Liberal Plan: Everyone On Welfare!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The plan of the Liberal-socialist administration is to make certain that 'poor' families have incomes and standards of living equal to those who work and produce. This can only be done by confiscatory taxation and socialism at a level unheard of in America.

Below, from the report "The American Welfare State
How We Spend Nearly $1 Trillion a Year Fighting Poverty—and Fail"

by Michael Tanner
The data is indisputable.

2. "During the 1990–92 recession and jobless recovery,
enrollment increased by 5.2 million, and
spending rose by $9.1 billion. During the
current recession (over a comparable three year period), enrollment increased by 12
million people, while spending increased by $30 billion.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and
Nutrition Services, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation and Costs,” SNAP Annual Summary.

a….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….
income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office. Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in
the Food Stamps Program,” Economix, http://

b. …the stimulus bill included a provision that created a new “emergency fund” to help states pay for added welfare recipients, with the federal government
footing 80 percent of the cost for the new “clients.”
Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley, “Stimulus Bill Abolishes Welfare Reform and Adds New Welfare Spending,” Heritage Foundation, http://
s t imulus -bi l l - abol i she s -we l f a r e - r e form- andadds-new-welfare-spending.

3. This was an important change
because it undid many of the incentives contained in the 1996 Clinton welfare reform, which helped states to reduce welfare rolls.
Under the new rules, states that succeed in
getting people off welfare lose the opportunity for increased federal funding.

And states that make it easier to stay on welfare
(by, say, raising the time limit from two years
to five) are rewarded with more taxpayer
The bill even let states with rising welfare rolls continue to collect their “case-load reduction” bonuses.
Mickey Kaus, “The Money Liberal Conspiracy at Work,” Slate, kausfiles/2009/02/10/the_money_liberal_con

a. According to Obama administration projections, combined federal and state welfare spending will not drop significantly once the
economy fully recovers.
As we have seen, welfare spending has continued to increase. Office of Management and Budget, Analytical Perspectives: Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal
Year 2010 (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2008), CD-ROM, Table 24-14, http:/ Perspectives.

b. According to these
projections, over the next 10 years, federal
and state governments will spend $250,000
for every American currently living in poverty, or $1 million for every poor family of

The choice in November is clear.
Once they find their way onto the dole, do you really think they will ever be motivated to vote their way off of it?
Barry's close right now at 49%, that was his motive for the avalanche of welfare progams emanating from DC when he took office. "Hmmm! If I can just slide the number of people receiving welfare from the state over into the 51% range, they'll elect me president for life, just like my friend Hugo!" The State of Maine, which brought us RINOs Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe bosts of 51% on the dole, with only 49% laboring to pay for them. RI is in the unenviable position of having more state employee retirees drawing pensions than working people laboring away daily to pay for them. All of the New England states are on the list of states in immediate danger of bankruptcy.
"We have to tax more so we can spend more!" Charles Rangel (Communist Party-NY)
"What! Me worry?" Alfredd E Neumann
yep when you "try" out a job you can still get unemployment? WOW they really do want to turn the US into North Korea or Cuba
The worst part is that how many will try out a job, then consider if they take that job they lose welfare benefits. Better to try out another job.

If this program is run like the California welfare to work program, they won't get many employers willing to take on the paperwork.
Once they find their way onto the dole, do you really think they will ever be motivated to vote their way off of it?
Barry's close right now at 49%, that was his motive for the avalanche of welfare progams emanating from DC when he took office. "Hmmm! If I can just slide the number of people receiving welfare from the state over into the 51% range, they'll elect me president for life, just like my friend Hugo!" The State of Maine, which brought us RINOs Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe bosts of 51% on the dole, with only 49% laboring to pay for them. RI is in the unenviable position of having more state employee retirees drawing pensions than working people laboring away daily to pay for them. All of the New England states are on the list of states in immediate danger of bankruptcy.
"We have to tax more so we can spend more!" Charles Rangel (Communist Party-NY)
"What! Me worry?" Alfredd E Neumann

1. For men, and for many women, I believe, working and being productive is part of their self-identification.
That is why it is so important to dissolve that feeling by convincing many that they are victims, and cannot succeed.

2. Sadly....half of this nation depends on 'the dole' in one way or another:

" The single largest welfare program today
is Medicaid. Medicaid spending that supports health care for the poor, excluding
funding for nursing home or long-term care
for the elderly, topped $228 billion in 2011.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) was the second most expensive welfare program, costing taxpayers
nearly $72 billion. Rounding out the top 10
were the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child
Tax Credit, Pell Grants, Supplemental Security Income, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, housing vouchers, and TANF.

a. At least 106 million Americans receive benefits from one or more of these programs.
Sara Murray, “Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in
Household Receiving Government Benefit,”
Wall Street Journal, October 5, 2011, http://blogs.

b. None of this, of course, includes middleclass entitlements such as Medicare and
Social Security, which, while not designed specifically as anti-poverty programs, nevertheless represent transfer payments from the
Overall, government payouts,
including middle-class entitlements, now
account for more than a third of all wages
and salaries in the United States
John Melloy, “Welfare State: Handouts
Make Up One-Third of U.S. Wages,” CNBC.
Com, March 8, 2011,

c. …, if one includes salaries from government employment, more than half of Americans receive a substantial portion of their income
from the government.

