Israel Orthodox Newspaper Photoshops German Chancellor out of the


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
photo. I find this unbelievable, and I'm not even a woman libber. They sure did a good job, what a lack of respect for truth and woman in general.

Spot the difference: Female world leaders 'Photoshopped' out of Paris rally picture

An Israeli newspaper has been criticised for allegedly editing Angela Merkel and other women from a line-up of 40 world leaders, photographed in Paris on Sunday

Charlie Hebdo Women Photoshopped from Paris rally picture - Telegraph

This link shows it better

Israeli newspaper airbrushes female world leaders out of Paris march photographs Daily Mail Online
Last edited:
ORTHODOX , probably done by Orthodox Jews that are Israeli because they live in Israel , might be an issue if it was a mainstream Israeli publication . Just my thoughts !!
ORTHODOX , probably done by Orthodox Jews that are Israeli because they live in Israel , might be an issue if it was a mainstream Israeli publication . Just my thoughts !!

it's not even close to mainstream-----it is on the on the edge of
the fringe. chances are (I really do not know but could guess) it does not even show up on newsstands or gets sold----
probably a pass around freebie for the neturei karta. My hubbie buys every Hebrew language newspaper that reaches
the USA--------that one does not. I googled---the publisher
is a person trying to run for office in Jerusalem-----it is
probably trying to establish a following consisting of the
most nutty... JERUSALEM SYNDROME!!!!! His specific nuttiness has been attacked many times. Israel has an odd
political system-----every fringe can get represented in
government------the elections are not ---one guy against
another one guy-----it's just a matter of getting ENOUGH
votes. If someone can get a following----he gets a
position. It is[for that reason the government cannot
function without COALITIONS
Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.
To be fair, from what I've read and heard, Orthodox Jews aren't exactly popular in Israel.

It depends on how you define "orthodox" There are lots of Orthodox jews in Israel. but some small groups that SELF DEFINE as "THE ONLY ORTHODOX JEWS"---- or the
"TRUE TORAH JEWS" are the darlings of islamo Nazis because they are so NUTTY. Some of them are virulently
anti Zionist and all of them are nutty in some other ways.
Even in sum---they are still a tiny group. When an islamo Nazi says "orthodox" it is the nutty to which he/she refers.
The rest----the much larger group of orthodox jews-----
are normal people The Neturei Karta is the basic nutty group. I think this paper is from some kind of offshoot.
They are not dangerous-----their neighborhoods are safe
but women should not walk down their streets EXPOSED---
that means ---like don't wear a halter top. When anywhere
near such people------I am in a long skirt and long sleeves.
Occasionally they come up with something so nutty that it
makes the islamo Nazi press
To be fair, from what I've read and heard, Orthodox Jews aren't exactly popular in Israel.

It depends on how you define "orthodox" There are lots of Orthodox jews in Israel. but some small groups that SELF DEFINE as "THE ONLY ORTHODOX JEWS"---- or the
"TRUE TORAH JEWS" are the darlings of islamo Nazis because they are so NUTTY. Some of them are virulently
anti Zionist and all of them are nutty in some other ways.
Even in sum---they are still a tiny group. When an islamo Nazi says "orthodox" it is the nutty to which he/she refers.
The rest----the much larger group of orthodox jews-----
are normal people The Neturei Karta is the basic nutty group. I think this paper is from some kind of offshoot.
They are not dangerous-----their neighborhoods are safe
but women should not walk down their streets EXPOSED---
that means ---like don't wear a halter top. When anywhere
near such people------I am in a long skirt and long sleeves.
Occasionally they come up with something so nutty that it
makes the islamo Nazi press

I was referring, perhaps too broadly, to Haredi Jews.
Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.

Penelope lied again ----MOST ORTHODOX jews have
no problem sitting next to a woman on a plane---or bus--
etc-------but a tiny group---are the "no sitters next to". An
interesting phenomenon is that they are outspokenly
"ANTI ZIONIST" (that's some of them) but travel to and from
Israel INCESSANTLY . Thus "no sitters next to" make
the news --------are enclaves of them in the USA too----
planted usually in orthodox communities that are, themselves---
mostly normal. They are tolerated
To be fair, from what I've read and heard, Orthodox Jews aren't exactly popular in Israel.

