Let's debunk another right wing media myth, shall we? #3


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
First, an acknowledgement. A big shout out to "dudmuck" for his/her post on the "We Need To Speak Honestly About The GOP's Evolution Into A Conspiracy Cult" thread for the link I'm using in this thread. Your post was absolutely fact filled and therefore terrific.

So, without further ado................................

"Now, we have proof that the first prong of the non-scandal was never true. The IRS did use politically-oriented search terms to try to sort through applicants for inappropriate levels of political activity, but it did not do so on a partisan or ideological basis. And even so, they stopped using those search terms, in an effort to avoid even the appearance of political intent in their reviews.

Will this stop the Republicans? Of course not. A New York Times story quotes the chair of the House's tax-writing committee: "This report reinforces what government watchdogs and congressional investigators have confirmed time and time again: Bureaucrats at the I.R.S. ... arbitrarily and haphazardly administered the tax code and targeted taxpayers based on political ideology."

No, the report says exactly the opposite. The IRS covered the political spectrum, meaning that regardless of a group's apparent political ideology, they might receive added scrutiny in applying for status as a not-excessively-political organization."

The myth in question is obviously about the non-existent IRS scandal from Obama's tenure as prez. I mention it due to the frequency with which it is referred to as Trumpleheads seek to make a false equivalence between the unparalleled, daily scandals of the Bigot-in-Chief's admin and Obama's scandal free admin. (Trumpletards will no doubt react to that statement with apoplectic indignation. It is, nonetheless, true.) Obama did not obstruct justice, did not eagerly accept help in an election from Russia, was not impeached for illegally withholding military aid for personal, political gain and for lying about it, and did not make a habit of firing IG's in retaliation as Trump has done. But.................I digress.

Note to Trumpleheads. I'm not going to be responding to any reply that indicates you have not read the entire article or that does not include some sort of attempt to factually dispute its contents. Imbecilic "your mother wears Army boots" replies and or whataboutisms so typical of The Following will be ignored.
Groups that were selected for review waited months — years, in some cases — for their applications to be reviewed and were subjected to onerous and, in some cases, improper requests for information on their donors and activities.

For instance, IRS personnel were told starting in 2010 to watch out for groups that had affiliations with ACORN, a national network of community-based organizations that had collapsed amid allegations of wrongdoing by conservative activists. Ultimately, at least 13 applications for tax exemptions were flagged for scrutiny based on possible ACORN ties, and most of those groups waited over a year for their cases to be resolved, the report said — mirroring many of the allegations leveled regarding conservative groups.

How many of these same threads you gonna post, Hack?

funny: the number of people killed in the Obamagate scandal is now equal to the number of people gored to death by unicorns.
The Dems love investigations
First, an acknowledgement. A big shout out to "dudmuck" for his/her post on the "We Need To Speak Honestly About The GOP's Evolution Into A Conspiracy Cult" thread for the link I'm using in this thread. Your post was absolutely fact filled and therefore terrific.

So, without further ado................................

"Now, we have proof that the first prong of the non-scandal was never true. The IRS did use politically-oriented search terms to try to sort through applicants for inappropriate levels of political activity, but it did not do so on a partisan or ideological basis. And even so, they stopped using those search terms, in an effort to avoid even the appearance of political intent in their reviews.

Will this stop the Republicans? Of course not. A New York Times story quotes the chair of the House's tax-writing committee: "This report reinforces what government watchdogs and congressional investigators have confirmed time and time again: Bureaucrats at the I.R.S. ... arbitrarily and haphazardly administered the tax code and targeted taxpayers based on political ideology."

No, the report says exactly the opposite. The IRS covered the political spectrum, meaning that regardless of a group's apparent political ideology, they might receive added scrutiny in applying for status as a not-excessively-political organization."

The myth in question is obviously about the non-existent IRS scandal from Obama's tenure as prez. I mention it due to the frequency with which it is referred to as Trumpleheads seek to make a false equivalence between the unparalleled, daily scandals of the Bigot-in-Chief's admin and Obama's scandal free admin. (Trumpletards will no doubt react to that statement with apoplectic indignation. It is, nonetheless, true.) Obama did not obstruct justice, did not eagerly accept help in an election from Russia, was not impeached for illegally withholding military aid for personal, political gain and for lying about it, and did not make a habit of firing IG's in retaliation as Trump has done. But.................I digress.

Note to Trumpleheads. I'm not going to be responding to any reply that indicates you have not read the entire article or that does not include some sort of attempt to factually dispute its contents. Imbecilic "your mother wears Army boots" replies and or whataboutisms so typical of The Following will be ignored.
Hate to burst your bubble bud....but Hussein the Pious is about to get exposed....of course you will hold your hands over your ears and say na,na,na,na,na I can't hear you!
funny: the number of people killed in the Obamagate scandal is now equal to the number of people gored to death by unicorns.
What I find somewhat surprising is how easily Trumpletards fold their tent when an article like the one I used so thoroughly debunks a longstanding lie they believe in.

That said, I absolutely guarantee you'll see a Trump cultist use the IRS lie on this board again...............perhaps even one that has read this thread.
From the case against the IRS-
The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determinations process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding of some Plaintiffs information TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency;s determination of their tax-exempt status was wrong. For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.

And plaintiffs were awarded $3.5 million-
Note to Trumpleheads. I'm not going to be responding to any reply that indicates you have not read the entire article or that does not include some sort of attempt to factually dispute its contents.
The IRS scandal is “settled science” as the Chicken Little crowd likes to say about global warming

but two can play that game

lois learner she be in jail or standing in a soup line because her government pension has been revoked
From the case against the IRS-
The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determinations process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding of some Plaintiffs information TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency;s determination of their tax-exempt status was wrong. For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.

