Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador now ahead of both Biden and Trump in the polls.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

After 4 years of continual unfettered immigration, Mexican President now leads in the Presidential polls in the US despite not declared he is running.

"Democracy has spoken", said Andres. "Point to the Constitution all you want about me not being born an American, but the bottom line is, I identify as American, or is this the end of democracy?"

"Who?" asked an American voter at a town hall. "All I have to say is, he can't be as bad as the two we have now, so yea, whatever, I'll vote for the wetback".

Andres says that once in the Oval Office, he will write an Executive Order to reparations for all Mexicans living in the US, and even at home. "American imperialists must be forced to pay for their war crimes", declared Andres. "Also, any obstacles to the drug mean to immigration to lands rightfully belonging to Mexico will be lifted. However, Americans crossing the border into Mexico will be shot on sight, do to their systemic racism. Yea, we can't have that here."

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