Who Created of the 1948 Refugees

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
The UN Partition entailed NOT a single Arab having to leave any land. Zero.
There would have been two states: one app 100% Arab, the other a Jewish Majority State.
Alas, the Arabs wanted it all and refused/invaded.

We see lots of Propaganda Nonsense about 'Plan D' etc. Oft "quoting" (or not) some Israeli leader, or doing so out of context. What you don't see is Statements from Arab Leaders, INCLUDING THE CURRENT ONE.

"The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, THEY ABANDONED THEM, FORCED THEM TO EMIGRATE AND TO LEAVE THEIR HOMELAND, Imposed upon them a political and ideological blockade and Threw them into Prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Eastern Europe, as if we were condemmed to change places with them; they moved out of their ghettos and we occupied similar ones. The ARAB States succeeded in scattering the Palestinian people and in destroying their unity. They did Not Recognize them as a unified people until the States of the world did so, and this is Regrettable".

- by Abu Mazen, from the article titled: "What We Have Learned and What We Should Do", published in Falastin el Thawra, the official journal of the PLO, of Beirut, March 1976

"The Arab streets are Curiously deserted and, ardently following the poor example of the more moneyed class there has been an exodus from Jerusalem too, though not to the same extent as in Jaffa and Haifa."

- London Times, May 5, 1948

"Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the -Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit.. . . It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as Renegades."

- The London weekly Economist, October 2, 1948

"It must not be forgotten that the Arab Higher Committee encouraged the refugees' flight from their homes in Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem."

- Near East Arabic Broadcasting Station, Cyprus, April 3, 1949

"The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by order of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of HAIFA a ghost city... By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa."

- Time, May 3, 1948, p. 25

The Arab exodus, initially at least, was encouraged by many Arab leaders, such as Haj Amin el Husseini, the exiled pro-Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, and by the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine.....

- Kenneth Bilby, in New Star in the Near East (New York, 1950), pp. 30-31

I do not want to impugn anybody but only to help the refugees. The fact that there are these refugees is the Direct Consequence of the action of the Arab States in opposing Partition and the Jewish State. The Arab States agreed upon this policy unanimously and they must share in the solution of the problem,

Emil Ghoury, Secretary of the Arab Higher Committee,
the Official leadership of the Palestinian Arabs, Beirut, Daily Telegraph, Sept 6, 1948

The Arab States encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies.

(Jordanian newspaper), February 19, 1949 (recently cited by Dereez)

We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down.

- Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Said quoted in Sir Am Nakbah by Nimr el Hawari, Nazareth, 1952

"The Arab governments told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in."

- Jordan daily Ad Difaa, Sept 6, 1954

"The Arab civilians panicked and fled ignominiously. Villages were frequently abandoned before they were threatened by the progress of war."

- General Glubb Pasha, in the London Daily Mail on August 12, 1948

"[The Arabs of Haifa] fled in spite of the fact that the Jewish authorities Guaranteed their Safety and rights as citizens of Israel."

- Monsignor George Hakim, Greek Catholic Bishop of Galilee, according to Rev. Karl Baehr, Executive Secretary of the American Christian Palestine Committee, New York Herald Tribune, June 30, 1949

"The Arabs did not want to submit to a truce they rather preferred to abandon their homes, their belongings and everything they possessed in the world and leave the town. This is in fact what they did."

- Jamal Husseini, Acting Chairman of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee,
- UNSC Official Records (N. 62), April 23, 1948, p. 14

"the military and civil authorities and the Jewish representative expressed their profound Regret at this grave decision [to evacuate]. The [Jewish] Mayor of Haifa made a passionate appeal to the delegation to reconsider its decision"

- The Arab National Committee of Haifa/Arab League, quoted in The Refugee in the World, Schechtman, 1963

"The existence of these refugees is a Direct Result of the Arab States' Opposition to the partition plan and the reconstitution of the State of Israel. The Arab states adopted this policy unanimously, and the responsibility of its results, therefore is theirs.
...The flight of Arabs from the territory allotted by the UN for the Jewish state began immediately after the General Assembly decision at the end of November 1947. This wave of emigration, which lasted several weeks, comprised some 30,000 people, chiefly well-to-do-families."

- Emil Ghory, secretary of the Arab High Council, Lebanese daily Al-Telegraph, 6 Sept 1948

"Since 1948 it is we who demanded the return of refugees... while it is we who made them to leave...
We brought disaster upon... Arab refugees, by inviting them and bringing pressure to bear upon them to leave...
We have rendered them dispossessed...
We have accustomed them to begging...
We have participated in lowering their moral and social level...
Then We exploited them in executing crimes of murder, arson, and throwing bombs upon... men, women and children - all this in service of Political purposes..."

