Making the case for Desantis.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrats are terrified of Desantis....he is Trump 2.0...all the fight, none of the they want everyone focused on Trump, and the various indictments will be parceled out to help Trump win the primary....

Here is another columnist making the case for Desantis.......

I like DeSantis because he knows how to govern, focuses on issues that matter, fights Democrats effectively, and fights battles that matter to me. With Trump, I am exhausted by the efforts to defend the man. With DeSantis, I am energized by the effort he makes to do the right thing.

Ron DeSantis has been doing both–attacking Biden for how awful a president he is, and making the case for a better path for America. On the latter, he has the perfect platform: Florida. If you want to know what DeSantis will do you can look at what he has done. If you want to know his principles, you can see how he has governed, and he is open about what matters to him.


One of DeSantis’ key selling points in the Republican primaries will be his unwavering determination to take on the cultural Marxists who are propagandizing kids with alphabet ideology and CRT. Most candidates will answer questions when asked about such issues but shy away from bringing them up and engaging in open warfare.

DeSantis has more room to fight these battles because he has been proven competent at governing, reassuring voters that he won’t sacrifice basic governance for what to many seem secondary if important issues. Few Republicans running for office have created much room to move in this space because they have chosen a lane–social conservatives or fiscal conservatives who focus on governance.

The I-95 in Philadelphia is set to take “some number of MONTHS” to repair. In Florida, when the Pine Island bridge was destroyed by Hurricane Ian, it was rebuilt in three days.

The problem with DeSantis is that he's not a wealthy man. When the Dems turn on the heat with him, filing all kinds of Fake indictments, lawsuits, ethic violations, etc, will be be able to continue to stand?

That's how the libs got rid of Sarah Palin if you'll remember.

Trump has lots of cash and a crack legal team on retainer.
DeSantis has too much establishment neocon spook shit on him.

He loses the big money consultants and handlers, then returns to being himself, he has half a chance.

Yeah.......better Desantis for the win, than Trump to win the primary and easily lose the election....the country can't take 4 more years of the democrats.........there are people who just will not vote for Trump no matter how much damage the democrats do to the country and to their own is nuts, but that is the reality we face...

Trump might be able to pull off a win, but I doubt it.....Desantis can beat the democrats.........if he can get past Trump...
DeSantis is pro-Covid and pro-gun violence but claims to be pro-life.
It doesn`t work that way.

And since each point you made is a lie, this is exactly why I like Desantis....Trump 2.0....all the fight, none of the crazy and he terrifies idiots like you....
The problem with DeSantis is that he's not a wealthy man. When the Dems turn on the heat with him, filing all kinds of Fake indictments, lawsuits, ethic violations, etc, will be be able to continue to stand?

That's how the libs got rid of Sarah Palin if you'll remember.

Trump has lots of cash and a crack legal team on retainer.

They got rid of Sarah Palin because Alaska allowed people to sue the the democrats started lawfare against her.......that isn't the case with Desantis....

And any republican is going to come under that same attack.....I think Desantis is smart enough to deal with it....he isn't Jeb....he isn't Rubio.....he isn't squish romney...........

Trump will need all that cash because he keeps putting himself in easily avoided situations......
DeSantis could have sat back and waited til 2028 and he'd have all the support from MAGA he could ask for. Instead he listened to establishment Neocons and decided to run now

Not smart

No......Desantis will not be governor in 2028, he had to go now or lose his chance.........he would have been another Scott Walker....
Yeah.......better Desantis for the win, than Trump to win the primary and easily lose the election....the country can't take 4 more years of the democrats.........there are people who just will not vote for Trump no matter how much damage the democrats do to the country and to their own is nuts, but that is the reality we face...

Trump might be able to pull off a win, but I doubt it.....Desantis can beat the democrats.........if he can get past Trump...
That's the same bullshit line we've been fed about every other LO2E republican douchebag.

DeSantis is either his own man or a plaything of the establishment consultant class...There's no halfway.
DeSantis can win the General Election
Trump cannot

Republicans are too dumb to realize it……or don’t care
I made up my mind a good while ago to move-on from Trump.....DeSantis gets my primary vote.

I was talking with a former Trump stalwart yesterday and like myself he has moved to DeSantis. He would have been the last one I thought would hop off the Trump Train.

Most of my Trump support friends just don't like being forced to leave Trump due to the underhanded tactics of the left to ruin him in any way possible.

My response is DeSantis has the best chance to fix the issues in our executive branch, and while Trump made fighting back a reality for us, he's been laid bare by now 7+ years of constant attacks and I don't fault him for losing his edge due to it.

DeSantis 2024.
The problem with DeSantis is that he's not a wealthy man. When the Dems turn on the heat with him, filing all kinds of Fake indictments, lawsuits, ethic violations, etc, will be be able to continue to stand?

That's how the libs got rid of Sarah Palin if you'll remember.

Trump has lots of cash and a crack legal team on retainer.
John McCain threw the presidency away when he put that stupid woman on the ticket. McCain`s advisors, well aware that Yukon Barbie didn`t know shit, tried to school her on a few things but the only thing she would read was People Magazine. She didn`t and probably still doesn`t know why there are 2 Koreas. :abgg2q.jpg:
John McCain threw the presidency away when he put that stupid woman on the ticket. McCain`s advisors, well aware that Yukon Barbie didn`t know shit, tried to school her on a few things but the only thing she would read was People Magazine. She didn`t and probably still doesn`t know why there are 2 Koreas. :abgg2q.jpg:

And how is Kamala Harris any better than Palin?
No......Desantis will not be governor in 2028, he had to go now or lose his chance.........he would have been another Scott Walker....
You think people would have forgot DeSantis in 28? No one would have now he's ruined his name and legacy following Karl Rove and the neocon bunch
The problem with DeSantis is that he's not a wealthy man. When the Dems turn on the heat with him, filing all kinds of Fake indictments, lawsuits, ethic violations, etc, will be be able to continue to stand?

That's how the libs got rid of Sarah Palin if you'll remember.

Trump has lots of cash and a crack legal team on retainer.
Magaturds worship wealth and fame. And that's the problem.

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