Inflation? What inflation?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
I went to Walmart last night for the first time in probably 6 weeks. Greeting me in the produce aisle:


Prices are going DOWN in Joe Biden's America.

Also, I want some wingnut here to explain to me why, when a lot of items have seemed to go up in price, a 12-pack of Yuengling beer is the same price as when Trump was POTUS. What’s heavier to transport in an 18-wheeler than cases of beer?


More proof that these price increases are the result of corporate greed and never letting a crisis go to waste, than any imaginary runaway inflation.
OCTOBER 12, 2023

Families Crushed as Biden’s Total Inflation Breaks 17%​

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released the following statement after the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for September stated inflation grew at a rate of 3.7 percent and cumulative inflation under President Biden grew to a staggering 17.1 percent:

“Hardworking families are being crushed by President Biden’s inflation-inducing fiscal policies. Today, a family of four is paying $15,133 per year, or $1,261 per month, more to purchase the same goods and services compared to the day President Biden took office. Every day, they are being forced to choose between medicine or the rent, putting food on the table or gas in the car. The American people cannot afford this Administration’s failed economic agenda.

If these out-of-control spending policies continue, families will be decimated, job creators will be wiped out, and America’s leadership in the world will be relinquished.

Our Committee’s Reverse the Curse budget blueprint cuts the deficit by $16 trillion and balances the federal budget in 10 years. We took the first step in bringing fiscal sanity back to America by passing the budget resolution through Committee last month. Now, I urge all my colleagues to join in and finish the fight. It’s the only way we’ll save our country and our way of life.”


• CPI inflation grew at a rate of 3.7 percent
• Core CPI grew at a rate of 4.1 percent
• Total inflation since President Biden took office grew to 17.1 percent

Now, I urge all my colleagues to join in and finish the fight. It’s the only way we’ll save our country and our way of life.”

I've got bad news for you Mr. Arrington. It's our "way of life" that's killing us. :omg:
I went to Walmart last night for the first time in probably 6 weeks. Greeting me in the produce aisle:

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Prices are going DOWN in Joe Biden's America.

Also, I want some wingnut here to explain to me why, when a lot of items have seemed to go up in price, a 12-pack of Yuengling beer is the same price as when Trump was POTUS. What’s heavier to transport in an 18-wheeler than cases of beer?

View attachment 884265

More proof that these price increases are the result of corporate greed and never letting a crisis go to waste, than any imaginary runaway inflation.
You are delusional. I shop at Walmart and prices have gone up dramatically since Biden took office. Communist.
If you ask a Bidenesita they would say 99 if you ask a Trumper they would say .1...the answer like most things is somewhere in the middle
The key to understanding Democrats and Republicans with respect to inflation, Democrats love raising taxes. They say they don't for the poor. But, when they drive up inflation, the things the poor buy also not only cost more, but the tax they pay on the items is also more. So, Biden is the cause of the 17% inflation increase because the governments collect more tax revenue.
The key to understanding Democrats and Republicans with respect to inflation, Democrats love raising taxes. They say they don't for the poor. But, when they drive up inflation, the things the poor buy also not only cost more, but the tax they pay on the items is also more. So, Biden is the cause of the 17% inflation increase because the governments collect more tax revenue.
I see what you did there!! lol

Partially.........0.1% or 99.9?

From 2022, when corporations were in full gouging mode.

Read each of them carefully, and comprehend what they are saying. I realize it's not wingnut media spoonfeeding you lies in language for toddlers but I think you can do it.




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