John McCain-gives Tea Party best COMPLIMENT of all by referring to them as Hobbits.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I am certain McCain's intention was to INSULT the new Freshman Tea Party members in the senate and house--but he actually delivered the BEST compliment the Tea party has received since it's onset.

Of course McCain was reading from an article in the Wall Street Journal--which referring to the tea party members in congress that are insisting on a balanced budget amendment--that the Hobbits have come up from middle earth to defeat Mordor.

If you have watched these 3 episodes- (Lord of the Rings)---the ONLY people who can be trusted with the ring--aka the national treasury--are HOBBITS.

So what was intended to be an insult--turned out to be one of the GREATEST compliment the Tea Party movement in this country has ever received.

So--if you don't like Tea party--then call me a HOBBIT--all DAY LONG--24 hours a day--7 days a week--365 days a year. Because that is exactly what I am.
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Sorry bout that,

1. So when did you first know you were insane jillian?
2. Oh shit, you have to be kidding me, you have like 1500+ *REP WHORE POINTS*!!!!!
3. What a crazy/fake you are!!!!


It really could not have been a better compliment coming from someone who was born in the senate and is certain to be carried out of the senate chamber in a casket--a whom represents Arizona--and has NEVER worked a DAY in his life in the private sector.

$sacred cow.jpg

Well--how tough are you now John McCain?
I'm not a Democrat.... John McCain is a sellout.
He can take George Bush and his two finger and thumb wave and shove it up his ass.

Oh Yeah, I forgot.. McCain is a Maverick.


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