- Khaled al Azm, Syria's Prime Minister after the 1948 war

"As early as the first months of 1948 the Arab League issued orders exhorting the people to seek a temporary refuge in neighboring countries, later to return to their abodes in the wake of the victorious Arab armies and obtain their share of abandoned Jewish property."

- bulletin of The Research Group for European Migration Problems, 1957

One morning in April 1948, Dr. Jamal woke us to say that the Arab Higher Committee (AHC), led by the Husseinis, had warned Arab residents of Talbieh to leave immediately. The understanding was that the residents would be able to return as Conquerors as soon as the Arab forces had thrown the Jews out. Dr. Jamal made the point repeatedly that he was leaving because of the AHC's threats, not because of the Jews, and that he and his frail wife had no alternative but to go.

Commentary Magazine -- January 2000

And many more at: Refugees, The Palestinian Refugees - The Peace FAQ​
What Really Happened in 1948
By: Sarah El Shazly

December 28, 2004
FrontPage Magazine - What Really Happened in 1948

Everyone knows the Jewish version and the Arab version.
But there is a third side, that of those who lived there and still do- the Israeli Arabs....."
Misinformation surrounds the story of 1948....."
The question is: why did Arabs flee the area that became Israel? After all, the ones who remained in their homes still live there today and prosper. The fact is that the Arab world warned the Palestinians against staying with the Jews.

"...Many Palestinians trusted these Arab leaders and left as Instructed. Those who had lived with Jews for a long time were Not as easily convinced of the danger, and these Arabs stayed home. Among them was MY family, which saw cars traveling the area. The cars contained Jews. They reassured Arabs that they would Not be Harmed. Thus, we had a situation where Jews begged Arabs to stay and live with them, while Arabs from foreign countries told them to leave right away.

"....Ask yourself why Jordan or Egypt or Syria never gave the Palestinians a country? If I hear another non-Palestinian, especially an American Muslim, repeat the phrase "over 50 years of the Zionist occupation," I'm going to Burst. Can no one actually read history? It’s not ancient history, just 1948-1967. Who had that land? Even if Arabs want Palestinians to have "all" the land, this is no excuse for denying them an independent state. And yet, we blame Israel!
Let's go to the refugees. Arab governments first used scare tactics, and then took whatever they could get from the United States and Israel. Finally, They stuck Palestinians in camps with deplorable living conditions. Why didn't they leave them alone in their homes? Why promise them refuge and reward them with nothing more than Prison camps? And, most of all, why didn't they provide Palestinians with homes in the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights when Arabs had control over them?
As a Palestinian, I ask the world to please stop Exploiting our issue...."
To the average Arab citizen, stop crying Crocodile tears for us. To the Arab and Islamic governments, fix your own problems. Do not use our misery to blind your subjects to domestic problems. Are you afraid that the people will wise up, and stop hating Israel, and turn on you? You, who have Condoned so much Hatred, may one day Pay the price. You've created monsters, and you won't be able to handle them. Worry about creating jobs for your own poor people and educating the children, and leave us alone. In short, to all those invested in driving our children to Die, please, stay away from us.

ABOVE wee see the usual BS NO Answer from 'anti-cough-zionist' Troll Louie888

Irish Times [email protected]
February 21, 2008
Israel and the Palestinians
Benny Morris
Israel News: Israel and the Palestinians - according to Benny Morris

Madam, - Israel-Haters are fond of citing - and more often, Mis-citing - my work in support of their arguments. Let me offer some corrections.

The Palestinian Arabs were not responsible "in some bizarre way" (David Norris, January 31st) for what befell them in 1948. Their responsibility was very direct and simple.

In Defiance of the will of the International community, as embodied in the UN General Assembly Resolution of November 29th, 1947 (No. 181),
THEY launched Hostilities against the Jewish community in Palestine in the hope of aborting the emergence of the Jewish state and perhaps Destroying that community.
But they LOST;
and one of the RESULTS was the displacement of 700,000 of them from their homes.

It is true, as Erskine Childers pointed out long ago, that there were no Arab radio broadcasts urging the Arabs to flee en masse; indeed, there were broadcasts by several Arab radio stations urging them to stay put. But, on the local level, in dozens of localities around Palestine, Arab leaders advised or ordered the evacuation of women and children or whole communities, as occurred in Haifa in late April, 1948. And Haifa's Jewish mayor, Shabtai Levy, did, on April 22nd, Plead with them to Stay, to no avail.

