It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
The funniest thing about Romney's debate blunder on Libya isn't that he was wrong about what Obama said, it's the hypocrisy of the charge to begin with, considering that there doesn't seem to be any evidence that Romney himself ever used the words "terror" or "terrorist" in relation to this attack until two weeks later, on September 25.
A summary of what was said and when below the fold, with special thanks to Zack Beauchamp at Think Progress for collecting most of this here.
Daily Kos: It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
Obama call the attack an attack of terrorism the day after the attack.
CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

What difference and who cares if it was planned or spontaneous or not?
Were was all the out rage when Bush ignored multiple warnings of 911 and 3,000 Americans died leading to a total of almost a million in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Why Bush Ignored So Many 9/11 Warnings - Business Insider
Cause the administration lied to the American people that it was the movie for two weeks.

Romney did not get intel briefs.
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

Believe it or not, there was a time when American instinctively trusted what a POTUS told us.

Obama has destroyed that metric.

He is a stain on the Office.
Obama Administration responding to terrorist attacks: Blame it on a video, and apologize.
So if it took two weeks, what's all the hoopla about Romney Shooting first and aiming later?? Talk about liberal spin.

Your guy went in front of the UN and blamed it on a movie, he went on TV and blamed it on a movie, he stumped in several states and blamed it on a movie.

Your guy has no clue what he's doing. The DailyKos has again regurgitated a lie, no one believes them or the President anymore. We're so tired of the lies he spews!!
Cause the administration lied to the American people that it was the movie for two weeks.

Romney did not get intel briefs.

This suprises you?:eusa_eh:

They also lied about weapons of mass destruction. The difference is we went to war for many years over a lie. This one we didn't.

Also, this seems pretty petty. Arguing over the lable of terrorism. Weather an act of violence is terrorism matters not. Americans are dead no matter what you want to call it. But hey, if it makes the Republicans feel better....:eusa_whistle:
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

Believe it or not, there was a time when American instinctively trusted what a POTUS told us.

Obama has destroyed that metric.

He is a stain on the Office.

Supposing that you're right - what difference did the label that Obama use actually make?
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

Believe it or not, there was a time when American instinctively trusted what a POTUS told us.

Obama has destroyed that metric.

He is a stain on the Office.

Supposing that you're right - what difference did the label that Obama use actually make?

Your argument is Obama's lies didn't really hurt nutin' ?

It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

Believe it or not, there was a time when American instinctively trusted what a POTUS told us.

Obama has destroyed that metric.

He is a stain on the Office.

Supposing that you're right - what difference did the label that Obama use actually make?

Proves al-Qeada is stronger and spread to Northern Africa. It proves the "war on terror" is far from over.

This is diametric to the Obama narrative told to the American people for political gain..
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Romney's orginal comments on the attacks has been buried by hundreds of stories criticizing him for everything from Binders to Big Bird.

It's difficult proving that you're the bold-faced liar you appear to be.

However, it's clear that the press jumped all over Romney for calling the attacks what they were, acts of terrorism by terrorist groups and it turns out al Qaeda. It's why Obama felt he could get away with accusing Romney of shooting before aiming..........even though Obama was guilty of that exact same thing now that we know the facts.

Too bad we live in a country where we can't trust the press nor the president and obviously we cannot trust you.
Does anyone ever think Al Queda is ever going to be defeated? I don't.

Does anyone ever think the war on terror will ever be over? I don't.

This is going to last forever, like the wars on poverty, drugs, homelessness, and cancer.

To use this as a political talking point by either side is hypocritical, and shows an utter lack of respect for the intelligence of the US citizenry.
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
The funniest thing about Romney's debate blunder on Libya isn't that he was wrong about what Obama said, it's the hypocrisy of the charge to begin with, considering that there doesn't seem to be any evidence that Romney himself ever used the words "terror" or "terrorist" in relation to this attack until two weeks later, on September 25.
A summary of what was said and when below the fold, with special thanks to Zack Beauchamp at Think Progress for collecting most of this here.
Daily Kos: It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
Obama call the attack an attack of terrorism the day after the attack.
CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

What difference and who cares if it was planned or spontaneous or not?
Were was all the out rage when Bush ignored multiple warnings of 911 and 3,000 Americans died leading to a total of almost a million in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Why Bush Ignored So Many 9/11 Warnings - Business Insider

Bush was pre-911, totally different world back then.

Bottom line, with intelligence being what it is today, and with the issues we have in the Middle East, why would you IGNORE the threat, in today's world, I see no logical reason.

As far as Mitt, he is not the President, yet.
You got to love how the Right has now rewritten history to erase the fact that they were riots and protests all over the Muslim world because of that movie; now suddenly, there was no movie, there was no reaction to the movie.

Obama and his admin perpetuated a lie for weeks about the attack being a 'spontaneous mob reaction/protest to the film' (the admin later admitted there had been no protest) rather than it being a 'preplanned terrorist attack'. He knew this was a lie yet he, and his admin, continued to push it.

During his exchange with Stewart, Obama maintained that his administration has kept the American people informed based on the information it has.

"Every piece of information that we get, as we got it we laid it out to the American people," he said. "The picture eventually gets fully filled in."

Obama On Daily Show: President Defends Libya Response To Jon Stewart

166 memos from Stevens asking for increased security, repeatedly stating that Al-Q/islamic extremism was on the rise, stating ""The individual incidents have been organized," - NOTE: organized ... all ignored by this admin.

How anyone is defending Obama on this is beyond me.

Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack | Fox News
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

Romney did have access to the classified information that proved beyond any doubt that it was a terrorist attack.

You criticism is idiot, as usual.
Cause the administration lied to the American people that it was the movie for two weeks.

Romney did not get intel briefs.

Obama called it a terrorist attack the next day. Stop lying.

Not according to Candy Crowley.

According to the verbatim transcript of the President's statement,

which, as you and I know,

I made a monkey out of you with the other day to the point you were sputtering and swearing like a mental patient.

You got to love how the Right has now rewritten history to erase the fact that they were riots and protests all over the Muslim world because of that movie; now suddenly, there was no movie, there was no reaction to the movie.


You have to be a complete nut job to ignore the fact, we had warnings about what was going to happen. This was a terrorist attack on 9/11 and all about 9/11 and not a dumb ass YouTube video.

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