Mad Duck to Release Top Terrorists Who Promise to Murder Americans

Mad Duck to Release Top Terrorists Who Promise to Murder Americans

fitting for a guy

that handed over a couple of thousand firearms to felons through a federal program

which are still killing Americans til this day

Perhaps one will find it's way to you and the thing won't be a total loss.

first im not a felon unlike you

and two i dont deal in hot firearms

You live in a fantasy world son.

fuck you
Poor thing, hollah if you locate a point shoog.

fuck you troll
Perhaps one will find it's way to you and the thing won't be a total loss.

first im not a felon unlike you

and two i dont deal in hot firearms

You live in a fantasy world son.

fuck you
Poor thing, hollah if you locate a point shoog.

fuck you troll

So, why are all the Obama-haters such Constitution-hating bedwetters? I'd say they should tattoo "I'm proud of being a bedwetter" on their foreheads, but that's unnecessary, being how it's instantly apparent the moment they speak.

That's right, snowflakes, the eeeeeeeevil moooslems have superpowers, and they're all coming to get you. Stay scared! Keep crying! You party commands it, after all. Better stay inside, keep those pajamas on, and never come out. Oh wait, you already do that.
The Constitution doesn't protect combatants captured on the battlefield. We could have executed these scum without a trial if we wanted to.

They are not subject to The Geneva Convention either, as they're not actual recognised Armed Forces, they wear no Armed Forces uniform.

It is all about the clothing of course.

Not at all. Perhaps you should take a good look at the Geneva Conventions and you might actually understand what he is saying. Or not and remain willfully ignorant.

Everyone who ever went to war saw themselves as "justified" and opposing "evil". And the US' approach to the Geneva Conventions has always been like our approach to the UN. Cordial when they rubber stamp what we seek, dismissive otherwise. Given that we torture now, attempting to pretend that we are all about the Geneva Conventions is just as silly as caterwauling about being hacked by foreign govts, which we do.
You have no idea the restrictions and procedures that we have had to deal with in Iraq or Afghanistan if you think that we simply ignore the Geneva Conventions.

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