MOST of Palestine's 700,000 "refugees" fled their homes because of the flail of War (and in the expectation that they would shortly return to their homes on the backs of Victorious Arab invaders). But it is also true that there were several Dozen sites, including Lydda and Ramla, from which Arab communities were expelled by Jewish troops.

The displacement of the 700,000 Arabs who became "refugees" - and I put the term in inverted commas, as 2/3's of them were displaced from one part of Palestine to another and not from their country
(which is the usual definition of a refugee)
- was not a "racist crime" (David Landy, January 24th) but the RESULT of a national conflict and a WAR, with religious overtones, from the Muslim perspective, Launched by the Arabs THEMSELVES.

There was NO Zionist "plan" or blanket policy of evicting the Arab population, or of "ethnic cleansing". Plan Dalet (Plan D), of March 10th, 1948 (it is open and available for all to read in the IDF Archive and in various publications), was the master plan of the Haganah - the Jewish military force that became the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) - to counter the expected pan-Arab assault on the emergent Jewish state. That's what it explicitly states and that's what it was. And the invasion of the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq duly occurred, on May 15th. It is true that Plan D gave the regional commanders carte blanche to occupy and garrison or expel and destroy the Arab villages along and behind the front lines and the anticipated Arab armies' invasion routes. And it is also true that mid-way in the 1948 war the Israeli leaders decided to bar the return of the "refugees" (those "refugees" who had just ASSAULTED the Jewish community), viewing them as a potential fifth column and threat to the Jewish state's existence. I for one Cannot fault their Fears or Logic.

The Demonisation of Israel is largely based on Lies - much as the Demonisation of the Jews during the past 2,000 years has been based on Lies.
And there is a Connection between the two

I would recommend that the likes of Norris and Landy read some history books and become acquainted with the facts, not recycle shopworn Arab propaganda. They might then learn, for example, that the "Palestine War" of 1948 (the "War of Independence," as Israelis call it) began in November 1947, not in May 1948. By May 14th close to 2,000 Israelis had died - of the 5,800 dead suffered by Israel in the whole war (ie almost 1% of the Jewish population of Palestine/Israel, which was about 650,000).

Prof Benny Morris, Li-On, Israel.
Feb 21, 2008

That is Benny's current and considered position.
The whole New Historian narrative Gone to Hell and the use of Dated/Refuted Morris no longer valid here.
Of course, with 'The Birth' largely refuted/recanted, other revisionist Clowns like Pappe/Flapjack, et al, have no base/are gutted as well.
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Even if Israel is not the cause of the Arab refugee problem, didn't they do anything to compensate those people?

As a goodwill gesture during the Lausanne negotiations in 1949, Israel offered to take back 100,000 Palestinian refugees
prior to any discussion of the refugee question.
The Arab states, who had Refused even to negotiate face-to-face with the Israelis, turned down the offer because it implicitly recognized Israel's existence.

Despite this, on Humanitarian grounds Israel has since the 1950's allowed more than 50,000 refugees to return to Israel under a family reunification program, and between 1967 and 1993 allowed a further 75,000 to return to the West Bank or Gaza. Since the beginning of the Oslo process Israel has allowed another 90,000 Palestinians to gain residence in PA-controlled territory.

Arabs who lost property in Israel are eligible to file for compensation from Israel's Custodian of Absentee Property. As of the end of 1993, a total of 14,692 claims had been filed, claims were settled with respect to more than 200,000 dunums of land, more than 10,000,000 NIS (New Israeli Sheckels) had been paid in compensation, and more than 54,000 dunums of Replacement Land had been given in compensation.
Israel has followed this generous policy despite the fact that not a single penny of compensation has ever been paid to any of the more than 500,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries, who were forced by the Arab governments to abandon their homes, businesses and savings.

- Alexander Safian, PhD, CAMERA (The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America)

and below we see the Shi'ite Troll 'Sunni Man' trying to embarrass opposition Sunnis with his NO content juvenile posts/trolling.

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"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself. He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy. Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved. The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine.

The Zionist leadership and its Consultancy group also knew that the Palestinians and the Arab leadership in general would reject the Partition Resolution. The Consultancy realised that this would be the time not only to forge forward their plan to clear the Palestinian population from the UN-designated future Jewish state, but also from the areas accorded to the Arab state.

Prior to 1947, the Zionist agenda concentrated on building a political, ideological, cultural and economic enclave within historic Palestine. Now, during these crucial months leading to UN Resolution 181, it was decided that the time has come to translate these ideologies into realities on the ground.

