LA Teachers Strike: $73K Is Not Enough

That's like three politicians telling us Deep State does not exist. Teachers are the problem. I expect such things. You denying the implosion of public education only underscores it.

Let's step back from this for a moment.

You mean to tell me--seriously--that in inner city LA...I hope I do not have to explain the problems there...where many students do not even speak English in the home and most all students do not live with two biological parents...."teachers are the problem"?

So in your world, if you staffed a school with the most perfect teachers in the entire world, you could bring in a kindergartner who is 4th out of 5 children, speaks no English in the home, comes from grinding poverty, and has already suffered significant trauma in his life, and....what? Tell me what, I mean CLEARLY, you expect to teach him his kindergarten year that would catch him up with the child in Anytown, Iowa who is the firstborn child of two loving parents who comes from a stable home, has had two years of preschool, already knows all his letters and most of his letter sounds, and already loves school.

You explain this to me....

And then you tell me that "Teachers are the problem".
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

And oh, whoop de doop, you taught in a foreign nation. Good for you. 25 years, two states, three districts, more than 10 schools. Thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of kids, grades pre-kindergarten through 7th. So don't tell me about the two years you probably taught. And you should also know I have no tolerance for lazy, bad teachers. I also, as you can tell, have no tolerance for anyone saying "teachers are the problem"--usually, hapless conservatives who also decry the family breakdown in society but then pretend that somehow, teachers should fix it all at the schoolhouse door.

I mean it. Spare me.

And the reason I come on so strong is because these platitudes are ruining my profession. The best, brightest young people are not going into my profession because people have told them that teaching and teachers are crap.

So, no thanks for that.
BS. I've seen when 300 qualified teachers have applied for one opening.

Sure, maybe 5, 10 years ago. Those numbers are going way down now.

Now, are you going to defend anything you said? Do we say "a good soldier geta the job done" when he's up against a much better equipped army or he's wholly under-equipped?

Do you decry the breakdown of the American family but somehow magically think this has nothing to do with children's ability to learn, or that a "good teacher" can fix this for ALL 25 children in her class?

Explain that to me.
Let's step back from this for a moment.

You mean to tell me--seriously--that in inner city LA...I hope I do not have to explain the problems there...where many students do not even speak English in the home and most all students do not live with two biological parents...."teachers are the problem"?

So in your world, if you staffed a school with the most perfect teachers in the entire world, you could bring in a kindergartner who is 4th out of 5 children, speaks no English in the home, comes from grinding poverty, and has already suffered significant trauma in his life, and....what? Tell me what, I mean CLEARLY, you expect to teach him his kindergarten year that would catch him up with the child in Anytown, Iowa who is the firstborn child of two loving parents who comes from a stable home, has had two years of preschool, already knows all his letters and most of his letter sounds, and already loves school.

You explain this to me....

And then you tell me that "Teachers are the problem".
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

And oh, whoop de doop, you taught in a foreign nation. Good for you. 25 years, two states, three districts, more than 10 schools. Thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of kids, grades pre-kindergarten through 7th. So don't tell me about the two years you probably taught. And you should also know I have no tolerance for lazy, bad teachers. I also, as you can tell, have no tolerance for anyone saying "teachers are the problem"--usually, hapless conservatives who also decry the family breakdown in society but then pretend that somehow, teachers should fix it all at the schoolhouse door.

I mean it. Spare me.

And the reason I come on so strong is because these platitudes are ruining my profession. The best, brightest young people are not going into my profession because people have told them that teaching and teachers are crap.

So, no thanks for that.
BS. I've seen when 300 qualified teachers have applied for one opening.

Sure, maybe 5, 10 years ago. Those numbers are going way down now.

Now, are you going to defend anything you said? Do we say "a good soldier geta the job done" when he's up against a much better equipped army or he's wholly under-equipped?

Do you decry the breakdown of the American family but somehow magically think this has nothing to do with children's ability to learn, or that a "good teacher" can fix this for ALL 25 children in her class?

