grab a bag you may like it, a tea bag a--hole


Jul 23, 2011
The teaarty people are..imagine this...doing what they were sent to DC for, imagine that a potical party standing for principle not for posture. long term hacks do not know what to do other than bash them, they are not like us..they want to "save" money and be responsible for their actions. Tea party people were sent to DC for action and the old guard Dems and some Repb do not know what action is unless it's giving money to an old friends project. Thank GOD there is someone willing to take all the ridicule and name calling and work for the people for a change. erving in the Congress was never ment to be a carrer, it was dreaded in the begininning, but now the moneys to sweet and if someone rocks the boat, throw them out, call them names, ssimmer up some talking points for every liberal in the country can use and rally around. Could you for one second change the tables and the Dems were the new party, there would be bands playing, parties speeches and the media would be in their hip pocket. the republic was never meant for just two parties, the more the merrier. The status quo on both sides would scream foul saying hey we are your parties take us or leave us, but first take this meaningless poll. Breath it all in don't you see TP"S are a breath of fresh air. thanks
You know...if I really believed that the TP could bring about fundamental changes in the system and wasn't a nothing more than a front for the radical right wing of the GOP, I'd be a whole lot more sympathetic.

As to forcing the nation to renege on its debts, I do not approve. I think that will do more long term damage that these people realize and still it won't really solve our duelopology's spending problems, at the same time.

That is in my opinion an incredible stupid thing to do.
You know...if I really believed that the TP could bring about fundamental changes in the system and wasn't a nothing more than a front for the radical right wing of the GOP, I'd be a whole lot more sympathetic.

As to forcing the nation to renege on its debts, I do not approve. I think that will do more long term damage that these people realize and still it won't really solve our duelopology's spending problems, at the same time.

That is in my opinion an incredible stupid thing to do.

They're aren't trying to force the nation to renege on its debts, they're trying to make our Government stop spending us into oblivion. Just sayin'.

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