Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy -- M Stanton Evans


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The best, absolute best and a must have book regarding one of the most successful Communist plots ever devised and executed.

You know the fictional narrative: Joe McCarthy was a drunk, power-hungry liar who used his House UnAmerican Activities Committee (Yeah, why did we even have a HUAC BEFORE Joe was elected?) to destroy so many poor innocents including Zero Mostel.

The truth? You'll want to beat the shit out of ever history teacher you ever had for lying to your face.

Communists in the US Government (oh, we were and are swamped with them!) covered for Stalin's mass execution of Polish officers at Katyn Forest, handed Yugoslavia to Communist Tito and handed China to Mao....and that only 90 pages in!

Don't let Progressive lies go unchecked! Educate Yourself!

We had a HUAC because we had a Communist problem starting with the New Deal and even Democrats cared (before their Party became a wholly owned subsidiary of Moscow)

Buy this book! Own it! Refer to it frequently!
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Did you know that genuine Communist spies confirmed by Venona and other sources were prominent at the State Department, Treasury and on FDR's senior staff?

Do you know why this matters?

Can you imagine how the world might be different had FDR NOT pursued a policy of strangling Japan economically prior to Pearl Harbor as he was advised by Lauchin Currie? Japan and Russia fought a bitter war at the turn of the century with the Japanese clearly coming out on top, destroying fully 2/3 of the Russian Navy and denying them their access to the Pacific. Russia did not want to fight the Japanese, they wanted the Japanese to fight the USA, they directed their agents to have the USA start taking these actions against the Japanese.

Did you know they advised FDR to back Mao because he was "Progressive" while they outright lied about the Chiang Kai Shek? That's why ChiComs run China.

That's why it matters
Sounds like an interest read, Cru.

I'll have to look it up in the local library.
I agree with you, this is by far the most important McCarthy book to date.

You know the fictional narrative: Joe McCarthy ... used his House UnAmerican Activities Committee (Yeah, why did we even have a HUAC BEFORE Joe was elected?) to destroy so many poor innocents including Zero Mostel.


We had a HUAC because we had a Communist problem...

As I'm sure you know (as Evans mentions on page 9), HUAC was a committee of the House of Representatives. McCarthy never served on HUAC, because McCarthy never served in the House. McCarthy served in the Senate, where he was chairman of the Committee on Government Operations, and of its Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. The PSI could investigate only government operations, hence its hearings were limited to Communist penetration of the Federal government and concomitant policy subversion. The PSI (unlike HUAC) could not investigate the Communist penetration of non-government areas, such as Hollywood, thus had nothing to do with HUAC's Hollywood hearings, or the ensuing studio blacklists, which snared Zero Mostel. In addition, those HUAC hearings took place in 1947; McCarthy didn't even enter the fray until 1950.

Incidentally, HUAC grew out of a 1934 House resolution calling for a special committee to investigate "un-American activities." That resolution was introduced by Congressman Samuel Dickstein (D-NY), a Soviet agent code-named "Crook." Under the pretext of investigating suspected "fascists," he used the committee in the 1930s to launch "witch-hunts" against anti-Communist U.S. businessmen, Soviet emigres and Trotskyites (after they were identified by Stalin as "objectively fascist"). These witch-hunts had the enthusiastic support of the CPUSA.
Everything I've read or heard from those who were involved with the HUAC hearings leads me to think that McCarthy was a nasty, hateful, lying, power-hungry drunk.

That leads me to want to read what this apologist for McCarthy has to say.

I owe no alligance to anything but the pursuit of the truth.

Even if the truth I find conflicts with what I previously thought was the truth.
I agree with you, this is by far the most important McCarthy book to date.

You know the fictional narrative: Joe McCarthy ... used his House UnAmerican Activities Committee (Yeah, why did we even have a HUAC BEFORE Joe was elected?) to destroy so many poor innocents including Zero Mostel.


We had a HUAC because we had a Communist problem...

As I'm sure you know (as Evans mentions on page 9), HUAC was a committee of the House of Representatives. McCarthy never served on HUAC, because McCarthy never served in the House. McCarthy served in the Senate, where he was chairman of the Committee on Government Operations, and of its Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. The PSI could investigate only government operations, hence its hearings were limited to Communist penetration of the Federal government and concomitant policy subversion. The PSI (unlike HUAC) could not investigate the Communist penetration of non-government areas, such as Hollywood, thus had nothing to do with HUAC's Hollywood hearings, or the ensuing studio blacklists, which snared Zero Mostel. In addition, those HUAC hearings took place in 1947; McCarthy didn't even enter the fray until 1950.