Mark Trumbull, “As US Tax Rates Drop,
Government’s Reach Grows,” Christian Science
Monitor, April 16, 2007

Conservatism has a long way to go.....
2. Sadly....half of this nation depends on 'the dole' in one way or another:

a. At least 106 million Americans receive benefits from one or more of these programs.
Sara Murray, “Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in
Household Receiving Government Benefit,”
Wall Street Journal, October 5, 2011, http://blogs.
How dare those lazy seniors who worked and paid into Social Security and Medicare all their lives collect a dime from the government. Don't they know the GOP expects them to work and pay until they drop dead from exhaustion???!!!

From your link:
Another 14.5% lived in homes where someone was on Medicare (the health care program for the elderly). Nearly 16% lived in households receiving Social Security.
2. Sadly....half of this nation depends on 'the dole' in one way or another:

a. At least 106 million Americans receive benefits from one or more of these programs.
Sara Murray, “Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in
Household Receiving Government Benefit,”
Wall Street Journal, October 5, 2011, http://blogs.
How dare those lazy seniors who worked and paid into Social Security and Medicare all their lives collect a dime from the government. Don't they know the GOP expects them to work and pay until they drop dead from exhaustion???!!!

From your link:
Another 14.5% lived in homes where someone was on Medicare (the health care program for the elderly). Nearly 16% lived in households receiving Social Security.

Who said that about seniors? I would like my social security invested in the stock market, once Obama is gone. Why do democrats raid social security to give to the NEA?
2. Sadly....half of this nation depends on 'the dole' in one way or another:

a. At least 106 million Americans receive benefits from one or more of these programs.
Sara Murray, “Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in
Household Receiving Government Benefit,”
Wall Street Journal, October 5, 2011, http://blogs.
How dare those lazy seniors who worked and paid into Social Security and Medicare all their lives collect a dime from the government. Don't they know the GOP expects them to work and pay until they drop dead from exhaustion???!!!

From your link:
Another 14.5% lived in homes where someone was on Medicare (the health care program for the elderly). Nearly 16% lived in households receiving Social Security.

Who said that about seniors? I would like my social security invested in the stock market, once Obama is gone. Why do democrats raid social security to give to the NEA?
The patented CON$erviNutzi dumb act! What do you think "depends on 'the dole'" means???
Who said that about seniors? I would like my social security invested in the stock market, once Obama is gone. Why do democrats raid social security to give to the NEA?

you must be into gambling in vegas too...

do you know what would have happened to your accounts if they were privatized in october 2008?

of course you don't.
Who said that about seniors? I would like my social security invested in the stock market, once Obama is gone. Why do democrats raid social security to give to the NEA?

you must be into gambling in vegas too...

do you know what would have happened to your accounts if they were privatized in october 2008?

of course you don't.

Drop that smug attitude. you apparently dont know how the stock market works. I woudlnt withdraw it now! I would when I'm close to retirement. yes stocks go up and down, but they generally go up (it's hard to remember since Obama's in office) . I wish I had bought Microsoft in the 80s.

And yeah I like to play blackjack, I win money at it :) and I play in Tunica, not Vegas.

so of course you have no idea what you're talking about it.
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2. Sadly....half of this nation depends on 'the dole' in one way or another:

a. At least 106 million Americans receive benefits from one or more of these programs.
Sara Murray, “Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in
Household Receiving Government Benefit,”
Wall Street Journal, October 5, 2011, http://blogs.
How dare those lazy seniors who worked and paid into Social Security and Medicare all their lives collect a dime from the government. Don't they know the GOP expects them to work and pay until they drop dead from exhaustion???!!!

From your link:
Another 14.5% lived in homes where someone was on Medicare (the health care program for the elderly). Nearly 16% lived in households receiving Social Security.

"Perhaps the most often-used defense of the programs is that they provide benefits that people have paid for through payroll taxes and Medicare insurance premiums. "You paid for it—you earned it," is a common rallying cry.

In reality, however, that statement is far from accurate. Consumer payments that flow to Social Security and Medicare fall well short of paying for the programs' benefits, and the gap is getting wider each year."
Seniors Don't Pay Full Medicare, Social Security Share - The Best Life (
Who said that about seniors? I would like my social security invested in the stock market, once Obama is gone. Why do democrats raid social security to give to the NEA?

you must be into gambling in vegas too...

do you know what would have happened to your accounts if they were privatized in october 2008?

of course you don't.

Drop that smug attitude. you apparently dont know how the stock market works. I woudlnt withdraw it now! I would when I'm close to retirement. yes stocks go up and down, but they generally go up (it's hard to remember since Obama's in office) . I wish I had bought Microsoft in the 80s.

And yeah I like to play blackjack, I win money at it :) and I play in Tunica, not Vegas.

so of course you have no idea what you're talking about it.

you think i'm smug? you're the one who wants to gamble with my money.

it's clearly you who know nothing about finance.

and given that the stock market is way higher than it was when bush was president, i'm figuring you don't have stocks... but i sure do. and they're doing well

but i wouldn't put my retirement fund into the market because i dont' gamble what i don't want to lose.
I 100% agree, the Liberal Party of Democrats and the liberal Party of Republicans have both made this nation a welfare state.

Now the fun part is watching both sides blame the other for what they both worked very hard to create.

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