Explain that to me.
Teachers are overpaid and are only in the profession to make money.
Walking out on the kids validates my statement.
When three, (count them (3)) teachers and former teachers on this forum tell you that you are full of shit, the smart play would be to believe them.

Why would there be any reason for us to all lie and be in 100% agreement?
That's like three politicians telling us Deep State does not exist. Teachers are the problem. I expect such things. You denying the implosion of public education only underscores it.

Let's step back from this for a moment.

You mean to tell me--seriously--that in inner city LA...I hope I do not have to explain the problems there...where many students do not even speak English in the home and most all students do not live with two biological parents...."teachers are the problem"?

So in your world, if you staffed a school with the most perfect teachers in the entire world, you could bring in a kindergartner who is 4th out of 5 children, speaks no English in the home, comes from grinding poverty, and has already suffered significant trauma in his life, and....what? Tell me what, I mean CLEARLY, you expect to teach him his kindergarten year that would catch him up with the child in Anytown, Iowa who is the firstborn child of two loving parents who comes from a stable home, has had two years of preschool, already knows all his letters and most of his letter sounds, and already loves school.

You explain this to me....

And then you tell me that "Teachers are the problem".
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

I didn't say platitudes. That's a platitude. That's like saying "a good soldier gets the job done". Really? One soldier with one gun against a whole army? Is that how we staff our military? He might indeed be a great soldier. He might be in fact the very best soldier in the ENTIRE military. But if you give him ONE gun against a thousand guns he doesn't stand a chance, does he?

But these are the very platitudes we're up against. It's insulting, to be honest. It's an insult. You would never, ever say this to any other profession. So spare me. Really.
Teachers are the root cause of why public education has failed to learn basic things. Teachers is why we have the dumbest generation in American history today.

Stupid soundbites, and you come off as a Leftist drone when you say it. I mean that. Very disappointing. Not only could you not counter a single one of my questions, you actually resorted to drone-speak.

I'm so disappointed in conservatives when it comes to education. We sound like utter dunderheads when we talk about it. Vastly, sickeningly disappointing.
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

And oh, whoop de doop, you taught in a foreign nation. Good for you. 25 years, two states, three districts, more than 10 schools. Thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of kids, grades pre-kindergarten through 7th. So don't tell me about the two years you probably taught. And you should also know I have no tolerance for lazy, bad teachers. I also, as you can tell, have no tolerance for anyone saying "teachers are the problem"--usually, hapless conservatives who also decry the family breakdown in society but then pretend that somehow, teachers should fix it all at the schoolhouse door.

I mean it. Spare me.

And the reason I come on so strong is because these platitudes are ruining my profession. The best, brightest young people are not going into my profession because people have told them that teaching and teachers are crap.

So, no thanks for that.
BS. I've seen when 300 qualified teachers have applied for one opening.

Sure, maybe 5, 10 years ago. Those numbers are going way down now.

Now, are you going to defend anything you said? Do we say "a good soldier geta the job done" when he's up against a much better equipped army or he's wholly under-equipped?

Do you decry the breakdown of the American family but somehow magically think this has nothing to do with children's ability to learn, or that a "good teacher" can fix this for ALL 25 children in her class?

Explain that to me.
Teachers are overpaid and are only in the profession to make money.
Walking out on the kids validates my statement.

You think all teachers are "only" in the profession to make money. See? Drone-speak
That's like three politicians telling us Deep State does not exist. Teachers are the problem. I expect such things. You denying the implosion of public education only underscores it.

Let's step back from this for a moment.

You mean to tell me--seriously--that in inner city LA...I hope I do not have to explain the problems there...where many students do not even speak English in the home and most all students do not live with two biological parents...."teachers are the problem"?

