Liberals Fail to Confirm Trump Claim Muslims Celebrated Towers Crashing on 9-11 proves it a lie?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So let's get this straight, Trump says that some Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers then various liberal journalists do a half hearted attempt to confirm it, predictably fail, and that is supposed to prove Trump is lying?


I remember the stories on the TV about this when it happened and I saw some small groups of Muslims celebrate it also at a place I worked. I wanted to kill them right there on the spot.

But also predictably, some people double check the fact checkers and guess what? TRUMP IS RIGHT ONCE AGAIN!

If Trump lied about 9/11 celebrations in NJ, why did WaPo report in 2001 that it happened?

Or, maybe, possibly, these liberal "fact checkers" are just not very good at their jobs. Powerline Blog's Hindraker noted that after the dinosaur media announced their inability to confirm Trump's tale, he thought he'd give it a go:

So NPR, the New York Times and the Associated Press searched contemporaneous news accounts and could find no evidence of Muslim-Americans cheering in Jersey City. That’s odd. Because it took me less than two minutes to find this story from the Washington Post dated September 18, 2001 . . .

If you want to read the entire Post story, you can do so here. You can quibble if you want with the details of Trump's recollection - whether there were really "thousands" or a much smaller number, but as Rob pointed out earlier when we were talking instead of working, if that's what your quibble comes down to, you haven't exactly caught Trump in the yuuuuuuuge lie that the media's headlines would imply.

And boy are they going to town with it, using some of the most twisted "fact checking" logic you've ever heard. Consider this from Business Insider (emphasis mine):

Despite Trump's insistence that he saw such celebrations, political fact-checkers across the board have found little to no evidence of any public celebrations after the attacks.

PolitiFact noted that there were several media reports of police inquiries into individuals who were suspected of celebrating the attacks in Jersey City and nearby Paterson, but there is no evidence that these investigations revealed any actual celebrations or resulted in any convictions.

"This defies basic logic," PolitiFact's Lauren Carroll wrote in a "Pants on Fire" ruling.

"If thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many people beyond Trump would remember it," Carroll continued. "And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual evidence."

So let me see if I have this straight. Trump says he saw celebrations. PolitiFact acknowledges there were police reports to that effect, but insists that because the existence of 14-year-old police reports don't constitute incontrovertible proof the celebrations happened, the negative is proven and Trump is a liar.
So let's get this straight, Trump says that some Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers then various liberal journalists do a half hearted attempt to confirm it, predictably fail, and that is supposed to prove Trump is lying?

there were several media reports of police inquiries into individuals who were suspected of celebrating the attacks in Jersey City and nearby Paterson, but there is no evidence that these investigations revealed any actual celebrations or resulted in any convictions.
Pathological liar Trump said THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS were celebrating in Jersey City and that he saw it on TV and it was well covered at the time.

The Patterson claim was proven to be a hoax, and the Jersey City celebrants were 5 Israelis, not Arabs as pathological liar Trump claimed, and not thousands and thousands.
So let's get this straight, Trump says that some Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers then various liberal journalists do a half hearted attempt to confirm it, predictably fail, and that is supposed to prove Trump is lying?


I remember the stories on the TV about this when it happened and I saw some small groups of Muslims celebrate it also at a place I worked. I wanted to kill them right there on the spot.

But also predictably, some people double check the fact checkers and guess what? TRUMP IS RIGHT ONCE AGAIN!

If Trump lied about 9/11 celebrations in NJ, why did WaPo report in 2001 that it happened?

Or, maybe, possibly, these liberal "fact checkers" are just not very good at their jobs. Powerline Blog's Hindraker noted that after the dinosaur media announced their inability to confirm Trump's tale, he thought he'd give it a go:

So NPR, the New York Times and the Associated Press searched contemporaneous news accounts and could find no evidence of Muslim-Americans cheering in Jersey City. That’s odd. Because it took me less than two minutes to find this story from the Washington Post dated September 18, 2001 . . .

If you want to read the entire Post story, you can do so here. You can quibble if you want with the details of Trump's recollection - whether there were really "thousands" or a much smaller number, but as Rob pointed out earlier when we were talking instead of working, if that's what your quibble comes down to, you haven't exactly caught Trump in the yuuuuuuuge lie that the media's headlines would imply.

And boy are they going to town with it, using some of the most twisted "fact checking" logic you've ever heard. Consider this from Business Insider (emphasis mine):

Despite Trump's insistence that he saw such celebrations, political fact-checkers across the board have found little to no evidence of any public celebrations after the attacks.

