Little David Hoggwash.......

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Really did you even watch it? Nothing but staged propaganda LOL fucking moron
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Really did you even watch it? Nothing but staged propaganda LOL fucking moron
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) ”

Those are not his words, delusional dale, they’re yours. If you weren’t so crazy, you would have to make up dialogue for him. He said, “on the day of the shooting,” not “after he hears of the shooting.”

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I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

The best part of this loony nutjob rant was when Crazy Dale said “I have kept quiet waiting for indisputable evidence...”


Why did he have to ride his

Maybe he doesn't own a car. Maybe he realized all the traffic was too fucked up for a car. Who cares?

I'm sure it's one of those little things like a porta-potty you'll attach all sorts of significance to

I am in Denver, Colorado installing a mail machine that I rebuilt...stripped down to just the frame

Sure you are, buddy. It's not like you couldn't have found that picture of a machine on shutterstock or something.

But you didn't answer the main question, is there any conspiracy theory that you don't accept on face value?
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

That video shows little Hitler Hogg shooting a propaganda video some where some time. That is the problem with some believing every thing they are spoon fed.
Your handler should be so proud.
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

That video shows little Hitler Hogg shooting a propaganda video some where some time. That is the problem with some believing every thing they are spoon fed.
Your handler should be so proud.
Who cares what you call it? It’s still David Hogg on lock down.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

The best part of this loony nutjob rant was when Crazy Dale said “I have kept quiet waiting for indisputable evidence...”



THIS is hilarious!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride
Why did he have to ride his

Maybe he doesn't own a car. Maybe he realized all the traffic was too fucked up for a car. Who cares?

I'm sure it's one of those little things like a porta-potty you'll attach all sorts of significance to

I am in Denver, Colorado installing a mail machine that I rebuilt...stripped down to just the frame

Sure you are, buddy. It's not like you couldn't have found that picture of a machine on shutterstock or something.

But you didn't answer the main question, is there any conspiracy theory that you don't accept on face value?

Nope, Joseph and yet you will never "walk it back" so I must taunt you...

Look! Joseph! I built this electrical box in three days......couldn't post the wide shot to fit the entire thing in. It's the entire electrical and logic system for a high speed mail inserting machine. It has servo motors instead of clutches on the feeders.

2018-04-14 10.37.31.jpg

It goes in this......

2018-04-12 14.52.48.jpg

That is a four station 6 by 9 while the one that was installed last week was a six station 10 by 13 capable of running flats. The above machine is VERY economical for small shops, takes up little space, while the 10 by 13 is more of a heavy duty, three shifts machine. I strip them down to just the frame, replace all bearings and worn shafts, rebuild the feeders and then install the new electronics with a box that I wire myself......ready to "walk it back, Joseph?

Oh! Got some time and went to the Red Rock amphitheater...

2018-04-10 10.15.29.jpg

You make it too easy, Joseph.

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Really did you even watch it? Nothing but staged propaganda LOL fucking moron
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Really did you even watch it? Nothing but staged propaganda LOL fucking moron
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Delusional dale claims David Hogg went back to the school after hearing about the shooting...

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Let’s see if delusional dale can post a link to demonstrate that it’s true.

He certainly didn’t get it from Hogg’s Vox interview...

”At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.”

And he certainly didn’t get it from the 39 Days documentary...

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

So delusional dale? From where did you obtain that gem of yours about David Hogg getting his camera only ”after he hears of the shooting?”
Really did you even watch it? Nothing but staged propaganda LOL fucking moron
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Really did you even watch it? Nothing but staged propaganda LOL fucking moron
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Delusional dale claims David Hogg went back to the school after hearing about the shooting...

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Let’s see if delusional dale can post a link to demonstrate that it’s true.

He certainly didn’t get it from Hogg’s Vox interview...

”At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.”

And he certainly didn’t get it from the 39 Days documentary...

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

So delusional dale? From where did you obtain that gem of yours about David Hogg getting his camera only ”after he hears of the shooting?”

That this could not be another mass shooting? The time stamp of his interviews" are around 9:30 AM....SO? If he was doing video interviews BEFORE he went home and got his camera, briskly peddled back to the scene on his little bike? Isn't it safe to assume that he KNEW it was a "mass shooting"? What was he using to "film" before he peddled back just as fast as his skinny legs would go? I suspect it was his phone but he wanted to be professional! He wanted his camera and needed to brush up on his lines and rehearse before he was put on the Clown News Network as the face of this event in a lame shame game attempt that focused more on gun rights than it did those that lost their lives. Three hours later and he thinks that these alleged traumatized "children" are going to hang around a crime scene just so they can be interviewed by "Scoops" Hogg? UNLESS they were instructed to stick around as a prop for Scoops. Youtube keeps deleting videos showing how Scoops contradicts himself......censoring is what leftards do when caught in lies and embellishments.

You lose, little faun..... but enjoy this again!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride
Last edited:
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Delusional dale claims David Hogg went back to the school after hearing about the shooting...