So in your world, if you staffed a school with the most perfect teachers in the entire world, you could bring in a kindergartner who is 4th out of 5 children, speaks no English in the home, comes from grinding poverty, and has already suffered significant trauma in his life, and....what? Tell me what, I mean CLEARLY, you expect to teach him his kindergarten year that would catch him up with the child in Anytown, Iowa who is the firstborn child of two loving parents who comes from a stable home, has had two years of preschool, already knows all his letters and most of his letter sounds, and already loves school.

You explain this to me....

And then you tell me that "Teachers are the problem".
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

I didn't say platitudes. That's a platitude. That's like saying "a good soldier gets the job done". Really? One soldier with one gun against a whole army? Is that how we staff our military? He might indeed be a great soldier. He might be in fact the very best soldier in the ENTIRE military. But if you give him ONE gun against a thousand guns he doesn't stand a chance, does he?

But these are the very platitudes we're up against. It's insulting, to be honest. It's an insult. You would never, ever say this to any other profession. So spare me. Really.
Teachers are the root cause of why public education has failed to learn basic things. Teachers is why we have the dumbest generation in American history today.

Stupid soundbites, and you come off as a Leftist drone when you say it. I mean that. Very disappointing. Not only could you not counter a single one of my questions, you actually resorted to drone-speak.

I'm so disappointed in conservatives when it comes to education. We sound like utter dunderheads when we talk about it. Vastly, sickeningly disappointing.
Using children as hostages is so like teachers today.
Let's step back from this for a moment.

You mean to tell me--seriously--that in inner city LA...I hope I do not have to explain the problems there...where many students do not even speak English in the home and most all students do not live with two biological parents...."teachers are the problem"?

So in your world, if you staffed a school with the most perfect teachers in the entire world, you could bring in a kindergartner who is 4th out of 5 children, speaks no English in the home, comes from grinding poverty, and has already suffered significant trauma in his life, and....what? Tell me what, I mean CLEARLY, you expect to teach him his kindergarten year that would catch him up with the child in Anytown, Iowa who is the firstborn child of two loving parents who comes from a stable home, has had two years of preschool, already knows all his letters and most of his letter sounds, and already loves school.

You explain this to me....

And then you tell me that "Teachers are the problem".
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

I didn't say platitudes. That's a platitude. That's like saying "a good soldier gets the job done". Really? One soldier with one gun against a whole army? Is that how we staff our military? He might indeed be a great soldier. He might be in fact the very best soldier in the ENTIRE military. But if you give him ONE gun against a thousand guns he doesn't stand a chance, does he?

But these are the very platitudes we're up against. It's insulting, to be honest. It's an insult. You would never, ever say this to any other profession. So spare me. Really.
Teachers are the root cause of why public education has failed to learn basic things. Teachers is why we have the dumbest generation in American history today.

Stupid soundbites, and you come off as a Leftist drone when you say it. I mean that. Very disappointing. Not only could you not counter a single one of my questions, you actually resorted to drone-speak.

I'm so disappointed in conservatives when it comes to education. We sound like utter dunderheads when we talk about it. Vastly, sickeningly disappointing.
Using children as hostages is so like teachers today.

You have nothing now but pull-toy responses.

I can't talk to this poster anymore; he's not having a discussion, but just Leftist drone-speak. So to any other conservatives who happen by, I hope you can read this with an open mind. The unions are busted and awful, and I am very happy that more and more states are right to work states. But we do not think nor talk coherently about education as conservatives. We uphold the importance of the family but when the family breaks down, we don't understand the monumental effect this has on children. They are not robots. They cannot learn when they do not know where their next meal is coming from. As conservatives, WE should be the first to understand this.

But, easier to blame teachers.

As you see in the drone-like responses of this poster.
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

I didn't say platitudes. That's a platitude. That's like saying "a good soldier gets the job done". Really? One soldier with one gun against a whole army? Is that how we staff our military? He might indeed be a great soldier. He might be in fact the very best soldier in the ENTIRE military. But if you give him ONE gun against a thousand guns he doesn't stand a chance, does he?

