Media Ignorance is the Problem

So just because there are no facts supporting the narrative doesnt mean it isnt true? LOL. Typical for you, Joe. You are a lying cocksucker moonbat angry at the universe for your own shortcomings.

The facts are there, guy.

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Rape and Sexual Assault Among College-age Females 1995-2013


  • The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per 1,000).
  • For both college students and nonstudents, the offender was known to the victim in about 80% of rape and sexual assault victimizations.
  • Most (51%) student rape and sexual assault victimizations occurred while the victim was pursuing leisure activities away from home, compared to nonstudents who were engaged in other activities at home (50%) when the victimization occurred.
  • The offender had a weapon in about 1 in 10 rape and sexual assault victimizations against both students and nonstudents.
  • Rape and sexual assault victimizations of students (80%) were more likely than nonstudent victimizations (67%) to go unreported to police.
So just because there are no facts supporting the narrative doesnt mean it isnt true? LOL. Typical for you, Joe. You are a lying cocksucker moonbat angry at the universe for your own shortcomings.

The facts are there, guy.

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Rape and Sexual Assault Among College-age Females 1995-2013


  • The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per 1,000).
  • For both college students and nonstudents, the offender was known to the victim in about 80% of rape and sexual assault victimizations.
  • Most (51%) student rape and sexual assault victimizations occurred while the victim was pursuing leisure activities away from home, compared to nonstudents who were engaged in other activities at home (50%) when the victimization occurred.
  • The offender had a weapon in about 1 in 10 rape and sexual assault victimizations against both students and nonstudents.
  • Rape and sexual assault victimizations of students (80%) were more likely than nonstudent victimizations (67%) to go unreported to police.
There is no "campus rape culture." Sorry.
So just because there are no facts supporting the narrative doesnt mean it isnt true? LOL. Typical for you, Joe. You are a lying cocksucker moonbat angry at the universe for your own shortcomings.

The facts are there, guy.

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Rape and Sexual Assault Among College-age Females 1995-2013


  • The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per 1,000).
  • For both college students and nonstudents, the offender was known to the victim in about 80% of rape and sexual assault victimizations.
  • Most (51%) student rape and sexual assault victimizations occurred while the victim was pursuing leisure activities away from home, compared to nonstudents who were engaged in other activities at home (50%) when the victimization occurred.
  • The offender had a weapon in about 1 in 10 rape and sexual assault victimizations against both students and nonstudents.
  • Rape and sexual assault victimizations of students (80%) were more likely than nonstudent victimizations (67%) to go unreported to police.

Now the first far left talking point was once again debunked they change gears and show they do not understand what it is they post.

Now comes the second failed and debunked far left narrative..
The media has demonstrated a pack mentality for a long time and the internet has only made it worse. Rather than doing the old-fashioned hard work of investigating, all a "reporter" has to do now is pop online and find a version of a story they want to leverage.

Making it worse, of course, is the growing political division in the country. It's not as if "journalists" are immune to those divisions. Journalism and advocacy journalism are becoming less and less distinguishable.

My first assignment in my first class on my first day of college (I was a journalism/broadcasting major) in 1975 was to read All the President's Men. I've always thought that book was as damaging to journalism and it was helpful. It created "journalist as celebrity" in a way, and probably had a hand in moving advocacy journalism along.

Anyway, none of this is surprising.

One issue is that journalists first write the story and then go looking for the facts. So "rape culture on campus" is the story and UVA becomes the fact. Of course it didnt pan out that way.
"Bush lied us into war" is the story. Of course the facts dont support that either.
But we live ina narrative based time, not a fact based time. We see it here, sadly, every single day.
Sure, that's the way partisans behave. A partisan will begin with the end and then back-fill from there.

When that happens, it's much easier to pick apart the story. But with the media, the story is already out, it's too late for the most part.

I just mentioned on another thread that the internet and social media amplify and distort facts at the speed of light, and there appears to be no way to stop that.

You could go back to the muckrackers for that matter. Or Oliphants cartoons of Tammany.
But Woodward/Bernstein did provide the model of the modern investigative journalist "speaking truth to power." They were heroes when I was a kid.

I think you fall into the trap of only thinking what has happened in your own life matters. These guys weren't the first to speak "Truth to Power", and they won't be the last.

See, there you go again. Sweeping statement unsupported by any fact. It's all you've got. Because you have about a 5th grade education.

