Made me cry: Teen mom, on giving birth after being raped and bullied


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
My friend Juda sent me this. One of the teenaged mothers she had helped wrote a letter of thanks, that is being circulated and posted on her blog. I read it and wept. I hope it inspires and encourages you not to give up when you feel the world is plotting against you. What courage in the face of unbearable crisis.

Letter From Teen Mom Who Conceived After Rape

It was the worst night of my life. I wasn’t the first 14 year old to do something impulsive and ill-advised. But I don’t know any other 14 year old that suffered such horrible, immediate consequences.

It was a cool night in September. One of the last of summer, but you could feel that fall was coming. I snuck out of my parents’ house in my small town to meet a boy I had been talking to on the internet. He was a really nice boy who said he was my age. I knew my parents would never approve. So after they fell asleep, I snuck out.

I never met that boy. Instead, a 66 year old man was waiting for me. He raped me that night. Violently.

I felt scared. Ashamed. Alone.

Eventually I told my parents. I would not have been able to keep my rape a secret for long.

You see, my rapist impregnated me.

I am a pretty small girl and I started to show at 3 months. My family was torn apart. Half of them just assumed I would abort my child. Half of them wanted to support me. The doctors were not so divided.

The very first thing I heard —“there are always opportunities to have other children.” Another doctor told my parents that I was a “wild child” incapable of making any decision about my own baby. It never occurred to any of those doctors that I would do anything other than have an abortion. The police caught the monster who viciously raped me and today he is in jail. But still that man stole my body. And now the doctors were trying to steal my baby!

Even though the life growing inside of me was conceived after the brutality of a monster, I could not bring myself to abort my baby. My parents supported my decision.

The kids at school mocked me mercilessly. When they found out I was having a boy, they told me “he will grow up to be a rapist too.” One even told me that my son was going to rape me. Another time a boy cornered me and told me he would show me “what rape really was.” My parents took me out of school. Still the kids would not leave me alone.

We woke up one morning to see “WHORE” and “PROSTITUTE” spray painted on our house. For a while it seemed like everything in life was spiraling completely out of control. And then I found ... an organization run by someone who was conceived in rape. Juda Myers’ mom was raped by 8 men and she said her mom had felt the same way I did. She put me in touch with other women who had been raped and kept their baby.

Most people make you feel like you are crazy when you decide to keep a child conceived through rape. But when you are raped and decide that the life inside you deserve to continue and it’s not that baby’s fault, people look at you like you’ve lost your mind. Even worse, some people start to doubt that you were really raped at all!

.. I don’t think I would have ever heard a supportive word except from my immediate family. Just to know that other people had dealt with the same horrific thing and have come through it okay was what I needed more than anything. And for people to believe me.

... I had a very difficult pregnancy. I was on bed rest 16 weeks into my pregnancy. I went into labor 8 different times and my precious baby boy was born 2 weeks early. He had to be put into the neonatal intensive care unit. (NICU) where he clung to life. My insurance only paid for half of the costs of the NICU and my family and I simply couldn’t afford to pay the rest. Juda ... helped out with thousands of dollars for the medical bills.

... Today my baby boy is a happy healthy boy. He’s a normal toddler and everyone he meets loves him too. He’s always smiling.

I included a picture of him because I wanted you to see how beautiful he is. Everyone–the doctors, the kids at school, even some of my family– assumed I would never want to see this life. They couldn’t imagine how his smile lights up a room. Everyone truly loves my little boy.

He never did anything to me. Today and everyday he brings me a joy that words just can’t describe. I thank God I didn’t listen to all of those people who would have denied me that AND denied my son’s life. ...

There are many more like me who want to give birth but are getting attacked. Please help stop this prejudice. Speaking from my heart I know even in the case of rape life is beautiful and my son is beautiful. No one can tell he was conceived in rape by looking at him. So let’s end the attitude towards these babies and the moms. We deserve to be loved like anyone else.

Moms deserve to see that #LIFEWINS and see the smile on their baby’s face,that brings light into a world that can sometimes seem so dark.

Even life conceived in such a terrible manner is precious. Just to think this precious mother is who will be raising the baby and he will have his mother's heart is inspiring, ty.
If it were up to my ex, our first son would have been flushed down the toilet. She didn't quite get the job done trying to overdose on Tylenol PM. It wasn't until years after the divorce that I learned she actually went to my mother with the idea of getting a real abortion. A staunch Catholic, I'm sure dear departed mom would rather have bitch-slapped her, but she kept her cool and talked my ex down. My son is now an Executive Producer for Netflix, earning more than I'll see in my lifetime.

If it were up to the doctor, my daughter would have been flushed down the toilet. He tried to convince my new wife and I that we were going to have a Down's Syndrome child. We decided that a human life is not something you haphazardly dispose of in order to convenience your own. She's a perfectly normal healthy college student starting her sophomore year at a prestigious conservatory where she's earning her BFA in Dance.

We all make choices in our lives that are a result of wonderful beautiful circumstance, or ugly brutal circumstance. But it is the most vulnerable among us who need for us to make a choice for them, to speak for them. Because they have no voice, no rights, no personhood. Not yet, anyway.
My wife was brutalized by her ex-husband, got pregnant, and was begged by her family to have an abortion. He was a fucking psychopath.