Just before the UN voted to partition Palestine in November 1947, Ben-Gurion secretly mobilised Jewish groups inside and outside Palestine and dispatched them to Europe to purchase massive quantities of arms for the next phase: the military plan to conquer as many Palestinian villages and to expel their inhabitants.

Their plan was called Plan D better known as Plan Dalet, (Dalet being the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet) which was launched nearly six weeks prior to the end of the British Mandate in Palestine. It is worth noting that Plan D had been preceeded by Plan A (February 1945), Plan B (May 1947) and Plan C (November 1947) - all with the single intention of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

March 1948: two months before the so-called Declaration of Independence, the Zionist leadership gathered in Tel Aviv and agreed to put Plan D into action. Over 13 military underground operations were carried out (according to The History of the Palmach archives released in full in 1972) before the Arab forces entered the areas allotted to the Palestinians by the UN in their Partition Plan. Both Menachem Begin and David Ben-Gurion wrote extensively about their underground military campaigns to cleanse Palestinian villages of their indigenous inhabitants.
As the execution of Plan Dalet proceeded with clockwork precision, the Haganah created a 'Committee for Arab Properties in Villages' the purpose of which was to register and take possession of all Palestinian properties in the villages the Zionist forces had conquered. Similar committees were established in major Palestinian cities like Haifa, Safad, Yafa and Tabariyah.

All this was taking place BEFORE Israel was even born!

When the Zionist leadership unilaterally declared their so-called state of Israel on 15 May 1948, they purposefully avoided declaring its boundaries to keep their options open for future expansion. That expansion has since covered the whole of historic Palestine. Soon after 15 May 1948, the Arab armies entered Palestine in an attempt to defend Palestinian civilians expelled from their homes and villages in what became Israel. The Jewish forces, better equipped and more organised, swept through the part of Palestine allocated to the Palestinians in UN Resolution 181, and grabbed more land including the Galilee, and west Jerusalem part of the International Zone called Corpus Separatum under UNRes 181 ( see later sections).

At the end of Plan Dalet, the Haganah set up "The Committee For Abandoned Arab Property" – The CFAAP – which was entrusted with the disposal of all Arab possessions into Yishuv hands. The intention was to obliterate any sign of ‘life’ in the abandoned Palestinian homes and villages.

By June 1948, approximately 370,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes, and by the end of that year the number was nearer 780,000. Josef Weitz declared, at a cabinet meeting chaired by Ben-Gurion on 18 August 1948, that 286 villages had been cleared or evacuated and about 3 million dunums had been left behind by their Palestinian owners as they fled the Zionist terror. The last of the villages to be cleared was Al-Majdal (later renamed Ashkelon by Israel).

Within 6 months, Zionist terrorist organizations went on a rampage expelling and murdering Palestinians and destroying their homes and villages. They expelled 452,780 Palestinians men, women and children from the areas allocated to the Jews in the Partition Plan, and a further 347,220 were uprooted from areas beyond the allocated boundaries. All in all, a total of 800,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes, 530 of their villages destroyed and 11 of their urban neighbourhoods were emptied. Massacres, such as at Deir Yaseen, spread fear and terror in the hearts of Palestinian families and forced them to take flight.

By November 1948, Israel completed the occupation of the most fertile and populated areas of Palestine, and by December, it issued "the Emergency Regulations Relative to Property of Absentees". This was followed by yet another discrimanatory law called the "Law of The Acquisition of Absentee Property", (Absentees Property Law, 4L ST. Israel 68, 1949-1950). This law effectively classified all Palestinian refugees as "absent" and immediately transferred the control of their private properties to a Custodian who has the sole discretion to determine whether any Arab Palestinian is "absent' and to confiscate his/her property. This arbitrary definition was applied, not only to those who were expelled beyond the 'Armistice Line', but was extended to Palestinians who remianed in Israel.

Those who remained in Israel, but were not in the specified place on a particular date (i.e., they may have been in the next village or away for a day or so), were declared "absent". Since these people, thus declared, eventually became Israeli citizens, they were dubbed as "present absentees", an ironical but accurate description of this Israeli fictitious legislation."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948
"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land"

I wish they'd have done it, instead there are millions of Palestinians living in Israel and in the West Bank.
Maybe they should transfer all of them into Syria?
Then when the Palestinians fail, they can blame fellow Muslims.
"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself. He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy. Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved. The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine.

The Zionist leadership and its Consultancy group also knew that the Palestinians and the Arab leadership in general would reject the Partition Resolution. The Consultancy realised that this would be the time not only to forge forward their plan to clear the Palestinian population from the UN-designated future Jewish state, but also from the areas accorded to the Arab state.