It depends on how you define "orthodox" There are lots of Orthodox jews in Israel. but some small groups that SELF DEFINE as "THE ONLY ORTHODOX JEWS"---- or the
"TRUE TORAH JEWS" are the darlings of islamo Nazis because they are so NUTTY. Some of them are virulently
anti Zionist and all of them are nutty in some other ways.
Even in sum---they are still a tiny group. When an islamo Nazi says "orthodox" it is the nutty to which he/she refers.
The rest----the much larger group of orthodox jews-----
are normal people The Neturei Karta is the basic nutty group. I think this paper is from some kind of offshoot.
They are not dangerous-----their neighborhoods are safe
but women should not walk down their streets EXPOSED---
that means ---like don't wear a halter top. When anywhere
near such people------I am in a long skirt and long sleeves.
Occasionally they come up with something so nutty that it
makes the islamo Nazi press

I was referring, perhaps too broadly, to Haredi Jews.

not your fault----the fringe groups grossly overestimate their
own numbers
Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.

Penelope lied again ----MOST ORTHODOX jews have
no problem sitting next to a woman on a plane---or bus--
etc-------but a tiny group---are the "no sitters next to". An
interesting phenomenon is that they are outspokenly
"ANTI ZIONIST" (that's some of them) but travel to and from
Israel INCESSANTLY . Thus "no sitters next to" make
the news --------are enclaves of them in the USA too----
planted usually in orthodox communities that are, themselves---
mostly normal. They are tolerated

Please you read about it all the time, they are the Haredi Jews in Brooklyn, same as the orthodox. When they buried that child , the 3 month old the guy hit in Israel, only men were at the funeral, I could careless really what yous do, but they could of left the pic out of the paper instead of faking it. What is the different between Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox?
Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.

Penelope lied again ----MOST ORTHODOX jews have
no problem sitting next to a woman on a plane---or bus--
etc-------but a tiny group---are the "no sitters next to". An
interesting phenomenon is that they are outspokenly
"ANTI ZIONIST" (that's some of them) but travel to and from
Israel INCESSANTLY . Thus "no sitters next to" make
the news --------are enclaves of them in the USA too----
planted usually in orthodox communities that are, themselves---
mostly normal. They are tolerated

Please you read about it all the time, they are the Haredi Jews in Brooklyn, same as the orthodox. When they buried that child , the 3 month old the guy hit in Israel, only men were at the funeral, I could careless really what yous do, but they could of left the pic out of the paper instead of faking it. What is the different between Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox?

Penelope----YOU read about "it" all the time because YOU
read islamo Nazi shit. Islamo Nazi pigs like you search around for every nutty thing that anyone who is a jew
does or ever did ---even if a person remotely related to a
jew does or did. You are functionally illiterate, therefore
you cannot discern the fact that that which you read is shit.
I understand----when I was very young----I read quite bit----
there was a popular paper called NATIONAL ENQUIRER---
at age ten I had to accompany my mom to the supermarket
to 'HELP" her------I was damned bored so I would slip away
and read magazines and papers off the newsstand-----not
being as dim as are you ----even then I did not buy into everything I read. I will explain the issue HAREDI refers to a very small group of people ----cult like jews-----and you
are right about their location-----mostly Brooklyn and Israel.
They travel incessantly back and forth and bug everyone. They grossly over report their numbers ORTHODOX ---
are jews who adhere to rules like keeping kosher,
Sabbath observance, etc etc. The OVERWHELMING
majority of ORTHODOX JEWS are not NOT HAREDI
-----if you saw a picture of a funeral with ONLY MEN---it is because men and women of those groups do not mingle
publically. ----also ---women generally do not carry the coffin
or dig in the earth or toss the earth onto the coffin. Feel free to ask questions ----especially about the crap you read at such sites as NATIONAL JOURNAL & GLOBAL FIRE----
that site is hardcore josef Goebbels style Nazi shit. I recognize people like you because I read that shit as a child
ORTHODOX , probably done by Orthodox Jews that are Israeli because they live in Israel , might be an issue if it was a mainstream Israeli publication . Just my thoughts !!
horay for charlie hebdo too.

