Jews oppose Iran Nuclear deal 2 to 1

This guy is s joke

Obama will be the only person sticking to Iran deal


Sometime this week, President Obama is scheduled to sign an executive order to meet the Oct. 15 “adoption day” he has set for the nuclear deal he says he has made with Iran. According to the president’s timetable the next step would be “the start day of implementation,” fixed for Dec. 15.

But as things now stand, Obama may end up being the only person in the world to sign his much-wanted deal, in effect making a treaty with himself.

The Iranians have signed nothing and have no plans for doing so. The so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has not even been discussed at the Islamic Republic’s Council of Ministers. Nor has the Tehran government bothered to even provide an official Persian translation of the 159-page text.

The Islamic Majlis, the ersatz parliament, is examining an unofficial text and is due to express its views at an unspecified date in a document “running into more than 1,000 pages,” according to Mohsen Zakani, who heads the “examining committee.”

“The changes we seek would require substantial rewriting of the text,” he adds enigmatically.

Obama will be the only person sticking to Iran deal

Rupert's Rag.

Say, why aren't you in Israel killing Palestinians? It's all the rage these days.

really ? how many muslims have Israel killed this year vs the number of muslims
muslims have killed this year?

Israel’s domination of Palestinians makes violence inevitable | Mairav Zonszein

Israeli Police Fatally Shoot Two Palestinian Teen Attackers, Injure Two Others

Israel divided over wave of violence - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Racist Israeli soccer fans in the firing line

Israeli Soccer Violence Moves Racism up the Government's Agenda

silly bullshit

Thank God Muslims only behead each other; and on occasion a non-Muslim reporter.
But I guess you missed those YouTube videos.
Jews...they only stab and dump their bodies in caves.

muslims behead lots and lots of people------It would be good if they would
stop but the fact is it would be ok if the next head in the gutter would
be someone important to you------or you. ----they like to leave the heads of
little girls in the gutter
This guy is s joke

Obama will be the only person sticking to Iran deal


Sometime this week, President Obama is scheduled to sign an executive order to meet the Oct. 15 “adoption day” he has set for the nuclear deal he says he has made with Iran. According to the president’s timetable the next step would be “the start day of implementation,” fixed for Dec. 15.

But as things now stand, Obama may end up being the only person in the world to sign his much-wanted deal, in effect making a treaty with himself.

The Iranians have signed nothing and have no plans for doing so. The so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has not even been discussed at the Islamic Republic’s Council of Ministers. Nor has the Tehran government bothered to even provide an official Persian translation of the 159-page text.

The Islamic Majlis, the ersatz parliament, is examining an unofficial text and is due to express its views at an unspecified date in a document “running into more than 1,000 pages,” according to Mohsen Zakani, who heads the “examining committee.”

“The changes we seek would require substantial rewriting of the text,” he adds enigmatically.

Obama will be the only person sticking to Iran deal

Rupert's Rag.

Say, why aren't you in Israel killing Palestinians? It's all the rage these days.

really ? how many muslims have Israel killed this year vs the number of muslims
muslims have killed this year?

Israel’s domination of Palestinians makes violence inevitable | Mairav Zonszein

Israeli Police Fatally Shoot Two Palestinian Teen Attackers, Injure Two Others

Israel divided over wave of violence - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Racist Israeli soccer fans in the firing line

Israeli Soccer Violence Moves Racism up the Government's Agenda

silly bullshit

Clown tend to be silly. He's the original board clown
An idiot thinks he won an argument:uhoh3:..Muslims slaughtering each other all over the middle east and all you can thing about is Jews

We have 16,000 murders a year in this country, very few of them committed by Muslims.

the thing is, the Middle East is not our problem. Stop making it our problem.

crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs
crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs

That's true. The Zionist pigs in this country are good at avoiding accountability.

So why is any of this my problem again?
crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs

That's true. The Zionist pigs in this country are good at avoiding accountability.

So why is any of this my problem again?

I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?
I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?

Uh, yeah, all you Zionists who insist we keep needing to take the side of the Zionists over the Muslims over who the Imaginary Sky Pixie left the strip of desert to are making this my problem.

