Liberal Woman Defends Use of Term 'Cuck' And Considers it a Compliment, lol


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is why all great words are so useful, different perspectives on it are favored by different groups.

In this case traditional hetero men vrs far left omnisexual biker sluts and their Gimp cucks.

Why Being Called a Cuck Is Actually a Compliment

If you are totally unfamiliar with the term cuck and are wondering why someone just ALL CAPS SHOUTED that you are one on Twitter, well, it’s the alt-right’s favorite insult for men who are not members of the alt-right. The term is derived from porn, wherein white husbands watch their wives or girlfriends have sex with (generally) black men. If you wonder why the prospect of your wife having sex with another man would be more humiliating if that man were black, well, congratulations; you’re not a racist.

Breitbart (you know, the site Steve Bannon used to run) defines "cuck" as “needlessly relinquished manliness, for selling out and caving in. The original metaphor of watching your partner getting slammed by another dude now simply means abandoned principles and a lack of backbone. It’s a byword for beta male or coward.”
First of all, listening to others, accepting criticism, and evolving in your views—“caving in”—is a good thing. If you had retained forever the same views you had at five, you’d be living on a manly diet of buttered noodles and boogers.

Second, let’s look at some of the people the alt-right considers real alpha men. Of course, there’s Donald Trump. That’s kind of hilarious, since Donald Trump is a man who seems to live his life in a constant state of fear, whether it’s of brown people or the media reporting on things he’s said or Alec Baldwin spoofing him on SNL. He is intent on proving that his hands are very large. Maybe they are, but his skin is very, very thin. All that, and he thinks the way to seduce a woman is to take her furniture shopping. The fact that anyone could look at such a goofball and see unmitigated strength is a sign that their moral compass is unmitigatedly weak.

Tucker Carlson is considered an alt-right alpha, with conspiracy theorist site InfoWars exclaiming that you "Can’t Cuck the Tuck!" The anti-cuck cheers grew louder after he told Teen Vogue journalist Lauren Duca that she should “go back to writing about thigh-high boots” when he invited her on his talk show....

Now, these men may get attractive girlfriends or wives—society trains some women to tolerate a lot of buffoonish behavior in exchange for financial security. But having women grudgingly accept that you are grabbing them by the pussy is not the same thing as being desirable, a distinction that seems to elude members of the alt-right. But I’m going to go ahead and speak for most women when I say that the men listed above aren’t the guys that many of us are lying awake at night touching ourselves to.....

So if you’re a cuck, you’re in the same camp as John McCain. (Not literally the same camp. Unless you're one of our war-hero cuck readers.) If you’re a cuck, that means you’re doing something that indicates you have basic human empathy. Maybe you suggested that women should be able to make reproductive choices for themselves. Maybe you stood up for a member of a religious minority. Maybe you helped make sure a kid got to a bathroom they felt comfortable in.

Any one of those is the action of a man who cares about people. The action of a cuck who also seems like he might be someone we’d have mutually satisfying sex with. And also maybe someone to marry and raise little cucks with, if interests align and things work out down the road.​

This libtard is trying to defang the sting of the term 'cuck' by redefining the word to meet her own desires. Besides, she is apparently OK with performing for her Cismale anyway, if it is male.

Besides, she gets the definition all wrong anyway as Breitbart was only giving the more socially acceptable form of the term. What is most accurately describing are white males who like being punked out by liberals in the Identity Politics system we have today and wont stand up for themselves categorically. And they believe it makes them smarter to merely get to the back of the Hangmans line, roflmao.
This is why all great words are so useful, different perspectives on it are favored by different groups.

In this case traditional hetero men vrs far left omnisexual biker sluts and their Gimp cucks.

Why Being Called a Cuck Is Actually a Compliment

If you are totally unfamiliar with the term cuck and are wondering why someone just ALL CAPS SHOUTED that you are one on Twitter, well, it’s the alt-right’s favorite insult for men who are not members of the alt-right. The term is derived from porn, wherein white husbands watch their wives or girlfriends have sex with (generally) black men. If you wonder why the prospect of your wife having sex with another man would be more humiliating if that man were black, well, congratulations; you’re not a racist.

Breitbart (you know, the site Steve Bannon used to run) defines "cuck" as “needlessly relinquished manliness, for selling out and caving in. The original metaphor of watching your partner getting slammed by another dude now simply means abandoned principles and a lack of backbone. It’s a byword for beta male or coward.”
First of all, listening to others, accepting criticism, and evolving in your views—“caving in”—is a good thing. If you had retained forever the same views you had at five, you’d be living on a manly diet of buttered noodles and boogers.