PolitiFact noted that there were several media reports of police inquiries into individuals who were suspected of celebrating the attacks in Jersey City and nearby Paterson, but there is no evidence that these investigations revealed any actual celebrations or resulted in any convictions.

"This defies basic logic," PolitiFact's Lauren Carroll wrote in a "Pants on Fire" ruling.

"If thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many people beyond Trump would remember it," Carroll continued. "And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual evidence."

So let me see if I have this straight. Trump says he saw celebrations. PolitiFact acknowledges there were police reports to that effect, but insists that because the existence of 14-year-old police reports don't constitute incontrovertible proof the celebrations happened, the negative is proven and Trump is a liar.

That's OK.Right wingers always have a hard time estimating the size of crowds. American Spring was supposed to have at least a million, and possibly 30 million. They had a little better than 100.
Pathological liar Trump said THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS were celebrating in Jersey City and that he saw it on TV and it was well covered at the time.

The Patterson claim was proven to be a hoax, and the Jersey City celebrants were 5 Israelis, not Arabs as pathological liar Trump claimed, and not thousands and thousands.
Bullshit Ed, these Muslim fools were celebvrating just like blacks did when OJ got the innocent verdict.

Prove that anti-Semitic horse crap that the 'Isrealis were behind it' ya doofus.
That's OK.Right wingers always have a hard time estimating the size of crowds. American Spring was supposed to have at least a million, and possibly 30 million. They had a little better than 100.

Thousands of Muslims from around the world celebrating 9-11. I remember seeing videos vvery similar to this around the time of 9-11, and I personally heard several Muslims laughing and joking about what happened at the time.

Whether Trump thinks that thousands of Muslims in a specific city in New Jersey were celebrating, I dont know. Some of it is likely hyperbole, and some of it may be confusion due to the way the media folded American Muslim celebrations in with reports on the celebrations going on internationally.

But where are the Muslims videoed in America demonstrating AGAINST the terrorists? Where are the raids on jihadi cells due to intel from loyal American Muslims?
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Pathological liar Trump said THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS were celebrating in Jersey City and that he saw it on TV and it was well covered at the time.

The Patterson claim was proven to be a hoax, and the Jersey City celebrants were 5 Israelis, not Arabs as pathological liar Trump claimed, and not thousands and thousands.
Bullshit Ed, these Muslim fools were celebvrating just like blacks did when OJ got the innocent verdict.

Prove that anti-Semitic horse crap that the 'Isrealis were behind it' ya doofus.

5 Young Israelis, Caught in Net of Suspicion

There was no proof that they were celebrating, but they were held for 27 days under suspicion.
The Muslim Brotherhood plan to destroy America.

Muslim Brotherhood in the USA

Brigitte Gabriele
Brigitte Gabriel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"The process of settlement is a civilization Jihadist process with all the word means. Muslim brothers within North America is a form of Grande Jihad in destroying and eliminating Western Civilizations from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religionis made victorious over all other religions."

Muslim Brotherhood sponsored/aligned organizations to prmote jihad in America.
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) - they supply advisors to President Obama about Middle Eastern policy.

Islamic Society of North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case, the United States Department of Justice named ISNA, along with Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the North American Islamic Trust, as an unindicted co-conspirator and one of a number of "entities who
are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood."[18][19][20] ISNA, along with NAIT and CAIR, filed motions seeking to be removed from the UCC listing, and the District Judge found that the government had violated the organizations' rights by listing them as Unindicted Co-Conspirators.[21] Judge Solis, as affirmed by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, held that the government should not have listed CAIR and ISNA, but that "the government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT,

with the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas"....

Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) has asserted that the Islamic Society of North America is "accused of ties to Islamic extremists",[23] and investigative journalist Steven Emerson[24][25][26] accused ISNA of ties to terrorism.[1]

Further information: Muslim attitudes towards terrorism Allegations of Wahhabism[edit]
In his testimony before the US Senate in October 2003, Dr. Michael Waller told Senators, that “The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) refers Muslim clerics to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. The Islamic Society of North America is an influential front for the promotion of the Wahhabi political, ideological and theological infrastructure in the United States and Canada." Claiming that ISNA has connections to 50 to 79 percent of mosques on the North American continent, he accused the organization of "dominating Islam in North America."[27][28]
Similarly, Stephen Schwartz described ISNA in Senate hearing testimony as one of the chief conduits through which the radical Saudi form of Islam passes through to the US.[29]

Other controversy[edit]
A speaker at the 2009 national convention, Warith Deen Umar, a New York imam, asserted that the Holocaust happened to the Jews "because they were serially disobedient to Allah." He went on to allege that a group of Jews close to President Barack Obama "control the world."