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Let’s see if delusional dale can post a link to demonstrate that it’s true.

He certainly didn’t get it from Hogg’s Vox interview...

”At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.”

And he certainly didn’t get it from the 39 Days documentary...

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

So delusional dale? From where did you obtain that gem of yours about David Hogg getting his camera only ”after he hears of the shooting?”

That this could not be another mass shooting? The time stamp of his interviews" are around 9:30 AM....SO? If he was doing video interviews BEFORE he went home and got his camera, briskly peddled back to the scene on his little bike? Isn't it safe to assume that he KNEW it was a "mass shooting"? Three hours later and he thinks that these alleged traumatized "children" are going to hang around a crime scene just so they can be interviewed by "Scoops" Hogg? UNLESS they were instructed to stick around as a prop for Scoops. Youtube keeps deleting videos showing how Scoops contradicts himself......censoring is what leftards do when caught in lies and embellishments.

You lose, little faun..... but enjoy this again!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride


You poor thing. You lost when you lied about what he said.

he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Those aren’t his words, they’re yours.
"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Delusional dale claims David Hogg went back to the school after hearing about the shooting...

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Let’s see if delusional dale can post a link to demonstrate that it’s true.

He certainly didn’t get it from Hogg’s Vox interview...

”At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.”

And he certainly didn’t get it from the 39 Days documentary...

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

So delusional dale? From where did you obtain that gem of yours about David Hogg getting his camera only ”after he hears of the shooting?”

That this could not be another mass shooting? The time stamp of his interviews" are around 9:30 AM....SO? If he was doing video interviews BEFORE he went home and got his camera, briskly peddled back to the scene on his little bike? Isn't it safe to assume that he KNEW it was a "mass shooting"? Three hours later and he thinks that these alleged traumatized "children" are going to hang around a crime scene just so they can be interviewed by "Scoops" Hogg? UNLESS they were instructed to stick around as a prop for Scoops. Youtube keeps deleting videos showing how Scoops contradicts himself......censoring is what leftards do when caught in lies and embellishments.

You lose, little faun..... but enjoy this again!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride


You poor thing. You lost when you lied about what he said.

he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Those aren’t his words, they’re yours.

LMAO! Lame gaslight attempt. You duck, dodge, deflect......but enjoy the furious peddling of little David Hogg as his (snicker) "presence" is very important. Only an idiot like you can feign such ignorance and refuse to see the contradictions. Awfully pathetic, little Faun........
”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

I think this sums it up right here, he was not a school that day. If he was he would have known that it was a mass shooting but he said I knew that this could not be another mass shooting meaning he is a liar and was not there.

And sandy hook was a fucking hoax
That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Delusional dale claims David Hogg went back to the school after hearing about the shooting...

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Let’s see if delusional dale can post a link to demonstrate that it’s true.

He certainly didn’t get it from Hogg’s Vox interview...

”At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.”

And he certainly didn’t get it from the 39 Days documentary...

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

So delusional dale? From where did you obtain that gem of yours about David Hogg getting his camera only ”after he hears of the shooting?”

That this could not be another mass shooting? The time stamp of his interviews" are around 9:30 AM....SO? If he was doing video interviews BEFORE he went home and got his camera, briskly peddled back to the scene on his little bike? Isn't it safe to assume that he KNEW it was a "mass shooting"? Three hours later and he thinks that these alleged traumatized "children" are going to hang around a crime scene just so they can be interviewed by "Scoops" Hogg? UNLESS they were instructed to stick around as a prop for Scoops. Youtube keeps deleting videos showing how Scoops contradicts himself......censoring is what leftards do when caught in lies and embellishments.

You lose, little faun..... but enjoy this again!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride


You poor thing. You lost when you lied about what he said.

he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Those aren’t his words, they’re yours.

LMAO! Lame gaslight attempt. You duck, dodge, deflect......but enjoy the furious peddling of little David Hogg as his (snicker) "presence" is very important. Only an idiot like you can feign such ignorance and refuse to see the contradictions. Awfully pathetic, little Faun........


You poor thing, bless your heart. There isn’t a single contradiction. There is only you hallucinating and lying.

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

I think this sums it up right here, he was not a school that day. If he was he would have known that it was a mass shooting but he said I knew that this could not be another mass shooting meaning he is a liar and was not there.

And sandy hook was a fucking hoax
You’re right, he was not a school that day. Not that day... not any day. I can see you’re a fucking genius. :lol:
But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

But "Scoops Hogg" was allegedly huddled in a closet DURING the shooting FILMING and interviewing students while a (snicker) "lone guman" was allegedly shooting up the follow me here, little faun.......he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words) and grabs his little bicycle so he can further interview children that are still there at 6 PM and wandering around the crime scene and then rehearses his (snicker) "interview" on CNN that his mother works for?

