Just for balance

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Chris Hedges's Endgame Strategy. Why the revolution must start in America. - Planetary Anomalies - AOL Message Boards

Audio version read by George Atherton Right-click to download

The unrest in the Middle East, the convulsions in Ivory Coast, the hunger sweeping across failed states such as Somalia, the freak weather patterns and the systematic unraveling of the American empire do not signal a lurch toward freedom and democracy but the catastrophic breakdown of globalization. The world as we know it is coming to an end. And what will follow will not be pleasant or easy.

The bankrupt corporate power elite, who continue to serve the dead ideas of unfettered corporate capitalism, globalization, profligate consumption and an economy dependent on fossil fuels, as well as endless war, have proven incapable of radically shifting course or responding to our altered reality. They react to the great unraveling by pretending it is not happening. They are desperately trying to maintain a doomed system of corporate capitalism. And the worse it gets the more they embrace, and seek to make us embrace, magical thinking. Dozens of members of Congress in the United States have announced that climate change does not exist and evolution is a hoax. They chant the mantra that the marketplace should determine human behavior, even as the unfettered and unregulated marketplace threw the global economy into a seizure and evaporated some $40 trillion in worldwide wealth. The corporate media retreats as swiftly from reality into endless mini-dramas revolving around celebrities or long discussions about the inane comments of a Donald Trump or a Sarah Palin. The real world the one imploding in our faces is ignored.
The deadly convergence of environmental and economic catastrophe is not coincidental. Corporations turn everything, from human beings to the natural world, into commodities they ruthlessly exploit until exhaustion or death. The race of doom is now between environmental collapse and global economic collapse. Which will get us first? Or will they get us at the same time?
People throughout history have have filled the role of prophets of doom, some have been occasionally, partially in limited areas, correct but most have been proven to be at best, mistaken, at worst, frauds. Only time will tell.
From the article:
We continue to talk about personalities Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama or Stephen Harper although the heads of state and elected officials have become largely irrelevant. Corporate lobbyists write the bills. Lobbyists get them passed. Lobbyists make sure you get the money to be elected. And lobbyists employ you when you get out of office. Those who hold actual power are the tiny elite who manage the corporations
This is correct. Where we differ is the method of reigning in their power.

The Left want's to tax Rich people. But that will never work as rich people know A: How to hide their money and B: They write the Laws (As is pointed out in the article.)

The solution is to limit Gov't power. If the Gov't is limited in their scope of abilities the Lobbyists would disappear from D.C. but guess where they'd show up? At our door step! They'd be Lobbying US for a change because WE'D have the real power! They'd be kissin' OUR asses for a change! Which is the way it should be.

Now that's REAL "power to the people" stuff right there. Not this fake "elect me and I'll do it for ya'" b.s. that never works.

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