Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH.

Republicans are not doing well with absentee balloting

Look for them to try to restrict absentee balloting in the future

If you are going to steal an election then you do it via the absentee ballots, ask Al Gore that's where he said GWB stole the 2000 Presidential Election a combination of the weird Chad things and via the absentee ballots. The situation is the absentee ballots should only be for the elderly and the disabled and the Military and able bodied should not get one they should take their lazy buttocks physically to vote on the voting day and also this is why you are going to be getting a nationwide Voter ID law, I'm sure The Donald can get Matthew Whitaker to take this to the USSC and they will rule 5-4 that you have to have a Federal Mandated Voter ID law.
I used an absentee ballot for many years
My job required me to travel extensively and I was often out of state on Election Day

If you look at people standing in line for hours to physically vote, it is obvious absentee ballots should be expanded
Absentee ballots have been used for how long at least over a century. Only Trumpist dumbasses would find them objectionable.

I ask only one thing

If you think an absentee ballot is invalid....PROVE IT

Go to the voter and ask....Is this how you voted?
If the voter says ...no, that is not the ballot I filled out

THEN you have fraud
They won't do that because the don't want the truth. Everything is a conspiracy to the Trumpist. They are for the most part hysterical and unhinged.

Same thing with illegals voting
Take a ballot you think may have been cast by an illegal and verify the voters citizenship

Republicans have not found ONE voter....but still claim five million voted illegally
Another big nothing for the hysterical Republican. So the official created emergency voting center so people could vote. Only the hysterical Republican would find it objectionable that people could vote. As far as the allegation that he mixed disputed ballots with non disputed ballots, well, any irregular ballots can be found out in a hand recount. However, this is all about throwing out red meat to the hysterical Republican.

You guys truly are lemming-like.

^^^^ From a representative of the Leftist crowd who INSIST despite NO evidence that Russia stole the 2016 Presidential Election for The Donald :rolleyes-41:
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.

Arizona is saying they are destroying votes and Florida is saying they are manufacturing votes AFTER the election and there is nothing legal about both of those situations. You don't SUDDENLY find 78,000 votes like they have in Florida in the two main Democrat areas, you might find a few hundred votes AFTER the election but NOT 78,000 votes.
They know all that Lucy, but like the criminal cheats they are they lie.
Another big nothing for the hysterical Republican. So the official created emergency voting center so people could vote. Only the hysterical Republican would find it objectionable that people could vote. As far as the allegation that he mixed disputed ballots with non disputed ballots, well, any irregular ballots can be found out in a hand recount. However, this is all about throwing out red meat to the hysterical Republican.

You guys truly are lemming-like.

^^^^ From a representative of the Leftist crowd who INSIST despite NO evidence that Russia stole the 2016 Presidential Election for The Donald :rolleyes-41:
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.

Arizona is saying they are destroying votes and Florida is saying they are manufacturing votes AFTER the election and there is nothing legal about both of those situations. You don't SUDDENLY find 78,000 votes like they have in Florida in the two main Democrat areas, you might find a few hundred votes AFTER the election but NOT 78,000 votes.
More fantasy conspiracy theory

If you think a vote was fraudulently manufactured, go to the actual registered voter and ask.......Did you cast this ballot?
If he says no.......THEN you have fraud

With 78,000 fraudulent votes, it should be easy to prove
If you are going to steal an election then you do it via the absentee ballots, ask Al Gore that's where he said GWB stole the 2000 Presidential Election a combination of the weird Chad things and via the absentee ballots. The situation is the absentee ballots should only be for the elderly and the disabled and the Military and able bodied should not get one they should take their lazy buttocks physically to vote on the voting day and also this is why you are going to be getting a nationwide Voter ID law, I'm sure The Donald can get Matthew Whitaker to take this to the USSC and they will rule 5-4 that you have to have a Federal Mandated Voter ID law.
I used an absentee ballot for many years
My job required me to travel extensively and I was often out of state on Election Day

If you look at people standing in line for hours to physically vote, it is obvious absentee ballots should be expanded
Absentee ballots have been used for how long at least over a century. Only Trumpist dumbasses would find them objectionable.

I ask only one thing

If you think an absentee ballot is invalid....PROVE IT

Go to the voter and ask....Is this how you voted?
If the voter says ...no, that is not the ballot I filled out

THEN you have fraud
They won't do that because the don't want the truth. Everything is a conspiracy to the Trumpist. They are for the most part hysterical and unhinged.