No one in Israel is going to kill the tiny group of people
who are into that little pamphlet thing called----oh gee---I
forgot the name of that new publication uhm.....
ORTHODOX , probably done by Orthodox Jews that are Israeli because they live in Israel , might be an issue if it was a mainstream Israeli publication . Just my thoughts !!
horay for charlie hebdo too.

No one in Israel is going to kill the tiny group of people
who are into that little pamphlet thing called----oh gee---I
forgot the name of that new publication uhm.....

Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.

Penelope lied again ----MOST ORTHODOX jews have
no problem sitting next to a woman on a plane---or bus--
etc-------but a tiny group---are the "no sitters next to". An
interesting phenomenon is that they are outspokenly
"ANTI ZIONIST" (that's some of them) but travel to and from
Israel INCESSANTLY . Thus "no sitters next to" make
the news --------are enclaves of them in the USA too----
planted usually in orthodox communities that are, themselves---
mostly normal. They are tolerated

Please you read about it all the time, they are the Haredi Jews in Brooklyn, same as the orthodox. When they buried that child , the 3 month old the guy hit in Israel, only men were at the funeral, I could careless really what yous do, but they could of left the pic out of the paper instead of faking it. What is the different between Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox?

Penelope----YOU read about "it" all the time because YOU
read islamo Nazi shit. Islamo Nazi pigs like you search around for every nutty thing that anyone who is a jew
does or ever did ---even if a person remotely related to a
jew does or did. You are functionally illiterate, therefore
you cannot discern the fact that that which you read is shit.
I understand----when I was very young----I read quite bit----
there was a popular paper called NATIONAL ENQUIRER---
at age ten I had to accompany my mom to the supermarket
to 'HELP" her------I was damned bored so I would slip away
and read magazines and papers off the newsstand-----not
being as dim as are you ----even then I did not buy into everything I read. I will explain the issue HAREDI refers to a very small group of people ----cult like jews-----and you
are right about their location-----mostly Brooklyn and Israel.
They travel incessantly back and forth and bug everyone. They grossly over report their numbers ORTHODOX ---
are jews who adhere to rules like keeping kosher,
Sabbath observance, etc etc. The OVERWHELMING
majority of ORTHODOX JEWS are not NOT HAREDI
-----if you saw a picture of a funeral with ONLY MEN---it is because men and women of those groups do not mingle
publically. ----also ---women generally do not carry the coffin
or dig in the earth or toss the earth onto the coffin. Feel free to ask questions ----especially about the crap you read at such sites as NATIONAL JOURNAL & GLOBAL FIRE----
that site is hardcore josef Goebbels style Nazi shit. I recognize people like you because I read that shit as a child

You have lots of them there and also in Brooklyn. The Haredi Jews are just as bad as the radical Muslims the way they treat woman. Walk on the opposite side of the street, can't sit together in a bus, I guess they are a PIA in Israel with their radical views. Pretty hard to live with the ultra pious and the ultra pious with the secular Jews in Israel. I read they don't live together but among themselves, same as their fast growing community in Brooklyn.
ORTHODOX , probably done by Orthodox Jews that are Israeli because they live in Israel , might be an issue if it was a mainstream Israeli publication . Just my thoughts !!
horay for charlie hebdo too.

No one in Israel is going to kill the tiny group of people
who are into that little pamphlet thing called----oh gee---I
forgot the name of that new publication uhm.....

Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.

