Kenya, Obama: More Dots To Connect?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Just peripheral data?


1. "Kenya President Says Mall Siege Ends After 61 Civilians Died

2. Kenyan security forces ended an attack by Islamist militants on an upscale mall in the capital, Nairobi, that killed at least 61 civilians,..."
Kenya President Says Mall Siege Ends After 61 Civilians Died (1) - Businessweek

Reminded me of this....

3. "Who then is this Raila Odinga? Raila Odinga is a political schizophrenic...Raila Odinga, whose father served as deputy president of Kenya....of his undergraduate thesis is not only revealing but also a source of great perturbation. His thesis focused on bomb-making with special focus on nail bombs.....

a. On August 29, 2007 Raila Odinga signed a memorandum of understanding with Sheikh Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF), an umbrella organisation comprised of the nation's principal Islamic groups. The Memorandum had Odinga promising "within six months" to "rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognise Sharia as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions."
The Herald | Zimbabwe's largest daily newspaper

4. "In August and September 2006, Senator Barack Obama traveled to South Africa, Chad, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Chad and Kenya as a congressional delegation of one (Codel Obama) (“Codel Obama” The Hill 9/7/2006) While in Kenya, Obama consistently appeared at the side of fellow Luo Raila Odinga (“your agent for change’), who was running for President. (“Senator Rebukes Kenya’s Corruption” Chicago Sun Times 8/29/2006) Because of his African heritage, Obama was treated as a virtual “Head of State” in Kenya While campaigning with Odinga,....

a. Obama’s partisan support for Odinga was considered so transparent, that the Kenyan Government spokesman, Alfred Matua, complained of political posturing to aid Odinga’s election chances: “It is very clear that the senator has been used as a puppet to perpetuate opposition politics,"(“Walking The World Stage” Newsweek 9/11/06) And, “...we earlier thought he was mature in his assessment of Kenyan and African politics,” Mutua told AFP. (...)
Obama's Radical Ties: Raila Odinga - Fort Worth Libertarian |

5. "He also promised to impose Muslim dress codes on women, ban alcohol and pork, indoctrinate children, ban Christian preaching, and dismiss the Commissioner of Police "who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists."
In short, Mr. Odinga in effect offered to Islamize Kenya in return for Muslim votes, despite the fact that Muslims make up only 10% of the population, compared to the 80% who are Christian.

a. What, you will be asking by now, what does any of this have to do with Barack Obama? Well, Mr. Obama's father came from Kenya and his son is proud to call himself a Luo. His Kenyan relations boast that, even if they cannot get a Luo into the Kenyan presidential residence, they can look forward to a Luo in the White House.

b. Indeed, the connection may be even closer than a tribal one. Mr. Odinga even claims that Mr. Obama is his cousin, because the senator's father was Mr. Odinga's maternal uncle. Whether or not this true, the two men are friends and political allies."
The Kenya Connection - The New York Sun

6. "Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?"
Should Obama?s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya?s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama?s inauguration?

7. "Obama has not publicly confirmed or denied his relation to Odinga."
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches . Dispatches . Obama: The Kenya Connection | PBS

Aw, heck.....probably no connection of these tidbits...

....that would explain why the mainstream media never mentioned any of this......

Why burden folks with this information.
Now...if Obama had been Republican.....

People are still on this stupid paranoia? He was born in Hawaii, has an american mother (like ted cruz...) He's a natural born citizen....get over it already. Even Bill O'reilly said this stuff is pathetic.

Birther Conspiracy
Jeremiah Wright Conspiracy
Fast and Furious Conspiracy
Benghazi Conspiracy
IRS Conspiracy

MY GAWD the right sure does come off as desperate. What's next? Michelle Obama is a Nazi spy?

People are still on this stupid paranoia? He was born in Hawaii, has an american mother (like ted cruz...) He's a natural born citizen....get over it already. Even Bill O'reilly said this stuff is pathetic.

Birther Conspiracy
Jeremiah Wright Conspiracy
Fast and Furious Conspiracy
Benghazi Conspiracy
IRS Conspiracy

MY GAWD the right sure does come off as desperate. What's next? Michelle Obama is a Nazi spy?

There is nothing in the OP about his place of birth....I wonder why you bring it up.

...the import is his constant connection to communists, socialists, Islamofascists.....collectivists of every stripe and variety.

Possibly you haven't noticed it....

Possibly you're as dumb as asphalt.

Was that your reply to a question of whether your SAT's approached triple digits??

Certainly you noticed that the blurbs in the OP were linked and documented.

You didn't?

See....that's a direct result of the SAT thing.....

People are still on this stupid paranoia? He was born in Hawaii, has an american mother (like ted cruz...) He's a natural born citizen....get over it already. Even Bill O'reilly said this stuff is pathetic.

Birther Conspiracy
Jeremiah Wright Conspiracy
Fast and Furious Conspiracy
Benghazi Conspiracy
IRS Conspiracy

MY GAWD the right sure does come off as desperate. What's next? Michelle Obama is a Nazi spy?

Wait.....did you mention "IRS Conspiracy"

Well,'s another reality for you to fail to recognize:
Sarah Palin was the only one to point out Obama's radical past and friends and Soros's paid campaign coordinator Steve Schmidt promptly shut her down
I, personally, think, that Obama does not have any connection to Kenya. It was a cover up for a real father and mostly for a grandfather.