Guy, even Bush has admitted the Iraq War was a fuckup. (Too bad he didn't mention that to his brother before the guy shat the bed last week.)

Yes the debunked far left religious scriptures will not allow you to see anything else.
Change that to Media CORRUPTION and you've got something
Go read the article. Great read. Writers wondering why this pope is also the Bishop of Rome. Writers referring to a bishop's "crow's ear." Writers admitting they've never read the most basic books about the Iraq War but are somehow qualified to talk about it anyway. Writers admitting that maybe they've heard of Alger Hiss but they're not clear on the concept.

This sums it all up.

Wow, just wow. What an article. Mollie Hemingway lays it all out. Turns out the idiot posters on this site are only symptoms of the problem. The article gives example after example of pure ignorance from left wing journalists writing about things they dont understand and dont know about. But that doesnt stop them. I figured the yayhoos on this site were a bunch of atypical misfits. I was wrong. They are all too typical.
Media Ignorance Is Becoming A Serious Problem

Oh, so since Zach Carter didn't read some of the obscure books that Mollie Hemingway likes, that makes him somehow ignorant.

Or someone tries to trick with a false map in order to create a "gotcha" moment (see: Fournier)

Got it.

I would bet good money that not one single Right-Wing Journalist has read all or any of the books that Millie Hemingway finds so unbelievably important:

"But then Carter said he hadn’t read various other books, such as Bernard Lewis’ Crisis of Islam, Robin Wright’s Dreams and Shadows, or Thomas P. M. Barnett’s The Pentagon’s New Map. He said he hadn’t read Dexter Filkins’ The Forever War"

This could be an interesting point to figure out.

So, fake Rabbi, is there a new book-reading litmus test put out by RWNJs to ascertain intelligence or ignorance? Hmmmm???

Have you read:

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalim (Naomi Klein)

The Conscience of a Liberal (Paul Krugman)

Silent Spring (Rachel Carson)

To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)

The Jungle (Upton Sinclair)

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future (Bob Reich)

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (Gore Vidal)



If not, then you are obviously totally ignorant.

This thread is a crock of shit.
The media has demonstrated a pack mentality for a long time and the internet has only made it worse. Rather than doing the old-fashioned hard work of investigating, all a "reporter" has to do now is pop online and find a version of a story they want to leverage.

Making it worse, of course, is the growing political division in the country. It's not as if "journalists" are immune to those divisions. Journalism and advocacy journalism are becoming less and less distinguishable.

My first assignment in my first class on my first day of college (I was a journalism/broadcasting major) in 1975 was to read All the President's Men. I've always thought that book was as damaging to journalism and it was helpful. It created "journalist as celebrity" in a way, and probably had a hand in moving advocacy journalism along.

Anyway, none of this is surprising.

One issue is that journalists first write the story and then go looking for the facts. So "rape culture on campus" is the story and UVA becomes the fact. Of course it didnt pan out that way.
"Bush lied us into war" is the story. Of course the facts dont support that either.
But we live ina narrative based time, not a fact based time. We see it here, sadly, every single day.
Sure, that's the way partisans behave. A partisan will begin with the end and then back-fill from there.

When that happens, it's much easier to pick apart the story. But with the media, the story is already out, it's too late for the most part.

I just mentioned on another thread that the internet and social media amplify and distort facts at the speed of light, and there appears to be no way to stop that.

True. We see it here all the time. When confronted with facts the left (and sometimes the right too) will respond "it's a rightwing site." "It's a lie." "He's the same guy who said X". etc. They cannot deal with adverse information, cannot evaluate its truth or falsehood. Cannot make reasonable deductions from given facts. Because the average IQ is 100 and half the people are below that.
Wow, just wow. What an article. Mollie Hemingway lays it all out. Turns out the idiot posters on this site are only symptoms of the problem. The article gives example after example of pure ignorance from left wing journalists writing about things they dont understand and dont know about. But that doesnt stop them. I figured the yayhoos on this site were a bunch of atypical misfits. I was wrong. They are all too typical.
Media Ignorance Is Becoming A Serious Problem

Oh, so since Zach Carter didn't read some of the obscure books that Mollie Hemingway likes, that makes him somehow ignorant.

Or someone tries to trick with a false map in order to create a "gotcha" moment (see: Fournier)

Got it.