Penelope lied again ----MOST ORTHODOX jews have
no problem sitting next to a woman on a plane---or bus--
etc-------but a tiny group---are the "no sitters next to". An
interesting phenomenon is that they are outspokenly
"ANTI ZIONIST" (that's some of them) but travel to and from
Israel INCESSANTLY . Thus "no sitters next to" make
the news --------are enclaves of them in the USA too----
planted usually in orthodox communities that are, themselves---
mostly normal. They are tolerated

Please you read about it all the time, they are the Haredi Jews in Brooklyn, same as the orthodox. When they buried that child , the 3 month old the guy hit in Israel, only men were at the funeral, I could careless really what yous do, but they could of left the pic out of the paper instead of faking it. What is the different between Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox?

Penelope----YOU read about "it" all the time because YOU
read islamo Nazi shit. Islamo Nazi pigs like you search around for every nutty thing that anyone who is a jew
does or ever did ---even if a person remotely related to a
jew does or did. You are functionally illiterate, therefore
you cannot discern the fact that that which you read is shit.
I understand----when I was very young----I read quite bit----
there was a popular paper called NATIONAL ENQUIRER---
at age ten I had to accompany my mom to the supermarket
to 'HELP" her------I was damned bored so I would slip away
and read magazines and papers off the newsstand-----not
being as dim as are you ----even then I did not buy into everything I read. I will explain the issue HAREDI refers to a very small group of people ----cult like jews-----and you
are right about their location-----mostly Brooklyn and Israel.
They travel incessantly back and forth and bug everyone. They grossly over report their numbers ORTHODOX ---
are jews who adhere to rules like keeping kosher,
Sabbath observance, etc etc. The OVERWHELMING
majority of ORTHODOX JEWS are not NOT HAREDI
-----if you saw a picture of a funeral with ONLY MEN---it is because men and women of those groups do not mingle
publically. ----also ---women generally do not carry the coffin
or dig in the earth or toss the earth onto the coffin. Feel free to ask questions ----especially about the crap you read at such sites as NATIONAL JOURNAL & GLOBAL FIRE----
that site is hardcore josef Goebbels style Nazi shit. I recognize people like you because I read that shit as a child

You have lots of them there and also in Brooklyn. The Haredi Jews are just as bad as the radical Muslims the way they treat woman. Walk on the opposite side of the street, can't sit together in a bus, I guess they are a PIA in Israel with their radical views. Pretty hard to live with the ultra pious and the ultra pious with the secular Jews in Israel. I read they don't live together but among themselves, same as their fast growing community in Brooklyn.

silly idiot-----you can ask me how they live------not only did I live among them for many years----in Brooklyn-----I even had close friends among them. gee you are dim. There is a
large enclave of muslims in Brooklyn too-------I worked closely with them too Feel free to ask-----I did not grow up in
Brooklyn----but lived there several decades. It is a fascinating city------all kinds of "GROUPS" situated so closely together that one can go AROUND the world in a few hours strolling about. I grew up in a small town consisting of lots of idiots like you
I knew some orthodox in Los Angeles in the Fairfax district , they treated me fine and they looked fine except for their dress but that's their decision . Also knew some in Miami Beach in about 1970 . I worked in a Kosher hotel that had a Rabbi and all the trimmings . All the apartments where I lived had those little metal 'things' nailed into the door frames .
I knew some orthodox in Los Angeles in the Fairfax district , they treated me fine and they looked fine except for their dress but that's their decision . Also knew some in Miami Beach in about 1970 . I worked in a Kosher hotel that had a Rabbi and all the trimmings . All the apartments where I lived had those little metal 'things' nailed into the door frames .

tell the truth------they actually fed you In that hotel too. I have worked in many different hospitals-----the kosher hospitals----
fed me
I ran the kitchen so yeah I ate whatever I wanted . We served breakfast and dinner . It was a kosher kitchen and residential hotel with a Rabbi but I was the boss in the kitchen even at my early age [maybe 20] . All the kitchen crew lived on property in little rooms in the basement and not all were reliable and I could do anything needed in a kitchen as far as breakfast , make salads and keep separation of meat and milk dishes and utensils , run the dishwasher , mop the floor , order food from vendors . Chef came in at about noon to make the dinner . Name of the place was the ' Ritz Plaza ' and it was very close to the ' Fountain Blue ' which was right down the street , think it was 'Collins Avenue' . Wolfies was in the vicinity a few blocks away and I lived on first street near the ocean and the dog track . It was a nice job , made 60 big ones a week , lived like a King . Mr. Schwartz ran the hotel and some wanted me to go to GROSSEINGERS in New York for the summer season . I went back home to the U.P. instead , bought a motorcycle and my wife had a baby girl .
ORTHODOX , probably done by Orthodox Jews that are Israeli because they live in Israel , might be an issue if it was a mainstream Israeli publication . Just my thoughts !!
horay for charlie hebdo too.