Same thing with illegals voting
Take a ballot you think may have been cast by an illegal and verify the voters citizenship

Republicans have not found ONE voter....but still claim five million voted illegally

How could someone possibly physically check on up to five million, you are going to personally visit five million individuals how? Totally impossible and ridiculous.
Jumping the gun, when deadlines passed and they failed to report according to the law? Uhmmm, no.
Another big nothing for the hysterical Republican. So the official created emergency voting center so people could vote. Only the hysterical Republican would find it objectionable that people could vote. As far as the allegation that he mixed disputed ballots with non disputed ballots, well, any irregular ballots can be found out in a hand recount. However, this is all about throwing out red meat to the hysterical Republican.

You guys truly are lemming-like.

^^^^ From a representative of the Leftist crowd who INSIST despite NO evidence that Russia stole the 2016 Presidential Election for The Donald :rolleyes-41:
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.
Another big nothing for the hysterical Republican. So the official created emergency voting center so people could vote. Only the hysterical Republican would find it objectionable that people could vote. As far as the allegation that he mixed disputed ballots with non disputed ballots, well, any irregular ballots can be found out in a hand recount. However, this is all about throwing out red meat to the hysterical Republican.

You guys truly are lemming-like.

^^^^ From a representative of the Leftist crowd who INSIST despite NO evidence that Russia stole the 2016 Presidential Election for The Donald :rolleyes-41:
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.

Arizona is saying they are destroying votes and Florida is saying they are manufacturing votes AFTER the election and there is nothing legal about both of those situations. You don't SUDDENLY find 78,000 votes like they have in Florida in the two main Democrat areas, you might find a few hundred votes AFTER the election but NOT 78,000 votes.
I hate to break it to you but what you wrote is untrue. Provisional and absentee votes are still being counted. That is why elections are not certified until December.

Read this story from the highly respected Tampa Bay Times. You need to get some real news..

No, President Trump, they haven’t only ‘found’ votes for Democrats in Florida
^^^^ From a representative of the Leftist crowd who INSIST despite NO evidence that Russia stole the 2016 Presidential Election for The Donald :rolleyes-41:
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.

Arizona is saying they are destroying votes and Florida is saying they are manufacturing votes AFTER the election and there is nothing legal about both of those situations. You don't SUDDENLY find 78,000 votes like they have in Florida in the two main Democrat areas, you might find a few hundred votes AFTER the election but NOT 78,000 votes.
More fantasy conspiracy theory

If you think a vote was fraudulently manufactured, go to the actual registered voter and ask.......Did you cast this ballot?
If he says no.......THEN you have fraud

Not a Conspiracy Theory, I posted a video interview with Governor Rick Scott and he says that Palm Beach and Broward have SUDDENLY found literally from nowhere 78,000 votes....and he's 57,000 votes ahead on November 6 and TWO DAYS after the election the Democrats find 78,000 votes from thin air.
^^^^ From a representative of the Leftist crowd who INSIST despite NO evidence that Russia stole the 2016 Presidential Election for The Donald :rolleyes-41:
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.

Arizona is saying they are destroying votes and Florida is saying they are manufacturing votes AFTER the election and there is nothing legal about both of those situations. You don't SUDDENLY find 78,000 votes like they have in Florida in the two main Democrat areas, you might find a few hundred votes AFTER the election but NOT 78,000 votes.
I hate to break it to you but what you wrote is untrue. Provisional and absentee votes are still being counted. That is why elections are not certified until December.

Read this story from the conservative Tampa Bay Times. You need to get some real news..

No, President Trump, they haven’t only ‘found’ votes for Democrats in Florida

Weird that they NEVER find tens of thousands of votes for the Republican, when they find these votes it ALWAYS is in Democrat strong holds, logically there SHOULD be SOME times when the tens of thousands of votes are found in Republican strong holds.
Well, pull up a chair, kids, here we go again.

In Arizona and in Florida EVERY vote should be HAND recounted, every vote in EVERY part of each state should be HAND recounted and have HUNDREDS of lawyers including Matthew Whitaker's Department of Justice lawyers watching them recounting the votes in both of those States.
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.

Arizona is saying they are destroying votes and Florida is saying they are manufacturing votes AFTER the election and there is nothing legal about both of those situations. You don't SUDDENLY find 78,000 votes like they have in Florida in the two main Democrat areas, you might find a few hundred votes AFTER the election but NOT 78,000 votes.
I hate to break it to you but what you wrote is untrue. Provisional and absentee votes are still being counted. That is why elections are not certified until December.