I would be that not one single Right-Wing Journalist has read all or any of the books that Millie Hemingway finds so unbelievably important:

"But then Carter said he hadn’t read various other books, such as Bernard Lewis’ Crisis of Islam, Robin Wright’s Dreams and Shadows, or Thomas P. M. Barnett’s The Pentagon’s New Map. He said he hadn’t read Dexter Filkins’ The Forever War"

This could be an interesting point to figure out.

So, fake Rabbi, is there a new book-reading litmus test put out by RWNJs to ascertain intelligence or ignorance.

Have you read:

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalim (Naomi Klein)

The Conscience of a Liberal (Paul Krugman)

Silent Spring (Rachel Carson)

To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)

The Jungle (Upton Sinclair)

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future (Bob Reich)

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (Gore Vidal)



If not, then you are obviously totally ignorant.

This thread is a crock of shit.

Speaking of far left ignorance!
No, Joe. YOU dont need facts to form an opinion. That's obvious.
But most sane people understand that opinions based on something other than facts are simply wrong.

5000 dead Troops. One Trillion Dollars wasted. Those are facts.

The Iraq war was based on a lie and made matters worse in every conceivable way.


We are also talking 400,000+ people dead...

And the cost is being put at $2 trillion (Sorry to correct you) but they see it could rise to $6trillion over the next four decades..
Iraq war costs U.S. more than 2 trillion study Reuters

Lets also add in the creation of ISIS, destabilize a region, an awful advertisement for democracy,...

But hey you got to love the RWers here, this is a monumental F*ck Up... But they even bring this up... Any other country would have the GOP in the wilderness for a decade... But the GOP got the useful idiots like Rabbi and Edgetho to rely on...

How dumb are these guys? They talk about being fiscally conservative but don't mind wasting trillions on a war... Look, did we see any complaint on spending $1.5 trillion on a plane.. They are idiots...
Wow, just wow. What an article. Mollie Hemingway lays it all out. Turns out the idiot posters on this site are only symptoms of the problem. The article gives example after example of pure ignorance from left wing journalists writing about things they dont understand and dont know about. But that doesnt stop them. I figured the yayhoos on this site were a bunch of atypical misfits. I was wrong. They are all too typical.
Media Ignorance Is Becoming A Serious Problem

Oh, so since Zach Carter didn't read some of the obscure books that Mollie Hemingway likes, that makes him somehow ignorant.

Or someone tries to trick with a false map in order to create a "gotcha" moment (see: Fournier)

Got it.

I would bet good money that not one single Right-Wing Journalist has read all or any of the books that Millie Hemingway finds so unbelievably important:

"But then Carter said he hadn’t read various other books, such as Bernard Lewis’ Crisis of Islam, Robin Wright’s Dreams and Shadows, or Thomas P. M. Barnett’s The Pentagon’s New Map. He said he hadn’t read Dexter Filkins’ The Forever War"

This could be an interesting point to figure out.

So, fake Rabbi, is there a new book-reading litmus test put out by RWNJs to ascertain intelligence or ignorance? Hmmmm???

Have you read:

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalim (Naomi Klein)

The Conscience of a Liberal (Paul Krugman)

Silent Spring (Rachel Carson)

To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)

The Jungle (Upton Sinclair)

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future (Bob Reich)

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (Gore Vidal)



If not, then you are obviously totally ignorant.

This thread is a crock of shit.
And chiming in right on cue, the biggest faux Jew of this site, spewing his stupidity and ignorance.
Wjat does "To Kill a Mockingbird" have to do with any of this? You know the book is a work of fiction, right? of course so is Reich's book.
No, Joe. YOU dont need facts to form an opinion. That's obvious.
But most sane people understand that opinions based on something other than facts are simply wrong.

5000 dead Troops. One Trillion Dollars wasted. Those are facts.

The Iraq war was based on a lie and made matters worse in every conceivable way.


We are also talking 400,000+ people dead...

And the cost is being put at $2 trillion (Sorry to correct you) but they see it could rise to $6trillion over the next four decades..
Iraq war costs U.S. more than 2 trillion study Reuters

Lets also add in the creation of ISIS, destabilize a region, an awful advertisement for democracy,...

But hey you got to love the RWers here, this is a monumental F*ck Up... But they even bring this up... Any other country would have the GOP in the wilderness for a decade... But the GOP got the useful idiots like Rabbi and Edgetho to rely on...