Prior to 1947, the Zionist agenda concentrated on building a political, ideological, cultural and economic enclave within historic Palestine. Now, during these crucial months leading to UN Resolution 181, it was decided that the time has come to translate these ideologies into realities on the ground.

Just before the UN voted to partition Palestine in November 1947, Ben-Gurion secretly mobilised Jewish groups inside and outside Palestine and dispatched them to Europe to purchase massive quantities of arms for the next phase: the military plan to conquer as many Palestinian villages and to expel their inhabitants.

Their plan was called Plan D better known as Plan Dalet, (Dalet being the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet) which was launched nearly six weeks prior to the end of the British Mandate in Palestine. It is worth noting that Plan D had been preceeded by Plan A (February 1945), Plan B (May 1947) and Plan C (November 1947) - all with the single intention of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

March 1948: two months before the so-called Declaration of Independence, the Zionist leadership gathered in Tel Aviv and agreed to put Plan D into action. Over 13 military underground operations were carried out (according to The History of the Palmach archives released in full in 1972) before the Arab forces entered the areas allotted to the Palestinians by the UN in their Partition Plan. Both Menachem Begin and David Ben-Gurion wrote extensively about their underground military campaigns to cleanse Palestinian villages of their indigenous inhabitants.
As the execution of Plan Dalet proceeded with clockwork precision, the Haganah created a 'Committee for Arab Properties in Villages' the purpose of which was to register and take possession of all Palestinian properties in the villages the Zionist forces had conquered. Similar committees were established in major Palestinian cities like Haifa, Safad, Yafa and Tabariyah.

All this was taking place BEFORE Israel was even born!

When the Zionist leadership unilaterally declared their so-called state of Israel on 15 May 1948, they purposefully avoided declaring its boundaries to keep their options open for future expansion. That expansion has since covered the whole of historic Palestine. Soon after 15 May 1948, the Arab armies entered Palestine in an attempt to defend Palestinian civilians expelled from their homes and villages in what became Israel. The Jewish forces, better equipped and more organised, swept through the part of Palestine allocated to the Palestinians in UN Resolution 181, and grabbed more land including the Galilee, and west Jerusalem part of the International Zone called Corpus Separatum under UNRes 181 ( see later sections).

At the end of Plan Dalet, the Haganah set up "The Committee For Abandoned Arab Property" – The CFAAP – which was entrusted with the disposal of all Arab possessions into Yishuv hands. The intention was to obliterate any sign of ‘life’ in the abandoned Palestinian homes and villages.

By June 1948, approximately 370,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes, and by the end of that year the number was nearer 780,000. Josef Weitz declared, at a cabinet meeting chaired by Ben-Gurion on 18 August 1948, that 286 villages had been cleared or evacuated and about 3 million dunums had been left behind by their Palestinian owners as they fled the Zionist terror. The last of the villages to be cleared was Al-Majdal (later renamed Ashkelon by Israel).

Within 6 months, Zionist terrorist organizations went on a rampage expelling and murdering Palestinians and destroying their homes and villages. They expelled 452,780 Palestinians men, women and children from the areas allocated to the Jews in the Partition Plan, and a further 347,220 were uprooted from areas beyond the allocated boundaries. All in all, a total of 800,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes, 530 of their villages destroyed and 11 of their urban neighbourhoods were emptied. Massacres, such as at Deir Yaseen, spread fear and terror in the hearts of Palestinian families and forced them to take flight.

By November 1948, Israel completed the occupation of the most fertile and populated areas of Palestine, and by December, it issued "the Emergency Regulations Relative to Property of Absentees". This was followed by yet another discrimanatory law called the "Law of The Acquisition of Absentee Property", (Absentees Property Law, 4L ST. Israel 68, 1949-1950). This law effectively classified all Palestinian refugees as "absent" and immediately transferred the control of their private properties to a Custodian who has the sole discretion to determine whether any Arab Palestinian is "absent' and to confiscate his/her property. This arbitrary definition was applied, not only to those who were expelled beyond the 'Armistice Line', but was extended to Palestinians who remianed in Israel.

Those who remained in Israel, but were not in the specified place on a particular date (i.e., they may have been in the next village or away for a day or so), were declared "absent". Since these people, thus declared, eventually became Israeli citizens, they were dubbed as "present absentees", an ironical but accurate description of this Israeli fictitious legislation."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948
No author Montel-al-Cheati?
Just the goofy Palestinkian-in-London 1948.org.uk?

Domain name:

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The UN Partition entailed NOT a single Arab having to leave any land. Zero.
Resolution 181 stated that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory of the Jewish state will become citizens of that state.