Read this story from the conservative Tampa Bay Times. You need to get some real news..

No, President Trump, they haven’t only ‘found’ votes for Democrats in Florida

Weird that they NEVER find tens of thousands of votes for the Republican, when they find these votes it ALWAYS is in Democrat strong holds, logically there SHOULD be SOME times when the tens of thousands of votes are found in Republican strong holds.

Even in Democratic strongholds, there are substantial Republican votes. If 80,000 votes were found and they were all for one party, that is obvious fraud. However that is not what is happening. Votes for democrats out number republicans in democratic areas and vice versa for republican areas. It would be unusual if this was not the case.
^^^^ I have never said that and second, you are so bankrupt in arguments you need to deflect and not answer the question. Stop being mindless and think.

It should be treated as a serious situation, it should be looked into, if there is no rigging and/or stealing found then okay, but it SHOULD be looked into there is no harm in doing that, anyone who disagrees must be frightened of the potential result of the investigation.
The law has a mechanism. Everyone is jumping the gun while the votes are still being counted. If the results are within a certain percentage, a mechanical or hand recount will be held at which point disputed ballots will be determined and if necessary tossed.

The problem is Republicans want to jump to litigation instead of following the legal process. That is why we have chaos now. Trump should STFU and let the process take its course.

Arizona is saying they are destroying votes and Florida is saying they are manufacturing votes AFTER the election and there is nothing legal about both of those situations. You don't SUDDENLY find 78,000 votes like they have in Florida in the two main Democrat areas, you might find a few hundred votes AFTER the election but NOT 78,000 votes.
More fantasy conspiracy theory

If you think a vote was fraudulently manufactured, go to the actual registered voter and ask.......Did you cast this ballot?
If he says no.......THEN you have fraud

Not a Conspiracy Theory, I posted a video interview with Governor Rick Scott and he says that Palm Beach and Broward have SUDDENLY found literally from nowhere 78,000 votes....and he's 57,000 votes ahead on November 6 and TWO DAYS after the election the Democrats find 78,000 votes from thin air.
Once again........SHOW ME

78,000 ballots show up out of nowhere
Take some of those ballots and see if the voter is legally registered. Then, go to the voter and ask......Is this your ballot?
If the voter says no.......THEN you have a case

Until you can do that simple thing.......you are just blowing smoke out your ass
I voted absentee this year

I requested one from the county clerk and she sent me an official ballot with my name printed on it and a sealed envelope with my name printed on it.

How are you going to do that with 78,000 voters after the fact?
Well, pull up a chair, kids, here we go again.

In Arizona and in Florida EVERY vote should be HAND recounted, every vote in EVERY part of each state should be HAND recounted and have HUNDREDS of lawyers including Matthew Whitaker's Department of Justice lawyers watching them recounting the votes in both of those States.
The situation in Arizona is how unmatched signatures were being handled inconsistently by the different counties. Some were cutting off contacting the voters for ballots in question on election day. Others were contacting voters beyond election day. The GOP sued to stop the verification process which is certainly their right and brought the situation to a head. The latest I hear is that the matter has been settled and contacting voters where signature is in question will be conducted in all counties through November 14th.

All Arizona counties will verify ballot signatures through Nov. 14

Mark Brnovich (R), Arizona's Attorney General.


I do the same, in dropping my ballot off on Election Day. For Arizonans who use the Early Ballot process to check if your vote was counted you can do so at: http://www.arizona.vote/

Also at the same site they'll be updating the McSally-Sinema vote tally after 5:00p.m. MST each day.
Last edited:
Twitter ^ | Nov 9, 2018 | Pres. Donald J. Trump

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@realDonaldTrump 15m15 minutes ago More Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH. Electoral corruption - Call for a new Election? We must protect our Democracy! 4,915 replies 7,366 retweets 18,546 likes

The Mob still thinks its dealing with a typical roll over Republican. They are going to reap a cat 5 shitstorm on voter fraud over this. There is a reason Whitaker was installed the day after the election. I’m retired and have the ability to go to Florida or Arizona. Remember 2000 when the call went up for volunteers to go to Florida to observe the hanging chad fiasco? Anyone else ready to go? Did you see Trump man handling those mob reporters today? The man is seriously PO’d.....I LOVE it when he acts like a man, instead of a pussy politician! MAGA!!!

The NEW Trump mantra....

Signatures don't match

Throw out that batch!!!!!
I think I'll wait for a more reputable source.

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