No one really asked me directly about my background, although I've left hints of it here and there.

My dad was born in Germany in 1925, when my grandparents immigrated to the US long before shit got really crazy. I'm the last member of my family who speaks any German after three generations, and I speak it badly.

My Mom was English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee Indian.

But ideologically, I'm an American without any fucking hyphens in front of it.

I was brought up Catholic, but became an Atheist in 1983 after one of the nuns who made my childhood miserable said "God had a reason" when my mom died at an early age from Cancer. That bitch was lucky I didn't slam her head into the nearest wall. After that, my attitude in life is fuck all the religious assholes, fuck their churches, fuck their God, fuck their superstitions.

Zionism is religious stupidity. It's religious apartheid. It will be a happy day when the Muslims wipe you all out. Because you ignored logic and reason and let them do it.

You see, logic and reason says, if your neighbors hate you so much for stealing their land, they are willing to strap bombs onto their own children to try to kill you, you seriously need to go live somewhere else.

That's what you do when you govern your life by science and reason and logic.

Religious stupidity is getting right down into the muck with them and killing them for your Imaginary Sky Pixie. I have no use for such stupidity.
I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?

Uh, yeah, all you Zionists who insist we keep needing to take the side of the Zionists over the Muslims over who the Imaginary Sky Pixie left the strip of desert to are making this my problem.

No one really asked me directly about my background, although I've left hints of it here and there.

My dad was born in Germany in 1925, when my grandparents immigrated to the US long before shit got really crazy. I'm the last member of my family who speaks any German after three generations, and I speak it badly.

My Mom was English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee Indian.

But ideologically, I'm an American without any fucking hyphens in front of it.

I was brought up Catholic, but became an Atheist in 1983 after one of the nuns who made my childhood miserable said "God had a reason" when my mom died at an early age from Cancer. That bitch was lucky I didn't slam her head into the nearest wall. After that, my attitude in life is fuck all the religious assholes, fuck their churches, fuck their God, fuck their superstitions.

Zionism is religious stupidity. It's religious apartheid. It will be a happy day when the Muslims wipe you all out. Because you ignored logic and reason and let them do it.

You see, logic and reason says, if your neighbors hate you so much for stealing their land, they are willing to strap bombs onto their own children to try to kill you, you seriously need to go live somewhere else.

That's what you do when you govern your life by science and reason and logic.

Religious stupidity is getting right down into the muck with them and killing them for your Imaginary Sky Pixie. I have no use for such stupidity.

I applaud your honesty but your history sucks.
I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?

Uh, yeah, all you Zionists who insist we keep needing to take the side of the Zionists over the Muslims over who the Imaginary Sky Pixie left the strip of desert to are making this my problem.

No one really asked me directly about my background, although I've left hints of it here and there.

My dad was born in Germany in 1925, when my grandparents immigrated to the US long before shit got really crazy. I'm the last member of my family who speaks any German after three generations, and I speak it badly.

My Mom was English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee Indian.

But ideologically, I'm an American without any fucking hyphens in front of it.

I was brought up Catholic, but became an Atheist in 1983 after one of the nuns who made my childhood miserable said "God had a reason" when my mom died at an early age from Cancer. That bitch was lucky I didn't slam her head into the nearest wall. After that, my attitude in life is fuck all the religious assholes, fuck their churches, fuck their God, fuck their superstitions.

Zionism is religious stupidity. It's religious apartheid. It will be a happy day when the Muslims wipe you all out. Because you ignored logic and reason and let them do it.

You see, logic and reason says, if your neighbors hate you so much for stealing their land, they are willing to strap bombs onto their own children to try to kill you, you seriously need to go live somewhere else.

That's what you do when you govern your life by science and reason and logic.

Religious stupidity is getting right down into the muck with them and killing them for your Imaginary Sky Pixie. I have no use for such stupidity.

Ok Now I understand who you are------I grew up in a town full of people like you-----bellicose white trash. They had managed to wipe all the Leni Lenape Indians out of the area long before my family got there---
but every once in awhile someone would reveal quietly-----"I have indian blood"---- Jews did not "steal"
anyone's land-----but the filthy disgusting catholics of the world, certainly have. In fact the pigs stole it from
jews in 80 AD -------and the history of the English and Dutch is truly disgusting----the dutch are being
thrown out of lots of places now for their FILTH. Your tiny bit of Cherokee is all you have------if you really
have it
I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?