His muslim sympathies are rooted in his life in Indonesia.

all IMHO, obviously ;)
You're trying to Rightyloon an Obama terrorist affiliation and you're questioning my intelligence? Alrighty then.
There is nothing in the OP about his place of birth....I wonder why you bring it up.

...the import is his constant connection to communists, socialists, Islamofascists.....collectivists of every stripe and variety.

Possibly you haven't noticed it....

Possibly you're as dumb as asphalt.

Well, you mention the whole "Obama recognized as head of state" thing so I kinda took this as yet another right wing wacko conspiracy add to the dozens already out there.
You're trying to Rightyloon an Obama terrorist affiliation and you're questioning my intelligence? Alrighty then.

The guy's his cuz.....and he campaigned for him.

Whatta ya' need, a pic of them lip-lockin'????

Even then, you guys'd say....'what does that have to do with his job-performance,' just as you did with the rapist, Clinton.

Was that your reply to a question of whether your SAT's approached triple digits??

Certainly you noticed that the blurbs in the OP were linked and documented.

You didn't?

See....that's a direct result of the SAT thing.....

Maybe no one ever explained this to you, but using editorials and op-eds as "sources" doesn't work when those op-eds make claims that are NOT sourced.

As an example, I've seen you link to that NY Sun Op-ed that claims Odinga made a "pact" to install Sharia law in Kenya. There's no source - although they claim to have seen the document, it's not linked, and a google search just turns up hundreds of people like you re-posting the same editorial on other message boards.

Op-eds aren't "evidence" of anything other than the opinions of whoever wrote it.
You're trying to Rightyloon an Obama terrorist affiliation and you're questioning my intelligence? Alrighty then.

The guy's his cuz.....and he campaigned for him.

Whatta ya' need, a pic of them lip-lockin'????

Even then, you guys'd say....'what does that have to do with his job-performance,' just as you did with the rapist, Clinton.

It's amazing how much people are willing to swallow bullshit whole if they like how it makes them feel.

If Raila Odinga is such a terrible person, why would you chose to believe him when he claims to be Obama's cousin?
There is nothing in the OP about his place of birth....I wonder why you bring it up.

...the import is his constant connection to communists, socialists, Islamofascists.....collectivists of every stripe and variety.

Possibly you haven't noticed it....

Possibly you're as dumb as asphalt.

Well, you mention the whole "Obama recognized as head of state" thing so I kinda took this as yet another right wing wacko conspiracy add to the dozens already out there.

Maybe we're connected, Nyvin....

....I have a NY vin on my windshield.

I'd be surprised at you shrugging off the Benghazi scandal and the IRS scandal....

...until I recall that the Left still shrugs off King Franklin locking up American citizens simply because they were Japanese.
Isn't that real racism?
Nah....just Democrats being Democrats.

Yet, somehow, Senator McCarthy was terrible for calling out communists working at the Pentagon....
Geeezzz...not even lockin' 'em up.
Raila Odinga is a born-again Evangelical, by the way. He's not Muslim.

Did the OP say he was a Muslim?

Read more carefully.

No, your OP and the ridiculous op-eds you call "sources" just imply it.

It would be a lot harder to fear-mongering about "Sharia law" if your OP had mentioned Odinga's religion.

Was that your reply to a question of whether your SAT's approached triple digits??

Certainly you noticed that the blurbs in the OP were linked and documented.

You didn't?

See....that's a direct result of the SAT thing.....

Maybe no one ever explained this to you, but using editorials and op-eds as "sources" doesn't work when those op-eds make claims that are NOT sourced.

As an example, I've seen you link to that NY Sun Op-ed that claims Odinga made a "pact" to install Sharia law in Kenya. There's no source - although they claim to have seen the document, it's not linked, and a google search just turns up hundreds of people like you re-posting the same editorial on other message boards.

Op-eds aren't "evidence" of anything other than the opinions of whoever wrote it.


1. They're kinda important....
That's why the Leftist media didn't report those in the OP.
You the fake love affair they reported about McCain during the campaign...then had to retract.
Changes opinions, doesn't it.

a. “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or if they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
Milton Friedman

2. Bet you'd have no problem with documentation if Obama was a Republican....

...the OP led up to that, didn't it.

3. You know there's a great quote that illustrates Obama's position in the world:

Spengler's Universal Law #10:
There's a world of difference between a lunatic and a lunatic who has won the lottery.

That's pretty much my opinion.
Raila Odinga is a born-again Evangelical, by the way. He's not Muslim.

Did the OP say he was a Muslim?

Read more carefully.

No, your OP and the ridiculous op-eds you call "sources" just imply it.

It would be a lot harder to fear-mongering about "Sharia law" if your OP had mentioned Odinga's religion.


That's one of those phrases that only applies when the truth about Leftists comes out. don't believe that Obama and Raila are cousins?

Why did PBS say he didn't deny it?

And.....his campaigning with the guy whose thesis was about making bombs.....was that because he simply found that he was simpatico with Odinga?

You're making it even worse for your guy.

Check out 6:30 for about a minute.....

You're gonna hate it.

[ame=]Barack Obama & Raila Odinga - YouTube[/ame]

I have more if you need it.....

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