All Palestinian refugees are citizens of Israel. Israel is denying their own citizens from going to their homes.
The UN Partition entailed NOT a single Arab having to leave any land. Zero.
There would have been two states: one app 100% Arab, the other a Jewish Majority State.
Alas, the Arabs wanted it all and refused/invaded.

We see lots of Propaganda Nonsense about 'Plan D' etc. Oft "quoting" (or not) some Israeli leader, or doing so out of context. What you don't see is Statements from Arab Leaders, INCLUDING THE CURRENT ONE.

"The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, THEY ABANDONED THEM, FORCED THEM TO EMIGRATE AND TO LEAVE THEIR HOMELAND, Imposed upon them a political and ideological blockade and Threw them into Prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Eastern Europe, as if we were condemmed to change places with them; they moved out of their ghettos and we occupied similar ones. The ARAB States succeeded in scattering the Palestinian people and in destroying their unity. They did Not Recognize them as a unified people until the States of the world did so, and this is Regrettable".

- by Abu Mazen, from the article titled: "What We Have Learned and What We Should Do", published in Falastin el Thawra, the official journal of the PLO, of Beirut, March 1976

"The Arab streets are Curiously deserted and, ardently following the poor example of the more moneyed class there has been an exodus from Jerusalem too, though not to the same extent as in Jaffa and Haifa."

- London Times, May 5, 1948

"Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the -Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit.. . . It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as Renegades."

- The London weekly Economist, October 2, 1948

"It must not be forgotten that the Arab Higher Committee encouraged the refugees' flight from their homes in Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem."

- Near East Arabic Broadcasting Station, Cyprus, April 3, 1949

"The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by order of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of HAIFA a ghost city... By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa."

- Time, May 3, 1948, p. 25

The Arab exodus, initially at least, was encouraged by many Arab leaders, such as Haj Amin el Husseini, the exiled pro-Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, and by the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine.....

- Kenneth Bilby, in New Star in the Near East (New York, 1950), pp. 30-31

I do not want to impugn anybody but only to help the refugees. The fact that there are these refugees is the Direct Consequence of the action of the Arab States in opposing Partition and the Jewish State. The Arab States agreed upon this policy unanimously and they must share in the solution of the problem,

Emil Ghoury, Secretary of the Arab Higher Committee,
the Official leadership of the Palestinian Arabs, Beirut, Daily Telegraph, Sept 6, 1948

The Arab States encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies.

(Jordanian newspaper), February 19, 1949 (recently cited by Dereez)

We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down.

- Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Said quoted in Sir Am Nakbah by Nimr el Hawari, Nazareth, 1952

"The Arab governments told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in."

- Jordan daily Ad Difaa, Sept 6, 1954

"The Arab civilians panicked and fled ignominiously. Villages were frequently abandoned before they were threatened by the progress of war."

- General Glubb Pasha, in the London Daily Mail on August 12, 1948

"[The Arabs of Haifa] fled in spite of the fact that the Jewish authorities Guaranteed their Safety and rights as citizens of Israel."

- Monsignor George Hakim, Greek Catholic Bishop of Galilee, according to Rev. Karl Baehr, Executive Secretary of the American Christian Palestine Committee, New York Herald Tribune, June 30, 1949

"The Arabs did not want to submit to a truce they rather preferred to abandon their homes, their belongings and everything they possessed in the world and leave the town. This is in fact what they did."

- Jamal Husseini, Acting Chairman of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee,
- UNSC Official Records (N. 62), April 23, 1948, p. 14

"the military and civil authorities and the Jewish representative expressed their profound Regret at this grave decision [to evacuate]. The [Jewish] Mayor of Haifa made a passionate appeal to the delegation to reconsider its decision"

- The Arab National Committee of Haifa/Arab League, quoted in The Refugee in the World, Schechtman, 1963

"The existence of these refugees is a Direct Result of the Arab States' Opposition to the partition plan and the reconstitution of the State of Israel. The Arab states adopted this policy unanimously, and the responsibility of its results, therefore is theirs.
...The flight of Arabs from the territory allotted by the UN for the Jewish state began immediately after the General Assembly decision at the end of November 1947. This wave of emigration, which lasted several weeks, comprised some 30,000 people, chiefly well-to-do-families."

