Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH.

The Purge

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Aug 16, 2018
Twitter ^ | Nov 9, 2018 | Pres. Donald J. Trump

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Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account

@realDonaldTrump 15m15 minutes ago More Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH. Electoral corruption - Call for a new Election? We must protect our Democracy! 4,915 replies 7,366 retweets 18,546 likes

The Mob still thinks its dealing with a typical roll over Republican. They are going to reap a cat 5 shitstorm on voter fraud over this. There is a reason Whitaker was installed the day after the election. I’m retired and have the ability to go to Florida or Arizona. Remember 2000 when the call went up for volunteers to go to Florida to observe the hanging chad fiasco? Anyone else ready to go? Did you see Trump man handling those mob reporters today? The man is seriously PO’d.....I LOVE it when he acts like a man, instead of a pussy politician! MAGA!!!

The NEW Trump mantra....

Signatures don't match

Throw out that batch!!!!!
The lying democrats trying to steal another election. What kind of morally bankrupt clown do you have to be to support
the party of Clinton and Wasserman-Schultz, among other criminals?

Yes, the Demothugs are trying to steal yet another election .....only thing is....

There is a new Sheriff in town, patriots ARE in control this time around. :thup: :wink_2:
Was there Senator McCain's signature found? I wouldn't be surprised.

Voter's ID is the only solution to the problem.

This is why the Democrat bastards don't want Voter ID, with Voter ID they cannot pull this crap.
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Twitter ^ | Nov 9, 2018 | Pres. Donald J. Trump

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Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account

@realDonaldTrump 15m15 minutes ago More Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH. Electoral corruption - Call for a new Election? We must protect our Democracy! 4,915 replies 7,366 retweets 18,546 likes

The Mob still thinks its dealing with a typical roll over Republican. They are going to reap a cat 5 shitstorm on voter fraud over this. There is a reason Whitaker was installed the day after the election. I’m retired and have the ability to go to Florida or Arizona. Remember 2000 when the call went up for volunteers to go to Florida to observe the hanging chad fiasco? Anyone else ready to go? Did you see Trump man handling those mob reporters today? The man is seriously PO’d.....I LOVE it when he acts like a man, instead of a pussy politician! MAGA!!!

The NEW Trump mantra....

Signatures don't match

Throw out that batch!!!!!

If this is accurate and with the situation in Florida and that big mouth Black wimmens attempting to steal the Georgia Governor's race, then ALL election results should be voided because if they are shown to be deliberately stealing Arizona, Florida and Georgia they have probably stolen most of those House races in the Republican areas so the November 6 results across the board should be voided and IF there is a way for The Donald and Matthew Whitaker to do this they should do it, you cannot have this crowd stealing fucking elections, you are supposed to be a democracy.

Also TRASH these electronic voting machines and return to ONLY paper ballots that are manually counted.
Twitter ^ | Nov 9, 2018 | Pres. Donald J. Trump

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Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account

@realDonaldTrump 15m15 minutes ago More Just out — in Arizona, SIGNATURES DON’T MATCH. Electoral corruption - Call for a new Election? We must protect our Democracy! 4,915 replies 7,366 retweets 18,546 likes

The Mob still thinks its dealing with a typical roll over Republican. They are going to reap a cat 5 shitstorm on voter fraud over this. There is a reason Whitaker was installed the day after the election. I’m retired and have the ability to go to Florida or Arizona. Remember 2000 when the call went up for volunteers to go to Florida to observe the hanging chad fiasco? Anyone else ready to go? Did you see Trump man handling those mob reporters today? The man is seriously PO’d.....I LOVE it when he acts like a man, instead of a pussy politician! MAGA!!!

The NEW Trump mantra....

Signatures don't match

Throw out that batch!!!!!

The Democrat POS have "found" 78,000 votes out of literally nowhere in Palm Beach County and Broward County, POS are attempting to steal the Florida Senate and Florida Governor races, Governor Rick Scott who was 57,000 plus votes ahead in the Senate race has filed a lawsuit and has the police looking into this also and says he is not going to allow the Democrats to steal this election.

Here is a video interview with Governor Rick Scott:

Rick Scott files lawsuit in contested Florida Senate race
The Republican Fellow Traveler Society has brought forth THE BIG BUTTHURT in their above Circle Jerk. Pity them, they are in full echo of Donald The Liar Trump.
Why don’t Republicans actually prove voter fraud for once

Take a signature and ballot you question and go to the actual voter. If the voter says....Hey, that is not me!

You have fraud
The Republican Fellow Traveler Society has brought forth THE BIG BUTTHURT in their above Circle Jerk. Pity them, they are in full echo of Donald The Liar Trump.

But but but what about when Al Gore said GWB stole Florida and with it the 2000 Presidential Election, I bet you were wetting your panties and screaming at the moon about that....Sore Loserman?

But but but when the Democrat POS are caught basically red handed, it's a Conspiracy Theory or whatever. Typical Leftist hypocrisy.
Republicans are not doing well with absentee balloting

Look for them to try to restrict absentee balloting in the future
Republicans are not doing well with absentee balloting

Look for them to try to restrict absentee balloting in the future

If you are going to steal an election then you do it via the absentee ballots, ask Al Gore that's where he said GWB stole the 2000 Presidential Election a combination of the weird Chad things and via the absentee ballots. The situation is the absentee ballots should only be for the elderly and the disabled and the Military and able bodied should not get one they should take their lazy buttocks physically to vote on the voting day and also this is why you are going to be getting a nationwide Voter ID law, I'm sure The Donald can get Matthew Whitaker to take this to the USSC and they will rule 5-4 that you have to have a Federal Mandated Voter ID law.

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