McCarthy and Hoover, or lies Progressive tell


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I grew up being taught that evil Joe McCarthy used his House unAmerican Activities Committee to blacklist innocent Hollywood (Communist) writers, creating a climate of panic, xenophobia, nationalism, fear, hysteria and a Red Scare -- and possibly homophobia as well. Remember, McCarthy made his Wheeling speech in Feb 1950, well after the HUAC and between the Russians trying to spark WWIII in Berlin and the ChiComs giving their Korean surrogates permission to kill Americans in Korea. Then I read Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy -- M Stanton Evans and a whole new world opened up.

Another Progressive "Big Lie" is that Hoover was a "Laissez-faire" Capitalist who let the economy run amok, leading to the Stock market collapse and the Great FDR Depression. Like McCarthy, the truth is the polar opposite. Did you know that, "Hoover tinkered with the economy throughout his term. The Smoot-Hawley Act of 1929 launched the trade war many believe precipitated the stock-market crash and the Depression. Then, fearing falling prices, he signed Norris-LaGuardia, Davis-Bacon and other acts, formed business cartels and farming associations all striving to arrest falling prices. Hoover also authored massive public works as he increased federal spending by 50%."

No, Paul Krugman, WWII Did Not End The Great Depression

Since losing their media monopoly, Progressive are on a slow and steady retreat. They no longer control the information and their numerous and gigantic lies are exposed for all to see.
You're STILL on a Senator's House committee, which we all know was run by Hoover?

I'm confuserated.

Progressives never had a 'media monopoly' by the way. There wasn't even real broadcast regulation until Hoover (Herbert) set up the FRC, ancestor of the FCC. By the time media consolidation coalesced, the Progressives were long gone. You can blame Bull Clinton and TelCom 96.
Truman and democrats, with the full cooperation of the media at the time, created HUAC which stood for "House Un-American Activities Committee". Joe McCarthy was a republican senator at the time and obviously had no connection with any House committee. Republicans were in the minority at the time so McCarthy didn't even chair a committee. When Ike was elected and democrats and the media decided that communists weren't so bad they need a patsy to take the political heat for the anti-communist purge and they they wouldn't pick Truman or any other democrat so they chose poor old Joe McCarthy. Hollywood still whines about "blacklisting" to this day but Congress didn't have the power to blacklist or do anything but subpoena witnesses. Hollywood blacklisted their own when they thought they might lose money and the convenient patsy was poor old Joe McCarthy. Amazingly with the combined effort of the democrat party and the media they managed to tag poor old Senator Joe McCarthy with the whole era and it became McCarthyism.
You're STILL on a Senator's House committee, which we all know was run by Hoover?

I'm confuserated.

Progressives never had a 'media monopoly' by the way. There wasn't even real broadcast regulation until Hoover (Herbert) set up the FRC, ancestor of the FCC. By the time media consolidation coalesced, the Progressives were long gone. You can blame Bull Clinton and TelCom 96.

So did McCarthy have anything at all to do with Mccarthyism. Who did he blacklist?
You're STILL on a Senator's House committee, which we all know was run by Hoover?

I'm confuserated.

Progressives never had a 'media monopoly' by the way. There wasn't even real broadcast regulation until Hoover (Herbert) set up the FRC, ancestor of the FCC. By the time media consolidation coalesced, the Progressives were long gone. You can blame Bull Clinton and TelCom 96.

So did McCarthy have anything at all to do with Mccarthyism. Who did he blacklist?

He had here in his hand a list of fill-in-a-random-number-here which changed every time he brought it up.

You gotta assume given white paper it would have been written in black. That is, if it wasn't just a blank piece of paper.

McCarthy successfully converted McCarthyism into, as Eisenhower put it with a smirk, "McCarthywasism".

By the way hope you brought yer pooperscooper. Your pet here's been laying 'em down.

You're STILL on a Senator's House committee, which we all know was run by Hoover?

I'm confuserated.

Progressives never had a 'media monopoly' by the way. There wasn't even real broadcast regulation until Hoover (Herbert) set up the FRC, ancestor of the FCC. By the time media consolidation coalesced, the Progressives were long gone. You can blame Bull Clinton and TelCom 96.

So did McCarthy have anything at all to do with Mccarthyism. Who did he blacklist?

He had here in his hand a list of fill-in-a-random-number-here which changed every time he brought it up.

You gotta assume given white paper it would have been written in black. That is, if it wasn't just a blank piece of paper.

McCarthy successfully converted McCarthyism into, as Eisenhower put it with a smirk, "McCarthywasism".

By the way hope you brought yer pooperscooper. Your pet here's been laying 'em down.

So you can't name anyone blacklisted by McCarthy, not a single writer or actor?

That's odd considering that McCarthy was always associated with blacklisting.

The thing you learn on usmb
You're STILL on a Senator's House committee, which we all know was run by Hoover?

I'm confuserated.

Progressives never had a 'media monopoly' by the way. There wasn't even real broadcast regulation until Hoover (Herbert) set up the FRC, ancestor of the FCC. By the time media consolidation coalesced, the Progressives were long gone. You can blame Bull Clinton and TelCom 96.

So did McCarthy have anything at all to do with Mccarthyism. Who did he blacklist?

He had here in his hand a list of fill-in-a-random-number-here which changed every time he brought it up.

You gotta assume given white paper it would have been written in black. That is, if it wasn't just a blank piece of paper.

McCarthy successfully converted McCarthyism into, as Eisenhower put it with a smirk, "McCarthywasism".

By the way hope you brought yer pooperscooper. Your pet here's been laying 'em down.

So you can't name anyone blacklisted by McCarthy, not a single writer or actor?

That's odd considering that McCarthy was always associated with blacklisting.

The thing you learn on usmb

Things like how a strawman works.

I have here in my hand a list of 569 times some wag on USMB has invoked a strawman to make a fake argument. Yes indeed, 286 times they've done that and I've got it here on my list. All 472 of them.

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