- Emil Ghory, secretary of the Arab High Council, Lebanese daily Al-Telegraph, 6 Sept 1948

"Since 1948 it is we who demanded the return of refugees... while it is we who made them to leave...
We brought disaster upon... Arab refugees, by inviting them and bringing pressure to bear upon them to leave...
We have rendered them dispossessed...
We have accustomed them to begging...
We have participated in lowering their moral and social level...
Then We exploited them in executing crimes of murder, arson, and throwing bombs upon... men, women and children - all this in service of Political purposes..."

- Khaled al Azm, Syria's Prime Minister after the 1948 war

"As early as the first months of 1948 the Arab League issued orders exhorting the people to seek a temporary refuge in neighboring countries, later to return to their abodes in the wake of the victorious Arab armies and obtain their share of abandoned Jewish property."

- bulletin of The Research Group for European Migration Problems, 1957

One morning in April 1948, Dr. Jamal woke us to say that the Arab Higher Committee (AHC), led by the Husseinis, had warned Arab residents of Talbieh to leave immediately. The understanding was that the residents would be able to return as Conquerors as soon as the Arab forces had thrown the Jews out. Dr. Jamal made the point repeatedly that he was leaving because of the AHC's threats, not because of the Jews, and that he and his frail wife had no alternative but to go.

Commentary Magazine -- January 2000

And many more at: Refugees, The Palestinian Refugees - The Peace FAQ​

The Jews implemented Plan Dalet, long before the British left, in order to drive the native Muslims and Christians out.
The UN Partition entailed NOT a single Arab having to leave any land. Zero.
Resolution 181 stated that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory of the Jewish state will become citizens of that state.

All Palestinian refugees are citizens of Israel. Israel is denying their own citizens from going to their homes.
The Arabs Rejected 181 and the Rights that went with it. Especially those who left.
The other Arabs DID become citizens.
See my post #2
"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself. He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy. Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved. The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine.

The Zionist leadership and its Consultancy group also knew that the Palestinians and the Arab leadership in general would reject the Partition Resolution. The Consultancy realised that this would be the time not only to forge forward their plan to clear the Palestinian population from the UN-designated future Jewish state, but also from the areas accorded to the Arab state.

Prior to 1947, the Zionist agenda concentrated on building a political, ideological, cultural and economic enclave within historic Palestine. Now, during these crucial months leading to UN Resolution 181, it was decided that the time has come to translate these ideologies into realities on the ground.

Just before the UN voted to partition Palestine in November 1947, Ben-Gurion secretly mobilised Jewish groups inside and outside Palestine and dispatched them to Europe to purchase massive quantities of arms for the next phase: the military plan to conquer as many Palestinian villages and to expel their inhabitants.

Their plan was called Plan D better known as Plan Dalet, (Dalet being the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet) which was launched nearly six weeks prior to the end of the British Mandate in Palestine. It is worth noting that Plan D had been preceeded by Plan A (February 1945), Plan B (May 1947) and Plan C (November 1947) - all with the single intention of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

March 1948: two months before the so-called Declaration of Independence, the Zionist leadership gathered in Tel Aviv and agreed to put Plan D into action. Over 13 military underground operations were carried out (according to The History of the Palmach archives released in full in 1972) before the Arab forces entered the areas allotted to the Palestinians by the UN in their Partition Plan. Both Menachem Begin and David Ben-Gurion wrote extensively about their underground military campaigns to cleanse Palestinian villages of their indigenous inhabitants.
As the execution of Plan Dalet proceeded with clockwork precision, the Haganah created a 'Committee for Arab Properties in Villages' the purpose of which was to register and take possession of all Palestinian properties in the villages the Zionist forces had conquered. Similar committees were established in major Palestinian cities like Haifa, Safad, Yafa and Tabariyah.

All this was taking place BEFORE Israel was even born!

When the Zionist leadership unilaterally declared their so-called state of Israel on 15 May 1948, they purposefully avoided declaring its boundaries to keep their options open for future expansion. That expansion has since covered the whole of historic Palestine. Soon after 15 May 1948, the Arab armies entered Palestine in an attempt to defend Palestinian civilians expelled from their homes and villages in what became Israel. The Jewish forces, better equipped and more organised, swept through the part of Palestine allocated to the Palestinians in UN Resolution 181, and grabbed more land including the Galilee, and west Jerusalem part of the International Zone called Corpus Separatum under UNRes 181 ( see later sections).

At the end of Plan Dalet, the Haganah set up "The Committee For Abandoned Arab Property" – The CFAAP – which was entrusted with the disposal of all Arab possessions into Yishuv hands. The intention was to obliterate any sign of ‘life’ in the abandoned Palestinian homes and villages.

