Judge Rules Against Trump, Says Deutsche Bank Can Turn Over Information About His Loans


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Ivanka and Trump Jr. joined in the suit ... it didn't help.

U.S. District Court Judge Edgardo Ramos ruled against Donald Trump and his children on Wednesday and said that Deutsche Bank and Capitol One can turn over their financial documents to Congress in response to subpoenas.

Trump has now lost his first court case over his financial records. He has lost his first case over his bank loans. He seems to be on his way to losing over his tax forms, and even if Mnuchin falls on his sword for Trump, New York state has just passed a law providing Congress with an alternative path to obtaining the information it’s seeking. It seems a near certainty that Trump will appeal all these rulings. But the brevity and sharpness of the decisions makes it seem very unlikely that they will be reversed at the appeals court level.

Judge says Deutsche Bank, Capital One can give Trump financial records to House Democrats
What a surprise!!

A fascist piece of shit appointed by the meat puppet faggot rules against the President.

Not that it won't be overturned on appeal (Again).

What a surprise!!

A fascist piece of shit appointed by the meat puppet faggot rules against the President.

Not that it won't be overturned on appeal (Again).

Or not:
Trump loses bid to block banks from providing family's business records to Democratic lawmakers
U.S. President Donald Trump, three of his children and the Trump Organization on Wednesday lost their bid to block Deutsche Bank AG and Capital One Financial Corp from providing financial records to Democratic lawmakers investigating Trump's businesses.
In a decision read from the bench after hearing arguments, U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos in New York said that Congress has the legal authority to demand the records, clearing the way for the banks to comply with subpoenas issued to them by two U.S. House of Representatives committees last month.
The committees have agreed not to enforce the subpoenas for seven days, the judge said. It was the second time in three days that a judge had ruled against the Republican president in his fight with Democrats and Trump's lawyers were expected to appeal both decisions.
Ramos said he would not suspend his decision pending appeal.
The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Deutsche Bank said it would abide by the court's decision. Capital One did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Appeal is in the works, I feel pretty sure.
No doubt! The thing is..I'm not seeing an actual valid grounds--lots of Political flak--social outcry--but the law is pretty straightforward. It does not matter the reason Congress wishes to issue a supeana..it's right to do so is iron-clad. The power to supeana is at the heart of our system of justice..and it is a cherished power of both courts and Congress. Congress's powers are broad..all the committee has to do is say they need the information..they do not have to prove why they need it..they just have to say so. I guess lawyers can argue anyway they want..at $500 and hour--but the outcome is foreordained.
As a delaying tactic..I guess it might have some value.
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You think the court ruling had something to do with Trump's tantrum today?
Trump Crime Family | One Percent Takers -- The Site that Exposes the Greed and Taking by America's Richest One Percent and Reveals How Ordinary Americans are Fighting Back . . . . . . . . . .

"In April 2013, police burst into Unit 63A of Trump Tower and rounded up 29 suspects in two gambling rings.

"The operation, which prosecutors called 'the world’s largest sports book,' was run out of condos in Trump Tower—including the entire fifty-first floor of the building. Unit 63A served as the headquarters for a 'sophisticated money-laundering scheme' that moved an estimated $100 million out of the former Soviet Union, through shell companies in Cyprus, and into investments in the United States.

"In addition, the Taj Mahal was fined $10 million in 2015—the highest penalty ever levied by the feds against a casino—and admitted to having “willfully violated” anti-money-laundering regulations for years."

There has never been a POTUS with the obvious connections to organized crime figures as Trump.

He never expected to win the White House, and now that Democrats have taken control of the House, he is melting like a snitty snowflake.

Another activist Obama appointed judge doing his dirty work for him, clogging up the courts until they're slapped down. SOS.

17 For exam- ple, in Bergman the Court held that a subpoena calling for "'any' and 'all' financial records from 1969 to date [which] might include records relating to plaintiffs' purely personal financial affairs,"18 was invalid in part, where the issuing sub- committee only had general authority to inquire into housing for the elderly. The court reasoned that while the subcommittee may properly investigate nursing home profits, "a general in- quiry designed to ascertain plaintiffs' personal wealth ... is not pertinent to the investigation ...."19
In Watkins u. United States,20 the Court stated that

Corp., 434 F. Supp. 773 (D.D.C. 1977); Exxon Corp. v. FTC, 589 F.2d 582 (D.C. Cir. 1978), cert. denied, 441 U.S. 943 (1979).
15. See Bergman v. Senate Special Comm. on Aging, 389 F. Supp. 1127 (S.D.N.Y. 1975).
16. Ashland Oil, Inc. v. FTC, 409 F. Supp. 297 (D.C. Cir.), a{fd 548 F.2d 977 (1976).
17. See Moreland, supra note 5, at 230-42.
18. Bergman, 389 F. Supp. at 1130.
19. ld.
20. 354 U.S. 178, 198 (1957) (citing Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S.

where the information requested from a subpoenaed witness is "unrelated to any legislative purpose," the individual's constitu- tional right to privacy outweighs the committee's interest in the information. Further, in Tobin v. United States,21 the Court held that the House Judiciary Committee's general au- thority to investigate interstate compacts did not authorize the Committee to issue a "deep and penetrating" subpoena of all internal administrative documents of a specified entity.22

In view of the significant Congressional contempt power, it is important to review the protections available to a subpoe- naed witness who is subject to an enforcement proceeding. There are essentially three defenses to, or protections from, a contempt proceeding.45 Specifically, failure to comply with a subpoena does not constitute contempt if the basis of the con- tempt proceeding is invalid (such as when the subpoena is in- valid), if the failure is not willful, or if such failure is protected by privilege.46
Deutche bank loans? Why is that so important to the left? Remember when Hillary was giving mystery speeches to Wall Street Banks? Nobody ever knew what the hell she said.
Deutche bank loans? Why is that so important to the left? Remember when Hillary was giving mystery speeches to Wall Street Banks? Nobody ever knew what the hell she said.

The people who heard the speeches knew. What business was it of yours anyway?
Deutche bank loans? Why is that so important to the left? Remember when Hillary was giving mystery speeches to Wall Street Banks? Nobody ever knew what the hell she said.

What did the Clintons promise Wall Street and foreign countries in exchange for the $150 million in personal checks and $2 billion in 'foundation' contributions?

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