Marco Rubio Just Gave a Really Important Speech — But Almost No One Paid Attention


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention

Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention

Rubio is certainly right.

And both ends of the spectrum should pay attention.

Instead, they'll just point the finger at the other, like children in a schoolyard.
Got it. Lets have a one party system like we have had for the last 20 years. Lets make sure we do away with the will of the people, have polished slick politicians talk about "reaching across the isle" or "bipartisanship" and let us give all of our trust to those slick politicians.

Oh, but it is only republicans according to one group of morons that cater to the rich. Only the republicans take money from corporations.

Wasnt Rubio one of those that showed that HE TOO took money from soros?

Yeah, let us not stand for any principle, do away with our sovereign laws, make sure that our free market is done away with and take any opportunity away from those in the peasant class so NEW money can never penetrate the upper class again.

The morons on the left call that "utopia" socialism. Nothing new under the sun. It is the old feudal system. Two classes. The rich and the screwed. That is it.
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Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention


/---- The only times Obozo reached across the aisle is when he smacked a Republican across the face and spit on his shoes.
Yes there needs to be a respectful decorum, but it's tough when you have an entire party with dozens stating that the president is illegitimate. Even when the GOP went hard against Obamas agenda, they didn't suggest he was illegitimate. Of if they did, it was very few. 50 Democrats skipped his inauguration ffs, that's not "building unity". That's playing politics. The type of thing only politicians with no career options outside of politics does.

America is in trouble. You either turn the ship around now and save the broader Western values which so many have sacrificed, or, you continue down the path to Chinas global dominance. Some would merrily allow American to become weaker while China grows and dominates, as long as they personally profit. It's disturbing. I believe and hope that Mr. Trump and his team are not going to allow America to slip any further.

If you want to see an uncivil world, just imagine how it would look if Communist China becomes the nation the world mimicks and takes marching orders from.
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Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention

Your post is absurd and delusional.

First, the Rs bent over backwards for Big Ears. He got much of what he wanted and didn't get what he should have gotten. The Rs should have impeached and removed him for the many unconstitutional actions he is guilty of.

The Rs are a criminal gang just like the Ds...akin to different Mafia crime families.

The level of discord in Congress now is caused by the Ds. They thought their corrupt lying Hillary was a shoo in and like little children, they can't accept reality. So, they are working diligently to demonize Trump and divide Americans even more than Obama did.

Sadly...people like you can't see the truth.

Do not back away from the ledge....JUMP!!!
But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Then you don't want civility.
Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention

This thread was great reading after Bert left.... :wink_2:
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But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Then you don't want civility.

If civility means caving in to some poor losers then no; I would prefer to see smug indignation. However, there may be a few Democrats who still have some Working Class values. Trump could sure use a few of those to help out and get the working class off Welfare and into good jobs.

Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention

Rubio is certainly right.

And both ends of the spectrum should pay attention.

Instead, they'll just point the finger at the other, like children in a schoolyard.
It was quite a good speech, and it is about what is fundamentally wrong with the United States. You see examples of it on these boards.
Do you think Americans will change, or will the country continue to to downhill?
But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Then you don't want civility.

If civility means caving in to some poor losers then no; I would prefer to see smug indignation. However, there may be a few Democrats who still have some Working Class values. Trump could sure use a few of those to help out and get the working class off Welfare and into good jobs.

Are you really blaming this whole problem on the Democrats?

Most everyone I know gave Obama a chance, a honeymoon, I don't recall much visceral hate toward Obama like we're experiencing toward Trump, disappointment for sure.

... and I've never seen so many wanting America (and our President) to fail.... :disbelief:

more hate than self interest and common's bazaar.
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Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention


/---- The only times Obozo reached across the aisle is when he smacked a Republican across the face and spit on his shoes.
More fake news from the right. Do you never tire of the lies?
The only important speech he and his political 'ilk' could make would be to announce retirement to private life.
But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Then you don't want civility.

If civility means caving in to some poor losers then no; I would prefer to see smug indignation. However, there may be a few Democrats who still have some Working Class values. Trump could sure use a few of those to help out and get the working class off Welfare and into good jobs.

Are you really blaming this whole problem on the Democrats?


But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Then you don't want civility.

If civility means caving in to some poor losers then no; I would prefer to see smug indignation. However, there may be a few Democrats who still have some Working Class values. Trump could sure use a few of those to help out and get the working class off Welfare and into good jobs.

Are you really blaming this whole problem on the Democrats?


OK TOMMY. You sure play a mean pinball.
Marco Rubio gave a speech from the the Senate floor, which he, or some other Republican, should have given eight years ago, immediately after McConnell stated “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

Despite President Obama’s many efforts to reach across party lines, congressional Republicans stood fast in their opposition to everything Mr. Obama proposed, regardless of the damage it caused average citizens.

Rubio’s speech comes after a presidential campaign where the GOP’s eventual nominee lowered the bar of decency to a point few would have believed possible during the 2012 presidential race. This is after the first four years of disrespect the congressional Republicans showed a sitting President.

“Rubio's speech was a plea for civility in the Senate, a warning that if civilized debate dies in the Senate, it will die in the broader society too.”

But his words are meaningless if the House Republicans refuse to silence the most offensive politician ever to hold office in the United States, let alone be elected president.

Rubio’s entire speech can be heard at the link below. But, given the years the Republicans have ignored the wishes of the majority, Rubio’s words will fall on deaf ears.

Marco Rubio just gave a really important speech — but almost no one paid attention


/---- The only times Obozo reached across the aisle is when he smacked a Republican across the face and spit on his shoes.
More fake news from the right. Do you never tire of the lies?

Man, that was really good!

He made some very real points. Without civil debate and mutual respect, what is there?

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