lunchbox cops and the truth squad


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
there was no doubt that stephonopolous was planting the seeds for the prophylactic inititive. but now we have a truth squad (i thought that's what attackwatch was for)
but rush was talking about food law enforcement today when a little girl in preschool had the lunch her mom packed taken away and she was forced to eat chicken mignuggets.
she had a turkey and cheese sandwich with chips and a bananna and apple juice.

is this the new alinsky ? obama is frustrated cause he can't force congress to do certain things. does he really need congress or the supreme court ?? why not just have fucking media matters write a new constitution....

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The ban on bringing lunch from home at that Chicago school has been in place for 6 years. Obama has nothing to do with it, no matter how much you want to stretch it.

Truth Squad and Attack Watch are the same thing.
The sack lunch that the mother packed is healthy. Chicken nuggets aren't. The Chicago school should be investigating for promoting unhealthy eating habits.

So take it up with that Chicago school, they've had that rule in place for 6 years.

Not to mention, apparently they have one of the best school lunch programs in the country.
The ban on bringing lunch from home at that Chicago school has been in place for 6 years. Obama has nothing to do with it, no matter how much you want to stretch it.

Truth Squad and Attack Watch are the same thing.

It was a NC school, there was NO BAN on home-packed lunches and this is a dupe thread.
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i think my point was why do we have lunch box agents at all, are they sieu ? why would her mother pack her lunch everyday if there was a ban. it's not like school just started for the year.
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i think my point was why do we have lunch box agents, are they sieu ?

I don't know what "sieu" is. Nor do I know what a "lunch box agent" is. Do you mean "lunch lady"?

If you meant "SEIU", then I doubt it, unless lunch ladies in that school are organized by SEIU.

When I worked for the public school system in NY, we weren't SEIU, we were organized by AFSCME.
Unless the child is 'lunchless' and parents said 'No' to hot lunch, school should stay out of it.

She would have been ok if she said the kids was 'allergic to veggies.' They may have even given her a separate table.
The sack lunch that the mother packed is healthy. Chicken nuggets aren't. The Chicago school should be investigating for promoting unhealthy eating habits.

So take it up with that Chicago school, they've had that rule in place for 6 years.

Not to mention, apparently they have one of the best school lunch programs in the country.

Apparently not....chicken nuggets?
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Unless the child is 'lunchless' and parents said 'No' to hot lunch, school should stay out of it.

She would have been ok if she said the kids was 'allergic to veggies.' They may have even given her a separate table.

she did say the child eats her veggies at home under mom's supervison. she sounds like a responsible mother.
i find this to be very disturbing, another example of state intrusion and the obama's making better decisons "for the good of the people" than the american parent can.

the agent inspects every luch box ?? really ?? you can drink 1 % milk but not two ??
is this preconditioning for patdowns and surprise locker inspections.

what about bookburning and mandatory secularism ?? ?? how about brain implants so you vote for a democrat party candidate ??
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Unless the child is 'lunchless' and parents said 'No' to hot lunch, school should stay out of it.

She would have been ok if she said the kids was 'allergic to veggies.' They may have even given her a separate table.

Oh, this person actually told the child that her mother didn't pack her a good enough lunch.

It was apparently not nutritious enough. The mom's pissed. I don't blame her.

And if you take out the food nazi in this situation, what if that little girl had food allergies and the school cafeteria served her something to hospitalize her?

They are taking a big risk here.
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Unless the child is 'lunchless' and parents said 'No' to hot lunch, school should stay out of it.

She would have been ok if she said the kids was 'allergic to veggies.' They may have even given her a separate table.

she did say the child eats her veggies at home under mom's supervison. she sounds like a responsible mother.
i find this to be very disturbing, another example of state intrusion and the obama's making better decisons "for the good of the people" than the american parent can.
What does Obama have to do with this? It's a state law.

the agent inspects every luch box ?? really ?? you can drink 1 % milk but not two ??
is this preconditioning for patdowns and surprise locker inspections.

what about bookburning and mandatory secularism ?? ?? how about brain implants so you vote for a democrat party candidate ??

North Carolina's state legislature is controlled by Republicans, not Democrats.
The sack lunch that the mother packed is healthy. Chicken nuggets aren't. The Chicago school should be investigating for promoting unhealthy eating habits.

So take it up with that Chicago school, they've had that rule in place for 6 years.

Not to mention, apparently they have one of the best school lunch programs in the country.

Apparently not....chicken nuggets?