And plaintiffs were awarded $3.5 million-
Note to Trumpleheads. I'm not going to be responding to any reply that indicates you have not read the entire article or that does not include some sort of attempt to factually dispute its contents.
The IRS scandal is “settled science” as the Chicken Little crowd likes to say about global warming

but two can play that game

lois learner she be in jail or standing in a soup line because her government pension has been revoked
When was her pension revoked?
From the case against the IRS-
The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determinations process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding of some Plaintiffs information TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency;s determination of their tax-exempt status was wrong. For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.

And plaintiffs were awarded $3.5 million-
Note to Trumpleheads. I'm not going to be responding to any reply that indicates you have not read the entire article or that does not include some sort of attempt to factually dispute its contents.
The IRS scandal is “settled science” as the Chicken Little crowd likes to say about global warming

but two can play that game

lois learner she be in jail or standing in a soup line because her government pension has been revoked
When was her pension revoked?
It never was

But it should be
First, an acknowledgement. A big shout out to "dudmuck" for his/her post on the "We Need To Speak Honestly About The GOP's Evolution Into A Conspiracy Cult" thread for the link I'm using in this thread. Your post was absolutely fact filled and therefore terrific.

So, without further ado................................

"Now, we have proof that the first prong of the non-scandal was never true. The IRS did use politically-oriented search terms to try to sort through applicants for inappropriate levels of political activity, but it did not do so on a partisan or ideological basis. And even so, they stopped using those search terms, in an effort to avoid even the appearance of political intent in their reviews.

Will this stop the Republicans? Of course not. A New York Times story quotes the chair of the House's tax-writing committee: "This report reinforces what government watchdogs and congressional investigators have confirmed time and time again: Bureaucrats at the I.R.S. ... arbitrarily and haphazardly administered the tax code and targeted taxpayers based on political ideology."

No, the report says exactly the opposite. The IRS covered the political spectrum, meaning that regardless of a group's apparent political ideology, they might receive added scrutiny in applying for status as a not-excessively-political organization."

The myth in question is obviously about the non-existent IRS scandal from Obama's tenure as prez. I mention it due to the frequency with which it is referred to as Trumpleheads seek to make a false equivalence between the unparalleled, daily scandals of the Bigot-in-Chief's admin and Obama's scandal free admin. (Trumpletards will no doubt react to that statement with apoplectic indignation. It is, nonetheless, true.) Obama did not obstruct justice, did not eagerly accept help in an election from Russia, was not impeached for illegally withholding military aid for personal, political gain and for lying about it, and did not make a habit of firing IG's in retaliation as Trump has done. But.................I digress.

Note to Trumpleheads. I'm not going to be responding to any reply that indicates you have not read the entire article or that does not include some sort of attempt to factually dispute its contents. Imbecilic "your mother wears Army boots" replies and or whataboutisms so typical of The Following will be ignored.

The IRS did use politically-oriented search terms to try to sort through applicants for inappropriate levels of political activity, but it did not do so on a partisan or ideological basis.

really? how can you be so cavalier about death by unicorn? this problem has been with us since Day 6 and hasn't shown any signs of letting up.
funny: the number of people killed in the Obamagate scandal is now equal to the number of people gored to death by unicorns.
I thought the TIGTA found that 100 percent of the conservative groups who met the "key word" criteria were held up while only 30 percent of the progressive "key word" applications were held up. And this was only after Lois Lerner found out earlier it was too obvious they were going after the conservative groups and they needed to start to pretend to go after progressive groups to make it look kosher. Either way it's definitely not a good look and this article definitely debunks nothing.
From the case against the IRS-
The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determinations process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding of some Plaintiffs information TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency;s determination of their tax-exempt status was wrong. For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.
That's right. It was wrong for the IRS to use the names of organizations to target groups for scrutiny. But since liberal and conservative groups were targeted there is no evidence to back up the accusation the Obama admin was using the IRS to go after political enemies as Repubs suggested. Especially since Obama was unaware of what the IRS was doing.
From the case against the IRS-
The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determinations process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding of some Plaintiffs information TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency;s determination of their tax-exempt status was wrong. For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.
That's right. It was wrong for the IRS to use the names of organizations to target groups for scrutiny. But since liberal and conservative groups were targeted there is no evidence to back up the accusation the Obama admin was using the IRS to go after political enemies as Repubs suggested. Especially since Obama was unaware of what the IRS was doing.

But since liberal and conservative groups were targeted there is no evidence to back up the accusation the Obama admin was using the IRS to go after political enemies as Repubs suggested.

So if they go after 5 liberal groups and 500 conservative groups, that's proof there was no bias?
Groups that were selected for review waited months — years, in some cases — for their applications to be reviewed and were subjected to onerous and, in some cases, improper requests for information on their donors and activities.

For instance, IRS personnel were told starting in 2010 to watch out for groups that had affiliations with ACORN, a national network of community-based organizations that had collapsed amid allegations of wrongdoing by conservative activists. Ultimately, at least 13 applications for tax exemptions were flagged for scrutiny based on possible ACORN ties, and most of those groups waited over a year for their cases to be resolved, the report said — mirroring many of the allegations leveled regarding conservative groups.

And the left's conspiracy theory: "Trump is colluding with Russia and we have direct evidence."
A massive investigation costing taxpayers $40 million dollars....and...."the Trump administration.... did NOT collude with Russia.

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