Muslim Student Association -

Muslim Students' Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim Brotherhood Ties at MIT[edit]
Journalist Deborah Scroggins, in exploring how suspected al-Qaeda member Aafia Siddiqui became an Islamist extremist, wrote for Vogue that if Siddiqui "was drawn into terrorism, it may have been through the contacts and friendships she made in the early 1990s working for MIT's Muslim Students Association. Members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the world's oldest and biggest Islamist movement, established the first MSAs in the country... and the movement's ideology continued to influence the MSA long after that. At MIT, several of the MSA's most active members followed the teachings of Abdullah Azzam, a Muslim Brother who was Osama bin Laden's mentor. According to Scroggins article, "[Azzam] had established the Al Kifah Refugee Center to function as its worldwide recruiting post, propaganda office, and fund-raising center for the mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan... It would become the nucleus of the al-Qaeda organization."[12]

Muslim Student Union at the University of California, Irvine[edit]
The University of California Irvine Muslim Student Union is an affiliated chapter of MSA National, which was suspended for the 2010–11 school year for heckling and repeatedly disrupting a speech given by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren at a university sponsored event.[13][14][15][16][17]

The program is being organized in conjunction with American Muslims for Palestine, a Chicago-based group that is dedicated to training college and high school students to advocate against Israel and its American supporters.[18]

New York Police Department Monitoring of MSAs[edit]
The NYPD monitored Muslim student associations, what they referred to as MSAs, in Northeast US, citing a list of 12 people arrested or convicted on terrorism charges in the United States and abroad who had once been members of Muslim student associations. In rationalizing their monitoring activities, the NYPD noted they followed the same rules as the FBI.

The universities involved in the student monitoring included Yale, Columbia, the University of Pennsylvania, Syracuse, New York University, Clarkson University, the Newark and New Brunswick campuses of Rutgers, and the State University of New York campuses in Buffalo, Albany, Stony Brook and Potsdam, Queens College, Baruch College, Brooklyn College and La Guardia Community College. In one monitoring incident, a conference which was to be attended by MSA affiliated students was monitored which included as a speaker Siraj Wahaj, a prominent but controversial New York imam who has attracted the attention of authorities for years.[19][20]

In June 2012, MSA National, along with other Plaintiffs, filed suit against the City of New York, in New Jersey federal court.[21][22] The suit alleges, on behalf of two New Jersey MSA chapters, that Plaintiffs were deprived of their Free Exercise rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, and seeks to force the NYPD to expunge all data, information and conclusions regarding the Plaintiffs compiled by the NYPD.

North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) - This org owns the deed to over 90% of the mosques in the USA.

North American Islamic Trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia has funded NAIT in order to spread Wahhabism, the conservative fundamentalist Saudi Arabian version of Islam that views other versions as heretical, in the US.[16][17] As NAIT has helped US communities build mosques, NAIT in turn has been dependent on Saudi
funding. According to a September 30, 2002, Newsweek report, "NAIT money has helped the Saudi Arabian sect of Wahhabism—or Salafism, as the broader, pan-Islamic movement is called—to seize control of hundreds of mosques in the U.S. Muslim communities."[18] US law enforcement officials have indicated that they feel the mosques supported by NAIT have especially radical agendas.[19] Furthermore, NAIT's book service promotes the writings of the founder of Wahhabism, Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab.[20][21]

The mosques built through NAIT often require continued maintenance support from NAIT, which keeps title to the mosques.[22] The Constitution of Dar Al-Hijrah requires, for example, that the mosque at all times include on its 9-member Board of Directors the then-current General Manager of NAIT, Secretary General of ISNA, President of Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA), and President of Muslim American Society (MAS).[23] Directors serve for 5-year terms, and new Directors are elected by the then-current Directors.

The effort to spread Wahhabism has led to conflict with more moderate and less fundamentalist Moslems as with Saudi backing NAIT has seized control of mosques in various states including Florida, California, Illinois, Texas, and Arizona.[24][25] "We feel this is very much a war for the heart and soul of our religion," said Jamaluddin Hoffman of the Islamic Supreme Council of America, which represents Sufi Muslims. Khalid Durán, an Islamic scholar and author, said NAIT wants "all the mosques to be ideologically pure in their own Wahhabist line. They want to prevent others from having influence." Durán and others say NAIT often takes title to a mosque after extremists have seized control. Soon,

Wahhabi literature shows up in the mosques and related Islamic schools, only Wahhabi-oriented speakers are allowed to speak, and women are often separated from men for services.[26]

