Ladies and gentleman: This is a black hole


Gold Member
Jan 24, 2015

This is the first picture (not a simulation) of a black hole. It was made from the Event Horizon Telescope (8 big radiotelescopes). Congrats.
Just have to get political in every page?

The Black Hole is the void where reason and sanity have been sucked in to never return.
Nothing escapes its grasp.
This picture is the equivalent to an experiment. So this means: Black holes are not any longer "only" a plausible belief. Karl Schwarzschild calculated the first time an event horizion (Schwarzschild-radius) in 1915 as far as I know. And what we see here fits - as far as I heard - perfect with the theories about black holes. The power of this spirit is nearly as unbelievable as this black hole on its own. Lots of phycisists made a great job during this time of history and they will continue to do a great job - the most famous of them in context "black holes" was Stephen Hawking. I hope he enjoys this with his comrades, whereever he might be now. If there is a way to use the energy of black holes - and I think there is way - then I do not think it is a good idea to send politicians in the near of black holes. They could uncalculable come back more mighty than they were ever before. But will they come back more wise? Better to use this energy for e-bikes or space ships or time travels or other more harmless things. The shadow of the supermassive black hole, which we see on this picture within this 'ring of fire', represents the energy of the mass of 6.5 billion suns. No joke. 6.5 billion times the mass of our sun.

favorite song of Stephen Hawking
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abu afak

What do you think will happen, when you will meet an ET who is able to transform all forms of energy into all forms of matter and all forms of matter into all forms of energy? It will exactly not happen this what you think how and why. What doesn't mean mankind will survive in this case. Your Nazi-idiocy to use the name of a Muslim and to provoke others, so they will start to hate Muslims, is by the way really extremely stupid. But I never expected wisdom from godless atheists.

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Looks spherical to me. Ed? ding? Anybody else?

It looks spherical. Like a three dimensional hole?
Looks spherical to me. Ed? ding? Anybody else?

It looks spherical. Like a three dimensional hole?

Black holes are invisible - but they produce a shadow. What we see here is the shadow of a supermassive black hole. I guess Katie Bouman is able to explain how her computer algorithms - and the big team of the other 200 scientists from 14 institutes around the whole world - were able to produce this picture. With the "Event Horizon Telescope" you could read in theory in Berlin what's written in a newspaper in New York. The data were sent to a supercomputer at the Max-Plank-Intitute for radioastronomy. Was it 15 petabytes? I'm not sure now. The data filled 6 cubic meters full of hard discs.


This is the first picture (not a simulation) of a black hole. It was made from the Event Horizon Telescope (8 big radiotelescopes). Congrats.

Not to be a spoilsport or anything, but there appears to be a corona of light circling the "singularity". You can only see light that is coming directly towards you. All light moving in any other direction is invisible. Therefore the light from the "halo" is directed towards the observer...not away from the "singularity".

That being said...I believe that is a photo of an eclipse.. and nothing more. Unless someone cares to explain the light from the halo coming directly towards us.

Science has set itself on a long downhill slide...and unfortunately, our educational systems have failed to the point that the average Joe is no longer able to tell when he is being duped...
That being said...I believe that is a photo of an eclipse.. and nothing more. Unless someone cares to explain the light from the halo coming directly towards us
Sure. I can. First, it's not an eclipse. What happens is that light is bent around the black hole from glowing material both behind and in front of the black hole. This is a function of a few factors, one of them being that the material which glows is close enough to the black hole to be moving fast enough to heat up to amazing temperatures and glow. This material is therefore also close enough to have its emitted light bent around the black hole.

We see a shadow because very few if any of the emitted light paths from any material in front of (and close to) the black hole remain straight, instead following the steep curvature of space near the black hole. The shadow itself is over twice the size of the actual event horizon, and relatively predicts this precisely.

One way we can distinguish this image from "an eclipse" is the brighter and darker regions of the observed halo, which indicate that the brighter material is moving toward us and the dimmer material away from us (at a very high rate of speed approaching the speed of light).
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Looks spherical to me. E
The shadow you are seeing most definitely appears to us to be a nearly flat disk. The light paths that reach our eyes did not originate where they appear to originate (relative to the black hole's "center"), due to the steep curvature of space around the black hole.
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and unfortunately, our educational systems have failed to the point that
...that a grown man like you has zero understanding of the relativistic effects near a black hole.

You mean theoretical relativistic effects near a theoretical black hole? Or do you accept this as absolute truth because you aren't bright enough to be skeptical?

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