But these are the very platitudes we're up against. It's insulting, to be honest. It's an insult. You would never, ever say this to any other profession. So spare me. Really.
Teachers are the root cause of why public education has failed to learn basic things. Teachers is why we have the dumbest generation in American history today.

Stupid soundbites, and you come off as a Leftist drone when you say it. I mean that. Very disappointing. Not only could you not counter a single one of my questions, you actually resorted to drone-speak.

I'm so disappointed in conservatives when it comes to education. We sound like utter dunderheads when we talk about it. Vastly, sickeningly disappointing.
Using children as hostages is so like teachers today.

You have nothing now but pull-toy responses.

I can't talk to this poster anymore; he's not having a discussion, but just Leftist drone-speak. So to any other conservatives who happen by, I hope you can read this with an open mind. The unions are busted and awful, and I am very happy that more and more states are right to work states. But we do not think nor talk coherently about education as conservatives. We uphold the importance of the family but when the family breaks down, we don't understand the monumental effect this has on children. They are not robots. They cannot learn when they do not know where their next meal is coming from. As conservatives, WE should be the first to understand this.

But, easier to blame teachers.

As you see in the drone-like responses of this poster.
All you have is give us more money more money more money or we fuck over more kids.
I guess in fly over country, $73 thousand could be considered a lot of money.

But in a modern, advanced region it’s really not.
LA is a high cost region

A person with a masters degree deserves more than $73 K

You get what you pay for
You’re full of shit

No that would be you. You are the least respected poster on this board.

When three, (count them (3)) teachers and former teachers on this forum tell you that you are full of shit, the smart play would be to believe them.

Why would there be any reason for us to all lie and be in 100% agreement?
That's like three politicians telling us Deep State does not exist. Teachers are the problem. I expect such things. You denying the implosion of public education only underscores it.

Let's step back from this for a moment.

You mean to tell me--seriously--that in inner city LA...I hope I do not have to explain the problems there...where many students do not even speak English in the home and most all students do not live with two biological parents...."teachers are the problem"?

So in your world, if you staffed a school with the most perfect teachers in the entire world, you could bring in a kindergartner who is 4th out of 5 children, speaks no English in the home, comes from grinding poverty, and has already suffered significant trauma in his life, and....what? Tell me what, I mean CLEARLY, you expect to teach him his kindergarten year that would catch him up with the child in Anytown, Iowa who is the firstborn child of two loving parents who comes from a stable home, has had two years of preschool, already knows all his letters and most of his letter sounds, and already loves school.

You explain this to me....

And then you tell me that "Teachers are the problem".
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

Put another way:

"Here, brain surgeon. Here's a kitchen knife, a pair of tweezers and a hammer."

Surgeon, "WHAT?"

"A good surgeon gets the job done."

Seriously to what other profession do we say this and everyone just nods and says, yep, makes perfect sense?
You’re full of shit

No that would be you. You are the least respected poster on this board.

When three, (count them (3)) teachers and former teachers on this forum tell you that you are full of shit, the smart play would be to believe them.

Why would there be any reason for us to all lie and be in 100% agreement?
That's like three politicians telling us Deep State does not exist. Teachers are the problem. I expect such things. You denying the implosion of public education only underscores it.

Let's step back from this for a moment.

You mean to tell me--seriously--that in inner city LA...I hope I do not have to explain the problems there...where many students do not even speak English in the home and most all students do not live with two biological parents...."teachers are the problem"?

So in your world, if you staffed a school with the most perfect teachers in the entire world, you could bring in a kindergartner who is 4th out of 5 children, speaks no English in the home, comes from grinding poverty, and has already suffered significant trauma in his life, and....what? Tell me what, I mean CLEARLY, you expect to teach him his kindergarten year that would catch him up with the child in Anytown, Iowa who is the firstborn child of two loving parents who comes from a stable home, has had two years of preschool, already knows all his letters and most of his letter sounds, and already loves school.

You explain this to me....