How dumb are these guys? They talk about being fiscally conservative but don't mind wasting trillions on a war... Look, did we see any complaint on spending $1.5 trillion on a plane.. They are idiots...
I thought the cost would rise to 15T. Maybe 20T.
You typify what the article talks about. And I am certain you didnt read it.
No, Joe. YOU dont need facts to form an opinion. That's obvious.
But most sane people understand that opinions based on something other than facts are simply wrong.

5000 dead Troops. One Trillion Dollars wasted. Those are facts.

The Iraq war was based on a lie and made matters worse in every conceivable way.


We are also talking 400,000+ people dead...

And the cost is being put at $2 trillion (Sorry to correct you) but they see it could rise to $6trillion over the next four decades..
Iraq war costs U.S. more than 2 trillion study Reuters

Lets also add in the creation of ISIS, destabilize a region, an awful advertisement for democracy,...

But hey you got to love the RWers here, this is a monumental F*ck Up... But they even bring this up... Any other country would have the GOP in the wilderness for a decade... But the GOP got the useful idiots like Rabbi and Edgetho to rely on...

How dumb are these guys? They talk about being fiscally conservative but don't mind wasting trillions on a war... Look, did we see any complaint on spending $1.5 trillion on a plane.. They are idiots...

Once again the far left narrative is being run without question or hesitation.

More far left non-facts being posted..
The media has demonstrated a pack mentality for a long time and the internet has only made it worse. Rather than doing the old-fashioned hard work of investigating, all a "reporter" has to do now is pop online and find a version of a story they want to leverage.

Making it worse, of course, is the growing political division in the country. It's not as if "journalists" are immune to those divisions. Journalism and advocacy journalism are becoming less and less distinguishable.

My first assignment in my first class on my first day of college (I was a journalism/broadcasting major) in 1975 was to read All the President's Men. I've always thought that book was as damaging to journalism and it was helpful. It created "journalist as celebrity" in a way, and probably had a hand in moving advocacy journalism along.

Anyway, none of this is surprising.

One issue is that journalists first write the story and then go looking for the facts. So "rape culture on campus" is the story and UVA becomes the fact. Of course it didnt pan out that way.
"Bush lied us into war" is the story. Of course the facts dont support that either.
But we live ina narrative based time, not a fact based time. We see it here, sadly, every single day.
Sure, that's the way partisans behave. A partisan will begin with the end and then back-fill from there.

When that happens, it's much easier to pick apart the story. But with the media, the story is already out, it's too late for the most part.

I just mentioned on another thread that the internet and social media amplify and distort facts at the speed of light, and there appears to be no way to stop that.

True. We see it here all the time. When confronted with facts the left (and sometimes the right too) will respond "it's a rightwing site." "It's a lie." "He's the same guy who said X". etc. They cannot deal with adverse information, cannot evaluate its truth or falsehood. Cannot make reasonable deductions from given facts. Because the average IQ is 100 and half the people are below that.

Yeah...remember 2012 when you swore that all of the polls were oversampling Democrats? And now you're accusing the left wing of ignoring facts....dumbass.
Of course not true, nor sustained by any facts. Carry on.
I'm not responding to you anymore. You're just a fool.

Yes, I know you think you can ignore a major problem because one reporter got a story wrong.

But in the real world...

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Strength Compassion Hope. Sexual Violence on College Campuses

  • 1 in 4 college women will be the victim of sexual assault during her academic career. 1
  • 3 percent of college men report surviving rape or attempted rape as a child or an adult. 1
  • Survivors of rape or sexual assault are 4 times more likely to be victimized by someone they know than by a stranger? 2
  • It is estimated that almost 25 percent of college women have been victims of rape or attempted rape since the age of 14. 3
  • Every 21 hours there is a rape on an American college campus.5
  • College women are most vulnerable to rape during the first few weeks of their freshman and sophomore years. 5
  • 1 in 12 college-age men admit having fulfilled the prevailing definition of rape or attempted rape, yet virtually none of these men identify themselves as rapists. 5
  • 75 percent of the men and 55 percent of the women involved in acquaintance rapes were drinking or taking drugs just before the attack. 1
  • Men are more likely than women to assume that a woman who drinks alcohol on a date is a willing sex partner. 40% of men who think this way also believe it is acceptable to force sex on an intoxicated woman. 5
  • College rape victims receive external physical injuries in over 47% of all rapes.
Typical right wing nonsense from the Rabbi. Hugh Hewitt asks Carter - political economy writer - a few questions and based on that comes to the conclusion he could have arrived at without even an interview. Gawd this stuff is dumb, any wonder the right wing in America accomplishes nothing but whining. Whine on righties, you all do it better than anyone.

