Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Trump is ISIS's greatest triumph - The perfect Manchurian Candidate


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
TIME columnist Abdul-Jabbar is a six-time NBA champion and league Most Valuable Player. He is also a celebrated author, filmmaker and education ambassador whose life and career are the subject of Minority of One, a new documentary on HBO Sports.

The terrorist campaign against American ideals is winning. Fear is rampant. Gun sales are soaring. Hate crimes are increasing. Bearded hipsters are being mistaken for Muslims. And 83 percent of voters believe a large-scale terrorist attack is likely here in the near future. Some Americans are now so afraid that they are willing to trade in the sacred beliefs that define America for some vague promises of security from the very people who are spreading the terror. “Go ahead and burn the Constitution — just don’t hurt me at the mall.” That’s how effective this terrorism is.

I’m not talking about ISIS. I’m talking about Donald Trump.

Trump is ISIS’s greatest triumph: the perfect Manchurian Candidate who, instead of offering specific and realistic policies, preys on the fears of the public, doing ISIS’s job for them.

More: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Donald Trump, ISIS's Candidate

I agree! Trump is by far the most dangerous presidential candidate that I've seen in my lifetime. Kareem and Ali seem to agree.


Donald Trump fires back at Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
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Who gives a fuck what some washed up basketball player thinks?
You think since he played b-ball that he has some kind of better understanding of the situation?
What the hell is it with liberals? They think actors are somehow more qualified to speak on any given topic ..now it's old basket ball players.:cuckoo:

Hey shitting bull!! A friend of mines cousins brother on his moms side named Lenny says Abdul is full of shit.

Stupid indian is stupid.....
TIME columnist Abdul-Jabbar is a six-time NBA champion and league Most Valuable Player. He is also a celebrated author, filmmaker and education ambassador whose life and career are the subject of Minority of One, a new documentary on HBO Sports.

The terrorist campaign against American ideals is winning. Fear is rampant. Gun sales are soaring. Hate crimes are increasing. Bearded hipsters are being mistaken for Muslims. And 83 percent of voters believe a large-scale terrorist attack is likely here in the near future. Some Americans are now so afraid that they are willing to trade in the sacred beliefs that define America for some vague promises of security from the very people who are spreading the terror. “Go ahead and burn the Constitution — just don’t hurt me at the mall.” That’s how effective this terrorism is.

I’m not talking about ISIS. I’m talking about Donald Trump.

Trump is ISIS’s greatest triumph: the perfect Manchurian Candidate who, instead of offering specific and realistic policies, preys on the fears of the public, doing ISIS’s job for them.

More: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Donald Trump, ISIS's Candidate

I agree! Trump is by far the most dangerous presidential candidate that I've seen in my lifetime. Kareem and Ali seem to agree.

I generally don't seek advice on Constitutional or national security issues from boxers and roundball players.

I see that you do.
Ali and Kareem have millions of people who like and respect them - and will pay attention to what they say about Trump.
Ali and Kareem have millions of people who like and respect them - and will pay attention to what they say about Trump.

Indeed. There are millions of idiots. I agree.

Idiots? Why, for admiring black champions who also happen to be Muslim?

For looking to sports figures for political advice.

You mean as opposed to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?

In part, of course.
Who gives a fuck what some washed up basketball player thinks?
You think since he played b-ball that he has some kind of better understanding of the situation?
What the hell is it with liberals? They think actors are somehow more qualified to speak on any given topic ..now it's old basket ball players.:cuckoo:

Hey shitting bull!! A friend of mines cousins brother on his moms side named Lenny says Abdul is full of shit.

Stupid indian is stupid.....
You're an idiot.

He is a TIME columist. He is an author, filmaker and education abassador

He is an educated man who has done a great deal more than play sports.

You are the one who is stupid. You just don't like that anyone criticizes your idol: the great dimwit Donald Trump.
Who gives a fuck what some washed up basketball player thinks?
You think since he played b-ball that he has some kind of better understanding of the situation?
What the hell is it with liberals? They think actors are somehow more qualified to speak on any given topic ..now it's old basket ball players.:cuckoo:

Hey shitting bull!! A friend of mines cousins brother on his moms side named Lenny says Abdul is full of shit.

Stupid indian is stupid.....
You're an idiot.

He is a TIME columist.

That in itself confirms the lunacy.
Who gives a fuck what some washed up basketball player thinks?
You think since he played b-ball that he has some kind of better understanding of the situation?
What the hell is it with liberals? They think actors are somehow more qualified to speak on any given topic ..now it's old basket ball players.:cuckoo:

Hey shitting bull!! A friend of mines cousins brother on his moms side named Lenny says Abdul is full of shit.

Stupid indian is stupid.....
You're an idiot.

He is a TIME columist. He is an author, filmaker and education abassador

He is an educated man who has done a great deal more than play sports.

You are the one who is stupid. You just don't like that anyone criticizes your idol: the great dimwit Donald Trump.

Next you'll be asking the Kardashians for marriage advice....
Kareem once again steps up and shows how a devout Muslim can have a better understanding of the situation than a Presidential candidate
You're an idiot.

He is a TIME columist. He is an author, filmaker and education abassador

He is an educated man who has done a great deal more than play sports.

You are the one who is stupid. You just don't like that anyone criticizes your idol: the great dimwit Donald Trump.
Lol, this loser wouldnt be paid any attention were it not for his athletic accomplishments.

Leave it to a libtrard to use ass holes like this for political commentary, roflmao.
I'd think ISIS would be thrilled with the behavior of both silly ends of our political spectrum.

The Right is in panic about them, the Left is terrified of "offending" them.

Win-win right there.
The Right is not in panic about ISIS but about Trumps ability to get more support on what is supposed to be their specialty; international politics and war.

Butt fuck them, who cares?

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