Uh, yeah, all you Zionists who insist we keep needing to take the side of the Zionists over the Muslims over who the Imaginary Sky Pixie left the strip of desert to are making this my problem.

No one really asked me directly about my background, although I've left hints of it here and there.

My dad was born in Germany in 1925, when my grandparents immigrated to the US long before shit got really crazy. I'm the last member of my family who speaks any German after three generations, and I speak it badly.

My Mom was English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee Indian.

But ideologically, I'm an American without any fucking hyphens in front of it.

I was brought up Catholic, but became an Atheist in 1983 after one of the nuns who made my childhood miserable said "God had a reason" when my mom died at an early age from Cancer. That bitch was lucky I didn't slam her head into the nearest wall. After that, my attitude in life is fuck all the religious assholes, fuck their churches, fuck their God, fuck their superstitions.

Zionism is religious stupidity. It's religious apartheid. It will be a happy day when the Muslims wipe you all out. Because you ignored logic and reason and let them do it.

You see, logic and reason says, if your neighbors hate you so much for stealing their land, they are willing to strap bombs onto their own children to try to kill you, you seriously need to go live somewhere else.

That's what you do when you govern your life by science and reason and logic.

Religious stupidity is getting right down into the muck with them and killing them for your Imaginary Sky Pixie. I have no use for such stupidity.

Ok Now I understand who you are------I grew up in a town full of people like you-----bellicose white trash. They had managed to wipe all the Leni Lenape Indians out of the area long before my family got there---
but every once in awhile someone would reveal quietly-----"I have indian blood"---- Jews did not "steal"
anyone's land-----but the filthy disgusting catholics of the world, certainly have. In fact the pigs stole it from
jews in 80 AD -------and the history of the English and Dutch is truly disgusting----the dutch are being
thrown out of lots of places now for their FILTH. Your tiny bit of Cherokee is all you have------if you really
have it

He may be Billio's Fraternal Twin!
I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?

Uh, yeah, all you Zionists who insist we keep needing to take the side of the Zionists over the Muslims over who the Imaginary Sky Pixie left the strip of desert to are making this my problem.

No one really asked me directly about my background, although I've left hints of it here and there.

My dad was born in Germany in 1925, when my grandparents immigrated to the US long before shit got really crazy. I'm the last member of my family who speaks any German after three generations, and I speak it badly.

My Mom was English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee Indian.

But ideologically, I'm an American without any fucking hyphens in front of it.

I was brought up Catholic, but became an Atheist in 1983 after one of the nuns who made my childhood miserable said "God had a reason" when my mom died at an early age from Cancer. That bitch was lucky I didn't slam her head into the nearest wall. After that, my attitude in life is fuck all the religious assholes, fuck their churches, fuck their God, fuck their superstitions.

Zionism is religious stupidity. It's religious apartheid. It will be a happy day when the Muslims wipe you all out. Because you ignored logic and reason and let them do it.

You see, logic and reason says, if your neighbors hate you so much for stealing their land, they are willing to strap bombs onto their own children to try to kill you, you seriously need to go live somewhere else.

That's what you do when you govern your life by science and reason and logic.

Religious stupidity is getting right down into the muck with them and killing them for your Imaginary Sky Pixie. I have no use for such stupidity.

Ok Now I understand who you are------I grew up in a town full of people like you-----bellicose white trash. They had managed to wipe all the Leni Lenape Indians out of the area long before my family got there---
but every once in awhile someone would reveal quietly-----"I have indian blood"---- Jews did not "steal"
anyone's land-----but the filthy disgusting catholics of the world, certainly have. In fact the pigs stole it from
jews in 80 AD -------and the history of the English and Dutch is truly disgusting----the dutch are being
thrown out of lots of places now for their FILTH. Your tiny bit of Cherokee is all you have------if you really
have it

He may be Billio's Fraternal Twin!

not unlikely
I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?