My mistake. The OP didn't have any details, so I googled it and came up with a different story.
You find this "very disturbing". Really?

Basically telling the kid mom doesn't care about your health. Giving a 4 year old MORE to eat, which of course wasn't happening, most of both were thrown out.

Unless the parents send nothing, the school should stay out of it.

It's fine to have nutrition awareness regarding lunches at PTA meetings or during open houses, another to check the lunch time stuff and get kids upset. Stupid.
there was no doubt that stephonopolous was planting the seeds for the prophylactic inititive. but now we have a truth squad (i thought that's what attackwatch was for)
but rush was talking about food law enforcement today when a little girl in preschool had the lunch her mom packed taken away and she was forced to eat chicken mignuggets.
she had a turkey and cheese sandwich with chips and a bananna and apple juice.

is this the new alinsky ? obama is frustrated cause he can't force congress to do certain things. does he really need congress or the supreme court ?? why not just have fucking media matters write a new constitution....

Rush Limbaugh Report: The Food Police are in our schools

Did RUSH LIMBAUGH happen to mention that North Carolina is also a RED state controlled by the RW GOP? :confused:
Unless the child is 'lunchless' and parents said 'No' to hot lunch, school should stay out of it.

She would have been ok if she said the kids was 'allergic to veggies.' They may have even given her a separate table.

she did say the child eats her veggies at home under mom's supervison. she sounds like a responsible mother.
i find this to be very disturbing, another example of state intrusion and the obama's making better decisons "for the good of the people" than the american parent can.
What does Obama have to do with this? It's a state law.

the agent inspects every luch box ?? really ?? you can drink 1 % milk but not two ??
is this preconditioning for patdowns and surprise locker inspections.

what about bookburning and mandatory secularism ?? ?? how about brain implants so you vote for a democrat party candidate ??

North Carolina's state legislature is controlled by Republicans, not Democrats.

Republicans can be idiot nanny state individuals as well. Bozo ideas can be bipartisan. ETA: I'm all for nutritious lunches but to have a "food guard" on staff when schools can't afford books or more teachers is to me just crazy.

This is what I don't get. The lunch met the guidelines. Go figure.

The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day.

The Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs — including in-home day care centers — to meet USDA guidelines.

That means lunches must consist of one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables

Turkey = Meat
Cheese = Milk
Bread = Grain
Banana = 1x Fruit/Veg
Apple Juice = 1x Fruit/Veg
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she did say the child eats her veggies at home under mom's supervison. she sounds like a responsible mother.
i find this to be very disturbing, another example of state intrusion and the obama's making better decisons "for the good of the people" than the american parent can.
What does Obama have to do with this? It's a state law.

the agent inspects every luch box ?? really ?? you can drink 1 % milk but not two ??
is this preconditioning for patdowns and surprise locker inspections.

what about bookburning and mandatory secularism ?? ?? how about brain implants so you vote for a democrat party candidate ??

North Carolina's state legislature is controlled by Republicans, not Democrats.

Republicans can be idiot nanny state individuals as well. Bozo ideas can be bipartisan.

This is what I don't get. The lunch met the guidelines. Go figure.

The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day.

The Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs — including in-home day care centers — to meet USDA guidelines.

That means lunches must consist of one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables

Turkey = Meat
Cheese = Milk
Bread = Grain
Banana = 1x Fruit/Veg
Apple Juice = 1x Fruit/Veg

I agree with you, for the most part. Clearly, in this case, it's just a school trying to pad their lunchroom budget.
there was no doubt that stephonopolous was planting the seeds for the prophylactic inititive. but now we have a truth squad (i thought that's what attackwatch was for)
but rush was talking about food law enforcement today when a little girl in preschool had the lunch her mom packed taken away and she was forced to eat chicken mignuggets.
she had a turkey and cheese sandwich with chips and a bananna and apple juice.

is this the new alinsky ? obama is frustrated cause he can't force congress to do certain things. does he really need congress or the supreme court ?? why not just have fucking media matters write a new constitution....

Rush Limbaugh Report: The Food Police are in our schools

Did RUSH LIMBAUGH happen to mention that North Carolina is also a RED state controlled by the RW GOP? :confused:

i'm pretty sure there are no red states or blue states... only american states. if this is connected to the union in any way, people will talk. and yes the obama's are inserting their government into everything social.

"i get frustrated when i can't force congress to do what i want.... " really barack ? you hyperego lunatic.
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