In her words, her child "needed to be born". She gave birth and eventually escaped her marriage (barely).

Her son has served two tours in Afghanistan and was awarded the Bronze Star. He is now an instructor at Nellis, teaching good guys how to kill bad guys.

And to think, we make movies about the "butterfly effect".

The butterfly? How fucking ironic is that?
We place the butterfly above the human being?

Is there no "humanfly effect".

Nope. Not since 1973.

The "choice" is yours. Butterflies or Human Beings.

Kill a butterfly, disrupt all of humanity.

"Choose" to kill your fetus, you simply wash your worries away.

Tens of millions of your children flushed to the gutter since 1973,

Yet, my own children have survived your holocaust. Only to live on, and provide richer lives for yourselves.
Assuming all of this is true, this girl simply grew up in the wrong community.

I am a life-long Roman Catholic, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that if she had gone to the local Catholic Bishop, or even to her own local Catholic Pastor, she would have been welcomed and fully supported, as would her baby have been. Foster care would have been provided if requested. Regardless of her own religion or the lack of one.

I've seen it happen in my own family and in families I know.

A human life is a human life, regardless of its origins.
Abortion is completely beyond me. How a woman can go through with it is something I'll never understand. I have two miracle sons, so they meant the world to me when I was finally able to get pregnant after being told it would never happen. When the second one was conceived, my doctor tried everything to convince me to have amniocentesis (because I was 35) which then was a risky proposition. I refused despite his insistence. I've known women who had abortions, not because of rape, but because of convenience or failure to prevent. These women were not like those who hadn't followed suit, they were scarred by their decision. I could see it. Then I met a woman that had two abortions: one because she didn't want another after her first delivery, knew the potential consequences, and chose not to prevent. Her second abortion was like the first, she repeated the same situation with an already married boyfriend who wouldn't divorce his wife which she thought about killing. She nearly had a third abortion when she began dating a man, once again repeating her old habits. She did get married to the father and she gave birth to a girl that just graduated from high school this past June. Her mother doesn't appear to have lost a single night's sleep over having killed to of her own and nearly making it a third time. Some people have zero conscience. This abortion thing should never have happened. It's made it far too convenient to take a human life.
Not the baby's fault how it was conceived. Though I wouldn't have faulted the mother for aborting in this case. Rape and health/life of the mother are two exceptions to my opposition to abortion.
Assuming all of this is true, this girl simply grew up in the wrong community.

I am a life-long Roman Catholic, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that if she had gone to the local Catholic Bishop, or even to her own local Catholic Pastor, she would have been welcomed and fully supported, as would her baby have been. Foster care would have been provided if requested. Regardless of her own religion or the lack of one.

I've seen it happen in my own family and in families I know.

A human life is a human life, regardless of its origins.

Thank you DGS49
A lot of people say one thing, but then when it happens to THEIR family, it's not so easy.
I hope this story encourages you to support even greater outreach to help nonprofits
rescue unwanted mothers and children, and to connect them with financial support.
You are right, not everyone has that.

How can we make sure there is a lifeline, there are personal connections with
supportive organizations with the resources to help, so nobody gets stuck all alone?
My wife was brutalized by her ex-husband, got pregnant, and was begged by her family to have an abortion. He was a fucking psychopath.

In her words, her child "needed to be born". She gave birth and eventually escaped her marriage (barely).

Her son has served two tours in Afghanistan and was awarded the Bronze Star. He is now an instructor at Nellis, teaching good guys how to kill bad guys.

And to think, we make movies about the "butterfly effect".

The butterfly? How fucking ironic is that?

Dear Mr. H. I love your family stories, thank you for sharing, these inspire me also!
Have you thought of doing a short video PSA about the gift of these lives?
Maybe start with an image of a toilet flushing, but then show a timeline of photos like a yearbook
on the wonderful gifts your children have brought into the world.

These are both very serious stories that can't help but have an impact.
Maybe your videos could be produced by nonprofits and posted online or go viral!

Juda's website is
She collect testimonies if you want help to edit one.
I think that would make a quite powerful statement.
one for your son and one for your daughter. Would love to see that
My wife was brutalized by her ex-husband, got pregnant, and was begged by her family to have an abortion. He was a fucking psychopath.

In her words, her child "needed to be born". She gave birth and eventually escaped her marriage (barely).

Her son has served two tours in Afghanistan and was awarded the Bronze Star. He is now an instructor at Nellis, teaching good guys how to kill bad guys.

And to think, we make movies about the "butterfly effect".

The butterfly? How fucking ironic is that?

Dear Mr. H. I love your family stories, thank you for sharing, these inspire me also!
Have you thought of doing a short video PSA about the gift of these lives?
Maybe start with an image of a toilet flushing, but then show a timeline of photos like a yearbook
on the wonderful gifts your children have brought into the world.

These are both very serious stories that can't help but have an impact.
Maybe your videos could be produced by nonprofits and posted online or go viral!

Juda's website is
She collect testimonies if you want help to edit one.
I think that would make a quite powerful statement.
one for your son and one for your daughter. Would love to see that
Thanks, but I've sobered up and lost interest.

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