No one in Israel is going to kill the tiny group of people
who are into that little pamphlet thing called----oh gee---I
forgot the name of that new publication uhm.....

Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.

Penelope lied again ----MOST ORTHODOX jews have
no problem sitting next to a woman on a plane---or bus--
etc-------but a tiny group---are the "no sitters next to". An
interesting phenomenon is that they are outspokenly
"ANTI ZIONIST" (that's some of them) but travel to and from
Israel INCESSANTLY . Thus "no sitters next to" make
the news --------are enclaves of them in the USA too----
planted usually in orthodox communities that are, themselves---
mostly normal. They are tolerated

Please you read about it all the time, they are the Haredi Jews in Brooklyn, same as the orthodox. When they buried that child , the 3 month old the guy hit in Israel, only men were at the funeral, I could careless really what yous do, but they could of left the pic out of the paper instead of faking it. What is the different between Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox?

Penelope----YOU read about "it" all the time because YOU
read islamo Nazi shit. Islamo Nazi pigs like you search around for every nutty thing that anyone who is a jew
does or ever did ---even if a person remotely related to a
jew does or did. You are functionally illiterate, therefore
you cannot discern the fact that that which you read is shit.
I understand----when I was very young----I read quite bit----
there was a popular paper called NATIONAL ENQUIRER---
at age ten I had to accompany my mom to the supermarket
to 'HELP" her------I was damned bored so I would slip away
and read magazines and papers off the newsstand-----not
being as dim as are you ----even then I did not buy into everything I read. I will explain the issue HAREDI refers to a very small group of people ----cult like jews-----and you
are right about their location-----mostly Brooklyn and Israel.
They travel incessantly back and forth and bug everyone. They grossly over report their numbers ORTHODOX ---
are jews who adhere to rules like keeping kosher,
Sabbath observance, etc etc. The OVERWHELMING
majority of ORTHODOX JEWS are not NOT HAREDI
-----if you saw a picture of a funeral with ONLY MEN---it is because men and women of those groups do not mingle
publically. ----also ---women generally do not carry the coffin
or dig in the earth or toss the earth onto the coffin. Feel free to ask questions ----especially about the crap you read at such sites as NATIONAL JOURNAL & GLOBAL FIRE----
that site is hardcore josef Goebbels style Nazi shit. I recognize people like you because I read that shit as a child

You have lots of them there and also in Brooklyn. The Haredi Jews are just as bad as the radical Muslims the way they treat woman. Walk on the opposite side of the street, can't sit together in a bus, I guess they are a PIA in Israel with their radical views. Pretty hard to live with the ultra pious and the ultra pious with the secular Jews in Israel. I read they don't live together but among themselves, same as their fast growing community in Brooklyn.

the crap you read is just as disgusting as you are and as is the disgusting pile of shit that spawned you. An interesting
reality is -----what filthy lumps of shit like you imagine is called the haredi jews of Brooklyn are the easiest people with which to live in all of Brooklyn. I came to Brooklyn LONG AGO-----as a single mother------I chose to live in one of those communities just to avoid stinking shit like you for
my son------It was a very pleasant experience until the filthy trash intruded for a time in order to enact crimes. Gee you are really a disgusting slut------make me glad I made that
decision when my son was six. Going back there in the evening was pleasant for me after working with disgusting scum like you all day. There are no segregated communities in Brooklyn-----you are thinking of your fellow Nazi pigs
ORTHODOX , probably done by Orthodox Jews that are Israeli because they live in Israel , might be an issue if it was a mainstream Israeli publication . Just my thoughts !!
horay for charlie hebdo too.