Uh, yeah, all you Zionists who insist we keep needing to take the side of the Zionists over the Muslims over who the Imaginary Sky Pixie left the strip of desert to are making this my problem.

No one really asked me directly about my background, although I've left hints of it here and there.

My dad was born in Germany in 1925, when my grandparents immigrated to the US long before shit got really crazy. I'm the last member of my family who speaks any German after three generations, and I speak it badly.

My Mom was English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee Indian.

But ideologically, I'm an American without any fucking hyphens in front of it.

I was brought up Catholic, but became an Atheist in 1983 after one of the nuns who made my childhood miserable said "God had a reason" when my mom died at an early age from Cancer. That bitch was lucky I didn't slam her head into the nearest wall. After that, my attitude in life is fuck all the religious assholes, fuck their churches, fuck their God, fuck their superstitions.

Zionism is religious stupidity. It's religious apartheid. It will be a happy day when the Muslims wipe you all out. Because you ignored logic and reason and let them do it.

You see, logic and reason says, if your neighbors hate you so much for stealing their land, they are willing to strap bombs onto their own children to try to kill you, you seriously need to go live somewhere else.

That's what you do when you govern your life by science and reason and logic.

Religious stupidity is getting right down into the muck with them and killing them for your Imaginary Sky Pixie. I have no use for such stupidity.

Ok Now I understand who you are------I grew up in a town full of people like you-----bellicose white trash. They had managed to wipe all the Leni Lenape Indians out of the area long before my family got there---
but every once in awhile someone would reveal quietly-----"I have indian blood"---- Jews did not "steal"
anyone's land-----but the filthy disgusting catholics of the world, certainly have. In fact the pigs stole it from
jews in 80 AD -------and the history of the English and Dutch is truly disgusting----the dutch are being
thrown out of lots of places now for their FILTH. Your tiny bit of Cherokee is all you have------if you really
have it

There's nothing unique about Joey. He's just a miserable person, like most of the haters.He needs someone to blame for his misery . Like so many others he picks the Jews. Atheist, Jew haters, love muslims for some reason.:cuckoo:
I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?

Uh, yeah, all you Zionists who insist we keep needing to take the side of the Zionists over the Muslims over who the Imaginary Sky Pixie left the strip of desert to are making this my problem.

No one really asked me directly about my background, although I've left hints of it here and there.

My dad was born in Germany in 1925, when my grandparents immigrated to the US long before shit got really crazy. I'm the last member of my family who speaks any German after three generations, and I speak it badly.

My Mom was English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee Indian.

But ideologically, I'm an American without any fucking hyphens in front of it.

I was brought up Catholic, but became an Atheist in 1983 after one of the nuns who made my childhood miserable said "God had a reason" when my mom died at an early age from Cancer. That bitch was lucky I didn't slam her head into the nearest wall. After that, my attitude in life is fuck all the religious assholes, fuck their churches, fuck their God, fuck their superstitions.

Zionism is religious stupidity. It's religious apartheid. It will be a happy day when the Muslims wipe you all out. Because you ignored logic and reason and let them do it.

You see, logic and reason says, if your neighbors hate you so much for stealing their land, they are willing to strap bombs onto their own children to try to kill you, you seriously need to go live somewhere else.

That's what you do when you govern your life by science and reason and logic.

Religious stupidity is getting right down into the muck with them and killing them for your Imaginary Sky Pixie. I have no use for such stupidity.

Ok Now I understand who you are------I grew up in a town full of people like you-----bellicose white trash. They had managed to wipe all the Leni Lenape Indians out of the area long before my family got there---
but every once in awhile someone would reveal quietly-----"I have indian blood"---- Jews did not "steal"
anyone's land-----but the filthy disgusting catholics of the world, certainly have. In fact the pigs stole it from
jews in 80 AD -------and the history of the English and Dutch is truly disgusting----the dutch are being
thrown out of lots of places now for their FILTH. Your tiny bit of Cherokee is all you have------if you really
have it

There's nothing unique about Joey. He's just a miserable person, like most of the haters.He needs someone to blame for his misery . Like so many others he picks the Jews. Atheist, Jew haters, love muslims for some reason.:cuckoo:

I have bored this board for years about the fact that I read Nazi propaganda pamphlets as a child LONG LONG ago-------If I had not-----I would not known anything about "arab" or "islam" as a child-------Nazis, in their writings----way back in the 50s and in the decades before the 50s-----were already TIGHT with muslims and
islam-------at least the islam of arabs. Without Nazi propaganda I would have not known that SYRIA and LEBANON are not Christian countries somewhere out there----"overseas"
Ok Now I understand who you are------I grew up in a town full of people like you-----bellicose white trash. They had managed to wipe all the Leni Lenape Indians out of the area long before my family got there---
but every once in awhile someone would reveal quietly-----"I have indian blood"---- Jews did not "steal"
anyone's land-----but the filthy disgusting catholics of the world, certainly have. In fact the pigs stole it from
jews in 80 AD -------and the history of the English and Dutch is truly disgusting----the dutch are being
thrown out of lots of places now for their FILTH. Your tiny bit of Cherokee is all you have------if you really
have it

Well, here's the thing, Cherokees don't use the Trail of Tears to continually excuse shitty behavior.

The Jews can't stop whining about the Holocaust.

Every time they blow up a Palestinian Baby, we get to hear a chorus of 'but, but, but... Hitler." Run over a peace Activist with a Bulldozer? "But, but, but... Hitler".

Oh, I have no use for the Catholic Church, as I have said. Or any other religion. But Zionism is the religious stupidity that is causing most of the world's problems today.

You stole the Arabs land. They want to kill you and take it back. This isn't fucking complicated. Go back to Europe, maybe they'll stop doing it. Maybe they won't, you've really pissed them off. But so totally not my problem.
There's nothing unique about Joey. He's just a miserable person, like most of the haters.He needs someone to blame for his misery . Like so many others he picks the Jews. Atheist, Jew haters, love muslims for some reason.

Uh, no, I think their religion is every bit as stupid as yours.

But our problem with Islam has nothing to do with religion. The PLO was initially pretty secular. They just wanted their land back. That's all they really want. Now they have the Iranians backing their play because you Zionists instigated overthrowing Saddam, the only guy keeping Iran in Check.

Enjoy the fruits of your own stupidity.
I have bored this board for years about the fact that I read Nazi propaganda pamphlets as a child LONG LONG ago-------If I had not-----I would not known anything about "arab" or "islam" as a child-------Nazis, in their writings----way back in the 50s and in the decades before the 50s-----were already TIGHT with muslims and
islam-------at least the islam of arabs. Without Nazi propaganda I would have not known that SYRIA and LEBANON are not Christian countries somewhere out there----"overseas"

So the fact you were ignorant as a child excuses you are ignorant as an adult?

Here's the news flash. The Zionists ARE the Nazis today. The Zionists are like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

Good thing we don't have democracies huh.

Good explanation of the issues involved here. If your offering your ignorant opinion, keep it to yourself. Learn about the actual treaty and issues, then say something if you wish. But if your 'intelligence briefing' is just regurgitating whatever someone on tv said for the love of god stfu.

Debating the Iran nuclear deal: A former American negotiator outlines the battleground issues
Good thing we don't have democracies huh.

Good explanation of the issues involved here. If your offering your ignorant opinion, keep it to yourself. Learn about the actual treaty and issues, then say something if you wish. But if your 'intelligence briefing' is just regurgitating whatever someone on tv said for the love of god stfu.

JewRoids doesn't care what's in the deal. He's just upset that America didn't say "how high?" when Bibi said "Jump".
Good thing we don't have democracies huh.

Good explanation of the issues involved here. If your offering your ignorant opinion, keep it to yourself. Learn about the actual treaty and issues, then say something if you wish. But if your 'intelligence briefing' is just regurgitating whatever someone on tv said for the love of god stfu.

JewRoids doesn't care what's in the deal. He's just upset that America didn't say "how high?" when Bibi said "Jump".

It's a purely political issue. Been stoking the fires of fear and hate over it for at least 25 years. Only alt to this deal or any deal is a military strike and every analyst-site online has said that wouldn't work and only ensure they seek nukes. Yet the naysayers are all talking like that's the best solution. Only people for a military solution all seem to make a lot of money from such things.

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