Links to terrorism[edit]
NAIT acts as a Mosque Title Holder for more than several hundred Mosques in the United States, without any control on how each mosque operates. Since its inspection in 1973, two incidents took place.The Islamic Academy of Florida in Hillsborough County, Florida, and founded in 1992 by Sami Al-Arian, was described in a 2003 federal indictment as a base of operations and support for a terrorist cell of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a group said to be responsible for the murders of more than 100 people. The indictment said the Academy's offices were used to communicate with Islamic Jihad operatives, and a woman seeking to support the Palestinian cause was told simply to write a check to the Academy.[27] On March 2, 2006, Al-Arian entered a guilty plea to a charge of conspiracy to help the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a "specially designated terrorist" organization.[28] Al-Arian was sentenced to 57 months in prison, and ordered deported following his prison term.[29]

In August 2004 Mohammed M. Hossain and Yassin M. Aref, two leaders of a mosque in Albany, were arrested in a sting operation on charges that they took part in what they thought was a plot to import a shoulder-fired missile and assassinate a Pakistani diplomat in New York City.[30] They were convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2007.

In 2007, federal prosecutors brought charges against Holy Land Foundation for allegedly funding terrorist activities of Hamas and other Islamic terrorist organizations. NAIT was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case,[31] along with the Council on American-
Islamic Relations (CAIR) and ISNA.
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Rumors of groups of people celebrating the attacks in “tailgate-style parties” popped up in national publications like The Washington Post and Associated Press, but were never confirmed as true. A highly publicized video of Muslims cheering and flashing victory signs on the day of the attack was shot in the Israeli-occupied West Bank of Palestine, not in the Garden State. A video of American Muslims celebrating the terrorist attack doesn’t appear to exist and none of the unconfirmed reports of such an incident comes anywhere near the scale that Trump describes.
An Associated Press story from Sept. 17, 2001 described “rumors of rooftop celebrations of the attack by Muslims” in Jersey City as “unfounded.”

The Urban Legends Behind Trump's 9/11 Cheering Story
So let's get this straight, Trump says that some Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers then various liberal journalists do a half hearted attempt to confirm it, predictably fail, and that is supposed to prove Trump is lying?


I remember the stories on the TV about this when it happened and I saw some small groups of Muslims celebrate it also at a place I worked. I wanted to kill them right there on the spot.

But also predictably, some people double check the fact checkers and guess what? TRUMP IS RIGHT ONCE AGAIN!

If Trump lied about 9/11 celebrations in NJ, why did WaPo report in 2001 that it happened?

Or, maybe, possibly, these liberal "fact checkers" are just not very good at their jobs. Powerline Blog's Hindraker noted that after the dinosaur media announced their inability to confirm Trump's tale, he thought he'd give it a go:

So NPR, the New York Times and the Associated Press searched contemporaneous news accounts and could find no evidence of Muslim-Americans cheering in Jersey City. That’s odd. Because it took me less than two minutes to find this story from the Washington Post dated September 18, 2001 . . .

If you want to read the entire Post story, you can do so here. You can quibble if you want with the details of Trump's recollection - whether there were really "thousands" or a much smaller number, but as Rob pointed out earlier when we were talking instead of working, if that's what your quibble comes down to, you haven't exactly caught Trump in the yuuuuuuuge lie that the media's headlines would imply.

And boy are they going to town with it, using some of the most twisted "fact checking" logic you've ever heard. Consider this from Business Insider (emphasis mine):

Despite Trump's insistence that he saw such celebrations, political fact-checkers across the board have found little to no evidence of any public celebrations after the attacks.

PolitiFact noted that there were several media reports of police inquiries into individuals who were suspected of celebrating the attacks in Jersey City and nearby Paterson, but there is no evidence that these investigations revealed any actual celebrations or resulted in any convictions.

"This defies basic logic," PolitiFact's Lauren Carroll wrote in a "Pants on Fire" ruling.

"If thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many people beyond Trump would remember it," Carroll continued. "And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual evidence."

So let me see if I have this straight. Trump says he saw celebrations. PolitiFact acknowledges there were police reports to that effect, but insists that because the existence of 14-year-old police reports don't constitute incontrovertible proof the celebrations happened, the negative is proven and Trump is a liar.

Strange, you remember that Ben Carson also said he saw Muslims in the U.S.A. celebrating? But as Newsmax (definitely not a leftwing media outlet) said in a headline;

Carson Backs Off Claim He Saw Muslims in US Cheering 9/11
"A spokesman for the retired neurosurgeon said Carson "does not stand behind" his statement to reporters hours earlier that he saw news reports of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the 2001 terrorist attacks. Republican rival Donald Trump has repeatedly made such claims in recent days, despite strong pushback from local officials.