Orcinus Hewitt A lying liar

'Hewitt: A lying liar'

"Digby has an excellent post holding up right-wing pundit Hugh Hewitt as an example of the pathology of movement conservatives, particularly their open mendaciousness in dealing with the uproar over The Path to 9/11.

Digby pretty much says it all ("Nobody in this entire episode has behaved with less integrity, less dignity or less probity"), and the Hewitt post that he focuses on is indeed a festering pile of falsehoods and distortions. But this one particularly stood out for me:" see link

The media has demonstrated a pack mentality for a long time and the internet has only made it worse. Rather than doing the old-fashioned hard work of investigating, all a "reporter" has to do now is pop online and find a version of a story they want to leverage.

Making it worse, of course, is the growing political division in the country. It's not as if "journalists" are immune to those divisions. Journalism and advocacy journalism are becoming less and less distinguishable.

My first assignment in my first class on my first day of college (I was a journalism/broadcasting major) in 1975 was to read All the President's Men. I've always thought that book was as damaging to journalism and it was helpful. It created "journalist as celebrity" in a way, and probably had a hand in moving advocacy journalism along.

Anyway, none of this is surprising.

One issue is that journalists first write the story and then go looking for the facts. So "rape culture on campus" is the story and UVA becomes the fact. Of course it didnt pan out that way.
"Bush lied us into war" is the story. Of course the facts dont support that either.
But we live ina narrative based time, not a fact based time. We see it here, sadly, every single day.
Sure, that's the way partisans behave. A partisan will begin with the end and then back-fill from there.

When that happens, it's much easier to pick apart the story. But with the media, the story is already out, it's too late for the most part.

I just mentioned on another thread that the internet and social media amplify and distort facts at the speed of light, and there appears to be no way to stop that.

True. We see it here all the time. When confronted with facts the left (and sometimes the right too) will respond "it's a rightwing site." "It's a lie." "He's the same guy who said X". etc. They cannot deal with adverse information, cannot evaluate its truth or falsehood. Cannot make reasonable deductions from given facts. Because the average IQ is 100 and half the people are below that.

Yeah...remember 2012 when you swore that all of the polls were oversampling Democrats? And now you're accusing the left wing of ignoring facts....dumbass.

The far left does ignore facts as you just proved without a shadow of a doubt..
Of course not true, nor sustained by any facts. Carry on.
I'm not responding to you anymore. You're just a fool.

Yes, I know you think you can ignore a major problem because one reporter got a story wrong.

But in the real world...

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Strength Compassion Hope. Sexual Violence on College Campuses

  • 1 in 4 college women will be the victim of sexual assault during her academic career. 1
  • 3 percent of college men report surviving rape or attempted rape as a child or an adult. 1
  • Survivors of rape or sexual assault are 4 times more likely to be victimized by someone they know than by a stranger? 2
  • It is estimated that almost 25 percent of college women have been victims of rape or attempted rape since the age of 14. 3
  • Every 21 hours there is a rape on an American college campus.5
  • College women are most vulnerable to rape during the first few weeks of their freshman and sophomore years. 5
  • 1 in 12 college-age men admit having fulfilled the prevailing definition of rape or attempted rape, yet virtually none of these men identify themselves as rapists. 5
  • 75 percent of the men and 55 percent of the women involved in acquaintance rapes were drinking or taking drugs just before the attack. 1
  • Men are more likely than women to assume that a woman who drinks alcohol on a date is a willing sex partner. 40% of men who think this way also believe it is acceptable to force sex on an intoxicated woman. 5
  • College rape victims receive external physical injuries in over 47% of all rapes.

Links that still do not prove the far left narrative!
Yes, people who don't believe in Evolution or Science are criticizing the "ignorance' of the other side.

Tell me "Joe" are you aware that 85% of media donated money to Democrats?

1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller
Is there no wonder that another FACT:
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election
BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
A sweeping study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press.

Smooch Study of 130 213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

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