands of Iwo Jima. Don't give me the old crap about Duke Wayne I know. Advertising works and movies are part of it. Even though the Vietnam Vet unfairly became the psycho anti-hero in the movies later on the Marines still made their quota. If the Pentagon thinks they can get more volunteers by pretending they are "meals on wheels" and a global force to save the whales and other creatures hey who am I to get in their way? I earned the right to laugh at it though. Note the most vitriolic insults to the Military come from a poster who disrespects the American Flag.

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