OH NO! faun!!!!! Here comes "Scoops Hogg" again !!!!!! He is a snowflake on a mission !!!!!

Delusional dale claims David Hogg went back to the school after hearing about the shooting...

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Let’s see if delusional dale can post a link to demonstrate that it’s true.

He certainly didn’t get it from Hogg’s Vox interview...

”At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.”

And he certainly didn’t get it from the 39 Days documentary...

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

So delusional dale? From where did you obtain that gem of yours about David Hogg getting his camera only ”after he hears of the shooting?”

That this could not be another mass shooting? The time stamp of his interviews" are around 9:30 AM....SO? If he was doing video interviews BEFORE he went home and got his camera, briskly peddled back to the scene on his little bike? Isn't it safe to assume that he KNEW it was a "mass shooting"? Three hours later and he thinks that these alleged traumatized "children" are going to hang around a crime scene just so they can be interviewed by "Scoops" Hogg? UNLESS they were instructed to stick around as a prop for Scoops. Youtube keeps deleting videos showing how Scoops contradicts himself......censoring is what leftards do when caught in lies and embellishments.

You lose, little faun..... but enjoy this again!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride


You poor thing. You lost when you lied about what he said.

he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Those aren’t his words, they’re yours.

LMAO! Lame gaslight attempt. You duck, dodge, deflect......but enjoy the furious peddling of little David Hogg as his (snicker) "presence" is very important. Only an idiot like you can feign such ignorance and refuse to see the contradictions. Awfully pathetic, little Faun........


You poor thing, bless your heart. There isn’t a single contradiction. There is only you hallucinating and lying.


LMAO! Not a one contradiction, sez faun!!!!

Delusional dale claims David Hogg went back to the school after hearing about the shooting...

”he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Let’s see if delusional dale can post a link to demonstrate that it’s true.

He certainly didn’t get it from Hogg’s Vox interview...

”At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.”

And he certainly didn’t get it from the 39 Days documentary...

”On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

So delusional dale? From where did you obtain that gem of yours about David Hogg getting his camera only ”after he hears of the shooting?”

That this could not be another mass shooting? The time stamp of his interviews" are around 9:30 AM....SO? If he was doing video interviews BEFORE he went home and got his camera, briskly peddled back to the scene on his little bike? Isn't it safe to assume that he KNEW it was a "mass shooting"? Three hours later and he thinks that these alleged traumatized "children" are going to hang around a crime scene just so they can be interviewed by "Scoops" Hogg? UNLESS they were instructed to stick around as a prop for Scoops. Youtube keeps deleting videos showing how Scoops contradicts himself......censoring is what leftards do when caught in lies and embellishments.

You lose, little faun..... but enjoy this again!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride

You poor thing. You lost when you lied about what he said.

he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Those aren’t his words, they’re yours.

LMAO! Lame gaslight attempt. You duck, dodge, deflect......but enjoy the furious peddling of little David Hogg as his (snicker) "presence" is very important. Only an idiot like you can feign such ignorance and refuse to see the contradictions. Awfully pathetic, little Faun........

You poor thing, bless your heart. There isn’t a single contradiction. There is only you hallucinating and lying.


LMAO! Not a one contradiction, sez faun!!!!

View attachment 188079 View attachment 188079 View attachment 188080
Not one, delusional dale. Of course, I’m not taking your hallucinations or lies into consideration.
That this could not be another mass shooting? The time stamp of his interviews" are around 9:30 AM....SO? If he was doing video interviews BEFORE he went home and got his camera, briskly peddled back to the scene on his little bike? Isn't it safe to assume that he KNEW it was a "mass shooting"? Three hours later and he thinks that these alleged traumatized "children" are going to hang around a crime scene just so they can be interviewed by "Scoops" Hogg? UNLESS they were instructed to stick around as a prop for Scoops. Youtube keeps deleting videos showing how Scoops contradicts himself......censoring is what leftards do when caught in lies and embellishments.

You lose, little faun..... but enjoy this again!!!

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride

You poor thing. You lost when you lied about what he said.

he gets a ride home to grab a camera after he hears of the shooting (his own words)”

Those aren’t his words, they’re yours.

LMAO! Lame gaslight attempt. You duck, dodge, deflect......but enjoy the furious peddling of little David Hogg as his (snicker) "presence" is very important. Only an idiot like you can feign such ignorance and refuse to see the contradictions. Awfully pathetic, little Faun........

You poor thing, bless your heart. There isn’t a single contradiction. There is only you hallucinating and lying.


LMAO! Not a one contradiction, sez faun!!!!

View attachment 188079 View attachment 188079 View attachment 188080
Not one, delusional dale. Of course, I’m not taking your hallucinations or lies into consideration.

Seriously....if "da gubermint" (via their media) told you that the moon was made of blue cheese? You would lamely attempt to attack anyone that said "da gubermint" was lying. Your lack of critical thinking skills are...hmmmmm? How do I say this delicately? How about "lacking"????


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