By June 1948, approximately 370,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes, and by the end of that year the number was nearer 780,000. Josef Weitz declared, at a cabinet meeting chaired by Ben-Gurion on 18 August 1948, that 286 villages had been cleared or evacuated and about 3 million dunums had been left behind by their Palestinian owners as they fled the Zionist terror. The last of the villages to be cleared was Al-Majdal (later renamed Ashkelon by Israel).

Within 6 months, Zionist terrorist organizations went on a rampage expelling and murdering Palestinians and destroying their homes and villages. They expelled 452,780 Palestinians men, women and children from the areas allocated to the Jews in the Partition Plan, and a further 347,220 were uprooted from areas beyond the allocated boundaries. All in all, a total of 800,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes, 530 of their villages destroyed and 11 of their urban neighbourhoods were emptied. Massacres, such as at Deir Yaseen, spread fear and terror in the hearts of Palestinian families and forced them to take flight.

By November 1948, Israel completed the occupation of the most fertile and populated areas of Palestine, and by December, it issued "the Emergency Regulations Relative to Property of Absentees". This was followed by yet another discrimanatory law called the "Law of The Acquisition of Absentee Property", (Absentees Property Law, 4L ST. Israel 68, 1949-1950). This law effectively classified all Palestinian refugees as "absent" and immediately transferred the control of their private properties to a Custodian who has the sole discretion to determine whether any Arab Palestinian is "absent' and to confiscate his/her property. This arbitrary definition was applied, not only to those who were expelled beyond the 'Armistice Line', but was extended to Palestinians who remianed in Israel.

Those who remained in Israel, but were not in the specified place on a particular date (i.e., they may have been in the next village or away for a day or so), were declared "absent". Since these people, thus declared, eventually became Israeli citizens, they were dubbed as "present absentees", an ironical but accurate description of this Israeli fictitious legislation."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948
No author Montel-al-Cheati?
Just the goofy Palestinkian-in-London 1948.org.uk?

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Raffoul Darrer Architects

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What did Antoine Raffoul, a Christian, get wrong? A far better source than your Hasbara bullshit.
The UN Partition entailed NOT a single Arab having to leave any land. Zero.
Resolution 181 stated that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory of the Jewish state will become citizens of that state.

All Palestinian refugees are citizens of Israel. Israel is denying their own citizens from going to their homes.
The Arabs Rejected 181 and the Rights that went with it. Especially those who left.
The other Arabs DID become citizens.
See my post #2

Of course they rejected the colonization of a third of their people that were left in the Jew sector. What people would accept being colonized without resisting?
The UN Partition entailed NOT a single Arab having to leave any land. Zero.
Resolution 181 stated that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory of the Jewish state will become citizens of that state.

All Palestinian refugees are citizens of Israel. Israel is denying their own citizens from going to their homes.
The Arabs Rejected 181 and the Rights that went with it. Especially those who left.
The other Arabs DID become citizens.
See my post #2
This whole line of questioning and response is pointless. The refugees (both Arab and Jewish) were created because of a complex interplay of events and ultimately simply because there was a conflict. No one side, people or government is to blame. And its just empty demonization to try to blame either side exclusively. You can't unbreak these eggs.
The UN Partition entailed NOT a single Arab having to leave any land. Zero.
Resolution 181 stated that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory of the Jewish state will become citizens of that state.

All Palestinian refugees are citizens of Israel. Israel is denying their own citizens from going to their homes.
The Arabs Rejected 181 and the Rights that went with it. Especially those who left.
The other Arabs DID become citizens.
See my post #2
You need Link for that Tin head!

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia
The Plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, despite its perceived limitations.[5][6] Arab leaders and governments rejected it[7] and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division,[8] arguing that it violated the principles of national self-determination in the UN Charter which granted people the right to decide their own destiny.
Immediately after adoption of the Resolution by the General Assembly, a civil war broke out[10] and the plan was NOT implemented.​

So they rejected 181 and went to war.
So all rights under it are forfeited.
And obviously the Arab Citizens in Israel are those who stayed.
Again, see my second post in the string.
and OH....
I posted a TON of Information, including Arab Leaders from surrounding states Admitting THEY Caused the Refugees.
The main point.

No nation is obligated to retain a hostile, enemy force.

And don't "Link?" me, Tinmore. If you have something that proves the opposite, bring it. I'll listen.
This whole line of questioning and response is pointless. The refugees (both Arab and Jewish) were created because of a complex interplay of events and ultimately simply because there was a conflict. No one side, people or government is to blame. And its just empty demonization to try to blame either side exclusively. You can't unbreak these eggs.
No, It was the Zionist's settler colonialism.

Before Israel - no refugees
After Israel - refugees


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