Jewish Kabbala (not the oogy boogy sort) :)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Old impressive article here about the soul from the kabbalistic perspective. A bit deep, but graspable.

The Soul #2 - What Do Souls Look Like?
The Soul 2 - What Do Souls Look Like

"The human soul is a complex entity divided into several major parts. We shall devote this second article on the soul to the study of its composition and the way we interrelate with its various parts.

To comprehend the structure of the soul, we need to begin by describing how reality itself is structured.

We live in a created universe. This means that God created the universe out of nothing. When God initiated the creation process, there was no space or time, no matter or energy [other than God's own, needless to say]. He could not fashion the universe out of pre-existing materials.

The universe is made of pure Divine energy.

It follows that the universe is actually made of pure Divine energy, the only 'substance' that was available for God to use. This is an important point to establish and one whose implications are far from obvious at first glance.

Inertia in a created universe

When I look at a tree standing in my front yard and someone asks me, "Do you expect that tree to be there tomorrow?" I will respond in the affirmative. The tree has substance and therefore has inertia. Unless someone applies a lot of force, the tree will remain where it is indefinitely simply because it is there now."

Gotta love a religious article that incorporates physics (and later, quantum physics.) Why I bookmarked this. :)
Right has he dissected the soul? Seems he is a professional student who now makes a huge living off of books and tapes. Sorry.
Right has he dissected the soul? Seems he is a professional student who now makes a huge living off of books and tapes. Sorry.

Don't confuse actual Kabbala with the cult Kabbala Center in California. That's all that is, a cult.
The "actual" Kabbalah is ALL OCCULT. Have nothing to do with it. It is the worship of Lucifer and those Jews who are involved in it will burn in hell for all eternity if they do not repent of it.

Learn the facts here:

Kabbalah - the worship of Lucifer US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Careful, Jeri. Many members of this board would most likely see your denouncement of Kabbalism as a ringing endorsement of it. You might be unwittingly leading others to Lucifer! :shock:
The "actual" Kabbalah is ALL OCCULT. Have nothing to do with it. It is the worship of Lucifer and those Jews who are involved in it will burn in hell for all eternity if they do not repent of it.

Learn the facts here:

Kabbalah - the worship of Lucifer US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Careful, Jeri. Many members of this board would most likely see your denouncement of Kabbalism as a ringing endorsement of it. You might be unwittingly leading others to Lucifer! :shock:

Many members of this board? Speak for yourself, Capstone. It's very telling that you need to add "many members of this board". What? Is your own word not sufficient to stand alone? It could cause one to wonder. Even me.
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Many members of this board? Speak for yourself, Capstone. It's very telling that you need to add "many members of this board". What? Is your own word not sufficient to stand alone? It would cause one to wonder. Even me.

You can't be that clueless!

You've been catching flak for your fundamentalist nonsense on a regular basis, even from your fellow believers in Christ. At some point you're going to have to come to grips with the reality of your situation. Your incessant condemnations of others on this board have held no water outside of your little fundy circles, beyond which, in the eyes of more moderate Christians and non-believers alike, you've become the butt of one of the forum's best known jokes!

And spare me the bibbly babble in favor of your persecution complex (John 15:20, 2 Timothy 3:12, 1 Peter 4:12-16, ETC.). Trust me, I've already seen it. It doesn't change the fact that you're pushing others further and further away from your chosen sect of Christinsanity...with nearly every post. Yes, as such a vociferous fundy, YOU are among the most effective anti-fundamentalist forces on the planet.

So, keep up the good work! :laugh:
Many members of this board? Speak for yourself, Capstone. It's very telling that you need to add "many members of this board". What? Is your own word not sufficient to stand alone? It would cause one to wonder. Even me.

You can't be that clueless!

You've been catching flak for your fundamentalist nonsense on a regular basis, even from your fellow believers in Christ. At some point you're going to have to come to grips with the reality of your situation. Your incessant condemnations of others on this board have held no water outside of your little fundy circles, beyond which, in the eyes of more moderate Christians and non-believers alike, you've become the butt of one of the forum's best known jokes!

And spare me the bibbly babble in favor of your persecution complex (John 15:20, 2 Timothy 3:12, 1 Peter 4:12-16, ETC.). Trust me, I've already seen it. It doesn't change the fact that you're pushing others further and further away from your chosen sect of Christinsanity...with nearly every post. Yes, as such a vociferous fundy, YOU are among the most effective anti-fundamentalist forces on the planet.

So, keep up the good work! :laugh:

Thank you, that is an encouraging word. I'm honored. As for me having a persecution complex? Not in the least! I'm happy! As for condemning others? That isn't true. I have condemned false teachings - such as Kabbalah and Catholicism but I have not condemned people. On the matter of my being slandered by you because I am a Christian?

It is written:

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.
1 Peter 4:14

You see that? Happy am I, for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon me. On your part? Christ is evil spoken of but on my part? He is glorified. Could there be anything better? Yes. You could stop speaking evil of Him and His servants and decide to return to Him and then we would both be glorifying God! I'm believing for it, Cap. Believe me. It cannot happen soon enough.
...As for condemning others? That isn't true. I have condemned false teachings - such as Kabbalah and Catholicism but I have not condemned people. ...

Wrong, as usual, Fundy. In condemning those "false teachings", you (and your preferred corpus of false teachings) are condemning all of their adherents in one fell swoop. In the case of Catholicism, we're talking about something on the order of 1.2 billion people worldwide (a few of which happen to be members of this discussion board) - ALL supposedly condemned to eternal Hellfire for the horrific sin of failing to reject the teachings of the Christian sect into which most of them were born, in favor of those of your insane sect. :rolleyes:

jeremiah said:
...On the matter of my being slandered by you because I am a Christian?

It is written:

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.
1 Peter 4:14

You see that? Happy am I, for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon me. On your part? Christ is evil spoken of but on my part? He is glorified. Could there be anything better? Yes. You could stop speaking evil of Him and His servants and decide to return to Him and then we would both be glorifying God! I'm believing for it, Cap. Believe me. It cannot happen soon enough.

The term, "slandered", implies that I've leveled damaging falsehoods at you; when, in reality, the things I've stated about you and your actions on this board have all been true! If you see them as damaging to your character, well, then I suggest you reassess the nature of your beliefs and the manner in which they've caused you to act around here.

Apart from that, couldn't you at least have picked a scripture I hadn't specifically requested that you spare me?! (Verse 14 is included in 1 Peter 4:12-16, after all.) :laugh:

Anyhoo, that you happily accept the Biblical dictate, that "...all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12), doesn't circumvent the nature of your fundamentalism-fomented complex. ;)

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