No one in Israel is going to kill the tiny group of people
who are into that little pamphlet thing called----oh gee---I
forgot the name of that new publication uhm.....

Its the same ones who won't sit next to woman on the planes.

Penelope lied again ----MOST ORTHODOX jews have
no problem sitting next to a woman on a plane---or bus--
etc-------but a tiny group---are the "no sitters next to". An
interesting phenomenon is that they are outspokenly
"ANTI ZIONIST" (that's some of them) but travel to and from
Israel INCESSANTLY . Thus "no sitters next to" make
the news --------are enclaves of them in the USA too----
planted usually in orthodox communities that are, themselves---
mostly normal. They are tolerated

Please you read about it all the time, they are the Haredi Jews in Brooklyn, same as the orthodox. When they buried that child , the 3 month old the guy hit in Israel, only men were at the funeral, I could careless really what yous do, but they could of left the pic out of the paper instead of faking it. What is the different between Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox?

Penelope----YOU read about "it" all the time because YOU
read islamo Nazi shit. Islamo Nazi pigs like you search around for every nutty thing that anyone who is a jew
does or ever did ---even if a person remotely related to a
jew does or did. You are functionally illiterate, therefore
you cannot discern the fact that that which you read is shit.
I understand----when I was very young----I read quite bit----
there was a popular paper called NATIONAL ENQUIRER---
at age ten I had to accompany my mom to the supermarket
to 'HELP" her------I was damned bored so I would slip away
and read magazines and papers off the newsstand-----not
being as dim as are you ----even then I did not buy into everything I read. I will explain the issue HAREDI refers to a very small group of people ----cult like jews-----and you
are right about their location-----mostly Brooklyn and Israel.
They travel incessantly back and forth and bug everyone. They grossly over report their numbers ORTHODOX ---
are jews who adhere to rules like keeping kosher,
Sabbath observance, etc etc. The OVERWHELMING
majority of ORTHODOX JEWS are not NOT HAREDI
-----if you saw a picture of a funeral with ONLY MEN---it is because men and women of those groups do not mingle
publically. ----also ---women generally do not carry the coffin
or dig in the earth or toss the earth onto the coffin. Feel free to ask questions ----especially about the crap you read at such sites as NATIONAL JOURNAL & GLOBAL FIRE----
that site is hardcore josef Goebbels style Nazi shit. I recognize people like you because I read that shit as a child

You have lots of them there and also in Brooklyn. The Haredi Jews are just as bad as the radical Muslims the way they treat woman. Walk on the opposite side of the street, can't sit together in a bus, I guess they are a PIA in Israel with their radical views. Pretty hard to live with the ultra pious and the ultra pious with the secular Jews in Israel. I read they don't live together but among themselves, same as their fast growing community in Brooklyn.

the crap you read is just as disgusting as you are and as is the disgusting pile of shit that spawned you. An interesting
reality is -----what filthy lumps of shit like you imagine is called the haredi jews of Brooklyn are the easiest people with which to live in all of Brooklyn. I came to Brooklyn LONG AGO-----as a single mother------I chose to live in one of those communities just to avoid stinking shit like you for
my son------It was a very pleasant experience until the filthy trash intruded for a time in order to enact crimes. Gee you are really a disgusting slut------make me glad I made that
decision when my son was six. Going back there in the evening was pleasant for me after working with disgusting scum like you all day. There are no segregated communities in Brooklyn-----you are thinking of your fellow Nazi pigs

How dare you talk about my Mother like that, or my Father. The Haredi Jews live by themselves , avoid local laws and live segregated. They are the baby boom in the US. The Muslim community in Dearborn is more advance and educated. The Haredi Jews don't even know what to do about their pedophile problem, they fine them, or send them to Israel (which I thought was strange) . I guess its a no no to turn another criminal jew into the law.

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