Incidentally, HUAC grew out of a 1934 House resolution calling for a special committee to investigate "un-American activities." That resolution was introduced by Congressman Samuel Dickstein (D-NY), a Soviet agent code-named "Crook." Under the pretext of investigating suspected "fascists," he used the committee in the 1930s to launch "witch-hunts" against anti-Communist U.S. businessmen, Soviet emigres and Trotskyites (after they were identified by Stalin as "objectively fascist"). These witch-hunts had the enthusiastic support of the CPUSA.

Amazing, no?

And even after Venona exposes so many prominent Government officials as genuine Communist agents and assets we get people clinging desperately to the lies about McCarthy.

If anything, McCarthy vastly understated and underestimated the penetration, the damage the wrought and the extent to which the US government was directed to do Moscow bidding
Can you give us a list of all the people McCarthy claimed were Soviet agents working in the government, please?

And also a list of those who he exposed as Soviet agents that history has proven to actually BE Soviet agents?

That would be very helpful for us to understand just how effective the man was in exposing Soviets, and also helpful for us to understand how many innocent people whose lives were ruined by him.

A simple list will do, Cru.

A list that shows all the people he accused of being Soviet agents including notations showing us which of those truly were agents.

Think you can do that for us?

I'd appreciate it.
Can you give us a list of all the people McCarthy claimed were Soviet agents working in the government, please?

And also a list of those who he exposed as Soviet agents that history has proven to actually BE Soviet agents?

That would be very helpful for us to understand just how effective the man was in exposing Soviets, and also helpful for us to understand how many innocent people whose lives were ruined by him.

A simple list will do, Cru.

A list that shows all the people he accused of being Soviet agents including notations showing us which of those truly were agents.

Think you can do that for us?

I'd appreciate it.

Lauchlin Currie
Solomon Adler
V Frank Coe
Cedric Belfrage
T.A. Bisson
Harold Glasser
David Karr
Mary Jane Keeney
Leonard Mins
Franz Newmann

All from the book. All documented.
“I didn’t much care for Joseph McCarthy’s ends, but I always admired his methods.”
M. Stanton Evans

"I never liked Nixon until Watergate."
M. Stanton Evans

Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe.
Edmund Burke
“I didn’t much care for Joseph McCarthy’s ends, but I always admired his methods.”
M. Stanton Evans

"I never liked Nixon until Watergate."
M. Stanton Evans

Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe.
Edmund Burke

Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is the best -- Frank Zappa
Another Frank Pro MCcarthy thread?

Frank encouraging people to read source material and keep up on current events that not only totally and completely vindicate McCarthy's Central premise of Communist infiltration but seem to indicate he vastly underestimated the extent of the penetration and the damage they'd do to the USA.
frank baby psychotic troll with no values.


Frank brings facts and documents, FBI memos, Soviet papers confirming McCarthy, Jillain brings an Alinsky #5: Ridicule with a side of schmear

Frank wins again by default.

Do keep coming back with these pithy comments and insights because I have no hesitancy whatsoever to run up the score
So how are you guys making out on looking up the Communist spies who ran the US Treasury and State for FDR and spoke so highly of Progressive Mao, the greatest mass murder in human history?

It's pretty quiet, that can only mean Progressives chugged their STFU Juice

Here's the list of people who should have had seats alongside Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Lauchlin Currie
Solomon Adler
V Frank Coe
Cedric Belfrage
T.A. Bisson
Harold Glasser
David Karr
Mary Jane Keeney
Leonard Mins
Franz Newmann
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Can you give us a list of all the people McCarthy claimed were Soviet agents working in the government, please?

And also a list of those who he exposed as Soviet agents that history has proven to actually BE Soviet agents?

That would be very helpful for us to understand just how effective the man was in exposing Soviets, and also helpful for us to understand how many innocent people whose lives were ruined by him.

A simple list will do, Cru.

A list that shows all the people he accused of being Soviet agents including notations showing us which of those truly were agents.

Think you can do that for us?

I'd appreciate it.

Lauchlin Currie
Solomon Adler
V Frank Coe
Cedric Belfrage
T.A. Bisson
Harold Glasser
David Karr
Mary Jane Keeney
Leonard Mins
Franz Newmann

All from the book. All documented.

Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, of a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.” Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248

He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security. David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367

Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

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