Kerry's breaks his zero emissions policy


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
'There shouldn’t be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world,' Kerry added while saying that he's become more-and-more 'militant' over the issue in his old-age.

Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate John Kerry is facing accusations that he broke wind during one of his patented climate change rants that he delivered in Dubai after traveling to the Emirate via a gas guzzling jet.

Kerry, 79, was in the process of telling the audience that 'the climate crisis and the health crisis are one and the same' on Sunday while bringing up a study that states coal 'doubles the numbers of deaths' compared to other types of pollutions, when he delivered what sounded like a bottom burp.

Climate Armageddon Hysteria is a greedy grifter's dream come true.
Kerry makes a lucrative living by hyping unproven manmade climate change hysteria.
If the Crazy Climate Change Cultists really cared about C02 emissions, they would do all of their meetings over the internet.
'There shouldn’t be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world,' Kerry added while saying that he's become more-and-more 'militant' over the issue in his old-age.

Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate John Kerry is facing accusations that he broke wind during one of his patented climate change rants that he delivered in Dubai after traveling to the Emirate via a gas guzzling jet.

Kerry, 79, was in the process of telling the audience that 'the climate crisis and the health crisis are one and the same' on Sunday while bringing up a study that states coal 'doubles the numbers of deaths' compared to other types of pollutions, when he delivered what sounded like a bottom burp.

Climate Armageddon Hysteria is a greedy grifter's dream come true.
Kerry makes a lucrative living by hyping unproven manmade climate change hysteria.
If the Crazy Climate Change Cultists really cared about C02 emissions, they would do all of their meetings over the internet.
Hypocrite Maximus Kerry has a carbon footprint the size of a small country and he lectures the world on carbon limits. How retarded do you have to be to listen to the Carbonazis?
Hypocrite Maximus Kerry has a carbon footprint the size of a small country and he lectures the world on carbon limits. How retarded do you have to be to listen to the Carbonazis?

The DemoKKKrats worship him. He knows they're way too dumb to call him out on his hypocrisy. That's why you won't see a single lefty on this board criticize Kerry or any other billionaire they take orders from.
'There shouldn’t be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world,' Kerry added while saying that he's become more-and-more 'militant' over the issue in his old-age.

At his age, if he gets any of what he claims to want, he won't be around to live with the consciences. His children, grandchildren, and any further posterity, however, will live in a world of increased poverty, and decreased technology as a result.

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