And then you tell me that "Teachers are the problem".
I have taught in foreign nations before. Kids learned too.

A good teacher finds away around obstacles in order to teach. It could be language, it could be handicaps. But a good teacher gets the job done.

Here's another one, more on par with teachers:

"Okay, RN, you alone have sole charge of 25 patients tonight. They are all in ICU. Half of them just came out of major heart or brain surgery."

Nurse "WHAT?"

"A good nurse gets the job done."
I guess in fly over country, $73 thousand could be considered a lot of money.

But in a modern, advanced region it’s really not.
LA is a high cost region

A person with a masters degree deserves more than $73 K

You get what you pay for

The rubes see teaching as a simple, part time job not worthy of a decent salary.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! Nobody has the right to be that moronic!
You’re why teaching declined. You refuse to even acknowledge the problems let alone address them. It’s only about you, not the children.

There is a problem. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

My kids got an excellent public school education. You obviously did not. The difference is the main ingredient. You and your ilk are obviously chicken shit, and no matter how hard you try, you will mot make chicken salad.
Kids in LA have the worst education in America. Which is what the thread is about.
the thread is about the teachers your OP you never once said anything about the quality of the kids education...
If you can't make the link between pay and justification for pay, that pretty much summarizes why the Left cannot have anything to do with budgets.
so why did you not make that link in your OP?....not once in that long winded intro did you say anything about how education has took a big dive in the state...
According to some of the posters it depends on where you live because oh by good they say living on 20 bucks an hour in South Carolina is not hard because ohhhhh by good what a great place to live. Truth be told they are wrong and should not make those false lie claims.
its not false can get by making 50 k in downtown Anaheim,but would not get by in the Anaheim Hills...
Then live in downtown Anaheim, dufus.
what the fuck does that have to do with what i was mentioning?....when you start losing your bullshit you sure start throwing more bullshit around...but that is pretty typical from you in your threads...
Average cost of a house in LA is $570,000
You need to earn $33 an hour to afford a two bedroom apartment

LA residents need to make $33 an hour to afford the average apartment

That's why L.A. residents wind up spending an average of 47 percent of their income on rent, which is the highest percentage in the nation, according to UCLA's Ziman Center for Real Estate.
many of those houses are way over valued.....a house built in the 1960's in Garden Grove can go for 3-4 hundred thousand,and they look like shit and will need a lot of upgrades...
Average cost of a house in LA is $570,000
You need to earn $33 an hour to afford a two bedroom apartment

LA residents need to make $33 an hour to afford the average apartment

That's why L.A. residents wind up spending an average of 47 percent of their income on rent, which is the highest percentage in the nation, according to UCLA's Ziman Center for Real Estate.
many of those houses are way over valued.....a house built in the 1960's in Garden Grove can go for 3-4 hundred thousand,and they look like shit and will need a lot of upgrades...
Always been an expensive area for real estate

Teachers have to live somewhere
No conferences in the schools my kids go to. All communication done online or via email. Tix sold online. Teachers who coach earn extra pay. By 3:30 the school is empty. I coach hoops so I am there almost daily.

If there are no conferences, your school sucks. And you are almost certainly mistaken that the school is empty by 330. That is tremendously unlikely.

School ends at 2 and by 3:30 it’s a ghost town. You’re welcome to come and check it out.

You’re full of shit

No that would be you. You are the least respected poster on this board.

When three, (count them (3)) teachers and former teachers on this forum tell you that you are full of shit, the smart play would be to believe them.

Why would there be any reason for us to all lie and be in 100% agreement?

I believe in the naked eye test. Aka what I se I believe.
I guess in fly over country, $73 thousand could be considered a lot of money.

But in a modern, advanced region it’s really not.
LA is a high cost region

A person with a masters degree deserves more than $73 K

You get what you pay for

The rubes see teaching as a simple, part time job not worthy of a decent salary.

The $400K CA administrators give us extra hate for the "system". Why so many? So highly paid.

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