Leftists Make Credible Threats Against Children of DHS Employees


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
There is no limit to what leftists will do in order to get their way.

Despite Obama's administration treating illegal aliens even worse, they are still bashing Trump. Trump made the move to keep families together but, apparently, that isn't what the left really cares about. The threats have only increased since Trump made the move. Shit, even when the left gets what they demand, they are still as nasty as ever.

Now they are threatening the children of DHS employees. That is right after Peter Fonda said he wants to kidnap Baron Trump and put him in a cage with pedophiles. That is typical leftist thinking right there.

There is zero tolerance of anyone with a differing view when it comes to the left. They are vile and quickly resort to violence these days. Now DHS families can live in fear of what these radicals might do to them.

Leftists Make 'Credible Threats' Against the Children of DHS Employees

ACLU documented violence against minors from 2009 - 2014. Yup, this was how the Obama administration handled illegal aliens and their children. But social media wasn't inundated with memes calling for him to stop separating families. And the abuse made it worse.

ACLU Obtains Documents Showing Widespread Abuse of Child Immigrants in U.S. Custody
''Those who refuse to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy'
-- Hillary Clinton

Funny...she was also the one who paid thugs to go to Trump rallies to beat and bloody his supporters...the same woman who collaborated with / paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to steal the WH

Snowflakes are following in her and Barry's shoes...
There is no limit to what leftists will do in order to get their way.

Despite Obama's administration treating illegal aliens even worse, they are still bashing Trump. Trump made the move to keep families together but, apparently, that isn't what the left really cares about. The threats have only increased since Trump made the move. Shit, even when the left gets what they demand, they are still as nasty as ever.

Now they are threatening the children of DHS employees. That is right after Peter Fonda said he wants to kidnap Baron Trump and put him in a cage with pedophiles. That is typical leftist thinking right there.

There is zero tolerance of anyone with a differing view when it comes to the left. They are vile and quickly resort to violence these days. Now DHS families can live in fear of what these radicals might do to them.

Leftists Make 'Credible Threats' Against the Children of DHS Employees

ACLU documented violence against minors from 2009 - 2014. Yup, this was how the Obama administration handled illegal aliens and their children. But social media wasn't inundated with memes calling for him to stop separating families. And the abuse made it worse.

ACLU Obtains Documents Showing Widespread Abuse of Child Immigrants in U.S. Custody
Leftists Make Credible Threats Against Children of DHS Employees
Can we really be surprised here... I'm sure some actually care about the children in addition to their 'NARRATIVE' but history has shown us to be skeptical of the overt 'compassion' exhibited by liberals / progressives. I mean they could give charitably of their own funds like their despised 'conservative' counterparts do in overwhelming numbers. No it's not about the children, or DACA participants or humanizing MS13 killers... The NARRATIVE comes first, and this is just one more contrived cog, integral in advancing their progressive agenda.

Certain things apply to leftists.

Since they are a party of no ideas they resort to harassment, silencing, violence, rheeing at the top of their lungs .. anything to drown out the logic of the right. They've turned down several border fixes bills, refuse to work with the other side to solve the issues, party over principle (schumer even announced this the other day. Yeah the left really cares about the welfare of illegals:icon_rolleyes:).

They claim to be for diversity but their diversity is only skin deep. Period. They can not fathom, accept, or even listen to an opposing pov. See above.

They project onto others what they themselves are guilty of. Constantly.

Leftists will ALWAYS take a mile (see above points) no matter how small the inch they are given (see their reaction to Trump's latest EO).

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