Bill Gates & John Kerry

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015

If only others on the left would see the nonsense in thinking we can get rid of Climate change through personal choices. If it were up to Greta and the other nutcases on the left we should go back in time before man invented fire and live like that. And if every person in the world would just quit eating meat and ride bikes we wouldn't need so many cows farting all over the place and the Climate problem would be solved. What a bunch of full blooded idiots. Even Bill Gates & John Kerry see reality.

"Bill Gates criticizes idea of leading 'impoverished lifestyle' to address climate change"​

"Gates adds that it is not realistic to expect that the climate crisis could be addressed by personal choices"

"The notion that climate change is too big a problem to be solved by individual lifestyle decisions is commonly held by many, like Gates, who are working to address what they see as a crisis. Even John Kerry, President Biden's climate envoy, has signaled that new technology will need to be developed for the world to achieve emissions goals."


Just create world wide poverty, take away all our rights, and the climate will heal overnight.

Easy Peasy.

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