It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Wow. Just wow. Here are just 10 reasons why you should be thankful for the time in which you live. We are truly living in the age of honey and wine.

  1. Best employment environment in history*** - Not just low unemployment but highest number of open jobs compared to pre-pandemic
  2. 66% of Americans own a house valued at record levels** - Huge driver of household wealth
  3. Wages growing much faster than inflation**** - People are gaining in real terms
  4. 401Ks are growing and higher than any time before the pandemic***** - Congratulations!
  5. Record levels in the stock market - Doesn’t help everyone but a good measure of confidence
  6. Record amount of Americans with health insurance* - Thanks Obamacare!
  7. Crime rates falling in an era of near historically low crime levels****** - Quit crying about outliers, you are safer than ever
  8. America is fighting zero wars - Yep… Biden has us in zero wars and the only one to get us out of one.
  9. US based manufacturing is rocketing up as companies “reshore” ******
  10. FSU and Georgia iced out of the NCAA playoffs!

*Health insurance:
**Home ownership:
***Job Openings & Unemeployment
****Wages growth faster than prices
*****401K values
****** Crime
If you think this putrid economy is going to get Tater reelected you'll be disappointed
Have you looked at your bank account? Surprise. Biden did that!


Bidenomics has created the strongest economy in the world

Better than China, the EU, Japan, S Korea
We would still post negatives, however Joe lied from the beginning. A congenital liar who would run death camps if it gave him power. You could tell. His mannerisms and his speech patterns. The look of pure anger on his face is constant. He looks like a caricature of the caricatures we see in comedy although lightly. Nations die. Our political class over many decades have sold us out. One example....we turned China from a backwoods nation into a massive industrial and technical giant in just a few decades. And this is where we get a lot of goods from to survive. While they grow and have the production ability to survive any world problems as they would build for themselves.
We would still post negatives, however Joe lied from the beginning. A congenital liar who would run death camps if it gave him power. You could tell. His mannerisms and his speech patterns. The look of pure anger on his face is constant. He looks like a caricature of the caricatures we see in comedy although lightly. Nations die. Our political class over many decades have sold us out. One example....we turned China from a backwoods nation into a massive industrial and technical giant in just a few decades. And this is where we get a lot of goods from to survive. While they grow and have the production ability to survive any world problems as they would build for themselves.
So the economy is good but you aren’t happy because Joe’s face shows that he would run death camps if he could? Ok, I’ll take the win on the economy.
Wow. Just wow. Here are just 10 reasons why you should be thankful for the time in which you live. We are truly living in the age of honey and wine.

  1. Best employment environment in history*** - Not just low unemployment but highest number of open jobs compared to pre-pandemic
  2. 66% of Americans own a house valued at record levels** - Huge driver of household wealth
  3. Wages growing much faster than inflation**** - People are gaining in real terms
  4. 401Ks are growing and higher than any time before the pandemic***** - Congratulations!
  5. Record levels in the stock market - Doesn’t help everyone but a good measure of confidence
  6. Record amount of Americans with health insurance* - Thanks Obamacare!
  7. Crime rates falling in an era of near historically low crime levels****** - Quit crying about outliers, you are safer than ever
  8. America is fighting zero wars - Yep… Biden has us in zero wars and the only one to get us out of one.
  9. US based manufacturing is rocketing up as companies “reshore” ******
  10. FSU and Georgia iced out of the NCAA playoffs!

*Health insurance:
**Home ownership:
***Job Openings & Unemeployment
****Wages growth faster than prices
*****401K values
****** Crime
Now you've made all these graduates of the Sean Hannity/Alex Jones School of Economics all pissy. Again.

Damn you. Damn you, I say.
Sigh... just sigh

I'm not interested in your 200k flames

This economy is a disaster. Go get schooled and educated and then try
As usual…when given an opportunity to back up your claims….you have nothing

Come on Sassy, you can do it
By which major measure of the economy is Biden a “Disaster”?

GDP, inflation, Stock Market, Employment?
As usual…when given an opportunity to back up your claims….you have nothing

Come on Sassy, you can do it
By which major measure of the economy is Biden a “Disaster”?

GDP, inflation, Stock Market, Employment?

I'm not interested in your infantile flaming. You'd be wise to learn that. You're dumb
Last edited:
I'm interested in your infantile flaming. You'd be wise to learn that. You're dumb

Can you EVER contribute anything of value to a thread?
Personal insults demonstrate you really know nothing about the topic

Come on, show us your intelligence
Which economic metrics are a “disaster”?

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