Second, let’s look at some of the people the alt-right considers real alpha men. Of course, there’s Donald Trump. That’s kind of hilarious, since Donald Trump is a man who seems to live his life in a constant state of fear, whether it’s of brown people or the media reporting on things he’s said or Alec Baldwin spoofing him on SNL. He is intent on proving that his hands are very large. Maybe they are, but his skin is very, very thin. All that, and he thinks the way to seduce a woman is to take her furniture shopping. The fact that anyone could look at such a goofball and see unmitigated strength is a sign that their moral compass is unmitigatedly weak.

Tucker Carlson is considered an alt-right alpha, with conspiracy theorist site InfoWars exclaiming that you "Can’t Cuck the Tuck!" The anti-cuck cheers grew louder after he told Teen Vogue journalist Lauren Duca that she should “go back to writing about thigh-high boots” when he invited her on his talk show....

Now, these men may get attractive girlfriends or wives—society trains some women to tolerate a lot of buffoonish behavior in exchange for financial security. But having women grudgingly accept that you are grabbing them by the pussy is not the same thing as being desirable, a distinction that seems to elude members of the alt-right. But I’m going to go ahead and speak for most women when I say that the men listed above aren’t the guys that many of us are lying awake at night touching ourselves to.....

So if you’re a cuck, you’re in the same camp as John McCain. (Not literally the same camp. Unless you're one of our war-hero cuck readers.) If you’re a cuck, that means you’re doing something that indicates you have basic human empathy. Maybe you suggested that women should be able to make reproductive choices for themselves. Maybe you stood up for a member of a religious minority. Maybe you helped make sure a kid got to a bathroom they felt comfortable in.

Any one of those is the action of a man who cares about people. The action of a cuck who also seems like he might be someone we’d have mutually satisfying sex with. And also maybe someone to marry and raise little cucks with, if interests align and things work out down the road.​

This libtard is trying to defang the sting of the term 'cuck' by redefining the word to meet her own desires. Besides, she is apparently OK with performing for her Cismale anyway, if it is male.

Besides, she gets the definition all wrong anyway as Breitbart was only giving the more socially acceptable form of the term. What is most accurately describing are white males who like being punked out by liberals in the Identity Politics system we have today and wont stand up for themselves categorically. And they believe it makes them smarter to merely get to the back of the Hangmans line, roflmao.

Thanks. I had no idea what this "cuck" thing was about. Guess I don't watch enough porn or sump'm. Given that informative intro, yeah she makes perfectly good points. Thanks for posting it.

Sorry if you're still so infantile you need words that "sting". Hope you grow up soon.

Now that we got that out of the way WTF is a "Hangman's Line"? :dunno:
Where I'm from the term wojld be "Beta", not Cuck, but the definition is essentially the same: A male who is unwilling ir unable to live up to the expectations of Manliness in the Traditional sense. A male who defers to or is dominated by Females.
I have always considered the term Bitch a compliment. A bitch is an unspayed dog. Bitches are tough, they command respect, male dogs defer to them. To be a Bitch means to be in control. It is a compliment.

A cuck on the other hand is to admit to being beaten down. A cuck needs a bitch to smack him in line.
Where I'm from the term wojld be "Beta", not Cuck, but the definition is essentially the same: A male who is unwilling ir unable to live up to the expectations of Manliness in the Traditional sense.

So, most conservatives. Their current whiny demeanor is the opposite of traditional manliness.

A male who defers to or is dominated by Females.

Not really. The standard conservative beta male is more notable for licking the boots of male authority figures.
So, most conservatives. Their current whiny demeanor is the opposite of traditional manliness.

No. Republicans, maybe, but not Conservatives. Traditionalism and Manliness are foundation principles of Conservative ideology.

On the other hand, anyone who is male and voting for a female political candidate definitely meets the criteria.
I have always considered the term Bitch a compliment. A bitch is an unspayed dog. Bitches are tough, they command respect, male dogs defer to them. To be a Bitch means to be in control. It is a compliment.

A cuck on the other hand is to admit to being beaten down. A cuck needs a bitch to smack him in line.

You may be onto something there. A bitch is a female dog and a dog is "man's best friend" so logically, if one person calls another a bitch they're saying "you're my best friend."

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