"He does not believe Muslim Americans in New Jersey were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers," Carson spokesman Doug Watts said. "Rather he recalls the ample news footage of crowds in the Middle East celebrating the tragic events of 9/11."

That's a weird way of putting it too isn't it? Carson's spokesman says "Carson does not stand behind" his own statement. Sounds like he's calling himself a liar or something. "He does not believe Muslim Americans in New Jersey were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers". Why didn't he just leave it at "Ben's memory from 14 years ago was faulty". That's no big deal. These two guys at the top of the R primary list sometimes display the same foot-in-mouth problem.
5 Young Israelis, Caught in Net of Suspicion

There was no proof that they were celebrating, but they were held for 27 days under suspicion.
So you admit then that is no proof.

Yes. I do admit that there was no proof that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey were celebrating. There was no proof that even the 5 Israelis were. Trump is just making shit up.
No, he is not you fucking liar and I gave proof. He exaggerated, certainly, but he did not lie.
So let's get this straight, Trump says that some Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers then various liberal journalists do a half hearted attempt to confirm it, predictably fail, and that is supposed to prove Trump is lying?


I remember the stories on the TV about this when it happened and I saw some small groups of Muslims celebrate it also at a place I worked. I wanted to kill them right there on the spot.

But also predictably, some people double check the fact checkers and guess what? TRUMP IS RIGHT ONCE AGAIN!

If Trump lied about 9/11 celebrations in NJ, why did WaPo report in 2001 that it happened?

Or, maybe, possibly, these liberal "fact checkers" are just not very good at their jobs. Powerline Blog's Hindraker noted that after the dinosaur media announced their inability to confirm Trump's tale, he thought he'd give it a go:

So NPR, the New York Times and the Associated Press searched contemporaneous news accounts and could find no evidence of Muslim-Americans cheering in Jersey City. That’s odd. Because it took me less than two minutes to find this story from the Washington Post dated September 18, 2001 . . .

If you want to read the entire Post story, you can do so here. You can quibble if you want with the details of Trump's recollection - whether there were really "thousands" or a much smaller number, but as Rob pointed out earlier when we were talking instead of working, if that's what your quibble comes down to, you haven't exactly caught Trump in the yuuuuuuuge lie that the media's headlines would imply.

And boy are they going to town with it, using some of the most twisted "fact checking" logic you've ever heard. Consider this from Business Insider (emphasis mine):

Despite Trump's insistence that he saw such celebrations, political fact-checkers across the board have found little to no evidence of any public celebrations after the attacks.

PolitiFact noted that there were several media reports of police inquiries into individuals who were suspected of celebrating the attacks in Jersey City and nearby Paterson, but there is no evidence that these investigations revealed any actual celebrations or resulted in any convictions.

"This defies basic logic," PolitiFact's Lauren Carroll wrote in a "Pants on Fire" ruling.

"If thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many people beyond Trump would remember it," Carroll continued. "And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual evidence."

So let me see if I have this straight. Trump says he saw celebrations. PolitiFact acknowledges there were police reports to that effect, but insists that because the existence of 14-year-old police reports don't constitute incontrovertible proof the celebrations happened, the negative is proven and Trump is a liar.

Strange, you remember that Ben Carson also said he saw Muslims in the U.S.A. celebrating? But as Newsmax (definitely not a leftwing media outlet) said in a headline;

Carson Backs Off Claim He Saw Muslims in US Cheering 9/11
"A spokesman for the retired neurosurgeon said Carson "does not stand behind" his statement to reporters hours earlier that he saw news reports of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the 2001 terrorist attacks. Republican rival Donald Trump has repeatedly made such claims in recent days, despite strong pushback from local officials.

"He does not believe Muslim Americans in New Jersey were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers," Carson spokesman Doug Watts said. "Rather he recalls the ample news footage of crowds in the Middle East celebrating the tragic events of 9/11."

That's a weird way of putting it too isn't it? Carson's spokesman says "Carson does not stand behind" his own statement. Sounds like he's calling himself a liar or something. "He does not believe Muslim Americans in New Jersey were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers". Why didn't he just leave it at "Ben's memory from 14 years ago was faulty". That's no big deal. These two guys at the top of the R primary list sometimes display the same foot-in-mouth problem.
Carson has every right to say whatever he wants. He may have confused his memory of videos of Muslims around the world celbrating 9-11 with referances to celebrants in New Jersey.

That does not prove that there were no celebrations in New Jersey.

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